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Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkDirections:Watch the video and fill in the blanks.1Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkDance with My FatherBack when I was a childBefore life removed all the innocenceMy father would me high And dance with my mother and me and thenSpin me around till I fell asleepThen up the he would carry meAnd I knew for sure I was lovedIf I could get another chanceAnother Another dance with himId play a song that would never,ever endHow I love,love,loveTo with my father againWhen I and my mother would disagreeTo get my way I would run from her to himHed make me laugh just to me stairs_dance_lift_walk_comfort_2Then finally make me do just what my mama saidLater that night when I was asleepHe left a dollar under my Never dreamed that he would be gone from meIf I could steal one final glanceOne final One final dance with himId play a song that would never,ever endCause I love,love,loveTo dance with my father againSometimes Id listen her doorAnd Id hear how my mother cried for himI for her even more than meI for her even more than meI know Im praying for much too muchBut could you send back the only man she lovedI know you dont do it usuallyBut dear Lord shes To dance with my father againEvery night I fall asleep this is all I ever dreamsheet_outside_step_pray_pray_dying_Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and Think3Dance with My FatherBackground InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and Think 4Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and Think1.Do you think that your parents are the most important people in your life?Why or why not?What is the ideal relationship between parents and their children in your view?Some parents believe that they raise children so that their children will look after them when they are old.Do you accept this view?Some parents are often willing to sacrifice a lot for their children.Do you think it is good for them to do so?Please elaborate your position with examples. InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkA.DiscussionDirections:Work in groups.List as many words or expressions as possible related to“Family Relationship”.B.Group PresentationDirections:Each group is required to choose ten words or expressions that are closest to the topic “Family Relationship”,and invent a story with them.61.Read the following,find the key words,and write a summary sentence for each statement.Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkTips to Improve Father-Child Relationship1 You could play ball,color pictures,build toy houses from blocks,or do whatever they like.2 Allow them to help you carry in the groceries,make dinner,or mow the yard.Children often get great joy from doing things that adults consider work.3 Spend time with your children out picnicking and enjoy playing Frisbee(飞飞盘盘),passing a ball,or pushing them in the swings.Your children will cherish this special time together as a family.4 Show them that you are truly interested in their education and life by asking them what they did in school and looking at their books,projects,and assignments with them.5 Dont just turn on the news and forget your children when they are in the car with you.Talk or joke with them,or sing songs together.6 Usually,mothers bathe the children,but bath time is an excellent opportunity for fathers to be with their kids.Let them splash around and play a little more than mom does.72.Check your sentences and match the summary sentences below with the tips you have read.One of the sentences given is surplus(多余的多余的).Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and Thinka)Use driving time with your children.b)Take the family out for a picnic.c)Give your small children a bath sometimes.d)Have at least two meals a week as a family.e)Play with your children sometimes.f)Help your children with their homework.g)Let your children help you with simple tasks.1-e;2-g;3-b;4-f;5-a;6-c8 1.Definition:A prom is a formal dance at a school or college,usually held at the end of the academic year.A senior prom usually refers to a formal dance party held at the end of the final year of high school.Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkSenior Prom 9 2.Preparation for a Senior PromBackground InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and ThinkDirections:Listen to the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks given below.1)Planning for the prom begins .Shadi Sakr,23,was on his high school prom committee,but later decided to leave,and did not attend the prom either.