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小学英语课堂用语小学英语课堂用语 我们探讨的内容:我们探讨的内容:小学英语课堂用语的基本原则小学英语课堂用语使用中的常见问题小学英语课堂用语基本类型小学英语课堂用语要点总结小学英语课堂用语的基本原则阶段性原则阶段性原则 交际性原则交际性原则贯穿性原则贯穿性原则重复性原则重复性原则规范性原则规范性原则引导性原则引导性原则激励性原则激励性原则尽量使用英语的原则尽量使用英语的原则UsingEnglishtoexplainEnglish.SpeakEnglishifpossible,speakChineseifnecessary.英语教学语言要注意必要的重复,重英语教学语言要注意必要的重复,重复突出了教与学的重点、讲与练的重复突出了教与学的重点、讲与练的重点,能刺激学生的注意力,提高学习点,能刺激学生的注意力,提高学习效率。尤其是低年级起始年段,反复效率。尤其是低年级起始年段,反复操练运用。操练运用。教师的课堂用语要注意规范性,语音教师的课堂用语要注意规范性,语音语调要正确,养成良好的表达习惯。语调要正确,养成良好的表达习惯。学生具有很强的模仿能力。教师应注学生具有很强的模仿能力。教师应注意语音、语调的准确和规范,用语地意语音、语调的准确和规范,用语地道,把握好语速节奏道,把握好语速节奏从心理学角度来说,鼓励性的课堂从心理学角度来说,鼓励性的课堂语言能满足学生的成就感,增强其语言能满足学生的成就感,增强其自信,避免挖苦学生,学生碰到问自信,避免挖苦学生,学生碰到问题,鼓励或换种简单的方式再问一题,鼓励或换种简单的方式再问一遍。遍。合理使用课堂用语能促使学生思维能力的发展,合理使用课堂用语能促使学生思维能力的发展,引发其从不同角度观察和思考问题,寻求问题答引发其从不同角度观察和思考问题,寻求问题答案和解决问题的方法,拓展发散思维。案和解决问题的方法,拓展发散思维。课堂用语兼有讲授和语言课堂用语兼有讲授和语言示范的双重功能。结合学示范的双重功能。结合学生语言认识的实际水平,生语言认识的实际水平,由浅入深、由简到繁、由由浅入深、由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进易到难、循序渐进英语课堂教学是英语教学最直接、英语课堂教学是英语教学最直接、最有效的交际情景。最有效的交际情景。1、抓好起始、抓好起始阶段,养成讲英语的习惯。(日常阶段,养成讲英语的习惯。(日常交际英语常用的问候语和指令语)交际英语常用的问候语和指令语)2、根据单元要求,突出重点,有、根据单元要求,突出重点,有的放矢。的放矢。目前小学英语教师在使用课堂目前小学英语教师在使用课堂教学用语中存在的问题教学用语中存在的问题问题一:问题一:课堂用语不规范,说话错误多课堂用语不规范,说话错误多1.语法错误:语法错误:e.g.Can you tell me when did you leave home this morning?Can you tell me when you left home this morning?Can you guess what does it mean?Can you guess what it means?2.用词不当:用词不当:e.g.Can you make a sentence about“how long”?Can you make a sentence with “how long?”?Idlike some ofstudents to come to the front now.Id like some of you to come to the front now.Payattentionthedifference.Payattentiontothedifference.()()Lookathere.Lookhere.()()3.习惯性错误习惯性错误:e.g.Teacher:Whats your name?Student:Joey Teacher:How to spell?How do you spell the name?Canyouguesswhatdoesitmean?Canyouguesswhatitmeans?()()4.词序错误:词序错误:Letsseethetwosentence.Onemorestudents.()()Letsseethetwosentences.Onemorestudent.5.单复数混淆:单复数混淆:Eachcharacterpronouncedasonesyllable.Eachcharacterispronouncedasonesyllable.()()6.语态不当:语态不当:目前小学英语教师在使用课堂目前小学英语教师在使用课堂教学用语中存在的问题教学用语中存在的问题问题二:问题二:课堂用语不系统,说话随意性大课堂用语不系统,说话随意性大中文式英语:中文式英语:e.g.Read together.Read it together./Read the dialogue together.Give you five minutes to finish the exercise.Please finish the exercise in five minutes.Summary(总结):教师出现的错误多为单复数混用,动词教师出现的错误多为单复数混用,动词短语搭配不当等。出现这些错误的主要短语搭配不当等。出现这些错误的主要原因是因为教师说话的语速过快,造成原因是因为教师说话的语速过快,造成一些口误,还有就是受中文思维的影响。一些口误,还有就是受中文思维的影响。小学英语课堂教学用语小学英语课堂教学用语的基本类型的基本类型课堂教学用语分类:目前教师的课堂用语根据其功能可大致分为四类:问候类(Greeting)、指令类(Instructions)、提问式(Questions)、评价类(Evaluation)等四类。Lets start now.Lets begin our class.Lets begin our lesson.Its time for class.Shall we begin our class now?Stand up,please.Sit down,please.上课(上课(Beginningaclass)问候语(问候语(Greetings)Hello,boysandgirlschildrenGoodmorning,classeveryoneeverybodychildrenboysandgirlsGoodafternoon,classeveryoneeverybodychildrenboysandgirlsHowareyoutoday?Goodmorning/afternoon,kids.Itssonice/Imsohappytoseeyouagain.May I know your name?(Thats a nice name.)Could you tell me your name,please?(Youve got a beautiful name.I really like it.)Shall we begin our lesson now?Lets start our class,shall we?Whos on duty today?Whos helping this morning/today?Is everyone/everybody here/present?Is anyone/anybody away/absent?Whos absent?/Whos away?Where is he/she?Try to be on time./Dont be late next time.What day is it today?Whats the date today?Whats the weather like today?