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IPC-A-610FIPC-A-610F“电子组件的可接受性电子组件的可接受性”第第4 4模块模块:焊接焊接IPCIPC认证专员(认证专员(CISCIS)培训认证课程培训认证课程IPC-A-610F“电子组件的可接受性”第4模块:焊接I 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-2模块概述模块概述焊接可接受性要求焊接异常暴露金属基材针孔/吹孔焊膏再流不润湿冷焊/松香焊接连接退润湿焊料过量焊料球桥连锡网/泼锡焊接异常(续)焊料受扰焊料开裂拉尖无铅填充起翘无铅热撕裂/孔收缩焊点表面的探针印记和其它类似表面状况高电压模块概述焊接可接受性要求焊接异常(续)2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-3模块目标模块目标完成本章的学习后,学员能够识别被焊接组件和高电压的可接受要求。模块目标完成本章的学习后,学员能够识别被焊接组件和高电压的可 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-45 5 焊接焊接焊接工艺的本质决定了一个可接受的连接对于三个级别会表现出相同的特征不可接受的连接很可能对所有三个等级都是拒收的连接要求的描述中已在适当的地方具体注明了所使用的焊接工艺类型无论使用下列哪种焊接方法,本章的连接要求都适用:焊接烙铁阻抗焊接设备波峰焊或拖焊再流焊接通孔再流焊接1 of 31 of 35焊接焊接工艺的本质决定了一个可接受的连接对于三个级别会表 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-55 5 焊接焊接例外:有一些专用的焊接表面处理,需要建立不同的专用验收条件,未显示在IPC-A-610F中浸镀锡钯金此类专用条件应该基于设计、工艺能力和性能要求而定2 of 32 of 35焊接例外:2of3 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-65 5 焊接焊接Figure 5-1图 5-13 of 33 of 35焊接Figure5-1图5-13of3 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-75.1 5.1 焊接可接受性要求焊接可接受性要求图 5-2 5-21 of 31 of 35.1焊接可接受性要求图5-21of3 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-85.1 5.1 焊接可接受性要求焊接可接受性要求使用锡铅合金的工艺与使用无铅合金的工艺所产生的焊接连接的主要区别是 焊点的外观本标准提供了锡铅和无铅连接的目视检查要求特指无铅连接的图例将用图5-3中的符号来标识无铅合金更可能表现为:表面粗糙(颗粒状或灰暗)较大的润湿角焊料填充其它要求相同图 5-3 5-32 of 32 of 35.1焊接可接受性要求使用锡铅合金的工艺与使用无铅合金的工 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-95.1 5.1 焊接可接受性要求焊接可接受性要求典型的锡铅连接绸缎般润泽的表面外观平滑呈现润湿被焊物体间形成凹月面高温焊料可能呈干枯状修饰(返工)要有判断力,防止造成其它的问题3 of 33 of 3图 7-797-79图 7-807-805.1焊接可接受性要求典型的锡铅连接3of3图7-7 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-105.2.1 5.2.1 焊接异常焊接异常暴露金属基材暴露金属基材元器件引线、焊盘和导体图形的侧面、及液体感光阻焊剂的使用根据原始设计,可能会暴露金属基材印制电路板和导体的表面涂层具有不同的润湿性 金属基材或表面涂层的暴露应该视作正常情况焊接处获得的润湿特征是可接受的1 of 31 of 35.2.1焊接异常暴露金属基材元器件引线、焊盘和导体图形 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-115.2.1 5.2.1 焊接异常焊接异常暴露金属基材暴露金属基材图5-45-4图5-55-5图5-65-62 of 32 of 35.2.1焊接异常暴露金属基材图5-4图5-5图5-62 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-125.2.1 5.2.1 焊接异常焊接异常暴露金属基材暴露金属基材图 5-75-7图 5-85-83 of 33 of 35.2.1焊接异常暴露金属基材图5-7图5-83o 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-135.2.2 5.2.2 焊接异常焊接异常针孔吹孔针孔吹孔图 5-95-9图 5-10 5-10图 5-115-11图 5-125-12图 5-135-135.2.2焊接异常针孔吹孔图5-9图5-10图5 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-145.2.3 5.2.3 焊接异常焊接异常焊膏再流焊膏再流Figure 5-34Defect 1,2,3图 5-145-14图 5-175-175.2.3焊接异常焊膏再流Figure5-34图5-2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-155.2.4 5.2.4 焊接异常焊接异常不润湿不润湿图 5-18 5-18图 5-195-191 of 21 of 25.2.4焊接异常不润湿图5-18图5-191of 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-165.2.4 5.2.4 焊接异常焊接异常不润湿不润湿图 5-205-20图 5-215-212 of 22 of 2图 5-225-225.2.4焊接异常不润湿图5-20图5-212of 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-175.2.5 5.2.5 焊接异常焊接异常冷焊松香焊接连接冷焊松香焊接连接图 5-235-235.2.5焊接异常冷焊松香焊接连接图5-23 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-185.2.6 5.2.6 焊接异常焊接异常退润湿退润湿图 5-245-24图 5-265-26图 5-255-255.2.6焊接异常退润湿图5-24图5-26图5-2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-195.2.7 5.2.7 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量图 5-285-285.2.7焊接异常焊料过量图5-28 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4- 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量 焊料球焊料球图 5-295-29图 5-305-301 of 31 of焊接异常焊料过量焊料球图5-29图 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4- 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量 焊料球焊料球图 5-315-31图 5-325-322 of 32 of焊接异常焊料过量焊料球图5-31图 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4- 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量 