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1*2 Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Part 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart 3Part 4*Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa3 Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Part 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart 3Part 4*Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa4 Do you know what transfer is?Why the airlines set the transitcounter/desk?Please search the internet and talk about it with yourpartner.1*Do you know what transfer is?5 Herearefourtransferproceduresand“whattoDo”ineachstep.Pleasematchthemandrearrange1theproceduresinrightorder.2What to DoProceduresa.When you get off the plane,you can enter the Terminal Building by boarding bridge3 or ferry bus4.b.You can proceed to transit counter5 to complete transfer formalities.c.You can wait for your flight at the boarding gate designated6 on your boarding pass.d.You can claim the baggage at the Baggage Claim Hall7.1.Flight Boarding2.Baggage Claim3.Arrival4.Complete Transfer Formalities21c2d3a4b*Here are four transfer procedu6 Baggage ClaimCompleteTransferFormalitiesFlight BoardingArrival*Baggage ClaimCompleteFlight Bo7 Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Part 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart 3Part 4*Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa8 Listentotheannouncementsandfillintheblanks.1ShortAnnouncementsLadies and gentlemen,May I have your attention,please?Due to the unfavorable _,we are unable to arrive at the Hong Kong Airport _.We are awfully1 sorry for this _.If you have any connecting flights2 to other cities,please _ our flight attendants.We will try our best to _ you with the transfer after landing.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.weatheras scheduleddelaycontactassist*Listen to the announcements an9 Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon.We are arriving at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.Passengers _ on your way to other cities with CSAir should wear the nametag3 of transferring passengers.And then please follow the transfer marking of CSAir or the instructions of CSAir _ to the transfer counter to start the procedures after landing.Thank you!continuingground staff*Ladies and gentlemen,continuin10 Ladies and gentlemen,We have just landed at Incheon Airport4.The outside _ is 19 degrees Celsius5,66.2 degrees Fahrenheit6.Please remain seated until the“Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.For passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport,when you disembark,please take all your belongings7.Your checked baggage may be claimed8 in the _.For passengers continuing on your way to Seoul9,when you disembark,please take your _ and follow the ground staff to proceed10 to the waiting hall.We will stay here for about 60 minutes.The ground staff will _ our cabin during this period.Please take out all your _ from the seat pocket before you disembark.Your hand baggage may be left on the board but please take your valuables11 with you.Thank you for flying with us.It has been a pleasure to serve you and we hope to see you again.Thank you.temperaturebaggage claim areaticketclean upbelongings*Ladies and gentlemen,temperatu11 ShortAnnouncementsOralpractice.Discusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.21.What can you do for the connecting passenger when the flight is delayed by the unfavorable weather?2.Who are required to disembark first when the flight is landing in the transit?3.Where can the passengers complete the formalities when the flight is landing in the transit?*Short AnnouncementsOral practi12 Listentotheserviceannouncementandlearnthefollowingwordsandphrases.1LongAnnouncements Vocabulary Bandremain rmenvt.保持,停留entry formality入境申办手续Osaka usk;skn.大阪(日本本州岛西南岸港市)quarantine kwr()ntinn.检验,检疫carry-on krinn.手提行李,随身行李Customs kstmzn.海关,关税*Listen to the service announce13 Listentotheannouncementagainandfillintheform.2LongAnnouncementsWhen the aircraft land at the airportYou shouldpassengers leaving the aircraftnative peoplenon-native peoplepassengers continue on their way to Osakanative peoplenon-native peopletake all your belongingstake your passport and all your belongingsto complete the entry formalities in the terminalstay at the aircraft or disembark with transit card from the ground staff*Listen to the announcement aga14 Oralpractice.Discusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.3LongAnnouncements1.What will the transit passengers do when they alight(下来)from the aircraft in an international flight?2.How can the transit passengers deal with their carry-on items when they disembark in the transit airport in an international flight?