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Grammar Adverbs1Grammar Adverbs1副词的构成和种类副词的构成和种类副词的构成:副词的构成:1.加加ly careful-carefully2.-y 改写成改写成 ily angry-angrily3.-ic加加-ally historic-historically4.去去e 加加 ly/y true-truly simple-simply possible-possibly5.不变不变hardfastlateearly2副词的构成和种类副词的构成:2Using adverbs with verbsSome adverbs tell us how people do things.We usually make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives.travel _(wide)be sold _(quick)watch sth._ (close)sit _(quiet)leave the room _(excited)listen to customers _(patient)speak to sb._(rude)behave _(bad)smile_(cheerful)add up all the bills _ (accurate)3Using adverbs with verbsSome*work_(hard)come to school _(late)type _(fast)sing _(good)feel_(well)*get up _(early)*friendly/lively/lovely adj.hardlatefastwellwellearly4*hardlatefastwellwellearly副词的种类副词的种类1.时间时间 before,early,finally ,now 2.地点地点 here ,above ,outside,below,there 3.方式方式 hard ,fast,badly,well4.程度程度 very ,quite,much,still,even,almost.5.频度频度 always,frequently,ever,never 6.连接连接 however,moreover,thus,therefore7.疑问疑问 how,when ,why 5副词的种类1.时间 before,early,副词在句子中的位置副词在句子中的位置 1.时间副词和地点副词的位置时间副词和地点副词的位置(1)表示表示确定确定时间的副词和地点的副词时间的副词和地点的副词,一般放在一般放在句尾句尾,如句中同时有地点副词和时间副词如句中同时有地点副词和时间副词,地点地点副词在副词在前前,时间时间副词在副词在后后.eg.He came to school by taxi yesterday.I couldnt find it though Ive looked everywhere.The captain told the sailors to go out of the hall finally.6副词在句子中的位置 1.时间副词和地点副词的位置6副词在句子中的位置副词在句子中的位置(2)表示表示不确定不确定时间的副词通常放时间的副词通常放在行为动词在行为动词前前,但要放但要放在在be动词动词,助动词助动词,情态动词后情态动词后,如如:always,usually,often,never ever,seldom,sometimes,rarely,generally eg.He never lies after that.He is sometimes late for school.7副词在句子中的位置(2)表示不确定时间的副词通常放在行为动词2.修饰形容词和副词的修饰形容词和副词的程度程度副词副词,除除enough后置后置外外,一般放在被修饰词的一般放在被修饰词的前前面面.副词在此副词在此作状语作状语.如如completely wellwell enoughfast enough Liu Xiang ran fast enough to break the world record.82.修饰形容词和副词的程度副词,除enough后置外,一般放3.修饰动词的修饰动词的方式方式副词的位置副词的位置(1)修饰修饰不及物动词不及物动词时时,该副词要该副词要置后置后,如如:walk slowly His brother can play football well.(2)修饰修饰及物动词及物动词时时,可放在被修饰词之可放在被修饰词之前前或宾语之或宾语之后后,如宾语较长也可放在动词如宾语较长也可放在动词和宾语和宾语之间之间.如如:study English hard,see clearly the words on the blackboard93.修饰动词的方式副词的位置(1)修饰不及物动词时,该副4.修饰修饰名词名词的副词放在被修饰词之的副词放在被修饰词之后后例例:The man there is my father.the students here (3)及物动词和副词及物动词和副词(如如:down,on,off,in,out,up等等)组成的动词词组组成的动词词组,如果宾语如果宾语是名词是名词,该名词可放在副词之前或之后该名词可放在副词之前或之后,如如果宾语是果宾语是代词代词,一定要放在副词前一定要放在副词前.例例:He cut down the tree.He cut the tree down.He cut it down.Pick it up,please.104.修饰名词的副词放在被修饰词之后例:The man Checkout1.My brother can drive as _as I.a.good b.well c.better d.best2.Jerry could _speak English when he was a child.a.hard b.easy c.hardly d.Easily3.I remember_ the key but he denied.a.return b.returned c.returning d.to return 4.I heard a girl _outside and I went out to have a look.a.to cry b.crying c.cried d.cry 5.Simon did as _as his brother in the exam.But his friend did even _.a.badbad b.badlybad c.badlyworse d.badworseBCCBC11CheckoutBCCBC116.The meat smells _.a.really nice b.real nicely c.real nice d.really nicely7.The winter in Shanghai is colder than_.a.Guangzhous winter b.the one in Guangzhou c.that in Guangzhou d.those in Guangzhou 8.The night in the country is_ a.quietly quiet b.quite quietly c.quietly quietly d.quite quiet9.My boss is _with the arrangement in America.a.pleasure b.pleased c.pleasing d.please ACDB126.The meat smells _.ACDB10.The African Ghost Fish has _a lot of eggs.a.lie b.lain c.lay d.laid11.”Ive got an A for my history,”Judy said_ a.sadly b.sad c.happily d.happy12.We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing _these years than ever before.a.quickly b.less quickly c.more quickly d.the most quicklyDCC1310.The African Ghost Fish has 13.Jane speaks English _.a.so fluently as John b.as fluent as John c.more fluent than John d.much more fluently than John14.Mike played _today than yesterday.a.badly b.bad c.worse d.worst15.The baby has been_ for two hours.a.sleeping b.sleepy c.asleep d.slept16.Is there _in todays newspaper?a.wonderful anything b.wonderfully anything c.anything wonderful d.anything wonderfully DCCC1413.Jane speaks English _17.She always sends me a Christmas card,but I _get one from him.a.ever b.never c.often d.Usually18.Rose could _do the work well,could she?a.already b.Hard c.hardly d.Recently19.He is _to join the army.a.young too b.very young c.so young d.too young20.Your English is very _.You speak English very _.a.well well b.good good c.goodwell d.wellgood BCDC1517.She always sends me a Chri1.Nobody else in his class can speak English as fluently as he.(改成同义句改成同义句 )He _ English _ fluently in his class.2.Tony runs faster than Tim.Tim doesnt run _ _ _ Tony.3.Our school is the same size as yours.Our school is as _ as yours.4.The child is so lucky that she received some books from her mother.The child was _ _ to receive some books from her mother.5.Smoking is harmful to your health.Smoking is _ _ your health.Homework161.Nobody else in his class can1.Jack is the tallest of all the students in his class.(改成同义句改成同义句)Jack is _ _ _ _ student in his class.2.Alice danced well.Mary danced better.Alice _ dance _ _ as Mary.3.Put on your coat,or you will catch a cold._ you _ put on your coat,youll catch a cold.Youll catch a cold _ you put on your coat.4.I arrived early in order to catch the bus.I arrived early _ _ I could catch the bus.5.You cant see the stars in the daytime.The stars cant _ _ in the daytime.17Jack is the tallest of all the


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