“people were getting their licenses,deciding on they wanted to wear,reserving their six months in advance for the ,”he says.2)Proms are not .Depending on parents and individual teens ,hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on the prom.well in advance_what clothes_The whole yearappointments_hair salon_cheap_financial circumstances_,10 Background InformationAn English SongTopic-related PredictionWarm-up QuestionsRead and Think3)This is usually for the following items:for girls,;for boys,renting tuxedos(男士无尾半正式晚礼服男士无尾半正式晚礼服);the actual ;renting a hotel room;renting a limousine(豪华轿车豪华轿车)or some other car;beauty salon for girls to get their done and the after-prom party.4)In some places,there is almost an entire day pre-prom preparation,with a to commemorate the event.fancy dresses_expensive_make up_banquet_party_devoted to_11Part DivisionFurther UnderstandingPartsParagraphs Main Ideas 1 18 2 913The writer recalls the days when she and her mother would meet and chat about life under a pine tree in the park nearby.After the writers mother died,the writer still brought her sons to the same spot which brought back fond memories of her mother.Such visits and gatherings under the tree had created a close bond between her and her sons.12Part DivisionFurther Understanding1.What did the family often do under the pine tree when the writers mother was alive?The family used to have picnics and gatherings quite often under the pine tree in the park.2.What did the writer and her mother usually talk about under the tree?They usually talked about what was happening in their respective lives.3.Why did Mother look unusually solemn one day and ask her daughter strange questions?Mother acted unusually that day because her heart disease was deteriorating and she was dying.Questions and Answers13True or False1.The writers sons come to the pine tree often after their grandmother died because their grandmother used to take them there.False()2.The writer always brings her sons to the pine tree and talk to them about family picnics,gatherings and their grandmother.3.Her son rarely hugs her,and when he does,it is like a special treat something that gives her great pleasure and delight.Part DivisionFurther UnderstandingTrue()True()4.The park with the pine tree is a meaningful place for the writer.True()5.The writer visits the pine tree after her mothers death occasionally only because she misses her mother.False()14Part DivisionFurther UnderstandingRole PlayBased on Part 2,make a dialogue between Mother and Son.15When people die,they cease to exist in this world physically.But for the author of this essay,a pine tree in a nearby park brings back fond memories of her dead mother and she knows clearly that love and memory will never“die.”Now,she brings her sons to the same place.Detailed Reading16In recent years,we usually just talked about life,but sometimes we recalled events from my childhood.Like the time I was thirteen and had my first date,when Mother brought me to this spot under the tree and told me about the facts of life.OrOne warm and pleasant summer afternoon,I sat on an old blanket under a pine tree chatting with my mother.For years,we had been coming to this park for family picnics and gatherings,and my mother and I often sat in this same spot.A Time for MemoriesSharon WrightDetailed Readingthe time a few years later,when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and shed held me while I cried.But the most special event that occurred next to this tree was when I told Mother I was getting married.17Over the years,wed watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and straight until their needles seemed to touch the clouds.Each year of their growth seemed to match our increasingly close relationship and the deepening love we had for each other.On this particular sunny afternoon,Mother and I sat quietly breathing in the scent of freshly mown grass.She was unusually solemn and took me by surprise when she asked me,“Who will you bring here after Im gone?”I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries,then smiled.After a few moments,when she didnt return my smile,I began to wonder what made her ask such a disturbing question.Mother picked up a blade of grass and began to shred it with her fingernail.Id become well acquainted with my mothers habits,and this particular one indicated she had something serious on her mind.Detailed ReadingTears filled her eyes and this time I held her while she cried.She told me she was sad to lose her little girl but happy to see that I had turned into a beautiful young woman.18For several minutes,we sat in silence gathering our thoughts.A couple of blue birds squawked nearby and an airplane flew overhead,but they didnt ease the awkward moment between us.Finally,I reached over and took my mothers hand in mine.“Theres nothing you cant tell me,Mother,”I said.