考勤(考勤(Checkingattendance)自我介绍(Self-introduction)Now,let me introduce myself.Ill just tell you a bit about myself.My name is.You can call me.Im your new English teacher.Ill be teaching you English this term/semester.Ive got four lessons with you each week.Lets start workingLets begin/start our lesson.First,lets review/do some review.What did we learn in the last lesson?Who can tell/remember what we did in the last lesson/yesterday?We have some new words/sentences.Now were going to do something newdifferentNow lets learn something newWe have some new words/sentences.宣布宣布(Announcing)Ready?Are you ready?Did you get there?/Do you understand?Is that clear?Do you know what to do?Be quiet,pleaseQuiet,pleaseListen,pleaseListen carefully,please提醒注意提醒注意(DirectingAttention)Listen to the tape recorderthe recordingLook carefully,pleaseLook over hereWatch carefullyAre you watching?Please look at the blackboardpicturemapPay attention to your spellingpronunciationStart!Start nowEverybody togetherAll togetherPractise in a group/in groups,pleaseGet into groups of threefourEverybody find a partnerfriendIn pairs,pleaseOne at a timeLets do it one by one课堂活动课堂活动(Classroomactivities)Now you,please(Students name)Its your turn now(Students name)Next,pleaseNow you do the same,pleaseLets actLets act outdo the dialogueWho wants to be A?Practise the dialogue,pleaseNow Tom will be A,and the other one will be B课堂活动课堂活动(Classroomactivities)Please take(play)the part ofWhose turn is it?Its your turn.Wait your turn,pleaseStand in lineLine upOne by oneOne at a time,pleaseIn twosIn pairsDont speak outTurn around课堂活动课堂活动(Classroomactivities)热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson)Lets do actions!Clap your hands.Stamp your feet.Wave your arms.Nod your head.Shake your head.Now,lets sing the song“If You Are Happy”.Now,lets play the game“Simon says”.热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson)Have you ever been to the zoo?Can you tell me what animals in the zoo you can say in English?In todays lesson,well learn something about animals English names.Look at the cards.What do you see on this card?热身、新课导入(Warming-up&Introduction to a New Lesson)There are all kinds of fruits in our life:apples,oranges,watermelons Please tell me what your favorite fruit is and why.Could you please try it again?Could you please try the next one?Will you please help me?Will you please read the dialogue?请求请求(Requests)Can you try?Try,pleaseTry your bestDo your bestThink it over and try againDont be afraidshy鼓励鼓励(Encouraging)指令(指令(Givinginstructions)SayRead after me,pleaseFollow me,pleaseDo what I doRepeat,pleaseRepeat after meOnce more,pleaseOne more time,pleaseCome here,pleasePlease come to the frontCome up and write on the blackboardCome and write it on the blackboardPlease go back to your seat指示指示/演示语演示语Put your hands up,pleaseRaise your hands,please.Put down your hands,pleaseHands down,pleaseSay itWrite it in ChineseEnglishIn English,please.Please take out your booksPlease open your books at pageFind page.Turn to Page指示指示/演示语演示语Please answer the/my questionquestionsPlease read this letterwordsentence out loudPlease read out this letterwordsentencePlease stop nowStop here,pleaseClean up your deskthe classroom,pleaseIts clean-up timeTidy up your deskthe classroomPut your things awayClean off your deskClean the blackboard指示指示/演示语演示语Listen and repeatLook and listenRepeat after meFollow the words.Hurry!Hurry up,pleaseDo it fast.Slowly/Slow down,please.Bring me some chalk,pleaseStop talkingStop talking now,pleaseDont talkEverybody be quiet,pleaseSettle down禁止和警告禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)提问(提问(Questioning)Are you clear?Do you understand?