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新版译林版小学英语新版译林版小学英语6 6下下 Unit4 Then and now新版译林版小学英语6下 Unit4 Then and nowin our familyThen and nowin our schoolThen and nowin our cityThen and nowin our cityThe world is changing.世界在变化。世界在变化。The world is changing.世界在变化。six years agothirty years agonowtwenty years agothensix years agothirty years agonthe way to contact(联系联系)people the way to make friends the way to do shoppingthe way to have a restthe way to get newsWatch and tickTips:课文中提到了哪些变化?课文中提到了哪些变化?方式方式the way to contact(联系)people 英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版the way to contact(联系联系)people the way to make friends the way to do shoppingthe way to have a restthe way to get newsWatch and tickTips:课文中提到了哪些变化?课文中提到了哪些变化?方式方式the way to contact(联系)people MikeMr BrownMrs BrownGrandpasix years agocould read and drawcould not writeThennowcan do many thingsA.twenty years agoB.thirty years agotwenty years agohas a mobile phonewrites e-mailslistened to the radioread newspapersE.wrote lettersF.used a telephoneC.made friendsD.bought things from shopsreads and watches newsreads e-booksG.has e-friends H.does shopping on the Internetread的过去式的过去式make的过去式的过去式buy的过去式的过去式write的过去式的过去式AEFCDGHRead and chooseBMikeMr BrownMrs BrownGrandpasiRead and writeTips:阅读课文,划出关键句。阅读课文,划出关键句。Read and writeTips:阅读课文,划出关键句。英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版全世界全世界全世界Listen and repeatTips:跟着光盘朗读,尽力模仿跟着光盘朗读,尽力模仿语音语调,比一比,谁最棒!语音语调,比一比,谁最棒!Listen and repeatTips:跟着光盘朗读,尽随处,到处随处,到处随处,到处观看观看watch TV观看watch TV网友网友全世界全世界网友全世界Unit4 Then and nowSix years ago,Mike could read and draw,but he could not write.Now he can do many things.Twenty years ago,Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends.He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people.Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere.He also writes emails.Thirty years ago,Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.Now he can read and watch news on the Internet.He reads e-books too.Twenty years ago,Mrs Brown made friends at school.She bought things from shops.Now she has e-friends from all over the world.She does shopping on the Internet too.四人一组,任选一种方式,看四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪一组读得最好。看哪一组读得最好。Read after one.(跟一个人跟一个人读读)Read together.(一起读一起读)Read one by one.(一个接着一个接着一个读一个读)Unit4 Then and nowSix years agTry to sayTry to saySix years agoSix years agoTwenty years agoTwenty years agoThirty years agoThirty years agoTwenty years agoTwenty years agoTip:带着思考:带着思考 剖析问题剖析问题 Tip:带着思考英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版calmlovetruecalmlovetrueGoodBad?Depends on you!(取决于你自己)(取决于你自己)selectivereasonable(有选择性的)(有选择性的)(合理的)(合理的)GoodBad?Depends on you!select预习自测反馈:预习自测反馈:选用适当的单词填空。选用适当的单词填空。A.e-book B.write C.on D.mobile phone E.doing F.for1.Helen couldnt six years ago.2.We can call people anywhere with a .3.My grandpa usually read newspapers news.4.Mikes mother likes shopping the Internet.5.It is a book,but we cant see any paper in it.It is an .BDFECA预习自测反馈:BDFECA1 1.Recite the text.Recite the text.背诵课文。2 2.Finish the exercises.Finish the exercises.完成课后延伸0405。Homework1.Recite the text.2.a telephonea telephonea mobile phonea mobile phonea letterwrite lettersa letterwrite lettersan e-bookan e-booknews 新闻新闻news 新闻a radioa radiodo shopping on the Internet网上购物网上购物do shopping=go shoppingdo shopping on the Internetdo Unit8 Chinese New YearUnit8 Chinese New Year (story timestory timestory timestory time)六年级上册六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year六年级上册 What?a red packetjacket Its a rectangle.Its a good wWhat?firecrackersChildren like to light themLouWhat?fireworksChildren like to watch themcola red packetfirecrackersfireworksa red packetfirecrackersfirewoin January or FebruaryLunar calendar 农历农历Whens Chinese New Year?in January or FebruaryWhens C Whens New Year?Whens New Year?What do people usually do at Chinese New Year?light firecrackersget red packetswatch fireworkswatch Spring Festival Galahave a big dinnerclean the house put up the coupletsWhat do people usually do at C 2015 is the year of the .monkeygoat 2016 is the year of the .2015 is the year of the InformationAnnaHong KongSu Hais e-friendChinese New Year is coming.Su Hai gets an email fromher e-friend Anna in Hong Kong.Dear Su Hai,How are you?Its going to be Chinese New Year next week.Im very excited.Love,AnnaInformationAnnaHong KongSu HaiGuess:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?be going to 表示“将要,即将”I think Anna is going toAnna is going to,I think.Maybe Anna is going toGuess:What is Anna going to d Look and order 看练习纸上的图,先根据图片预测排序。