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Articles1.the Indefinite Article the Definite Article the Zero ArticleA.The Indefinite Article:a/an a.“a/an”-any one in a groupb.pronunciation:/,/n/;/ei/,/n/c.to be used before a singular countable nounB.The Definite Article:thea.“the”-“this”,“that”b.pronunciation:/,/i/;/i:/c.to be used before SN/PN/UNC.The Zero Articlea.to be used before uncountable nouns,plural countable nouns.2.The references of“a/an”A.generic reference 类指用法类指用法a.a group of people or objectseg.A microscope is an instrument for examining very small objects.A child needs love.An owl can see in the dark.b.a certain one in a groupeg.May I have an apple,please?She is a Canadian.B.specific reference 特指用法特指用法 (indefinite specific reference)eg.I met an old man on my way home.A car is waiting at the gate.A book I want has been acquired by the library.C.quantitative reference 指量用法指量用法a.“one”eg.Ill be back in a day or two.Its a foot long,an inch thick.b.“every”eg.We have grammar lessons once a week.Take the medicine three times a day.c.“same”eg.Things of a kind come together,so do people of a mind.Christine and I are nearly of an age.Carry them three at a time.“a”vs.“one”I got a ticket for the concert.I only want one ticket.Youve given me two.It will take more than a year to build the power station.It will take more than one year to build the power station.The thing will collapse at a blow.The thing will collapse at one blow.3.The references of“the”A.specific reference a/some specific person(s)/thing(s)eg.Put the parcel on the table.Shut the door,please.sb./sth.previously mentionedeg.He ordered a book some time ago.The book has now arrived.before a noun with a limiting attributeeg.The aeroplane the children were watching was a jet.Dont spank him.Thats not the way to educate a child.He has bought me the book that I want.He has bought me a book that I want.The book on current history is missing.A book on current history is missing.in adjectives comparative&superlative forms eg.Could you tell me the shortest way to the airport?Tom seems to be as tall as Dick;actually,Tom is the taller of the two.to be used for emphasiseg.This is the/the word to be used here.Johnson is the/the man for the job.B.Unique reference 独指用法独指用法eg.There was a rainbow in the sky.The sun rises in the east and set in the west.The wind has changed to the south.Late at night a cold wind swept the river.What a stormy-looking sky!Look!A big red sun is rising!C.Generic reference the+singular n.eg.The whale is in danger of becoming instinct.The computer has changed our way of life.the+adj.eg.Only by destroying the old and the rotten can we build the new and the sound.The true,the good,and the beautiful would not exist without the false,the evil and the ugly.the+n.eg.The working class is the leading class of China.The Chinese people are industrious and brave.4.Usages of the Zero ArticleA.before Material Nounseg.Wood consists largely of carbon.(genus)Would you like cake?(uncertain quantity)B.before Abstract Nounseg.Shes fond of music since she was a child.(a general concept)C.before Proper Nounseg.Washington,Peru,Palestine,Israel D.before plural countable nouns generic reference eg.Those young men are teachers,not students.Axes are sharp-edged tools for chopping wood.reference of uncertain quantityeg.Dont stand in the doorway.There are reporters waiting to come in.The streets were clean and shaded with trees.She put carrots in the stew.She put the carrots in the stew.E.Before singular countable nouns before addresses,eg.family member,nurse,cook,teacher,etceg.Aunt is taking sister out for a walk.Cook has made noodles for the occasion.Teacher was pleased with our work.before a post,rank,etc.eg.They elected John chairman of the committee.Who is(the)captain of your team?This is Prof.Cook,head of the history department.They appointed him minister to a foreign country.before“breakfast,lunch,supper,etc.”eg.Dinner will be served at eight oclock.A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper.*Thanks for the evening,the supper,the walk.They were all nice.*She managed to scare up a lunch for the unexpected guests.before“school,church,prison,bed”At the thought of being sent to prison,he shook with fear.The retiring warden delivered the keys of the prison to his successor.At last,undressing himself with a gloomy resolution,he got into bed.Although the bed was smashed to pieces,the man was miraculously unhurt.In“play basketball,football,baseball”I like playing basketball,and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball.Playing football is one of the ways of letting off youthful steam.The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop.In some structures:He was a Conservative but he turned Socialist.Tiverton went Liberal at the by-election.Teacher as Oscar is,hes not a grammarian.Child as he is,he couldnt have done such a thing.I was fool enough to accept his offer.Are you man enough for this dangerous job?The teacher came in,book in hand.He was sitting in the chair,pipe in mouth.Spring has come round again.I last saw Blakes in(the)spring.Birds fly north in(the)summer and south in(the)winter.5.Articles before Proper NounsA.Usually the zero article before a proper n.John Brown,Mrs.Smith,Captain Houston National Day,January,Sunday,etc.America,Brazil,Boston,etc.Buckingham Palace,Paddington Station,etc.Downing Street,Sunset Boulevard,etc.New Scientist,Beijing Review,etc.B.The Definite article before a proper n.