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新概念青少版入门级Bunit2新概念青少版入门级 B unit 2a sitting rooma sitting rooma bedrooma bedrooma kitchena kitchen新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件s itt ingr omktchenbedoomsittingromktchenbedoomWhere are they?househousekitchenkitchensitting roomsitting roomWhere are they?housekitchensitbedroombedroomfunfunbedroomfunwatch the DVDwatch the DVDwatch the DVD3.welcome/welkm/欢迎Welcome to my house.Welcome to Chognqing.1.This is.这是.(用于介绍)2.our pron.我们的(代词)3.welcome/welkm/1.Is this.?这是.吗?(this is 的疑问句)3.lucky /lk/adj.幸运的 lucky dog 幸运儿2.your pron.你的,你们的(代词)1.Is this.?3.lucky /lnice=goodNice to meet you.nice=good1.their他们的(代词)2.Thats.那是.Is that.?(问句is 提前)1.their他们的(代词)2.Thats.那是.fun adj.fun adj.好玩的好玩的,有趣有趣的的fun adj.好玩的,有趣的That is.That is.否定:否定:That isnt.That isnt.That is.否定:That isnt.Read the conversation.Read the conversation.Grammar:指示代词this,thatGrammar:指示代词this,that新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件形容形容词性物主代性物主代词形容词性物主代词主格主格 宾格宾格 形容词性形容词性 名词性名词性 反身代词反身代词 物主代词物主代词 物主代词物主代词I I me me my mine myself my mine myself wewe us our ours us our ours ourselvesourselvesyouyou you you your yours yourself your yours yourself he he him him his his his his himself himself it ititit its its itself its its itselfsheshe her her her hers herself her hers herselftheytheythem their theirs themselvesthem their theirs themselves主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 变一般疑问句,并回答:Eg:This is our house.Is this your house?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.That is my sitting room.Is that your sitting room?our-your my-your变一般疑问句,并回答:Eg:This is our hou练习:1.This is their bedroom.2.That is my kitchen.练习:新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件Hes in the bathroom.Hes in the bathroom.This is a dining room.This is a dining room.Where is the Where is the bedroombedroom?Its Its next tonext to the bathroom.the bathroom.where where 哪里哪里Where is the bedroom?Its nextWhere is the bed?Where is the bed?Its Its next tonext to the desk.the desk.Where is the desk?Where is the desk?Its Its between between the bed the bed andand the door.the door.Where is the bed?Its next to betweenbetweennext tonext tobetweenbetweennext tonext to新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件PegPopRobertFloraMaxAnnaPegPopRobertFloraMaxAnna新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件在在.前面前面在.前面th /th /新概念青少版入门级-B-unit-2培训课件此此课件下件下载可自行可自行编辑修改,修改,仅供参考!供参考!感感谢您的支持,我您的支持,我们努力做得更好!努力做得更好!谢谢此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力


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