“We will handle this together,like we always have.”Detailed ReadingShe looked into my face,and her eyes filled with tears that spilt down her cheeks cheeks that were alarmingly pale.Even before she said it,I knew what was coming.Mother was dying.I held her tightly while she told me that her heart condition was worsening and couldnt be repaired.I think I had known for quite a while but had not been willing to admit it to myself.Shed had several heart attacks and,a few years ago,even open-heart surgery.19That was many years ago now.Mother died soon after that day,before my sons had a chance to know her.I still come to the park,but now I bring my boys.I still sit under that same sturdy pine tree on an old blanket and talk to my sons of family picnics,gatherings and the grandmother they never knew.Just as my mother did with me,I tell my children about their youthful funnyDetailed ReadingWhat I didnt know,and what she had kept from me,was that her condition wasnt improving.We talked about her options,which were few;we cried,held each other and wished for more time together.behaviors and praise them for their accomplishments as young adults.We come to this special place to create our own memories memories that I know would make my mother smile with pride.20Not long ago my oldest son wanted to come to the park and talk,so we came and sat under our tree.He hemmed and hawed for a few minutes,then he finally told me he was getting married.I cried tears of joy as my son hugged me his hug a rare and special treat.I told him how proud I was of the man he had become.As I sat there that cool April afternoon soaking up the sun and the smell of freshly mown grass,I felt I had come full circle under this giant pine tree.Holding my son in my arms,I was happy for him,just the way I knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when I told her I was getting married.Detailed ReadingLooking over my sons shoulder,I saw that several young pine trees had been planted recently.As these trees grow straight and tall,I thought,will the lives of my family continue to grow with them?I wanted to share this spot with my grandchildren,too.21Detailed ReadingThe branches above were swaying in the breeze and in them I heard a whispering voice:Who will you bring here when Im gone?It was my mothers voice,and I tightened my arms around my son.221.Paraphrase the sentence.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.Or the time a few years later,when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and shed held me while I cried.又如几年以后,我的发型在高中毕业舞会显得不太合时宜,母亲让又如几年以后,我的发型在高中毕业舞会显得不太合时宜,母亲让我在她怀中哭泣。我在她怀中哭泣。Detailed ReadingA few years later,when I dyed my hair for a formal dance party at high school,it ended up being pink rather than the color I had expected,I felt very sad and cried in my mothers arms.23Tears filled her eyes and this time I held her while she cried.1.Pay attention to the usage of the word“fill”.2.More examples:and her eyes filled with tears that spilt down her cheeks (Para.7)Laughter filled the room.房间里充满了欢笑。房间里充满了欢笑。The thought fills me with pleasure.这个想法使我很高兴。这个想法使我很高兴。Detailed Reading2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.当时她热泪盈眶。这次是她在我的怀里哭了。当时她热泪盈眶。这次是她在我的怀里哭了。24Over the years,wed watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and straight until their needles seemed to touch the clouds.1.Whats the symbolic meaning of the growth of the pine trees?It symbolizes the increasingly close relationship between mother and daughter.Detailed Reading2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.年复一年,我们看着公园里的松树长得巍峨挺拔,直至高耸入云。年复一年,我们看着公园里的松树长得巍峨挺拔,直至高耸入云。25She was unusually solemn and took me by surprise when she asked me,“Who will you bring here after Im gone?”What can we infer from the sentence?There was probably something serious to happen,because mother used to be kind,not at all the way she behaved that day.Detailed Reading26Detailed Reading1.What does“arched-eyebrow”mean in the sentence?I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries,then smiled.When one makes a facial expression by making ones eyebrows arched,one is usually disapproving or doubtful.2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.我皱起了眉头,狐疑地看了她一眼,然后微微笑了。我皱起了眉头,狐疑地看了她一眼,然后微微笑了。27What I didnt know,and what she had kept from me,was that her condition wasnt improving.1.Analyze the sentence structure.Detailed Reading“What I didnt know”and“what she had kept from me”are two paralleled clauses used as subject.但有一点我一无所知,而且她也一直瞒着我,那就是她的情况毫无好转。但有一点我一无所知,而且她也一直瞒着我,那就是她的情况毫无好转。2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.28I felt I had come full circle under this giant pine tree.1.Whats the meaning of the sentence?Under the special big pine tree,what I did with my sons was just what my mother did with me.Life had repeated itself like a circle here.Detailed Reading2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.我坐在那里,觉得自己回到了原地,就在这棵巨大的松树下。我坐在那里,觉得自己回到了原地,就在这棵巨大的松树下。29Holding my son in my arms,I was happy for him,just the way I knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when I told her I was getting married.Detailed ReadingWhats the grammatical function of“Holding my son in my arms”?“Holding my son in my arms”is a present participle phrase used as adverbial.More examples:Looking over my sons shoulder,I saw that (Para.12)Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.Lying under the apple trees,Newton was thinking and thinking.30cease:v.stop somethingWorkplace nurseries will cease to be liable for tax.Detailed Reading公司已经决定明年停止一切在英国的运作。公司已经决定明年停止一切在英国的运作。The company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.