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XX最新人民教师入党思想汇报总结:先天下之忧而忧最新人民教师入党思想汇报总结:先天下之忧而忧XX最新人民教师入党思想汇报最新人民教师入党思想汇报:先天下之忧先天下之忧而忧而忧这篇这篇XX最新人民教师入党思想汇报最新人民教师入党思想汇报:先天下之忧而忧先天下之忧而忧,是特地是特地,供大家阅读参考供大家阅读参考!查看关于思想汇报查看关于思想汇报,请参考思想汇报频道。请参考思想汇报频道。敬爱的党组织敬爱的党组织:中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时也是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队同时也是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,是中是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,代表中国先进生产力的发展要求代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文代表中国先进文化的前进方向化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。这是中国共产党的性质。坚持代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。这是中国共产党的性质。坚持“三个代表三个代表”,保持党的先进性保持党的先进性,是中国共产党性质的必然要求。是中国共产党性质的必然要求。为什么说中国共产党具有先进性呢为什么说中国共产党具有先进性呢?首先首先,中国共产党是由工人阶级的先进分子组中国共产党是由工人阶级的先进分子组成的成的;其次其次,中国共产党是以先进理论武装起来的中国共产党是以先进理论武装起来的;再次再次,中国共产党是按民主集中制中国共产党是按民主集中制原则组织和建立起来的。党的先进性要求党必须走在人民的前列原则组织和建立起来的。党的先进性要求党必须走在人民的前列,走在工人阶级广走在工人阶级广大群众的前列。这是党的先进性的最基本含义大群众的前列。这是党的先进性的最基本含义,也是我们从建党以来就一直确认和也是我们从建党以来就一直确认和坚持的标准。在我看来坚持的标准。在我看来,“先天下之忧而忧先天下之忧而忧”,就是党先进性的重要体现之一。历代共就是党先进性的重要体现之一。历代共产党员也身先士卒产党员也身先士卒,是实际行动对这一理论做出了的解读与诠释。人民教师入党思是实际行动对这一理论做出了的解读与诠释。人民教师入党思想汇报范文节选想汇报范文节选!党的第二代中央领导集体核心党的第二代中央领导集体核心共共Unit 7 ReadingKittys favourite film star XX最新人民教师入党思想汇报总结:先天下之忧而忧最新人民教师入党思想汇报总结:先天下之忧而忧Unit 71Jay Chou an all-time favourite singerJay Chou an all-time favourit2Jet Lia well-known actorJet Lia well-known actor3a well-known actressplay the lead role in“Huan Zhu Princess”a superstara well-known actressplay the l4a charming girlan attractive girlPlayed a lead role inRoman HolidayPlayed a lead role ofa young princess named Anna charming girlPlayed a lead r5奥黛丽奥黛丽-赫本赫本 Audrey HepburnWho is she?Guess!奥黛丽奥黛丽-赫本赫本 Audrey Hepbu6Audrey HepburnHollywoods all-time(空前的)favourite superstarKittys favourite film starAudrey HepburnHollywoods all-7ballet dancersballet dancers8OscarOscar9Won an Oscar forBest DirectorWon an Oscar for Best ActressWon an Oscar forWon an Oscar f10If someone earns an Oscar nomination,he/she _ a.has a chance to win an Oscar b.will travel around the world c.be a singera_If someone earns an Oscar nomi11An angelAn angel12devote 1.feel sad because someone has died insist 2.make you like or feel interested in someone or somethingmourn 3.give ones time,attention,effort,ect.to sb/sth lead 4.the main part in a play or a film beyond 5.at onceenter 6.more or greater thanattract 7.say firmly(坚定地)that something is trueimmediately 8.go or come into New-word matchingdevote 1.feel sad b13 Audrey Hepburn4th May 1929Belgium20th Jan 1993cancerName:Birth date:Birth place:Death date:Death cause:Skimming Reading:Professions:(职业职业)Ballet dancerModelHollywood superstarHumanitarian Audrey Hepburn414Choose true or false:Detailed Reading:Choose trueDetailed Reading:151.Audrey Hepburn had been a writer before she became an actress.2.Audrey Hepburn won the Best Actress Oscar once.3.Audrey won a Tony Award for the play Gigi.FFTTrue or False4.Funny face was Audrey Hepburns last Hollywood film.5.Audrey is well known for her beauty and her kindness.FT1.Audrey Hepburn had been a wr16Read and answer Detailed Reading:Read andDetailed Reading:17Who is Audrey Hepburn?Which film made her become famous immediately(at once)?She is one of Hollywoods all-time favourite actresses.Roman HolidayWho is Audrey Hepburn?She is o18Questions?Question?How many Oscar nominations did she earn?What did she want to remind people throughout(贯穿贯穿)her acting years?Why do people remember her as a great humanitarian(人道主义者人道主义者)?Four/Five.We should protect the environment.Because she devoted devoted much of her time to to charity.Questions?Question?How many Os19Any difficulties in understanding?Any difficulties in understand20The films of earning four more Oscar nominations:Wait Until Dark(1967)盲女惊魂记 Breakfast at Tiffanys(1961)第凡内早餐 The Nuns Story(1959)修女传 Sabrina(1954)龙凤配 Are the films here all earned Oscar nominations?No.The films of earning four Are 211.Not only but also 不但不但而且而且 She is famous not only in the USA,but also in the other parts of the world.