*Oral practice.Discuss with yo15 Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Part 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart 3Part 4*Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa16.Listentothedialoguesandfillintheblanks.W:Sorry to bother1 you.I have a short transit time on arrival and this flight was delayed.Im worried thatCA:you will miss your _?W:Exactly!CA:Did you check your baggage right through2?W:Yes,I have.CA:Then you should be OK,so dont worry.Ill _ our arrival time and get back to you.W:Thanks for your help.connecting flightcheck on1*.Listen to the dialogues and17 W:Madam,I have some questions.CA:Yes,please.W:I have a connection flight from Beijing to Xiamen.Do I need to _ Immigration3 and Customs?CA:Yes,you have to.Whats the _ time for your next flight?W:Let me see.Thats at 2:45.CA:Well arrive at Xiamen at 11:00,so you will have enough time,sir.W:Does the flight depart from the same _?CA:No,sir.You have to go to the _ terminal after you have declared Customs4.Its just beside the international one.W:Thank you very much.CA:Thats all right.Any more questions?W:No,thanks.cleardeparture terminaldomestic2*W:Madam,I have some question18 M:My flight just arrived late,and I need to know what to do.CA:Thats okay.The airline computer is keeping track5 of what is happening with you.M:Do I have to call anyone?CA:By speaking with us at the _,we can fix the problem for you and direct you.M:What if there are no more connecting flights for today on this airline?CA:We will go online to see if there is something _ with this airline.If we need to,we can check for a flight with another _.M:What if I cant find another flight out of here tonight?CA:We can help you find _ to a local hotel.M:Will the airline pay for my room if I have to spend the night at the airport?CA:Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline,we will cover the cost of a hotel room.arrival gateavailablecarriertransportation3*arrival gateavailablecarriertr19.Oralpractice.Readthedialoguesanddiscusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.1.How do you calm down a passenger who worries about missing his connecting flight?2.An American travels from America to Xian,but he has to take a connecting flight from Beijing to his destination.What can you tell him to complete the transfer?3.Due to the airlines fault,the flight delayed,and passengers have to stay overnight.What should you do for passengers?*.Oral practice.Read the dia20.Workinpairs.Chooseoneofthefollowingsituationstomakeadialoguewithyourpartneraccordingtothedialoguesabove.Situation 1:This is a flight from Paris to Beijing.A Frenchman has a connecting flight from Beijing to Chengdu.He asks you for some information about transferring procedures after arriving in Beijing.Situation 2:As the flight cant arrive at the destination airportChongqing due to the thick haze there.A passenger is worried about his connecting flight from Chongqing to Nanning.You tell him the ground staff there will help him with the transit procedures and everything will be OK.Situation 3:A passenger is informed that he has to stay overnight for his connecting flight was canceled due to the bad weather,so he worries about where he should live in.*.Work in pairs.Choose one o21 Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Part 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart 3Part 4*Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa22 Connecting FlightConnecting FlightWhen flying on an airline to a particular destination,a passenger may be required to travel on a connecting flight,flight lands in a location that is not his final destination.So he must get off the plane and board another plane to reach the final destination.When he needs to transfer to a connecting flight,his flight itinerary must reserve for some transition time.This is called a layover,and it is intended to allow him to make his way through the airport to the new flights boarding gate.A layover can last for just a few minutes or several hours,depending on the flight itinerary.Text 1Text 1*Connecting FlightText 1*23 Travels to some destinations may require the passengers to board a connecting flight on another airline carrier.One airline carrier is typically able to accommodate travel to a final destination,but when that carrier does not travel to a particular destination,the passengers can obtain a travel itinerary that makes them fly a certain airline to begin with,then get on a connecting flight from another carrier.This is common when large airlines dole out local or regional flights to smaller carriers.If,for example,a passenger was flying from Phoenix,Arizona to Hartford,Connecticut,he may begin his flight itinerary on a major airline that flies from Phoenix to New York City.Then he will have a layover in New York,and later board another flight of a regional carrier from New York to Hartford.*Travels to some destinations m24 Connecting flights are also common in international travel.A passenger flying from Phoenix,Arizona to Rome,Italy may take a flight from Phoenix to New York City.He may then board a different flight from New York City to London.Once in London,he may board yet another flight from London to Rome.In this case,he has boarded more than one connecting flight to reach the final destination,and in the process,he has most likely changed airline carriers.