焊料球焊料球图 5-335-33图 5-345-343 of 33 of焊接异常焊料过量焊料球图5-33图 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4- 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量桥连桥连图 5-365-36图 5-385-385.2.7.2焊接异常焊料过量桥连图5-36图5-2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4- 焊接异常焊接异常焊料过量焊料过量锡网泼锡锡网泼锡对泼锡进行目视检查时,不应当不应当采用放大装置图 5-395-39图 5-405-405.2.7.3焊接异常焊料过量锡网泼锡对泼锡进行目视25可编辑25可编辑 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-265.2.8 5.2.8 焊接异常焊接异常焊料受扰焊料受扰图 5-415-41图 5-425-421 of 21 of 25.2.8焊接异常焊料受扰图5-41图5-421o 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-275.2.8 5.2.8 焊接异常焊接异常焊料受扰焊料受扰图 5-435-43图 5-445-442 of 22 of 25.2.8焊接异常焊料受扰图5-43图5-442o 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-285.2.9 5.2.9 焊接异常焊接异常焊料开裂焊料开裂图 5-455-45图 5-475-475.2.9焊接异常焊料开裂图5-45图5-47 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-295.2.10 5.2.10 焊接异常焊接异常拉尖拉尖图 5-485-48图 5-495-49图 5-505-505.2.10焊接异常拉尖图5-48图5-49图5-2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-305.2.11 5.2.11 焊接异常焊接异常无铅填充起翘无铅填充起翘图 5-515-51图 5-525-525.2.11焊接异常无铅填充起翘图5-51图5-52 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-315.2.12 5.2.12 焊接异常焊接异常无铅热撕裂孔收缩无铅热撕裂孔收缩图 5-535-53图 5-545-545.2.12焊接异常无铅热撕裂孔收缩图5-53图5 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-325.2.13 5.2.13 焊点表面的探针印记和其它类似焊点表面的探针印记和其它类似表面状况表面状况图 5-555-55图 5-565-565.2.13焊点表面的探针印记和其它类似表面状况图5-5 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-33Figure 12-3Defect Class 1,2,312 12 高电压高电压本章提供了承受高电压的焊接连接的特殊要求,见1.6.5节这些要求适用于连接至接线柱、裸接线柱和通孔连接的导线或引线这些要求是要确保没有尖锐边缘或尖锐点造成电弧Figure12-312高电压本章提供了承受高电压的焊接 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-3412 12 高电压高电压图 12-112高电压图12-1 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-3512 12 高电压高电压图 12-2图 12-312高电压图12-2图12-3 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-3612 12 高电压高电压图 12-412高电压图12-4 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-37复习复习焊接可接受性要求焊接异常高电压复习焊接可接受性要求复习题复习题复习题 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-391.高电压焊点无可见的尖锐边缘、焊料凸点、锡尖、夹杂物或导线股线,是_.A.目标 1,2,3级B.可接受 1级,制程警示 2,3级C.缺陷 1,2,3级D.制程警示1级,缺陷 2,3级1.高电压焊点无可见的尖锐边缘、焊料凸点、锡尖、夹杂物或导 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-401.高电压焊点无可见的尖锐边缘、焊料凸点、锡尖、夹杂物或导线股线,是_.A.A.目标目标 1 1,2 2,3 3级级B.可接受 1级,制程警示 2,3级C.缺陷 1,2,3级D.制程警示1级,缺陷 2,3级参考参考:12-1:12-1页页,条款条款12 12 高电压高电压1.高电压焊点无可见的尖锐边缘、焊料凸点、锡尖、夹杂物或导 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-412.图中所示焊接连接的接触角为a.未建立要求b.可接受c.制程警示d.缺陷图中所示焊接连接的接触角为 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-422.图中所示焊接连接的接触角为a.未建立要求b.b.可接受可接受c.制程警示d.缺陷参考参考:5-1:5-1页页,5,5 焊接焊接图中所示焊接连接的接触角为 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-433.图中所示焊接连接的接触角为a.未建立要求b.可接受c.制程警示d.缺陷图中所示焊接连接的接触角为 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-443.图中所示焊接连接的接触角为a.未建立要求b.b.可接受可接受c.制程警示d.缺陷参考参考:5-1:5-1页页,5,5 焊接焊接图中所示焊接连接的接触角为 2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-454.图中所示的焊接连接最好用哪个术语描述?a.退润湿b.没润湿c.不润湿d.冷润湿图中所示的焊接连接最好用哪个术语描述?2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-464.图中所示的焊接连接最好用哪个术语描述?a.退润湿b.没润湿c.不润湿d.冷润湿参考参考:5-8:5-8页页,5.2.4,5.2.4 焊接异常焊接异常-不润湿不润湿图中所示的焊接连接最好用哪个术语描述?2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-475.图中所示焊接连接表示下列哪种焊接异常缺陷?a.焊料过热b.焊料受扰c.焊料开裂d.无异常图中所示焊接连接表示下列哪种焊接异常缺陷?2014,IPC,Bannockburn,IL All rights reserved.For use only in IPC Training Programs leading to Official IPC Certification M4-485.图中所示焊接连接表示下列哪种焊接异常缺陷?a.焊料过热b.b.焊料受扰焊料受扰c.焊料开裂d.无异常参考参考:5-14:5-14页页,5.2.8,5.2.8 焊接异常焊接异常 受扰焊点受扰焊点图中所示焊接连接表示下列哪种焊接异常缺陷?焊接模块结束焊接模块结束焊接模块结束50可编辑50可编辑


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