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Unit1In class!Unit 1 In class!IntroduceStand up.Good morning,class.Good morning,Mr Green.Sit down,please.IntroduceStand up.WordsMr /mst(r)/名词,是先生mister的缩写,形容男性,意为先生”,通常和姓氏连用。在学校称呼男老师也可以用这个词。小练习:This is _ Chen.He is a doctor.A.Mr B.MissAWordsMr /mst(r)/名词Words动词,意为打开”。短语:openyourbooks打开书openthedoor打开门open /pn/小练习:Its hot.Please _ the window.A.open B.closeAWordsopen /pn/小练习:Words sit down /sit daun/动词短语,意为坐下”。eg:Sitdown,please.请坐。小练习:根据图片选择准确的句子。()_ A.Sit down.B.Stand up.A.根据图片内容,向下的箭头表示坐下。AWords sit down /sit daun/Words please /pli:z/感叹词,意为请”,是礼貌用语。小练习:请填入礼貌用语。Open the door,_.eg:Have some rice,please.请吃些米饭。Please give me a hand.请帮我一下。pleaseWords please /pli:z/感叹词,意Wordsthe /冠词,意为这个,那个,这些,那些”。the用来特指人或事物。eg:The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。小练习:Look at _blackboard.A.it B.the BWordsthe /冠词,意为这个,那Words sorry /sri/形容词,意为対不起的,抱歉的;遗憾的”。eg:Im sorry.対不起。小练习:Im _Im late(迟到的).B.此题题意为対不起,我迟到了”BWords sorry /sri/形容词,意Wordsclose /klz/作动词,意为关,关闭”。常用短语:closethedoor关上门closethewindow关上窗户小练习:Its raining(下雨),please _ the window.A.open B.closeB.句意下雨了,请关好窗户”BWordsclose /klz/作动词,意为in class 固定搭配,意为在上课”eg:go to class 去上课 after class 课后小练习:根据图片,选出合适的短语。They are _.A.in class B.on class C.in the classAExpressionsin class 固定搭配,意为在上课”小练习Expressionsstand up 作动词,意为站立,(使)直立,站着”。eg:Standup,please.请起立。小练习:上课前,班长应该说:_ A.Come in.B.Stand up.BExpressionsstand up 作动词,意为站come in动词词组,意为进来”。eg:Please come in and sit down.请进来坐下。小练习:假如你想请朋友进房间里来,可以说:_A.Pleasecomein.B.Pleasesitdown.AExpressionscome in动词词组,意为进来”。小练习:ExpressionsYes,Mr.Green.yes在这里表示 好、行、可以”。eg:A:Tom,please close the door.汤姆,请把窗关上。B:Yes,Mr Green.好的,格林先生。小练习:Mum:Lily,please open the window.Lily:_,mum.A.Good B.YesB ExpressionsYes,Mr.Green.yesExpressions Please open the door.祈使句,用来表示请求、命令、劝告或建议等语气的句子。eg:Pleasesitdown.小练习:Please _ your book.A.open B.openingA.此句意为请打开书,是祈使句。AExpressions Please open the doExpressionsIm sorry.用于表达歉意,意为対不起,很抱歉”。eg:A:I am sorry.対不起。B:That is right.没关系。小练习:Im _,for I broke your ruler.A.sorry B.goodA.意为我弄坏了你的尺子,应感到抱歉。AExpressionsIm sorry.用于表达歉意 DialogueStand up.起立。Good morning,class.同学们,早上好。Good morning,Mr Green.格林老师好。Sit down,please.请坐。DialogueStand up.Liu Tao,please open the door.刘涛,请把门打开。Yes,Mr Green.好的,格林老师。Im sorry,Mr Green.対不起,格林老师。Come in,Mike.迈克,进来。DialogueLiu Tao,please open the door.Expand机器人简介 机器人可接受人类指挥,也可以执行预先编排的程序,也可以根据以人工智能技术制定的原那么纲领行动。机器人执行的是取代或是协助人类工作的工作,例如制造业、建筑业,或是危险的工作。Expand机器人简介 机器人可接受人类指挥,也SummaryIm sorry.Yes,Mr Green.Please open the door.stand up theopenpleasesit downin class Mr.SummaryIm sorry.Yes,Mr GreeExercise 1.上午上课前,你和老师打招呼,应该说:A.Good afternoon.B.Good morning.C.Good bye 2.当你想表示歉意时,可以说:A.Im sorry.B.OK.C.No,Im not.3.当你想请别人进来时,可以说:A.Come in,please.B.Sit down,please.C.Thank you.ABAExercise 1.上午上课前,你和老师打a.Unit 1 Pets.Unit 1 Pets.1.Listen and guessa.rabbitListen and guessrabbit1.Listen and guessa.One mouseb.two miceListen and guessOne mouse1.Listen and guessa.two dogsListen and guesstwo dogs1.Listen and guessa.a frogListen and guessa frog1.Listen and guessa.a fish a.two fishListen and guessa fish two fis1.Listen and guessa.a birdListen and guessa bird1.Listen and guessa.a catListen and guessa cat1.TalkingHave you got a Pet?Yes,I have.What have you got?A dog.TalkingHave you got a Pet?1.TalkingHave you got a Pet?Yes,I have.What have you got?A cat.TalkingHave you got a Pet?a.Try to do it!Have you got a Pet?Try to do ia.b.How many can you see?a.frogsa.One frog.a.rabbitsa.Six hamsters.a.Three rabbits.a.hamstersa.dogs a.five dogs.frogsOne frog.rabb1.How many?a.Six budgies.a.How many budgies are there?How many?Six budgies.How many 1.How many?1.How many mice are there?a.Five mice.How many?How many mice are the1.How many?a.Four hamsters.a.How many hamsters are there?How many?Four hamsters.How ma.Moudle1b.Using my five sensesc.2 Tastesd.d.