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分词作状语怎样区别现在分词与过去分词作状语分词作状语怎样区别现在分词与过去分词作状语1一:一:一:一:现现在分在分在分在分词词作状作状作状作状语语:现在在分分词作作状状语,表表示示陪陪陪陪衬衬性性性性的的的的动动作作作作或或或或伴随情况伴随情况伴随情况伴随情况,如:,如:The children ran out of the room,laughing and talking merrilylaughing and talking merrily.They stood there for an hour watching the gamewatching the game.She sat at the desk reading reading a a newspapernewspaper.一:现在分词作状语:2注注注注意意意意:a.分分词表表示示的的必必须是是主主语的的一一个个动作作;b.分分词表表示示的的动作作和和谓语表表示示的的动作作(或或状状态)是是同同时发生生的的;c.分分词表表示示的的是是比比较次次要要的的动作作,对谓语表表示示的的动作作或或状状态加加以以说明明;d.大大部部分分放放在在谓语之之后后;e.分分词有有时可以与句子的其他部分用逗号隔开。可以与句子的其他部分用逗号隔开。现在在分分词作作状状语,表表表表示示示示行行行行为为方方方方式式式式或或或或手手手手段段段段(这类状状语可可以以放放在在句句首首,也也可可以以放放在在句句末末,有有时还可可以以放放在在句句中。其他参考上述中。其他参考上述a-c),),如:如:Following the guideFollowing the guide,they started to climb.注意:a.分词表示的必须是主语的一个动作;b.分词表示的3现在分在分词作状作状语,表示原因或理由表示原因或理由表示原因或理由表示原因或理由,如:,如:Seeing nobody at home,she decided to leave them a note.Not knowing her address,we couldnt get in touch with her.Being so poor in those days,we couldnt afford to send the boy to hospital.注注注注:如如果果分分词表表示示的的动作作在在谓语所所表表示示的的动作作之之前前发生生,则要要用用完完成成形形式式,如如:Having worked among the peasants for many years,he knew them very well.现在分词作状语,表示原因或理由,如:4 现在在分分词作作时时间间状状状状语语(相相当当于于 when 引引导的的从从句句),如:如:Turning around,she saw a police car driving up.Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.Seeing those pictures,he couldnt help thinking of those days in Yanan.Not having received an answer,he decided to write another letter.Having lived in Berlin many years,he knew the city well.Not having received an answer,5现在在分分词作作状状语还可可以以表表表表示示示示结结果果果果、条条条条件件件件和和和和让让步步步步,如:如:Her husband died in 1942,leaving her with five children.(结果果)The bus was held up by snowstorm,thus causing the delay.(结果果)Working hard,you will succeed.(条件条件)Turning to the left,you will find the path leading to the site.(条件条件)Weighing almost one hundred jin,the stone was moved by him alone.(让步步)现在分词作状语还可以表示结果、条件和让步,如:6二二二二、过过去去去去分分分分词词短短短短语语作作作作状状状状语语,可可以以修修饰谓语,说说明明明明动动作作作作发发生的背景或情况生的背景或情况生的背景或情况生的背景或情况,如:,如:Built in 1192,the bridge is over 700 years old.Led by the party,the people have improved their living conditions greatly.Surrounded by a group of pupils,the old teacher walked into the room.The trainer appeared,followed by six little dogs.二、过去分词短语作状语,可以修饰谓语,说明动作发生的背景或情7过去去分分词短短语表表表表示示示示原原原原因因因因(相相当当于于一一个个原原因状因状语从句),如:从句),如:The children,exhausted,fell asleep at once.He soon fell asleep,exhausted by the journey.(=as he was exhausted)过去分词短语表示原因(相当于一个原因状语从句),如:8过去去分分词短短语有有时可可以以表表表表示示示示时时间间(相相当当于于时间状状语从句)和条件(相当于条件状从句)和条件(相当于条件状语从句),如:从句),如:United,we stand;divided,we fall.(=When/If we are united)Heated,water changes into steam.(=When/If water is heated)Seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.过去分词短语有时可以表示时间(相当于时间状语从句)和条件(相9 Praised by the neighbours,he became the pride of his parents.受到邻居们的表扬,他成为父母的骄傲。(表示原因)Once seen,it can never be forgotten.一旦它被看见,人们就忘不了。(表示时间)Given more time,Ill be able to do it better.如果给予更多的时间,我能做得更好。(表示条件)10Though told of the danger,he still risked his life to save the boy.虽然被告之有危险,他仍然冒生命危险去救那个孩子。(表示让步)Filled with hopes and fears,he entered the cave.心中充满了希望与恐惧,他走进山洞。Though told of the danger,he 11现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应和句子的主语保持一致;现在分词所表示的动作和句子的主语为主谓关系;过去分词所表示的动作和句子的主语为动宾关系;例如:1.Walking on the hill,she saw lots of wild plants she had never seen.2.Written in simple English,his book is popular among children.(1)句,she walk为主谓关系;(2)句 write his book 为被动关系;现在分词与过去分词作状语的区别(1)句,she walk为主12现在分词与过去分词作状语的判断:一:分析法 即根据分词所表示的动作与句子的主语的关系来判断,是主谓关系的就用doing;/having done;是动宾关系的就用done/having been done 例如:Having wasted a lot of time,the boy realized he had to work hard at his lessons.Having been told many times,he still couldnt understand it.现在分词与过去分词作状语的判断:13二:记忆法1.常用doing的情况:judging by/from.(根据.来判断),generally/Frankly speaking,及形容词化的现在分词表示令人.的(句子的主语通常为某物):discouraging,interesting,inviting,puzzling,astonishing,shocking,surprising,exciting,confusing,disappointing,.。Always confusing,the twins appearances were hard to tell apart.二:记忆法142.常用done 的情况:compared to/with,given.;及短语 be seated,be dressed,be located,be situated,be lost(in),be engaged(in),be addicted to,be occupied with,be devoted to.作状语时,保留其过去分词。Engaged in his business,the man has not returned home for 3 weeks.2.常用done 的情况:compared to/with,15 Practice 1.The prisoner(罪犯罪犯),_ the guard and run away,was caught the next days.A killed B.killing C having killed D being killed by2.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless_ every day.A watered B watering C water D to water Practice 163.He is a student at Oxford University,_ for a degree in computer science.A studied B studying C to have study D to be studying4.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,_ in the natural light during the day.A to let B letting C let D having let3.He is a student at Oxford U175.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.A finished B finishing C having finished D was finished.6._in the mountains for a week,the two students were finally saved by the local police.A Having lost B Lost C Being lost D Losting5.John received an invitation187.Whether you believe it or not,it is _ that cause you illness.A because of your overweight B you are so overweightC because you are overweihgt D your being overweight8.All flights_ because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train.A had been canceled B have been canceled C having been canceled D being canceled7.Whether you believe it or n19


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