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Warmingup pSkimmingDiggingCriticalthinkingLanguageinuseUnfamiliarwordsInterpretingTalkingpoint Warming upSkimmingDiggingCritWarming up Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear.What is the greatest human achievement of all time?There are so many ways of looking at that question!Itcould be something that happened back in pre-history,like the discovery of how to make soup,or an epic journey,when the first humans arrived in America or Europe,for example.Or it could be the product of genius,like Darwins understanding of evolution or Einsteins theory of relativity,or in the practical genius of an engineer or the creative genius of an artist.What is the greatest human achievement of all time?There are so many ways of looking at that question!Itcould be something that happened back in pre-history,like the discovery of how to make soup,or an epic journey,when the first humans arrived in America or Europe,for example.Or it could be the product of genius,like Darwins understanding of evolution or Einsteins theory of relativity,or in the practical genius of an engineer or the creative genius of an artist.Warming up Listen and underliWarming upOther people might take a different view,and see humanity at its best in an act of heroism,or some imaginative achievement,or even just a simple act of unselfish generosity.It depends on how you look at it.But whichever way you look at it,there seem to be no explanation for the human spirit.And,linked to this idea,whatever the future brings it will be different to what we imagined.Other people might take a different view,and see humanity at its best in an act of heroism,or some imaginative achievement,or even just a simple act of unselfish generosity.It depends on how you look at it.But whichever way you look at it,there seem to be no explanation for the human spirit.And,linked to this idea,whatever the future brings it will be different to what we imagined.Warming upOther people might tWarming upNow listen again and correct the information.soup fire;Europe Australia;engineer inventor;imaginative sporting;even just even just;explanation for limits to Answer:Warming upNow listen again andWarming up Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 Which of the speakers ideas(if any)do you agree with?2 Which is the greatest discovery ever made,and why?3 Which is the greatest scientific theory ever formulated,and why?4 Which is the greatest invention ever made,and why?5 What for you is the greatest example of the human spirit?Warming up Work in pairs and Warming up1 Which of the speakers ideas(if any)do you agree with?I agree there are many different aspects of human achievements.true that most predictions turn out to be worthless,so our guesses as to the future are doomed to be wrong.Warming up1 Which of the speakWarming up2 Which is the greatest discovery ever made,and why?Thats an unfair question when weve just agreed there are too many different types to consider.I think the development of an understanding of electricity.Without it very little of our modern world could be quite as it is today.Warming up2 Which is the greatWarming up3 Which is the greatest scientific theory ever formulated,and why?The Big Bang theory(创世大爆炸理论创世大爆炸理论)is great as it tells us something about the origin of everythingyou cannot get a bigger topic than that!It depends on what you mean by“great”maybe the theory of relativity since so much of the most recent science depends on it.Warming up3 Which is the greatWarming up4 Which is the greatest invention ever made,and why?Writingthat meant we could actually record our thoughts and so start building on past ideas instead of starting from the beginning every time.Warming up4 Which is the greatWarming up5 What for you is the greatest example of the human spirit?Our drive to leave our own planet and start exploring space itself.Musicsomething which has no clear use,but shows our species interest in something for its own sake and beauty.Warming up5 What for you is th Check()the idea on which you think the theory of evolution is based.1 the survival of the strongest 2 the survival of the healthiest 3 the survival of those most able to adapt to change 4 the survival of the most intelligentWarming up Check()the idea on which SkimmingBrowse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 159.TaskTaskSkimmingBrowse the passage wiSkimming Complete the facts about evolution according to Darwins theory.1 All forms of life are _.(a)variable (b)stable2 All forms of life come from _.(a)one common origin (b)different originsAnswer:(a)Answer:(a)Skimming Complete the facts aSkimming3 Natural selection occurs as a result of _.(a)differences in intelligence (b)differences in genes4 Forms of life survive when they are _.(a)stronger than others (b)able to adaptAnswer:(b)Answer:(b)Skimming3 Natural selection ocSkimming5 Sexual selection is based on finding a mate that is _.(a)healthy (b)intelligent6 Sexual selection may require males to _.