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Lets welcome the new term!11.The m_ of the students have known the news,but not all.2.My bike was b_ on my way to school.I had to take it to repair.3.I had a wonderful j_ during the holiday.4.He is very g_ and helpful.We all like him.5.Dont laugh at the people with d_.We should help them.6.We have d_ to work harder this term.7.We hope to have a good f_,so we study hard.8.The teacher e_ to us that the earth is round.9.I often c_ with my friends by e-mail.10.The boss i_ some people this morning and he is always very busy.ajorityrokenourneyenerousisabilityecideduturexplainedommunicatenterviewedWord spelling1.The m_ of21.我们年级是由我们年级是由500名学生组成。名学生组成。Our grade _ _ _ _ 500 students.2.这道题太难了。我们解答不出来。这道题太难了。我们解答不出来。This problem is not _ _ for us to _ _.3.你回来的时候别忘记告诉我。你回来的时候别忘记告诉我。_ _ _ me when you _ back.4.我们上体育课的时候老师通常要求我们绕圈跑。我们上体育课的时候老师通常要求我们绕圈跑。The teacher often asks us _ _ _ _ in PE lessons.5.这本书不是我的。这本书不是我的。This book _ _ _ _。is made up ofeasy enoughworkoutRemember to tellcometo run inringsdoesnt belong to meComplete the sentences1.我们年级是由3on newspaperon a/the newspaperin a/the newspapera copy of newspaper/a newspaper a pile of newspapersa piece of newspaperU/C=about newspapernewspaperEnjoy the cartoon and answer s4To learn something about newspapers.To learn a report about a new school newspaper.To try to retell the report.Unit 1 NewspapersTo learn some5New York TimesThe Washington PostUSA TodayChina Dailya person who is in charge of one section of a newspaper an editorthe most important editor a chief editortake charge ofSomething about newspapersNew 6reporterphotographer(chief)editorsecretarynewssportsentertainmentIf we want to publish a new school newspaper,what do we have to think of?people?section?name?money?repo71.In China the new t_ starts in September.2.Our English teacher has a lot of e_ in teaching.3.Make a _ of things you want to buy.4.The s_ brought a cup of coffee for the boss.5.You dont have to pay for the dish.Its f_.6.He c_ my advice and said I was right.7.I s _ going out for a walk and she agreed.ermxperiencelistecretaryreeonsidereduggestedIn China the new t_ starts8The report is probably about a school newspaper.The students in the picture are having a meeting.The students hands are up because they want to ask a question.agree with sb.agree to do sth.agree on/upon/about sth.表示在某一方面或某一点上达成或取得一致意见同意/赞成同意/答应做某事at the meetingPre-reading:Do y9你们价格谈妥了没有?你们价格谈妥了没有?Have you agreed _ the price yet?她答应帮她弟弟补习英语。她答应帮她弟弟补习英语。She agreed _ help her brother with his English.我们都很同意你说的话。我们都很同意你说的话。We all agree _ your words.她同意我的观点。她同意我的观点。She agreed _ me.他们在那一点上取得一致意见。他们在那一点上取得一致意见。They agreed _ that point.abouttowithwithon/about你们价格谈妥了没有?Exercise:abouttowith10Read and answer the following questions:What did some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School want to do soon after the term started?Who took charge of the meeting?How many students attended the meeting?Who are they?What was the last question at the meeting?How soon will the students hold the next meeting?They wanted to publish a newspaper.Its Joyce.There are five.They are Lucy,Tony,Joyce,Jessica and Ben.What should the students call the newspaper?In one weeks time.=in one weekin+一段时间一段时间(表示将来)(表示将来)First-reading:Read and answer 111.They both had experience.2.Yes.Everyone voted for/elected her.3.The secretary should take notes.4.They are responsible for different sections of the newspaper.5.No.they all had different ideas.6.She asks them to think about it a bit longer.elect sb.sth.Read it again and finish A4Sec13|Lucy,Tony,Joyce,Jessica and I were at the meeting.Ben|She was an editor of her class newspaper last year.|You will be responsible for different sections of the papers.|Should they pay for it?|What should we call it?JoyceLucy,Tony and Jessicareadersthe school newspaperLucy,Tony,Joyce,Jessica and14Find out the sentences quickly.1.放学后,我们开了个会。放学后,我们开了个会。2.接着由接着由Joyce主持会议。主持会议。3.她问我们有什么建议。她问我们有什么建议。4.于是,其他人投了我的票。于是,其他人投了我的票。5.我开始做会议记录。