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Appreicate songsAppreicate songs&Noun clausesNoun clausesAppreicate songs1If only you saw what I can see Youll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now Im looking at you and I cant believe You dont know oh oh You dont know youre beautiful Oh oh Thats what makes you beautiful 做宾语为宾语从句做宾语为宾语从句做宾语为宾语从句做表语为表语从句Step:Lead-in If only you saw what I can see2名词性从句在句子充当_、_、_、_四中成分,有_性质。充当主语的为_,充当宾语的为_,充当表语的为_,充当同位语的为_。Step:What are noun clauses 主语 Subject宾语 Object表语 Predicative同位语 Appositive1.Definitionandtypes:名词主语从句Subject clause宾语从句Object clause表语从句 Predicative clauseAppositive clause同位语从句Step:What are noun clause3 that whether if what(ever)which(ever)who(ever)whom(ever)whose when(ever)where(ever)how(ever)why because 2.Conjunctions:2.Conjunctions:41.Whoever comes to the party will be welcomed.2.It is a pity that we cant go.3.I wonder whom they are talking about.4.We think it our duty that we should help others.5.The policeman is thinking about whose footprint it is.6.The question is whether it is worth doing 7.It seems that it is going to rain.8.I have no idea where he comes from.主从主从宾从宾从宾从表从表从同位从3.Exercise:How to identify different types of noun clauses1.Whoever comes to the party 5conlusion _从句作从句作_成分;位置多为成分;位置多为_,或由或由_作形式主语;作形式主语;_ _ 从句作从句作_成分;位置多为成分;位置多为_,或由或由_作形式主语;作形式主语;_ _从句作从句作_成分;位置为成分;位置为_;_ _从句作从句作_成分;位置多为成分;位置多为 _,用于用于说说明名词的内容。明名词的内容。主语宾语同位语表语主语句首it宾语动词、介词后it表语be动词、系动词后同位语名词后conlusion _从句作_成分;6Step:How to use conjunctions Step:How to use conjunctio7It s amazing how you can speak right to my heart.Without saying a word,you can light up the dark.Try as I may I can never explain whats been said between your heart and mine.The smile on your face lets me know that youre near me.There is a truth in your eyes says youll never leave me.The touch of your hand says youll catch me wheverer I fall.When you say nothing at all1.Find out the noun clauses in the lyricIt s amazing how you can spea8First,I think 1._ the lyric of this song is very romantic.The second reason is 2._its soft melody makes me relaxed when I listen to it.Last but not least,the fact 3._ it is the ending song of my favourite movie makes me more willing to listen to it.Im sure 4._ this song brings you good mood even though we are learning grammar.I guess 5._ even the teachers sitting at back of the classroom are fond of it and 6._ all of you are looking forward to watching the movie.Is it a good idea 7._ I combine English grammar with songs?1.thatA.that B.(that)(that)thatthatthat(that)thatthatBAAAB AA First,I think 1._ the ly91.that 可引导,可引导,2.that _充当成分,充当成分,_实际意思。实际意思。3.that 只有在只有在 _中可省。但在并列的两个中可省。但在并列的两个 宾语从句中,宾语从句中,_ that 可省,可省,_that 不可省。不可省。不无动词后的宾语从句第一个第二个conlusion主从表从宾从同位从1.that 可引导,不无动10It is a good idea/a pleasure/a pity that.It is certain/possible/likely/important/necessary that.It is said/thought/believed/considered/reported think it important/necessary/unbelievable that 2.Classic sentence patterns:It is a good idea/a pleasure11是否这次我将真的离开你是否这次我将真的离开你是否这次我将不再哭是否这次我将不再哭是否这次我将一去不回头是否这次我将一去不回头走向那条漫漫永无止境的路走向那条漫漫永无止境的路是否这次我已真的离开你是否这次我已真的离开你是否泪水已干不再流是否泪水已干不再流是否应验了我曾说的那句话是否应验了我曾说的那句话情到深处人孤独情到深处人孤独是否是否是否这次我将真的离开你是否12 2.whether/if是否这次我将真的离开你I wonder whether I will leave you this time.I am not sure whether I have the courage to leave you.I am thinking about whether I should leave you.Whether I will leave you this time is still unknown.The question is whether I will leave you this time.I havent made the decision whether I will leave you.是否这次我将不再哭是否这次我将一去不回头 2.whether/if是否这次我将真的离开你是否这13 I wonder _ I will leave you.I wonder _ I will have the courage to leave youI dont know _ or not I will leave you.I dont know _ I will leave you or not.I dont know _ to leave you this time.I am not sure_ I have the courage to leave you.I am thinking about _ I will leave you this time._ I can leave you is still unknown.The question is _ I will leave you.I havent made the decision _ I will leave you.A.whetherB.if/whether if/whether if/whether whetherwhether/ifwhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherBBABAAAAAA I wonder _ I will l141.在名词性从句中,在名词性从句中,whether/if _充当充当成分成分,译为译为_。2.whether在在_,_,_,_中都可用。中都可用。但但if 只在只在_后的后的 _可用,且不可与可用,且不可与 _连用连用,与与 _不可紧跟其后使用。不可紧跟其后使用。不是否主从 表从宾从 同位从动词宾从todoconlusionornot不是否主从表从宾从同位从动词宾从to doconlusion15As long as you love meAs long as you love meAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mine,Im leaving my life in your hands.People say Im crazy and _ I am blind.Risking it all in a glance._ you got me blind is still a mystery.I cant get you out of my head.Dont care _ is written in your history.As long as youre here with me.I dont care _ you are._ youre from._ you did.As long as you love me.thatHowwhatwhowherewhatAs long as you love meAlthough163.Questionwords:How you got me blind is still a mystery.Dont care what is written in your history.I dont care who you are.(I dont care)where youre from.(I dont care)what you did.3.Question words:How you got17 I wonder(what/which)song you prefer.Personally,I love both of them.You may want to know(whether/why)I am fond of both.Here are my reasons:As for the first song,(that/what)impresses me most is the singers voice.I think it fully expresses her emotions.Im quited amazed(when/how)she could sing in such a special way.As for the second one,its an old song from Backstreet boys.I cant remember(whether/when)I listened to it the first time.But the lyric and rhythm were so cheerful that I remembered it at once.My favourite line is I dont care _ you are,_ you are from,dont care _ you did,as long as you love me.whowherewhat I wonder(what/which)so18Step:The most popular song in our groupDiscussion:What is the most popular song in your group?Can you sing a part of the song for us?Can you list at least three reasons why you all like it?Step:Discussion:19Sample:All of our group members consider _ from _ is the most popular song.Here are our reasons:_;the name of the songthe name of the singerYou may use these sentences patterns:1.I think that.2.The first/second/third reason is that.3.What impresses me most isis.4.It is a great pleasure that.Sample:the name the name You 20 The most pupolar song The most pupolar song21Thanks for your attention!Thanks for your attention!22


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