(a)take risks (b)waste timeAnswer:(a)Answer:(a)Skimming5 Sexual selection is 1 When did Darwin begin the research that became his theory of evolution?2 What did Darwin find particularly interesting about the Galpagos Islands?3 Why did Darwin keep his research secret for 14 years?During a voyage on board the HMS Beagle.It had wildlife unlike anywhere else.He wanted to make sure his theory was completely correct.Skimming Answer the questions.1 When did Darwin begin the re4 Why did Darwin publish it in a hurry?5 What different reactions greeted his work,and why?6 In what way did Darwin feel guilty about his own theory?Another scientist came up with a similar theory.Many people applauded it,but many also attacked it.He was sad because he upset a lot of peoplehis theory contradicted the popular belief at that time about the creation of the world.Skimming4 Why did Darwin publish it in7 Who are“creationists”and what have they tried to do in the US?8 What has happened to Darwins theory over the last 150 years?Creationists are people who believe the world was created in seven days by a higher being.They tried to ban the teaching of evolution in schools.Darwins theory has been studied and tested intensely,and has become a widely accepted scientific theory.Skimming7 Who are“creationists”and w9 Where does the greatness of Darwin lie?His willingness to follow the logic of his thoughts and findings,and his ability to see that science need not be less beautiful and mysterious than religion.Skimming9 Where does the greatness of The miracle of evolution译文译文Digging1 “It is like confessing a murder.”These were the words the British scientist Charles Darwin used in a letter to a friend announcing he had finally understood the mystery of how species developthe theory of evolution.Main idea of the textThe miracle of evolution译文DiggDigging2 But why would Darwin suggest that his extraordinary theory,which embraces biology,politics,economics,and the philosophy of religion,implied such an evil crime?And why did the theory of evolution cause such debate 150 years ago,and continue to create such a fuss even today?Digging2 But why would Dar译文译文Digging3 Lets summarize the theory of evolution.First of all,although forms of life,such as animals,plants,insects or humans,are variable,we are all descended from a common ancestor.Secondly,these life forms have evolved by a process of natural selection,in which some individuals have small differences in the genes which they have inherited and which give them a better chance of surviving or reproducing than individuals lacking these traits.Over time,these advantages become normal,and createa population which is highly suited to its environment and which can adapt to change.译文Digging3 Lets summarize 4 This second part of the theory has been called the“survival of the fittest”,although what Darwin actually said was,“It is not the strongest of the species that survives,nor the most intelligent that survives.It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”Digging4 This second part of the Digging5 But survival was not enough.Darwin proposed the concept of sexual selection,which suggests that some members of a species have an advantage over others when they choose a mate to breed with.Generally,sexually selected features indicate good health because their development depends on good health or a good diet.Digging5 But survival was Digging6 Furthermore,these sexually selected features may show that all males within a species can survive,despite the physical risks that the features might impose.To illustrate this part of the theory,Darwin used the example of the peacock,which has evolved long,magnificent feathers to attract females even though they might make it difficult to escape danger.Digging6 Furthermore,these Digging7 It was during a journey aboard the HMS Beagle around South America,Australia,New Zealand and the southern Pacific that Darwin began his comparative research on different species of birds,animals and plants.When the Beagle dropped anchor in a bay off the Remote Galpagos Islands in the Pacific,he observed that the curious wildlife was unlike that anywhere else.Why?Digging7 It was during a jo8 On his return to England with his cargo of specimens,Darwin spent 14 years devising his theory on how life kept changing.It was during these years that the facts he had observed and the inferences he had made during his research formed the basis of the theory.Digging8 On his return to England DiggingBut he kept it secret,refining it and making sure it was valid against all objections.It was only when another scientist came up with a similar theory that,in great haste,Darwin finally presented his own findings in The Origin of Species,published in 1859,It was greeted with applause by his colleagues.It was also easy and compelling to read,and quickly became a best-seller.DiggingBut he kept it secret,9 But the knowledge the book contained was not popular with Western society at the time.Until then,most scientists,some of whom were even priests,wanted