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eyeeyesClose my.earTouch myears.noseTouch my nose.mouthOpen my mouth.Whats missing?(没了什么?)没了什么?)They are _.eyesWhats missing?(没了什么?)(没了什么?)They are_.earsWhats missing?Its a _.mouthRead and say 读读看handsOpen my.armslegsTouch my.Read and say 读读看feetfootTouch my.faceTouch my脸脸kneeTouch your膝盖膝盖kneeskneestoesTouch his脚趾脚趾headTouch her头头hairTouch her头发头发neckTouch your脖子脖子backTouch your后背后背facekneestoesheadhairneckback摸鼻子!摸鼻子!张开嘴!张开嘴!闭上眼!闭上眼!P41 Activity 1.Look,read,and match.bodyeyespearhandsbanananoseThe watermelon is his _.The strawberries are his _.The _ is his head.The cherries are his _.The _ is his mouth.The lemon is his _.Im Mr.Fruit.This is a _.It has long _ and long _.monkeyarmslegs This is an _.It has big _ and a long _.elephantearsnoseThis is a _.It has long _.rabbitears This is a hippo.It has a big _.mouth(我说,你做)(我说,你做)Touch your Open yourClose yourOne say,one do.Touch your nose Touch your ears.Touch your eyes.Touch your toes.(脚趾脚趾)Touch your mouth.Touch your feet.Touch your nose!Story1.What are Tony and Gogo doing?2.What is the toy doing?They are making a toy(玩具)(玩具).He is dancing(跳舞跳舞).托尼和果果正在制作玩具托尼和果果正在制作玩具这个这个是他的身体。是他的身体。这些这些是他的手臂。是他的手臂。这个这个是他的头。是他的头。Key points答句答句:This is his body.答句答句:These are his arms.1.What is this?2.What are these?Group working read these two pictures as loudly as possible in group (组内大声朗读)这个这个是他的嘴。是他的嘴。这些这些是他的腿。是他的腿。Read in roles read these four pictures in roles(组内分角色朗读)他正在干什么?他正在干什么?他正在跳舞。他正在跳舞。他是匹诺曹!他是匹诺曹!Key points(表示正在发生或进行)(表示正在发生或进行)isamare+动词动词ing你在干什么?你在干什么?What are you doing?我在阅读。我在阅读。I am reading.他他/她在干什么?她在干什么?What is he/she doing?他他/她在画画。她在画画。He/She is drawing.Group working read these two pictures as loudly as possible in group (组内大声朗读)表演要求(达到一条要求得一分)1.人人参与,并记好自己的台词。人人参与,并记好自己的台词。2.发音正确,声音洪亮。发音正确,声音洪亮。3.表情、动作、语音语调符合自己的台词。表情、动作、语音语调符合自己的台词。4.能很好地利用道具。能很好地利用道具。Hello!Were group_.Ready?Go!Thats all!Thank you.Any ideas?表演内容表演内容Whats this?This is an apple.What are these?These are apples.lets see同学们,认真观察下面的句子,你能找到同学们,认真观察下面的句子,你能找到This is和和These are的用法有什么规律吗?的用法有什么规律吗?This is my hand.These are my hands.This is my eye.These are my eyes.This is my book.These are my books.This is 后面用名词的后面用名词的单数单数。例如:。例如:This is my ear.These are 后面用名词的后面用名词的复数复数。例如:。例如:These are my ears.同学们,请用同学们,请用This is 或者或者 These are填空,你会吗?填空,你会吗?1._ my arm.2._ her eyes.3._ his pens.4._ my ruler.5._ my foot._ her feet.This is These areThis isThese areThis isThese areP40 Practice 1This is hereyeThis is hisn o s eThis is hismouthHello!Im _.This is my _.This is my _.This is my _.Teddy bearearnoseeyeHello!Im _.These are my _.These are my _.These are my _.Teddy bearearshandseyesTHANKS


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