()()()()()()Look and order 看练习纸上的图,先根据图片Read and match(默读默读纸条,了解纸条,了解大意大意,图文图文匹配匹配)First ,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.First ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.First ,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.stick(粘贴粘贴)Read and match(默读纸条,了解大意,图文匹配),were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going toWhat is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.What is Anna going to do at ChMy family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.A:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to 汤圆遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据插图插图插图插图或联系或联系或联系或联系上下文上下文上下文上下文猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!/My family and I are going to b ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.Read and underline(细读细读剩余三页,剩余三页,划出划出Anna做的事情做的事情)遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据?或联系或联系或联系或联系?猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据插图插图插图插图或联系或联系或联系或联系 上下文上下文上下文上下文猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!,my parents are ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.Discuss in groups (小组讨论小组讨论;如有如有不会的词句不会的词句,可向组员或老师,可向组员或老师求助求助哦!哦!)A:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to ,my parents areA:What is Anna going todo at Chinese New Year?B:She Were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.aunt uncle cousinaunt uncle cousinrelatives 亲戚亲戚A:What is Anna going toB:ShMy parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.When you get the red When you get the red packets,what are you packets,what are you going to do?going to do?dragon danceget red packetsA:What _ Anna _ at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to isgoing to do My parents are going to give m Were going to watch fireworks in the evening.watch fireworksWhere?Victoria HarborA:What _?is Anna going todo at Chinese New YearB:She _.is going to Were going to watch fireworkWatch and check:看动画,检查书上的排序(P80)。Watch and check:看动画,检查书上的排序(PWatch and check:看动画,检查刚才的排序。()()()()()()123456 根据 来排序。时间先后Watch and check:看动画,检查刚才的排序。(?Before Chinese New YearOn Chinese New Years DayOn the second day of Chinese New Year?On Chinese New Years EveRead and find:再读书上课文,划出表示时间的关键词。?SunMonTue Wed ThuFriSat1廿三2廿四3廿五4廿六5廿七6廿八7廿九8正月9初二10初三11初四12初五13初六14初七15初八16初九17初十181920十三21十四22十五23十六24十七25十八26十九27二十February十一Chinese New Years DayChinese New Years Eve2016十二the 2nd day of Chinese New YearSunMonTueWedThuFriSat123456789Read the textRead the textRead the textRead the text英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版 Before Chinese New YearOn Chinese New Years EveOn Chinese New Years DayOn the second day of Chinese New Year Annas New Year plan Before Chinese New YearOn ChChoose one day to retell.(根据板书,四人小组每人任选一天复述(根据板书,四人小组每人任选一天复述Anna的新年。)的新年。)Retell Choose one day to retell.Retel Think and talk Before/On,we are going to What are you going to do in Suzhou?扫尘扫尘 clean the house 贴对联贴对联 put up couplets 放鞭炮放鞭炮 light the firecrackers 做年糕做年糕 make rice cakes 看春晚看春晚 watch New Year gala 守岁守岁 stay up late蒸馒头蒸馒头 steam buns 吃春卷吃春卷 eat spring rolls 拜年拜年 pay a New Year call Think and talk Before/On,w On Chinese New Years Eve,people in Hong Kong always go to flower markets after dinner.Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Eve,On Chinese New Years Day,people in Hong Kong always eat the food in the box called“lishi”.(利是)Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Day,On Chinese New Years Day,people in Hong Kong go to the temple to worship the god(拜神).Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Day,On the 2nd day of Chinese New Year,people in Hong Kong always go to the Victoria Harbour to watch fireworks.Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On the 2nd day of Chinese N Reunion 团圆Blessing祝福Fun ReunionBlessingFunHomework1.Read the storytime,try to know aboutthe others Chinese New Year plan.2.Write a plan for Anna and Su Hais Chinese New Year.HomeworkUnit 7 Protect the Earth(Story Time)Unit 7 Protect the EarthKnow your teacher英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版Protect the Earth 保护地球保护地球coaloilwhite pollution 白色污染白色污染plastic bags/bottlesProtect the Earthcoaloilwhite 英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版What should we do?What should we do?Save(节约节约)waterSave energy(能源)(能源)Save treesDont use too much plastic.Wood comes from trees.What should we do?What should we do?听录音,为四段文本各写一个标题听录音,为四段文本各写一个标题听录音,为四段文本各写一个标题听录音,为四段文本各写一个标题。Tip:Tip:注意抓取每段中的关键词。注意抓取每段中的关键词。注意抓取每段中的关键词。注意抓取每段中的关键词。Energy comes from coal and oil.Listen and completeSave(节约)waHow do we save water?Water is useful.We drink water and use water to clean things everyday.In many places,there is not much water.We should not waste water.We should reuse and save it.Why should we save water?Why Why should we save water?should we save water?用直线画出答案用直线画出答案用直线画出答案用直线画出答案How do we save water?How do we save water?用用用用虚线画出答案虚线画出答案虚线画出答案虚线画出答案Water is useful.How do we save water?Save wateStep1:Read in groups.Step1:Read in groups.StepStep2:2:Why Why should we.?should we.?用直线画出答案用直线画出答案用直线画出答案用直线画出答案 How do we.?How do we.?用虚线画出答案用虚线画出答案用虚线画出答案用虚线画出答案StepStep3:Check the answers.3:Check the answers.Step1:Read in groups.Step2:W Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.There is not much coal and oil on earth.We should save energy.We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.Wood comes from trees.We use wood to make tables,chairs and many other things.We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.We use plastic to make bags and bottles.But too much plastic is bad for the earth.We should not use too many plastic bags or bootles.We should use paper bags and glass bottles.Self-learningSave energy Most可以自己朗读课文,也可以和可以自己朗读课文,也可以和可以自己朗读课文,也可以和可以自己朗读课文,也可以和小组同学一起朗读。小组同学一起朗读。小组同学一起朗读。小组同学一起朗读。Reading time可以自己朗读课文,也可以和小组同学一 迷你讲座迷你讲座1、四人小组,每人负责讲解一项环保知识、四人小组,每人负责讲解一项环保知识(可以借可以借助板书哦!助板书哦!)。2、讲座结束,台下观众可以尝试、讲座结束,台下观众可以尝试提问提问哦!哦!Why should we.?How do we.?.Mini-lecture 迷你讲座小组合作完成海报。小组合作完成海报。小组合作完成海报。小组合作完成海报。1 1、海报应当包含、海报应当包含、海报应当包含、海报应当包含标题标题标题标题、原因原因原因原因和和和和方法方法方法方法三个部分。三个部分。三个部分。三个部分。2 2、可以选择材料上的一个方面,也可以另选其他、可以选择材料上的一个方面,也可以另选其他、可以选择材料上的一个方面,也可以另选其他、可以选择材料上的一个方面,也可以另选其他方面问题。方面问题。方面问题。方面问题。3 3、四人分工,只要写出关键词即可。、四人分工,只要写出关键词即可。、四人分工,只要写出关键词即可。、四人分工,只要写出关键词即可。动作要快哦!动作要快哦!动作要快哦!动作要快哦!Task小组合作完成海报。2、可以选择材料上的一个方面,也可We should protect the Earth.We should protect the Earth.1 1 熟读课文。熟读课文。熟读课文。熟读课文。2 2 制作一张海报并介绍自己的海报给同学。制作一张海报并介绍自己的海报给同学。制作一张海报并介绍自己的海报给同学。制作一张海报并介绍自己的海报给同学。Homework1 熟读课文。Unit8 Chinese New YearUnit8 Chinese New Year (story timestory timestory timestory time)六年级上册六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year六年级上册 What?a red packetjacket Its a rectangle.Its a good wWhat?firecrackersChildren like to light themLouWhat?fireworksChildren like to watch themcola red packetfirecrackersfireworksa red packetfirecrackersfirewoin January or FebruaryLunar calendar 农历农历Whens Chinese New Year?in January or FebruaryWhens C Whens New Year?Whens New Year?What do people usually do at Chinese New Year?light firecrackersget red packetswatch fireworkswatch Spring Festival Galahave a big dinnerclean the house put up the coupletsWhat do people usually do at C 2015 is the year of the .monkeygoat 2016 is the year of the .2015 is the year of the InformationAnnaHong KongSu Hais e-friendChinese New Year is coming.Su Hai gets an email fromher e-friend Anna in Hong Kong.Dear Su Hai,How are you?Its going to be Chinese New Year next week.Im very excited.Love,AnnaInformationAnnaHong KongSu HaiGuess:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?be going to 表示“将要,即将”I think Anna is going toAnna is going to,I think.Maybe Anna is going toGuess:What is Anna going to d Look and order 看练习纸上的图,先根据图片预测排序。