*Connecting flights are also co25 Learnthewordsandexpressionsintheboxandthencompletethesentenceswiththem.Changetheformifnecessary.1particularrequireconnecting flighttransfercertainlayoveraccommodateitinerary1.She wanted a _ type of effect.2.By _ signs,we may presage(预感,预知)of heats and rains.3.Where should I proceed to change for a _ to Vancouver?4.Will you _ some cold drink?5.Will we have a _ in San Francisco?6.She has _ from the Department of History to the Department of English.7.New students may be _ in halls of residence.8.If you have a trip on March 23rd,youd put your _,tickets,and other materials in the“March”folder.particularcertainconnecting flightrequirelayovertransferredaccommodateditinerary*Learn the words and expression26 1.If a passenger is required to travel on a connecting flight,he or she must get off the plane.2.When passengers get off the plane,theyll take on the connecting flight at the landing field directly.3.The airline carrier of the connecting flight is always the same as the passengers just took.4.For certain air routes,passengers may transfer more than once.TFFTReadthetextagainanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsareT(true)orF(false).2*If a passenger is required to 27 Readthetextandanswertheflowingquestions.31.What is layover?_2.How long does a layover last?_3.Under what circumstances will the passengers get on a connecting flight from another airline carrier?_Layover is the time reserved for passengers when they need to transfer to a connecting flight.It is intended to allow passengers to make their way through the airport to the new flights boarding gate.Depending on the flight itinerary,a layover can last for just a few minutes or several hours.It happens when that carrier does not travel to a particular destination.Such as when large airlines dole out local or regional flights to smaller carriers and when passengers take international travel,the passengers will get on a connecting flight from another airline carrier.*Read the text and answer the f28 Text Text 2 2FAQs1 When Connecting within London Heathrow2Which gate is my flight departing from?Please check the information screens at regular intervals3 and make sure that youre at the gate no later than 20 minutes before the flight departs,so that you dont miss your flight.Gate information4 at Heathrow airport becomes available shortly before the flight opens.If your flight departs from Terminal 5,please be aware5 that this terminal is made up of6 three buildings:the main terminal building(A Gates)and two separate satellite7 buildings(B Gates and C Gates)connected by a transit train.*Text 2FAQs1 When Connecting wi29 Please wait in the main terminal(A Gates)until your gate is announced.It takes approximately8 20 minutes to get to B Gates or C Gates so please always ensure your flight is displayed on the screens before leaving the main terminal.Then please follow the signs to the transit train or use the moving walkway9 that offers easy escalator10/lift11 access.The journey time is the same for either option.Do I need to get my bags?If your baggage tag12 shows your final destination you can rest assured your bags will be forwarded13 on automatically14 to your connecting flight.If it shows the airport youre connecting at,e.g.LHR15,LGW16,LON17 or JFK18,please follow the signs for“Arrivals/Baggage reclaim”to collect your bags and check it in again as normal for your connecting flight.If youre not sure,please ask a member of staff when you check in your bags at the beginning of your journey.*Please wait in the main termin30 Can I leave the flight?If you have less than six hours until your flight departs,we strongly recommend that you wait at the airport.If you choose to leave,you will have to pass through passport control(and Customs if applicable19).Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you have all the appropriate20 documents required to enter the UK.When you return to the airport,you must check in again as normal for your connecting flight,pass through airport security and be at the boarding gate at least 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time of your flight.*Can I leave the flight?*31 Readthetextagainandchoosethebestanswer.11.In order to get on the aircraft in time,you should arrive at the boarding gate at least _ minutes prior to take-off.A.20 B.40C.60 D.1202.Which option is better when using the moving walkway?A.Escalator access.B.Lift access.C.Theres no difference between the escalator and lift.D.Neither.Under what circumstance,you should check in your baggage again for your connecting flight?A.If the baggage tag shows your final destination.B.If the baggage tag shows the airport you are connecting at.C.When youre not sure.D.You should check your baggage in again in all conditions.ACB*Read the text again and choose32*


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