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Welcome to New Concept English II Introduction to this book.Test 1-Unit 1(lesson 1lesson24)()(100个词)个词)Test 2-Unit 2(lesson25lesson48)()(140个词)个词)Test3-Unit3(lesson49lesson72)(160个词)个词)Test 4-Unit49Lesson73Lesson96 (180个词)个词)Compositions of each lessonText(课文)(课文)New words and expressions(生词和短语)(生词和短语)Notes on the text(课文注释)(课文注释)Summary writing(摘要写作)(摘要写作)Key structures(关键句型)(关键句型)Special difficulties(难点)(难点)Multiple choice questions(多项选择题)(多项选择题)学习要求学习要求1.1.单词、短语会默单词、短语会默-积累词汇积累词汇并掌握用法并掌握用法 2.2.课文背诵并默写课文背诵并默写-提高阅提高阅读理解能力和培养语感。读理解能力和培养语感。3.3.语法语法-掌握并能熟练运用掌握并能熟练运用Lesson 1 A Private ConversationWarming upWhat should we do in public?What cant we do in public?Good manners or not?Help the old people.Pick flowers in the park.Knock at the door before entering a roomSpitJump over the fencelittering Throw rubbish onto the groundLady first.DO you know any other bad mannersSmoking without asking people/in publicJumping in the queuenot flushing the toilet after using ittalking loudly in public placessnatching bus seatswasting foodslurping food(大声地吃或喝)(大声地吃或喝)New words and expressions:1.private:pravt adj.私的,私人的,私的,私人的,个人的个人的2.conversation:knvsenn.会话,会话,谈话;会谈谈话;会谈 3.theatre:itn.剧场,戏院剧场,戏院4.seat:si:tn.座位座位5.loudly:ladl adv.响亮的,大声的响亮的,大声的New words and expressions:6.angry:radj.生气的生气的7.angrily:生气地:生气地8.attention:tennn.注意注意9.bear:be(r)v.容忍容忍10.business:bzns n.事,生意事,生意11.rudely:ru:dli adv.无礼地无礼地,粗鲁的粗鲁的New words and expressions:1.private adj.私人的私人的 n.私下,私下,不公开不公开 私人教师私人教师 私家车私家车私立学校私立学校 private teacherprivate carprivate school2.conversation 谈话谈话 a private conversation私人谈话私人谈话have a conversation with sb.say/tell/speak3.theatre n.剧场,戏院剧场,戏院 theater(美)(美)go to the theatre去看戏去看戏 4.seat n.座位座位 v.安排坐下,使就安排坐下,使就坐坐 have a seat/take a seat 就座就座(比比sit down更有礼貌更有礼貌)have a good seat 有一个好位置有一个好位置5.play n.戏戏 v.玩玩 play with 玩玩 player 运动员,比赛者运动员,比赛者 playboy花花公花花公子子6.angry adj.生气的生气的 7.angrily adv.be angry with sb.跟跟生气生气get angry 生气生气8.attention n.注意注意 pay (no)attention to sb./sth.注意(不注意)某人、某事注意(不注意)某人、某事draw/catch ones attention 吸引某人注意吸引某人注意9.bear v.(bore/borne)容忍容忍 承承受受 负担负担 n.熊熊例:我无法容忍他的爆脾气。例:我无法容忍他的爆脾气。I can t bear his hot temper.近义词:近义词:stand/put up with 忍受,忍受,容忍容忍11.loudly adv.(adj.)-loud adj.大声的大声的eg.She called loudly for help.12.rude-rudely无礼地,粗鲁地无礼地,粗鲁地=impoliteeg.The young man said rudely.adj.+ly-adveg.angry-angrily real-really careful-carefully quick-quickly10.business n.事情,生意,公司事情,生意,公司 Its none of your business 不关你的事。do business 做生意做生意 on business 出差出差Business is business.公事公办。公事公办。Adj.busy(be busy with/doing sth)Listen and answer the question:-when and where did it happen?-Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?-Have you ever been in such a situation?How did you deal with it?Please share your experience with us.Listen and answer the question:Listen and answer the question:-when and where did it happen?-Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?-Have you ever been in such a situation?How did you deal with it?Please share your experience with us.本课语法本课语法简单陈述句的语序简单陈述句的语序句子的种类句子的种类 :陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句和陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句和There beThere be句型句型.陈述句用来叙述事实或表示说话人的看法。陈述句用来叙述事实或表示说话人的看法。简单陈述句是来描述一件事情。句中只有一套主谓宾的。简单陈述句是来描述一件事情。句中只有一套主谓宾的。其中描述的某人或某事(其中描述的某人或某事(who,which,whatwho,which,what)在最前面,称)在最前面,称为为主语。主语。动作称为:动作称为:谓语动词。谓语动词。这个动作的被发生对象这个动作的被发生对象(who,which,what(who,which,what),作动词的),作动词的宾宾语。语。61主语主语2 谓语谓语3 宾语宾语/表表语语456When?Who?Which?What?actionWho?Which?What?How?方式状语方式状语Where?地点状语地点状语When?