()()()()()()Look and order 看练习纸上的图,先根据图片Read and match(默读默读纸条,了解纸条,了解大意大意,图文图文匹配匹配)First ,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.First ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.First ,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.stick(粘贴粘贴)Read and match(默读纸条,了解大意,图文匹配),were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to ,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going toWhat is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.What is Anna going to do at ChMy family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.Then,in the evening,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan.A:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to 汤圆遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据插图插图插图插图或联系或联系或联系或联系上下文上下文上下文上下文猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!/My family and I are going to b ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.Read and underline(细读细读剩余三页,剩余三页,划出划出Anna做的事情做的事情)遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据?或联系或联系或联系或联系?猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词遇到不懂的单词,可可可可以根据以根据以根据以根据插图插图插图插图或联系或联系或联系或联系 上下文上下文上下文上下文猜测!猜测!猜测!猜测!,my parents are ,my parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.,were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunand uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.,were going to watch fireworks in the evening.Discuss in groups (小组讨论小组讨论;如有如有不会的词句不会的词句,可向组员或老师,可向组员或老师求助求助哦!哦!)A:What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to ,my parents areA:What is Anna going todo at Chinese New Year?B:She Were going to have dinner with my grandparents,my aunt and uncle and my cousin.Then,were going to buy some flowers.aunt uncle cousinaunt uncle cousinrelatives 亲戚亲戚A:What is Anna going toB:ShMy parents are going to give me red packets.Then,were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.When you get the red When you get the red packets,what are you packets,what are you going to do?going to do?dragon danceget red packetsA:What _ Anna _ at Chinese New Year?B:She is going to isgoing to do My parents are going to give m Were going to watch fireworks in the evening.watch fireworksWhere?Victoria HarborA:What _?is Anna going todo at Chinese New YearB:She _.is going to Were going to watch fireworkWatch and check:看动画,检查书上的排序(P80)。Watch and check:看动画,检查书上的排序(PWatch and check:看动画,检查刚才的排序。()()()()()()123456 根据 来排序。时间先后Watch and check:看动画,检查刚才的排序。(?Before Chinese New YearOn Chinese New Years DayOn the second day of Chinese New Year?On Chinese New Years EveRead and find:再读书上课文,划出表示时间的关键词。?SunMonTue Wed ThuFriSat1廿三2廿四3廿五4廿六5廿七6廿八7廿九8正月9初二10初三11初四12初五13初六14初七15初八16初九17初十181920十三21十四22十五23十六24十七25十八26十九27二十February十一Chinese New Years DayChinese New Years Eve2016十二the 2nd day of Chinese New YearSunMonTueWedThuFriSat123456789Read the textRead the textRead the textRead the text英语六年级上册Unit4Thenandnow课件苏教译林版 Before Chinese New YearOn Chinese New Years EveOn Chinese New Years DayOn the second day of Chinese New Year Annas New Year plan Before Chinese New YearOn ChChoose one day to retell.(根据板书,四人小组每人任选一天复述(根据板书,四人小组每人任选一天复述Anna的新年。)的新年。)Retell Choose one day to retell.Retel Think and talk Before/On,we are going to What are you going to do in Suzhou?扫尘扫尘 clean the house 贴对联贴对联 put up couplets 放鞭炮放鞭炮 light the firecrackers 做年糕做年糕 make rice cakes 看春晚看春晚 watch New Year gala 守岁守岁 stay up late蒸馒头蒸馒头 steam buns 吃春卷吃春卷 eat spring rolls 拜年拜年 pay a New Year call Think and talk Before/On,w On Chinese New Years Eve,people in Hong Kong always go to flower markets after dinner.Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Eve,On Chinese New Years Day,people in Hong Kong always eat the food in the box called“lishi”.(利是)Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Day,On Chinese New Years Day,people in Hong Kong go to the temple to worship the god(拜神).Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On Chinese New Years Day,On the 2nd day of Chinese New Year,people in Hong Kong always go to the Victoria Harbour to watch fireworks.Chinese New Year in Hong Kong On the 2nd day of Chinese N Reunion 团圆Blessing祝福Fun ReunionBlessingFunHomework1.Read the storytime,try to know aboutthe others Chinese New Year plan.2.Write a plan for Anna and Su Hais Chinese New Year.Homework


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