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Unit 3 At the zooB lets talkUnit 3 At the zooB lets talk小学三年级英语下册Unit3-At-the-zoo-B-lets-talk课件Lets doLets doLook at me.Look at me.I have a I have a I have two Look at me.Look at me.小学三年级英语下册Unit3-At-the-zoo-B-lets-talk课件tail 尾巴short 短的 small 小的小的 long 长的长的 big 大的 tail 尾巴short 短的 small 小的 loWhat animals do they see?A.elephant B.bearWhat animals do they see?Listen and answer:1):It has a _nose.A.long B.short2):It has a _tail (尾巴).A.long B.short Listen and answer:1)Look at the rabbit.It has a short tail.Look at the rabbit.Look at the monkey.It has a long tail.Look at the monkey.Look at the mouse.It has a small body.Look at the mouse.Look at the panda.It has a big body.Look at the panda.Listen again and answer the question:3):It has _(bigsmall)eyes and _(bigsmall)ears.smallbigListen again and answer the qu小学三年级英语下册Unit3-At-the-zoo-B-lets-talk课件Look at the dog.It has short legs.Look at the dog.Look at the cat.It has big eyes.Look at the cat.Lets chantLook at the elephant,elephant,elephant,elephant.It has a short tail,short,short,short.It has a long nose,long,long,long.It has a small eyes,small,small,small.And big ears,big,big,big!Lets chantLook at the elephan小学三年级英语下册Unit3-At-the-zoo-B-lets-talk课件Can you guess?It has a long tail.It has a long tail.Its a monkey.Its a monkey.It has a short tail.It has a short tail.It has a short tail and a big mouth.It has a short tail and a big Its a duck.Its a duck.It has big eyes and short legs.It has big eyes and short legsIts a pig.Its a pig.It has small ears and a small nose.It has small ears and aIts a panda.Its a panda.Look at the pictures,and make a new dialogue.(看图片,改编对话,四人小组进行表演。)-Miss White:Come here,children.Look at the _.(elephantpanda monkey bird dogduckpigbeargiraffe)-A,B&C:Wow!Its so _.(bigsmallfatthin)-A:It has a _(longshortbigsmall)_(mouth,nose,head,tail,body,eyes,ears)-B:It has a _ _.-C:It has two _ _.Look at the pictures,and make 小学三年级英语下册Unit3-At-the-zoo-B-lets-talk课件 最近几年,一所动物园至少有最近几年,一所动物园至少有1313只动物做过手术,包括麋鹿、只动物做过手术,包括麋鹿、梅花鹿等,其主要原因就是吃了游客乱扔的食品和塑料袋,造成梅花鹿等,其主要原因就是吃了游客乱扔的食品和塑料袋,造成消化不良。其中消化不良。其中1 1只梅花鹿还因为误食游客扔的食品导致死亡。只梅花鹿还因为误食游客扔的食品导致死亡。因此,该园向社会发出善待动物的呼吁,因此,该园向社会发出善待动物的呼吁,不要向动物乱不要向动物乱扔食品扔食品,爱护我们的动物。爱护我们的动物。绿色圃中小学教育网http:/Dont feed the animals!Love our wild animals!最近几年,一所动物园至少有13只动物做过手术,包括麋鹿Draw a monster.(画怪物)两人一组一起画怪物,一人说It has,另外一人画,发挥你们的想象,画出想象中的怪物。画完后一起描述。A:It has a _.B:OK!Here is a _.Draw a monster.(画怪物)两人一组一起1)It has a long nose.It has+a+形容词+单数名词2)It has small eyes.It has+形容词+复数名词SummarySummaryHomework1.Describe your pet to your parents.(给你的父母描述你的宠物。)(给你的父母描述你的宠物。)2.Complete your exercise-book.(完成你的练习册。)(完成你的练习册。)Homework Thank you


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