to show that their research findings were in accordance with religious beliefs.Digging9 But the knowledge the boDiggingTo many people,the idea that man was descended from another form of animal,such as a monkey,was simply not plausible,it was nonsense.Furthermore,Darwin was married to a highly religious woman.His conscience wouldnt allow him to upset her or his enemies by making public his theory which destroyed the view current at that time on how the world was created.10 This was the evil crime he felt forced to confess.DiggingTo many people,the ideDigging11 Darwins great idea has been abused and attacked ever since.At the time,it caused a fierce debate among men of religion and men of science,especially among Darwins allies.The theory violated accepted religious belief and the Church of England could simply not tolerate it.Yet its rejection was a denial of scientific fact.Digging11 Darwins great iDigging12 The fight has been going on ever since,and is notable for its lack of tolerance towards scientific fact.In America,creationists tried to prevent the teaching of evolution in schools.Even today,in the United States,more people believe that the world was created in seven days by ahigher being than accept Darwinism.Britain too has some schools teaching“Creationism”or“Intelligent Design”meaning the creation or design of the human species by one single and intelligent beingrather than the truth ofevolution.Digging12 The fight has beenDigging13 But Darwins theories have been studied and tested intensely for over 150 years,and are still applicable today.Real science has shown again and again that far from natural selection weakening,it is in fact even stronger and faster than Darwin realized.Digging13 But Darwins theorDiggingHis ideas influenced psychology,and with our greater understanding about our genetic profile today,provoke arguments about the very future of humanity.Modern-day awareness of environmental issues reflects Darwins understanding of the complex and delicate connection of all living things.DiggingHis ideas influenced psDigging14 While defending his theory of evolution,Darwin once wrote,“There was a grandeur in this view of life.that whilst this planet has gone on cycling according to the fixed law of gravity,from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been,and are being evolved.”Digging14 While defending hiDigging15 His choice of words was inspired.On the one hand,we might infer that he held a very traditional view of how life began,similar even to that held by those who attacked him.Yet,at the same time they describe the miracle of one of the most important and comprehensive scientific theories of all time.Digging15 His choice of wordThe quotation reconciles two totally opposite views,and moves to a higher dimension with its profound insightinto the universe in which we live,and the mystery of its creation.16 That was Darwins courage,and his genius.DiggingThe quotation reconciles two t1“There was a grandeur in this view of life.that whilst this planet has gone on cycling according to the fixed law of gravity,from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been,and are being evolved.”(Line 2,Para 14)In response to the criticism that his scientific theory took away the beauty of earlier creation myths,Darwin replied that his theory had great majesty of its own:As the Earth had orbited the sun for aeons(极漫极漫长的时期长的时期)according to fixed laws of physics,everything biological on the planet had undergone constant change,producing the most marvellous and surprising creatures.Difficult sentences 1“There was a grandeur in tDifficult sentences 2 The quotation reconciles two totally opposite views,and moves to a higher dimension with its profound insight into the universe in which we live,and the mystery of its creation.(Line 7,Para 15)From these words above we can see that the theory of evolution is not a dull materialistic theory,but a combination of science and a mystery of great beauty.A scientific explanation does not take away the wonder of life.Difficult sentences 2 The quot fuss 释义释义n.sing,U a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something 紧张不安;大惊小怪;小题大做例句例句I dont what the fuss is abouthe seems like a fairly ordinary looking guy to me.我看不出来为什么那么激动,在我看来他只不过是个长相普通的家伙。翻译翻译Words例句例句She made no fuss when seeing a snake.看到蛇的时候她一点也不紧张。翻译翻译 fuss 释义n.sing,U a lot summarize 释义释义v.to provide a short account of the most important facts or features of something 总结,概括,概述(某事物的要点)例句例句Ill just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words.我会用几句话把争论的要点概括一下。翻译翻译Words例句例句At the end of the news,they often summarize the main news stories.在新闻结束的时候,他们常常会总结一下主要的新闻内容。翻译翻译 summarize 释义v.to provide a 释义释义n.C 昆虫;虫Words例句例句Ants,flies and butterflies are all insects.蚂蚁、苍蝇和蝴蝶都是昆虫。翻译翻译例句例句Ive got some sort of insect bite on my leg.我腿上被小虫咬了一口。翻译翻译 insect 释义n.C 昆虫;虫Words例句Ants,flie释义释义a.changing often 多变的Words例句例句The interest rate is quite variable.利率总是不断变化。翻译翻译例句例句The weather in Britain is variable in the spring.英国春天的天气变化无常。