(Have you)Got it?/Did you get it?Who wants to come to the front?Please wait a minute/moment/second.Im sorry.Can you say that again?You know what I mean/what Im saying/talking about?Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?问与答问与答(AskingandAnswering)Whod like to answer the question?Who can answer this question?Who knows the answer?Would you like to try,Tim?Would you like a second try?Would you like someone to help you?Whod like to help?Any volunteers?问与答问与答(AskingandAnswering)校对答案和纠错(Answer Check and Correction)Raise your hand if you know the answer.Lets see what the correct answer is.Who can point out the mistake?Lets see who is correct here.Did you get it right?The correct answer to this question is B.Can anyone tell me why?How many of you have got it right?Lets continue with the next question.反馈语是课堂教学活动的重要组成部分,是教师评价和评估学生课堂表现的重要手段,也是推动教学活动进展的有效方法。反馈语反馈语Not bad.Thank you.Good!Thank you.Good.Thats a good answer.Thank you.Quite good!Very good!Great!(You did a good job.)Excellent!(Lets give him/her a big hand!)Wonderful!(Im so proud of you.)Well done!(Good boy/girl.)Your answer is very good!肯定式评语参与式评语启发式纠错反馈语的种类反馈语的种类Not bad.Thank you.(Im sure you can do it better next time.)Good!Thank you.(I could see youve practiced a lot.)Good kid.Thats a good answer.Thank you.Quite good!(I really appreciate your effort.)Very good!(I really enjoy it.)肯定性评语肯定性评语Great!(You did a good job.)Excellent!(Lets give him/her a big hand!)Wonderful!(Im so proud of you.)Well done!(Good boy/girl/kid.)Your answer is very good!(I admire your work.)Nice going!(You make a great progress.)肯定性评语肯定性评语What a bright idea!Thank you.Thats a great answer.(I really like it.)You did a good job!(Were so proud of you!)Good point!(I really enjoy it.)Good job!(Im very pleased with your work.)Smart!(What an adorable baby!)肯定性评语肯定性评语Clever!(I envy you very much.)Perfect!(Youre very professional.)You are such a smart boy/girl/kid!You got sharp eyes/ears.I couldnt believe my ears!肯定性评语肯定性评语T:Many people think winter is cold.And what do you think?S:I think winter is warm.T:Why do you think it is warm?S:In winter,I can sit with my parents,and we can watch TV in the living room.I feel warm.T:Yeah,I think it will be warm when you are with your family.情景情景1:启发性评价策略就是在学生参与学习活动的过程中,对学习结果进行评价之后追问一个问题,再评价,再追问这种“不断追问”的启发性策略注重强化学生对知识的学习、掌握和运用,促进学生更广泛地获取英语知识,培养他们的英语兴趣和创新意识。启发性评价策略启发性评价策略:S:I like summer best because I can eat ice cream.T:Wow,what do you think of the ice cream?S:They are sweet.T:Are they cool?S:Yes,they are cool.T:In summer,you can eat sweet and cool ice cream,summer is very.S:Summer is very sweet and cool.情景情景7:参与式评语参与式评语 在采用学生之间互相评价的手段时,在采用学生之间互相评价的手段时,教师要注意不要拿学生跟别人比,要拿学教师要注意不要拿学生跟别人比,要拿学生同他自己比。在让学生参加评价时可以生同他自己比。在让学生参加评价时可以使用疑问和反意疑问句。使用疑问和反意疑问句。Is it good?Isnt it a good answer?Do you like his/her answer/reading?Did he/she do a good job?I dont think so.He/she did an excellent job,didnt he/she?启发式纠错 当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言,如:的评价语言,如:You are wrong.Its You are wrong.Its not correct.not correct.对回答不出问题来的学生不对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用要简单地使用“Sit down”Sit down”,要给他们可能,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性。习积极性。Thats very close.Go on!Its almost right.Try again,please.Come on!Think it over.Im sure you can do it.Sorry,Im sure you can do it better next time.Im sorry.Would you like a second try?