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Beihai ParkReview:Beihai ParkReview:1Beihai ParkAsking the way:Can you tell me the way to-?Could you tell me how to-?Where is-?Is there a/an-near here?Giving directions:go across go alongturn left/righton the left/rightoppositeBeihai ParkAsking the way:Givi2Beihai ParkPair work:Asking and showing ways.Making a short conversation with your partner,then asking at least two groups to show their conversation.Beihai ParkPair work:3Module 6 Around townUnit 2 The London Eye is on your right.(Period I)Module 6 Around townUnit 2 The4Learning Aims:lMaster some new words lKnow some places of LondonLearning Aims:5/tu/n/skwe/n./mIdl/n.&adj./feIms/adj./peIntI/n./frm,frm/prep./mi:t/n./bv/prep.参观,旅行参观,旅行 tour广场广场 square中间,中等的中间,中等的famous著名的著名的from油画油画middle从从出发出发painting米米metreSTEP I:vocabulary在在之上之上above/tu/n参观,旅行 tour广场 square中间,中6/rIv/n./klI/adj./brId/n./reIlweI/n./p:st/prep./t3:t/n./fInI/v./haI/adj.河;江河;江river(天气)晴朗的天气)晴朗的clear桥桥railway铁路铁路church路过;越过路过;越过bridge教堂教堂past结束;完成结束;完成finishhigh高的高的/rIv/n.河;江river(天气)晴朗的clear7参观,旅行参观,旅行 tour广场广场 square中间,中等的中间,中等的famous著名的著名的from油画油画middle从从出发出发painting米米metreCHECKING:在在之上之上above/tu/n./skwe/n./mIdl/n.&adj./feIms/adj./peIntI/n./frm,frm/prep./mi:t/n./bv/prep.参观,旅行 tour广场 square中间,中等的famou8河;江河;江river(天气)晴朗的天气)晴朗的clear桥桥railway铁路铁路church路过;越过路过;越过bridge教堂教堂past结束;完成结束;完成finishhigh高的高的/rIv/n./klI/adj./brId/n./reIlweI/n./p:st/prep./t3:t/n./fInI/v./haI/adj.河;江river(天气)晴朗的clear桥railway铁路9Can you name the pictures?Step II:PresentationCan you name the pictures?Ste10Tower Bridge:the first bridge on River Thames(塔塔 桥)Tower Bridge:the first bridge11Buckingham Palace:the Queen Elizabeth II(白金汉宫白金汉宫)lives thereBuckingham Palace:the Queen E12Houses of Parliament(议会大厦):the political centre of BritishHouses of Parliament(议会大厦):th13Big Ben:a famous big clock in the world(大本钟)Big Ben:a famous big clock in14Tower of London:over 900 years old(伦敦塔)Tower of London:over 900 year15London Eye:Its 135 metres high.(伦敦眼)London Eye:Its 135 metres h16Brain Storm:Speak out the names of the pictures as quickly as you can.Buckingham PalaceTower of LondonNational GalleryHouses of ParliamentLondon EyeTower BridgeBrain Storm:Speak out the nam17Watch a piece of video and mark which pictures are mentioned in the video.Watch a piece of video and mar18单词拼写1.广场广场 _ 2.著名的著名的 _3.游览游览 _ 4.晴朗的晴朗的 _5.油画油画 _ 6.江;河江;河 _7.米米 _ 8.在在-上方上方_9.完成完成 _ 10.桥桥 _11.中间中间_ 12.铁路铁路_13.教堂教堂_ 14.高的高的_15.路过路过_ 16.从从-出发出发_squarefamoustourclearpaintingrivermetreabovefinishbridgemiddlerailwaychurchhighpastfrom单词拼写1.广场 _ 2.著名的 _19Read and remember the new words and the name of those places.Read and remember the new word20Module 6 Around townUnit 2 The London Eye is on your right.(Period II)Module 6 Around townUnit 2 The21Learning aimslRead the passage to improve our reading skills.lMaster more useful expressions of showing ways.Learning aimsRead the passage 22Revise:name these picturesBuckingham PalaceTower of LondonNational GalleryHouses of ParliamentLondon EyeTower BridgeRevise:name these picturesBu23Step I:listening and readinglListen and read the passage,then finish the map with the places in Activity 1.lTips:When you read English,there may be new words or phrases.Some of them may be names which you often cant translate.Look at words which begin with capital letters and decide if they are names.Step I:listening and readingL24National GalleryBuckingham PalaceHouse of ParliamentLondon EyeTower of LondonNational GalleryBuckingham Pal25STEP II:careful readinglRead the passage carefully,then finish some exercises.STEP II:careful readingRead t26 The square is _ of London._ is a museum called _._ to Buckingham Palace,the Queen lives there.the squareBuckingham PalacePara.1in the middleOppositethe National GalleryWalk along the red street The square is _ of27Buckingham Palace _ you can go to the House of Parliament and Big Ben.The London Eye is _,and it is _ metres high.Big Ben Para.2Turn leftopposite135 Buckingham Palace Part 2:_28Big Ben The best way to see London is _._ the river,the London Eye is _._ the boat at Tower Bridge,the Tower of London is _ the bridge.It is _ years old.Tower of LondonPara.3 to Para 4by boatGo alongon your rightGet offnext toover 900Big Ben The best way to see Lo29Tower Bridge _ _ _ _ _the squarePara.5Tower BridgestationKings streetchurchthe squarego pastturn leftgo pastbackTower Bridge _ 30National GalleryBuckingham PalaceHouse of ParliamentLondon EyeTower of LondonSTEP III:Retell:Ask two tourist guides to show us the routesNational GalleryBuckingham Pal31 Complete the sentences.1.Where does the _ start?From the _ opposite the National Gallery.2.Whats the National Gallery?Its a _ museum with lots of paintings.3.How high does the London Eye take you_ the River Thames.One hundred and thirty-five_.4.What can you see from the London Eye?On a _ day,most of London.5.where is the Tower of London?Its next to a famous_.above bridge clear fameous metre square touretourSquarefamousabovemetresclearbridge Complete the sentences.1.32Homework:lRead the passage at least three times.lWrite directions from your school to your home.Homework:Read the passage at l33


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