第一课时第一课时a.牛津深圳版三年级下Moudle1牛津深圳版 三年级下a.Warmupa.Magic Boxesa.Guess:Whats in the box?a.下一页a.请你点击下面的 ,礼物就会出现哟!Warm upMagic BoxesGuess:Whata.candya.返回a.Warmupcandy返回Warm upa.ice creama.Warmupice creamWarm upa.Do you like to eat ice cream?Why?a.Yes.Because it is sweet.a.返回a.WarmupDo you like to eat ice cream?a.lemona.WarmuplemonWarm upa.Do you like to eat lemon?Why?a.No.Because it is sour.a.返回a.WarmupDo you like to eat lemon?Why?a.candya.ice creama.lemona.a a.an a.Warmupcandy ice cream lemona an Waa.Letslearna.Do you like to eat candy?Why?a.Yes.Because it is sweet.Lets learnDo you like to eat a.Clap or Wave a.If you see the sweet things,please clap your hands.a.If you see the sour things,please wave your hands.a.Rules:a.LetslearnClap or Wave If you see the swa.Clap or Wave a.LetslearnClap or Wave Lets learna.LetslearnLets learna.Taste it,Joe.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.Its candy.a.What is it?a.LetslearnTaste it,Joe.How is it?Itsa.Its sour.a.Taste it,Kitty.How is it?a.Its a lemon.a.What is it?a.LetslearnIts sour.Taste it,Kitty.Howa.Pair Work:b.Ask and answer with your partners.a.Lets go to the supermarket to find the sweet food and the sour food.a.A:How is it?a.B:Its.a.LetslearnPair Work:Lets go to the supea.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet.Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sour.Lets praca.Its sweet.a.How is it?a.LetspracticeIts sweet.How is it?Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet.Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet.Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet.Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sweet.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet.Lets praa.How is it?a.Its sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sour.Lets praca.How is it?a.Its sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sour.Lets praca.How is it?a.Its sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sour.Lets praca.How is it?a.Its sweet and sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet and sour.a.How is it?a.Its sweet and sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet and sour.a.How is it?a.Its sweet and sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet and sour.a.How is it?a.Its sweet and sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet and sour.a.How is it?a.Its sweet and sour.a.LetspracticeHow is it?Its sweet and sour.a.What is it?b.It is a lemon.a.Taste it.b.How is it?a.It is sour.a.LetspracticeWhat is it?Taste it.It is soua.What is it?b.It is an ice cream.a.Taste it.b.How is it?a.It is sweet.a.LetspracticeWhat is it?Taste it.It is swea.aa.ana./a.Letspracticeaan/Lets practicea.a peach a pear an orange an apple a.Letspracticea peach a pear an ora.candy a lemon chocolate an ice creama.Letspracticecandy a lemon chocolate


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