/Would you like to try again?Not bad.Go on,please.Come on,Its very close.It doesnt matter.Im sure you can do it better next time.非语言评价及策略 非语言评价非语言评价既运用手势,表情(眼神、既运用手势,表情(眼神、面容、微笑)及其他肢体动作语言(面容、微笑)及其他肢体动作语言(body body languagelanguage)来对学生的学习进行的评价。在来对学生的学习进行的评价。在使用语言行为评价方式的同时注意非语言评使用语言行为评价方式的同时注意非语言评价方式的使用可以加强评价效果。价方式的使用可以加强评价效果。布置作业布置作业(Assigning Homework)For todays homeworkPractise after classPractise at homeSay it out loud,before you write It downCopyPrintWrite each word twiceRemember(Memorize)these wordssentencesDo your homeworkDo the next lessonDo the new workCopy/Write each word five times.结束课堂教学结束课堂教学(Dismissing the class)Hand in your workbooks,pleaseTime is upThe bell is ringingTheres the bellThere goes the bellLets stop hereThats all for todayClass is overGood byeByeSee you next time内容型课堂用语内容型课堂用语语音语音(Pronunciation)Now,lets practice some sounds.Well begin with the/e/sound.Sometimes“ea”is pronouncedDid you hear the difference?Open your mouth wide.Thats right.Lets try it one more time.拼读拼读(Spelling)Lets spell this word.Can you spell this word?Who would like to spell the word“heavy”for me?词汇词汇(Vocabulary)Can you tell me what“U.S.”stands for?What is 汤汤 in English?Whats the English for“桃子桃子”?“Alive”is the antonym of the word“dead”.“Fast”is a synonym of the word“quick”.读读(Reading)Im going to read the sentences for you.Who can read the last line?Well read it a little faster/more quickly.Lets read this one together.I want you to read the conversation in pairs.Ill divide you into two groups.Group One read John and Group Two read Kate.I want you to read this passage loudly.听听(Listening)Lets have some listening practice.Please listen carefully.Listen to the tape and repeat/read after the tape.Listen to the passage/conversation twice and then answer the questions.说(Speaking)please tell me what you did this last weekend.Could you say something about your hometown?Take a careful look at the picture and then describe what you can see in the park.对子和分组活动对子和分组活动(Pair Work and Group Work)Now Id like you to work in pairs and practice this dialogue.Lets do some pair work.Practise in groups,pleaseDiscuss this story in your group.Now you are making trip plans with your friends in each group.角色表演角色表演(Role-playing)Lets actLets act out the dialogueLets do the dialogue Who wants to be A?Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B Id like another group to act it out again.Could you act(the part of)John?Who would like to play(the part of)Jenny?游戏游戏(Games)Now,were going to play a game.You will use these words to play the game.Lets play a guessing game.Guess what/where/who it is.If you win the game,you may have some candy.You three play together.You will be first.Whos the first one/winner?Did you win?Well score on the board and see which team wins.讲故事讲故事(Story-telling)Today Im going to tell you a story.Now we are going to read a story about.Long,long ago,there was a Look at the picture here and guess what might happen next?Do you like Snow White?歌曲和歌谣歌曲和歌谣(Songs and Rhymes)This morning,we are going to learn a new song.This song is aboutIll sing it first.You listen.OK?Lets sing this song together.This time,we will sing the song a little faster.http:/ 小学英语课堂用语要点总结小学英语课堂用语要点总结一、课堂用语简短化二、课堂用语体态化三、课堂用语韵句化四、课堂调控习惯化五、课堂教学直观化六、适当配合母语化Thank you all Thank you all for your attentionfor your attention


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