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Lesson 15.Good News.Lesson 15.Good News.1.2Good news.Good news.3Bad news.Bad news.4KofiAttaAnnan潘基文New wordstheyaregeneralsecretaries.Do you know them?.Kofi Atta Annan 潘基文New words t5The party secretary/The secretary of China.The party secretary/The secre6lsecretary n.秘书lsecret n 秘密ltell/keep a secret ladja secret marriage la secretary of state 国家秘书长.secretary n.秘书.7lnervous adj.精神紧张的 nerve 神经lbe nervous about/of lworried:为以后的事情担心lupset:不安的lirritable 易怒的.nervous adj.精神紧张的 .8nervouseg.Theboyfeelsnervousbecauseoftheexam.nervouseg.The boy feels nervou9lafford v.负担得起lafford sth.lafford money/time-I can afford five yuan./I can afford the book.lafford to do sth.-I can afford to buy the book.afford v.负担得起.10(1).afford sb.a help(offer)The boy was affording a help to the girl.afford用法.(1).afford sb.a help(offer)T11 lweak adj.弱的 in a weak voice linterrupt v.插话,打断 (n.)interruptionlIt is impolite to interrupt others.weak adj.弱的.12weak(弱的)(sick/low/dull)身体声音视力智力学习能力WeakhealthWeak/lowvoiceEg.Youareweakandnotfittocommandanarmyaweakmind(低能)heisweakinmathematics.weak(弱的)身体Weak healthWeak/low 13Strong(强的)(good/loud/great)Hehasastrong/healthybody.Strong(强的)(good/loud/great)He14Great mindHawking has a great/strong mind but a weak body.Great mindHawking has a grea15interrupt同义词:disrupt(2)makeabreakin同义词(disrupt,breakup,cutoff)Weinterrupttheprogramforthefollowingreasons.(1)interfereinsomeoneelsesactivity(n.interruption).interrupt (2)m16Theyre/look tiredWhat do they look?.Theyre/look tiredWhat do they17.What do they look today?angryc18How do you feel today?tiredhorriblehappysadbadstrangegoodafraid youngcoldhothungry.How do you feel today?tiredhor191.Who is Mr.Harmsworth?2.How does the writer feel today?3.What did Mr.Harmsworth say about the business?.Enjoy the story and find out1.20The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.After I had sat down,he said that business was very bad.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.I knew that my turn had come.Mr.Harmsworth,I said in a weak voice.Dont interrupt,he Said.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra&1000 a year!Lesson 15.Good News.The secretary told me that Mr.211.The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。would 在这里不是表示单纯的过去将来时,而是表示“想”、“要”:What would you like to have?你想要吃(喝)什么?John wouldnt lend me his bicycle.翰不愿意把他的自行车借给我。.1.The secretary told me that M22引引导词=The secretary told me Mr.Harmsworth would see me.that可以省略可以省略主句主句从句从句结构:构:+TheObjectClause宾语从句从句The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.引导词=The secretary told me Mr.23242-He did not look up from his desk when I entered.After I had sat down,he said that business was very bad.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.(1)enter&enter forenter+地点,表示地点,表示“进入入”enter for,报名参加(各种名参加(各种竞赛、考、考试等活等活动)(2)After I had sat down,he said that business was very bad.过去完成去完成时,after 引引导,主句,主句动作早于从句前作早于从句前.242-He did not look up from hi24 look up a)(=to raise ones head)抬头 我抬起头来看时,见到有学生静静地看着我。b)(=to search or consult)查阅,查找 你应该在字典上查一下这个单词。c)尊敬,敬仰When I looked up,I saw five students watching me quietly.You should look the word up in the dictionary.look up a)(=to raise ones 25 look.更多的词汇 a)look after 照顾 b)look for 寻找c)look down(upon)俯视,看不起,鄙视d)look forward to 期待;盼望.look.更多的词汇 a)look af2627(3)He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.afford to do sth 支付得起 pay salary 支付工资pay的基本用法是:pay(sb.)money for sth.付钱(给某人)买,如:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付20英镑的房租。pay for sth.付的钱。如:I have to pay for the book lost.我不得不赔丢失的书款。pay for sb.替某人付钱。如:Dont worry!Ill pay for you.别担心,我会给你付钱的。.27(3)He told me that the firm 273-Twenty people had already left.I knew that my turn had come.I knew that my turn had come.我知道这次该轮到我了。turn 在这里是名词,意为“轮流流”、“轮班班”、“(依次轮流时各自的)一次机会”:I have already asked two questions.Now its your turn.我已经问了两个问题。该轮到你了。When his turn came,he couldnt speak any word.轮到他时,他却一个字也说不出来。.3-Twenty people had already le284-Mr.Harmsworth,I said in a weak voice.Dont interrupt,he said.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!Lesson 15.Good Newsin a weak voiceweak在这里不是指身体虚弱,而是指声音“微弱微弱”、“无力无力”,因为怕被开除而感到紧张。voice,嗓音sound,声音 noise 噪音.4-Mr.Harmsworth,I said in 29Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1000英镑的额外收入。(1)extra 表示“额外的外的”、“外加的外加的”、“份外的份外的”:On Sundays,I usually get some extra sleep.星期天我通常要多睡一会儿。Last month,he was paid an extra hundred pounds.(2)a在这里可译为“每一每一”:I went to London once a month.我每月去一次伦敦。.Then he smiled and told me I w30 TASK1.Find out all the Indirect Speech in the text;2.Change them into Direct Speech.Time limits:5mins.TASK1.Find out all the Ind31What do you think of the writer?.Discussion:What do you think 32Keystructure(直接引语与间接引语的转换)Iambusy,hesaid.Mr.Joneswillseeyounowshesaid.Ibrokethatplate,hesaid.Hesaidthathewasbusy.Hetoldmethathewasbusy.ShesaidthatMr.Joneswouldseeyounow.ShetoldmethatHesaidthathehadbrokentheplate.HetoldmethatI have just finished work Mr.Jones said.该怎么改呢?.Key structure(直接引语与间接引语的转换)33


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