他不但会唱歌,而且会跳舞他不但会唱歌,而且会跳舞He can not only sing but also dance.不但是我,而且他也想去不但是我,而且他也想去Not only I but also he wants to go.Language points:Note:做主语时,遵循就近原则。做主语时,遵循就近原则。1.Not only but also 不但不但而而222.put ones effort into sthShe had put all her effort into ballet training.If you have put all your effort into your lessons,you must have done much better.3.attract ones attention attractive adj.attraction n.The way he speaks attracted everyones attention.2.put ones effort into sthShe234.mark n.vt.Youd better mark the way so that you wont get lost.This battle marked the beginning of the war.5.play the lead role in play the lead role of 4.mark n.vt.5.play th246.insist +on sth./on doing sth.insist+that He insisted that we had gone the wrong way.Why did she insist on the plan?They insist on having a picnic next Sunday.6.insist +on sth./on doing257.She devoted much of her time to charity.devote to(prep.)devote to sth/to doing sth他把一生专心致力于教学他把一生专心致力于教学He devotes himself to teaching.7.She devoted much of her time26Exercises1、这本小说的精彩的情节吸引了每一位读者、这本小说的精彩的情节吸引了每一位读者的注意力。的注意力。The wonderful contents of this _ _every readers _.2、她不仅对芭蕾舞感兴趣,而且梦想成为一、她不仅对芭蕾舞感兴趣,而且梦想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。名芭蕾舞演员。She is _ _ interested _ ballet,_ _ to be a ballet _.novelattractattentionnot onlyinbutalso dreamsdancerExercises1、这本小说的精彩的情节吸引了每一位读者的、这本小说的精彩的情节吸引了每一位读者的27Exercises3、她在一个寒冷的夜晚安静地离去了。、她在一个寒冷的夜晚安静地离去了。She _ _ _ _ a cold evening.4、在数千名女孩中,她被选为担任女主角。、在数千名女孩中,她被选为担任女主角。She was _ to be the _ _ _ _ girls.passed away peacefully onchosenlead role amongthousands ofExercises3、她在一个寒冷的夜晚安静地离去了。、她在一个寒冷的夜晚安静地离去了。pas28Exercises5、他总是积极投身于帮助穷困儿童的事业中。、他总是积极投身于帮助穷困儿童的事业中。He always _ himself _ _ poor children.devotes tohelping6、我们坚持要等到他们回来。、我们坚持要等到他们回来。We _ _ _ for them until they come back.insist on waitingExercises5、他总是积极投身于帮助穷困儿童的事业中。、他总是积极投身于帮助穷困儿童的事业中。29There are many names of the films or TV series mentioned(被提到)(被提到)in the article.What are they?Could you tell us?Shall we have a competition?There are many names of the fi30Gigi 琪琪琪琪(1951)Monte Carlo Baby 蒙特卡罗宝宝蒙特卡罗宝宝(1952)Roman Holiday 罗马假日罗马假日(1953)Ondine 翁蒂娜翁蒂娜(1954)Funny Face 甜姐儿甜姐儿(1957)Breakfast at Tiffanys 第凡内早餐第凡内早餐(1961)My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女窈窕淑女(1964)Always直到永远直到永远(1989)Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn奥黛丽奥黛丽赫本之秘密花园赫本之秘密花园(1993)Names of the films mentioned in the article:Names of the films mentioned i31What about Audrey Hepburns awards?Oscar for Best ActressTony AwardPresidential Medal of Freedom Have a competition,OK?What about Audrey Hepburns a32Won an Oscar for Best ActressMet famous writer ColetteMarked the beginning of Hepburns careerWon aTony AwardEarned an Oscar nominationPlayed the role of an angelOne of the well-known filmsOnly one TV series Roman Holiday Monte Carlo Baby OndineBreakfast at Tiffanys Always Funny Face Gigi Gardens of the World with Audrey HepburnHave a competition,try!Won an Oscar for Best Actress3315436215436234Discussion1.What do you think of Audrey Hepburn?Do you like her?Why?2.What made Audrey successful?What can we learn from her?3.which actor/actress/director do you like best?Why?DiscussionWhat do you think of35Homework:1.Read the article carefully and loudly.2.Finish the workbook of Reading 1.3.Learn the new words by heart.4.You may go on searching the information about famous actressesor actors online after school if you like.Homework:Read the article car36Good-Bye37


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