时间状语时间状语一个简单陈述句可以由六部分组成,但是并一个简单陈述句可以由六部分组成,但是并不是所有句子都有这么多组成部分,而是不是所有句子都有这么多组成部分,而是包含其中的某几个。这六部分的排列顺序包含其中的某几个。这六部分的排列顺序是基本固定的。是基本固定的。主语主语+谓语动词谓语动词+宾语宾语+方式状语方式状语+地点状语地点状语+时间状语时间状语(时间状语可以置于开头)例:I read books carefully in the library yesterday morning.=Yesterday morning,I read books carefully in the library.方式方式状语状语地点地点状语状语时间时间状语状语Last week I went to the theatre.I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting.I did not enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.句型分析:1.Last week I went to the theatre.时间状语时间状语+主语主语+谓语动词谓语动词+地点状语地点状语固定短语:固定短语:go to the theatre2.I had a very good seat.主语主语+谓语谓语 +宾语宾语3.The play was very interesting.析:析:主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语 interesting 修饰物修饰物 interested 修饰人修饰人be interested in 对对.感兴趣感兴趣4.I did not enjoy it.析:析:主语主语+谓动谓动+宾语宾语 enjoy+doing/sth句型分析:5.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.6.They were talking loudly.过去进行时过去进行时结构:结构:was/were+动动ing现在进行时:现在进行时:am/is/are+动动ing主语主语+谓语谓语+状语状语句型分析:7.I got very angry.析:析:get angry 系表结构系表结构主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语I feel tired.It sounds great.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.turn round/around 转身转身turn up/turn downturn on/turn off主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语主语+谓语61 1主语主语2 2 谓语谓语3 3 宾语宾语/表语表语4 45 56 6When?Who?Who?Which?Which?What?What?actionactionWho?Who?Which?Which?What?What?How?How?方式状语方式状语Where?Where?地点状语地点状语WhenWhen?时间状语时间状语LastweekIWentto the theatreIHadA very good seatThe playWasVery interestingIdid not enjoyItA young man and a young womanwere sittingbehind metheywere talkingloudly I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They did not pay any attention.In the end,I could not bear it.I turned round again.I cant hear a word!I said angrily.Its none of your business,the young man said rudely.This is a private conversation!句型分析:I looked at the man and the woman angrily.析:look 为不及物动词,+宾语要加at.angrily副词修饰动词主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+状语状语(方式)(方式)句型分析:They did not pay any attention.析析:主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语短语:短语:pay attention to sth/sb pay no attention to.没有注意.12.I turned round again.13.I cant hear a word!I said angrily.主语主语+谓语谓语+状语(时间)状语(时间)主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语主语主语+谓语谓语+状语(方式)状语(方式)In the end,I could not bear it.in the end=at last/finally最后最后,终于,终于时间状语时间状语+主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语15.It is none of your business,、the young man said rudely.This is a private conversation!主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语主语主语+谓语谓语+状语状语主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语句中单词打乱了顺序,通过刚刚的讲解,来看一句中单词打乱了顺序,通过刚刚的讲解,来看一下,看你能不能把排成一个正确的简单陈述句。下,看你能不能把排成一个正确的简单陈述句。1.The film I enjoyed yesterday.-2.The news listened to I carefully.-3.Games played yesterday in their room the children quietlyexerciseSummary writingWatch the video and listen to the text again,answer the question on Page13,and then put your answers together to make a short paragraph.Multiple choice questions Phrases a private conversationgo to the theatre talk loudly have a seat get angry pay attention to turn around in the end on business Its none of your business.Homework 1.1.单词每天单词每天1 1汉汉+1+1英英+1+1音音2.2.短语每天短语每天1 1汉汉+1+1英英3.3.课文每天抄写课文每天抄写1 1,背诵并会默,背诵并会默4.4.每晚听磁带每晚听磁带1 15.5.完成同步及小题大做。完成同步及小题大做。Thanks五大基本句型五大基本句型一、一、主语主语-系动词系动词-表语表语1.Mr.Brown is an engineer二、主语谓语动词 1.The sun is rising.三、主语谓语动词宾语I like swimming.四、主语动词宾语宾语He handed me a letter.He handed a letter to me.五、主语动词宾语宾语补.He found his new job boring.


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