-rivers,seas,canals,lakes etc.the Nile,the Mississippi River,the Danube;the Atlantic,the Mediterranean;the Suez Canal,the Panama Canal;the West Lake,the Lake of Geneva *Dongting Lake,Lake Michigan-mountains,archipelagoes,channels,gulfs,deserts eg.the Himalayas,the Alps,the Rockies;the Penghu Islands,the Philippines;the Persian Gulf,the Bay of Bengal;the English Channel,the Sahara-countries,organizations,departments,etc.the Peoples Republic of China,the United Kingdom the State Council,the State Department;the National Peoples Congress,the Senate,the House of Representatives *Congress,Parliament-public buildings or facilities the British Museum,the Midland Bank,the Peace Hotel;-literary works,magazines,newspapers The Merchant of Venice,The True Story of Ah Q the New York Times,the Chicago Tribune,-historical ages,dynasties the Stone Age,the Qing Dynasty,the Stuarts,the French Bourbons C.The Indefinite Article before a proper n.When I was young,I determined to be a Leifeng.My boss is a Napolean.We are going to build a Paris in China.sb./sth.with the same feature of a proper n.Mr.Hudson is an American and Mrs.Hudson is a Dutch.There isnt a single Jones in our Village.a member of a family,family name,nation A modern China will have been built by the end of the 21st century.Tom has been a mason for five years.He is now a different Tom from what he was before.He was met at the door by a contented Mary,not an angry Mary.sb./sth.at a certain time,with a certain featureEX.A,(B),C,(D)6.Ellipsis of articles a.difference between EA&ZAb.situations for Ellipsis of articles-news headline eg.(A)Hotel Fire Disaster-ads eg.(A)Secondhand typewriter wanted-telegrams eg.SEND DOCTOR URGENT-notice/instruction/bulletin eg.(The)Lift(is)out of order.-book names eg.(The)BBC English DictionaryEx3.Put in THE where necessary.Portrait of a family:-1 Bartons There are three adults and two children in this family.2 children are Ben,aged twelve,and 3 little Stella,who is four.Their parents are Andrew and Marion.4 other adult is Leslie,who is Andrews brother.He is twenty-four.They live in Newcastle,a large city in 5 northeast of England.On 6 weekday mornings everyone gets up early.Andrew Barton works for a company which manufactures 7 computers.He leave at seven oclock.He likes to avoid 8 rush hour,he says.Marion suspects that really he likes to avoid having breakfast with 9children,who are very noisy.Ben catches 10 school bus at eight-fifteen.Leslie is at 11 university,studying physics.He lives away from 12home during term-time,so he avoids 13noise,too.Stella doesnt go to 14 school yet,of course.Next year,she will start at 15 nursery school where Ben used to go.Her mother is looking forward to this,as it will mean that she can go back to 16work.Before her marriage,she lived in London,where she worked for 17 National Gallery,in 18 Trafalgar Square.She is hoping to find 19 same sort of 20-job in Newcastle.Ex4.Cross out THE where it is not necessary in the following news items.1.The Prime Minister left this morning for a tour of the Far East.He will visit the Singapore and the Malaysia and then go on to the Philippines,where he will make a speech about the environment.The Prime Minister left this morning for a tour of the Far East.He will visit the Singapore and the Malaysia and then go on to the Philippines,where he will make a speech about the environment.2.The King Juan Carlos of the Spain arrived in London today for a three day visit to the United Kingdom.He was met by the Queen and drove with her to the Buckingham Palace.Tomorrow he will have the lunch with the Governor of the Bank of England and in the evening he will have talks with the businessmen.The King Juan Carlos of the Spain arrived in London today for a three day visit to the United Kingdom.He was met by the Queen and drove with her to the Buckingham Palace.Tomorrow he will have the lunch with the Governor of the Bank of England and in the evening he will have talks with the businessmen.3.A conference is taking place in the Mexico City on ways of helping the unemployed in the developing world.A report will be sent to the United Nations,but it is feared that the unemployment will remain a problem in the most countries for many years to come.A conference is taking place in the Mexico City on ways of helping the unemployed in the developing world.A report will be sent to the United Nations,but it is feared that the unemployment will remain a problem in the most countries for many years to come.Ex.1 Complete the description of this flat with a/an,some,or the.In 1 bedroom of this flat there are twin beds,-2 cupboard,and 3 chair.There are 4 clothes thrown over 5 chair.In one corner there is 6 basin.There is also 7 basin in 8 bathroom.9 basin in 10 bathroom is bigger.Above it there is 11 shelf.This flat has 12 nice kitchen.There is 13 table with 14 chairs round it.In 15 middle of 16 table is 17 apple.Ex2.Put in a/an,some,or the.(Tina wants to buy a car.She has come to see Ryan,who is trying to sell his.)T:So,you dont say much in your advert.Is this 1 old car?R:Four years old.Come and have a look at it.T:Were you 2 first owner?R:No,I got it two years ago.T:Have you driven it a lot?R:Well,I drive to my office in 3 city centre five days 4 week,but I dont use it much at weekends.T:I see.Now,the thing is,Im 5 doctor.Ive just started work at 6 hospital in Hills Road.Im on call a lot of the time and I have to find 7 car which is really reliable.8 car I used to have was always breaking down and giving me problems.R:Oh,this one is very good.It may not be 9 fastest car around,but it always gets there eventually.And its got 10 new set of tyres.T:Right.Its good to know that.Can I go for 11 test drive?R:Um,actually,thats not possible right now.T:Why not?R:Well,basically,Im afraid it wont start.You see 12 battery is flat.


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