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广州市小学英语教材广州市小学英语教材 第六册第六册Whos she?How old is she?What does Sue do on weekdays?Do you want to be her pen friend?Shes Sue.Shes twelve.Shes one year older than you.She plays piano.And she practises the piano for half an hour.看看动画,回答问题:动画,回答问题:1.Is Sue Miss Whites former pupil?2.Does Sue study at Lily school in Leeds,England?3.How does Sue go to school?4.What subjects does Sue study at school?观看动画观看动画回答问题回答问题1.Is Sue Miss Whites former pupil?2.2.Does Sue study at Lily School in Leeds,London?3.4.3.How does Sue go to school?5.4.What subjects does Sue study at school?6.Yes,she is.No,she study at Rose School in Leeds,England.She goes to school by school bus.She studyies maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and other subjects.问题答案问题答案Xiaoling:Whos the pretty girl in this _,Miss White?Miss White:Its my _ pupil Sue.She _ at Rose School in Leeds,England now.Xiaoling:Is her school _ her home?朗读课文朗读课文第一次第一次Miss White:No,it isnt.So she gets up _.Xiaoling:How does she go to school?Does she go to _ by underground?Miss White:No,theres no _ in Leeds.She always goes to school by school _.Xiaoling:Does she _ Chinese at school?Miss White:No,she _ maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and other _.Xiaoling:Does she have _ at school?Miss White:Yes,she has lunch at the school _?Xiaoling:Does she _ to do her homework after school?Miss White:Yes,she does.On weekdays she always does her homework for an _ after dinner.And she _the piano for half an hour like _.Xiaoling:_?How _ is she?Miss White:Shes _.Xiaoling:Shes one year older _ me.I want to be her pen _.Could you _ me?Miss White:Id be _ to.You may e-mail _ other.第二次第二次Xiaoling:Whos the _ girl in this _,Miss White?Miss White:Its my _ pupil Sue.She _ at Rose School in _,English now.Xiaoling:Is her school _ her _?Miss White:No,it isnt.So she _ up _.Xiaoling:How does she go to school?Does she go to _ by _?Miss White:No,theres no _ in _.She always goes to school by school _.Xiaoling:Does she _ Chinese at _?Miss White:No,she _ maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and _ _.Xiaoling:Does she have _ at _?Miss White:Yes,she has _ at the school _?Xiaoling:Does she _ to do her _ after school?Miss White:Yes,she does.On _ she always does her homework for an _ after dinner.And she _the piano for _ an hour like _.Xiaoling:_?How _ is she?Miss White:Shes _.Xiaoling:Shes one _ older _ me.I _ to be her pen _.Could you _ me?Miss White:Id be _ to.You may _ _ other.小结:She studies at Rose School in Leeds,England now.So she gets up early.She always goes to school by school bus.She studies maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and other subjects.She has lunch at the school canteen.She always does her homework for and hour after dinner.And she practises the piano for half an hour like you.1、读课文,找出描述、读课文,找出描述Sue生活的生活的句子抄在作业本上,并写出中文。句子抄在作业本上,并写出中文。2、抄写生词各一行,中文一行。、抄写生词各一行,中文一行。3、听写单词、听写单词18。


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