翻译翻译 variable 释义a.changing often 多变的Words例句释义释义a.adaptable people can change their behaviour or ideas easily in order to deal with new situations 能适应新环境的;适应力强的Words例句例句The survivors in this life seem to be those who are adaptable to changes.能在这种生活状态下幸存的人似乎都是那些能适应变化的人。翻译翻译例句例句It is a necessary quality to be adaptable to the ever-changing working environment.能适应不断变化的工作环境是一种必备素质。翻译翻译 adaptable 释义a.adaptable people can chan释义释义1vi.if animals breed,they become the parents of young animals(动物)生育,繁殖Wordsbreed例句例句Most birds breed in the spring.大多数鸟类在春天繁殖。翻译翻译例句例句Some dogs breed for their fighting nature.有些狗繁殖是为了保持它们好斗的本性。翻译翻译释义1vi.if animals breed,they 释义释义2vt.to produce new plants or animals from existing ones,especially in order to produce plants or animals with particular qualities 培植;育(种)例句例句He devoted himself to breeding wheat.他致力于培植新品种的小麦。翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译Breeding new plants costs a great deal.培植新品种作物成本颇高。breed It took him several months to breed the wild horse.(June 1995,CET-4,Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题释义2vt.to produce new plants o释义释义n.C,U the food that a person or animal usually eats 食物;饮食例句例句Diet varies between different countries in the world.世界各国的饮食各不相同。翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译Children seem to prefer a diet of burgers and chips.孩子们似乎更喜欢将汉堡和薯条作为日常饮食。diet 释义n.C,U the food that a pe释义释义1a.involving the comparison of two or more things 比较的;相比的例子例子翻译翻译Words例句例句She is carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.翻译翻译她正在对市中心和乡村地区的健康问题进行比较研究。slow的比较级形式是slower。comparative The comparative form of“slow”is“slower”.释义1a.involving the comparison释义释义2a.judged in comparison to something such as a previous situation or state 相比较而言的;相对的例句例句翻译翻译Words例句例句There is perhaps no absolute freedom in the world,but only comparative freedom.翻译翻译世上大概没有绝对的自由,只有相对的自由。在办公室忙碌一天之后,我喜欢他公寓里相对安静的环境。comparative I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.释义2a.judged in comparison to 释义释义n.C an opinion you form about something that is based on information you already have 推论;推理;推断例句例句By inference many people were injured in the accident.据推测,许多人在事故中受伤了。翻译翻译Wordsinference 例句例句His change of mind was recent and sudden,the inference being that someone had persuaded him.他最近突然改变了主意,估计是有人说服力他。翻译翻译释义n.C an opinion you form a释义释义vt.to make some changes to something in order to improve it 改良;改进例句例句Engineers spent many months refining the software.工程师花费数月来改进这个软件。翻译翻译Words例句例句The theory is highly refined to explain more phenomena.这一理论被完善以解释更多现象。翻译翻译refine 释义vt.to make some changes to 释义释义1a.reasonable and generally accepted 有根据的,令人信服的例句例句He has made such a valid argument that everyone was persuaded.他的言论是如此令人信服,以至于每一个人都被他说服了。翻译翻译Words例句例句My reason might be different from yours,but its equally valid.我的理由或许和你的不同,但同样有理有据。翻译翻译valid释义1a.reasonable and generally释义释义2a.a valid document or ticket will be accepted by officials(文件或票证)有效的例句例句My passport is valid for another two years.我的护照还有两年才到期。翻译翻译Words例句例句Is this agreement still valid?这份协议还有效吗?翻译翻译valid释义2a.a valid document or tick释义释义n.U(in with)in a way that follows a rule,system,or someones wishes 依照;依据;与一致例句例句In accordance with her wishes,she was buried in France.根据她的遗愿,人们将她葬在法国。翻译翻译Words例句例句In accordance with the law,parents cannot beat their children.翻译翻译根据法律规定,家长不能打孩子。accordance释义n.U(in with)in a way 释义释义a.likely to be true 可能正确的;有道理的例句例句His explanation sounds quite plausible.他的解释听上去很有道理。翻译翻译Words例句例句The assumption is plausible,but not definite.这一假设可能正确,但还不确定。翻译翻译plausible 释义a.likely to be true 可能正确的;有释义释义n.C,U the ideas and feelings you have that tell you whether something you are doing is right or wrong 良心;良知例句例句You didnt do anything wrongyou should have a clear conscience.你没做错什么,应该问心无愧。翻译翻译Words例句例句My conscience would really trouble me if I wore a fur coat.要是我穿皮草,我会良心不安。翻译翻译conscience释义n.C,U the ideas and feel释义释义a.involving very strong feelings such as determination,anger,or hate 感情强烈的;激烈的例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe expansion plans will face fierce opposition from environmentalists.扩建计划会遭到环保主义者的强烈反对。例句例句翻译翻译There is fierce competition in the market.市场竞争很激烈。fierce Owing to fierce competition among the airlines,travel expenses have been reduced considerably.(Jan.2003,CET-4,Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题释义a.involving very strong fee释义释义1n.C someone who is ready to help you,especially against someone else who is causing problems for you 支持者;盟友例句例句翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译He has proved his affection for the US and his loyalty as an ally.他证明了他对美国的热爱和作为一名盟友的忠诚。He is generally considered to be the Prime Ministers closest political ally.人们普遍认为他是首相最亲密的政治盟友。ally 释义1n.C someone who is ready释义释义2 n.C a country that makes an agreement with another country that they will work together to help each other,especially in a war(尤指战争中的)盟国,同盟国例句例句翻译翻译WordsNorth Korea is one of Chinas allies.朝鲜是中国的同盟国之一。ally 例句例句翻


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