我开始做会议记录。6.你们将负责报纸的不同版面。你们将负责报纸的不同版面。7.你们自己讨论一下。你们自己讨论一下。8.之后我们列出了需要讨论的其他问题。之后我们列出了需要讨论的其他问题。9.报纸是免费提供给读者还是收费呢?报纸是免费提供给读者还是收费呢?10.我们应该再多考虑一段时间。我们应该再多考虑一段时间。11.我们将在下次开会时将报纸的名称定下来。我们将在下次开会时将报纸的名称定下来。12.我们同意结束这次会议。我们同意结束这次会议。1.We held a meeting after school.2.Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.3.She asked for suggestions.4.Then the others voted for me.5.I started taking notes.6.You will be responsible for different sections of the paper.7.Talk it over among yourselves.8.Then we made a list of some other things to discuss.9.Should it be free for readers,or should they pay for it?10.We should think about this a bit longer.11.We will make a decision about the name at the next meeting.12.We agreed to conclude the meeting then.Post-reading:Find out the sent19 hold(v.)hold a meeting=have a meeting hold a sports meeting hold on The room can hold fifty people.举行举行,拿着,握着,容纳,拿着,握着,容纳hold-held-heldWe held a meeting after school.hold(v.)举行,拿着,握着,容纳Language 22Everyone should be responsible for his work.All pilots are responsible for their passengers safety.You should be responsible for different sections.take charge of sth.responsible(adj.)responsibility(n.)be responsible for sth.be responsible to sb.强调强调“责任责任”着重着重“管理管理”Everyone should be responsible24They elected a new monitor.We elected James to be the secretary.elect sb.(to be)sth.=We elected James the secretary.We decided to elect the chief editor.election(n.)选举选举I dont want to take part in the election.elect sb.=vote for sb.vote for sth.vote against sth.vote to do sth.投票选某人投票选某人为为投票投票为反对为反对投票投票投票做某事投票做某事They elected a new monitor.ele25|Please _ the air pollution.|_ build a new and clean world.|We should hold a meeting to _ our school uniform.|Lets _ her.She is the best in our class.vote againstVote to vote for vote for Please _ the air po26 suggest adviseHe advised farmers to choose the best seeds.He suggested changing the plan.Tom suggested that we(should)come the next Friday.doing sth.(that)sb.(should)do sb.to do sth.(that)sb.(should)do suggestTony suggested Joyce.27 talkover think overamong Youll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend.Id like more time to think things over.He found it among a pile of old books.betweenHe came from a village among the hills.There is a light between the trees along the road.The Yalu River flows between China and Korea.详细讨论;详谈详细讨论;详谈Talk it over among yourselves.talkoverYoull find it helpf30Should it be free for readers?a bitWe should think about this a bit longer.=a little+adj.+ermuch;even;far;a lot程度副词程度副词+形容词比较级形容词比较级 sth.be free for sb.sb.get sth.for free e.g.这本书是免费的。这本书是免费的。This book is free for us.We can get this book for free.Should it be free for readers?31 pay spend cost take(s)sb.sth.It money for sth./sb.money/time on sth.money/time(in)doing sth.sb.money sb.time to do sth.Should they pay for it?pay sb.sth.It money for sth.32他花了他花了5 5万美元买了这所房子。万美元买了这所房子。He paid 50,000 dollars for the house.He spent 50,000 dollars on the house/(in)buying the house.The house cost him 50,000 dollars.他花了5万美元买了这所房子。He paid 50,000 d33 arrange(for sb.)to do sth.e.g.Our school arranged for two window cleaners to clean all the windows.安排(某人)做安排(某人)做We all arranged to have the next meeting in one weeks time.We will make a decision about the name.make a decision about sth.我们要决定我们的班旗。(我们要决定我们的班旗。(class flag)e.g.We must make a decision about our class flag.decision(n.)decide to do sth.I decide to study harder than last term.针对于针对于作出决定作出决定 arrange(for sb.)to do sth.安341.After ten years of saving money,Jason finally bought a 45-metre-squared flat _.2.Jessica is a good chief editor.We all _ her.3.This year,Mr.Ma will _ our class instead of Miss Chen because she is ill in hospital.4.Drivers _ the safety of the passengers on trip.are responsible for,pay for,make a decision,of his own,vote for,take charge of,take notes,of his own voted for take charge of are responsible forAfter ten years of saving mone37Do you have any questions?39


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