正式用词,侧重逐渐结束某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。正式用词,侧重逐渐结束某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。这些词均含有这些词均含有“中止,停止中止,停止”之意。之意。CF:cease,pause&stopstoppausecease普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。31Detailed ReadingDirections:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1.Whether the protests will remains to be seen.2.I to pick up a letter that Id dropped.3.He and thought for a moment.4.Apparently she drinking.5.The dying man soon to breathe.6.Why dont you just somewhere and ask for directions?7.She to get her breath back and then carried on jogging.ceased_paused_has stopped_stopped_paused_cease_stop_32physically:adv.with regard to bodyDetailed ReadingSpecial holidays are available for physically handicapped/disabled people.他看上去身体很健康。他看上去身体很健康。He looks physically fit.NB:physically 的反义词是的反义词是mentally,意为意为“精神上,智力上,在内心精神上,智力上,在内心”。The protestors had to be physically removed from the room.Its going to be a tough competition but Im mentally prepared for it.33spot:n.This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.This is the spot where the accident happened.Detailed ReadingSpain is our favorite holiday spot.1.a particular place2.a point of interest这座古城有许多可供参观的名胜。这座古城有许多可供参观的名胜。There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.Collocation:in spots 有时;到处;偶尔有时;到处;偶尔on the spot 现场,当场现场,当场34recall:v.remember,call back sth.I cant recall his face/seeing him/that he came/where he lives/how to do it.听到有人叫我名字,我才清醒过来。听到有人叫我名字,我才清醒过来。Detailed ReadingThe sound of my name recalled me to myself.指有意识地下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。指有意识地下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。这些动词均有这些动词均有“记忆,记住,回忆记忆,记住,回忆”之意。之意。含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。记忆。CF:memorize,remember&recallremembermemorizerecall比比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。35Detailed ReadingDirections:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1.He that he had sent the letter over a month before.2.When I was at school,we were required to a poem every week.3.me to your family.4.I dont signing a contract.5.She seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.recalled_memorize_Remember_remember_recalled_36prom:n.a formal party given for students by a high school or college classDetailed ReadingWho are you taking to the Senior Prom?她穿长裙去参加聚会。她穿长裙去参加聚会。She wore a long dress to the prom.37Detailed Readingoccur:vi.(esp.of unplanned events)happen,take placeAlmost half of all fatal accidents occur while landing.We hope this wont occur again.是普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的是普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。偶然性。这些词语都可表示这些词语都可表示“发生发生”之意。之意。是较正式用词,可指意外事件的发生,也可指意料中事件的发是较正式用词,可指意外事件的发生,也可指意料中事件的发生。生。CF:happen,occur&take placeoccurhappentake place多指通过人为安排事件的发生。多指通过人为安排事件的发生。38Detailed ReadingDirections:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1.They to look in the right place almost immediately.2.If any of these symptoms while you are taking the medicine,consult your doctor immediately.3.Fortunately it that there was no one in the house at the time of the explosion.4.The concert next Thursday.5.Where did the earthquake?happened_happened_takes place_occur_occur_39Detailed Readingscent:n.a pleasant natural smellWhen you are choosing which flower to plant,appearance and scent should both be considered.the sweet scent of roses玫瑰的芳香玫瑰的芳香40mow:vt.cut(grass,corn,etc.)I love the smell of new-mown hay.Detailed Reading我们割地里的牧草给牛提供饲料。我们割地里的牧草给牛提供饲料。We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.Pattern:mow down 铲除;战胜铲除;战胜Collocation:mowing machine 割草机,收割机割草机,收割机41Detailed Readingsolemn:adj.serious and without any amusementThe service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music.The inauguration was a solemn event.就职典礼是一件严肃的事情。就职典礼是一件严肃的事情。Collocation:a solemn face/voice 阴沉的面孔阴沉的面孔/声音声音solemn music 庄严的音乐庄严的音乐42inquiry/enquiry:n.他们有没有问起我的情况?他们有没有问起我的情况?Have they made any inquiries after me?It isnt polite to make many inquiries into other peoples affairs.Detailed Readingrequest for help or information(about sb./sth.)43Detailed Readingdisturb:vt.interrupt what someone is doingIm sorry to disturb you so late,but my cars broken down and I was wondering if I could use your phone.Please dont disturb Georgina shes trying to do her homework.指烦恼引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。指烦恼引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。这些词均有这些词均有“使人不安或烦恼使人不安或烦恼”之意。之意。较正式,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、较正式,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,烦恼程度较深。思维或正常秩序,烦恼程度较深。CF:bother,disturb&trouble disturbbothertrouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。44Detailed ReadingDirections:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.1.He by a knee injury for most of the season.2.Dont making the bed Ill do it later.3.Heavy truck traffic the neighborhood.4.You wont get any credit for doing it,so why?5.He hung the“Dont ”sig


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