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Food and HealthFood and HealthUnit 2 Unit 2 Warm-up Warm-up01 Listening and SpeakingListening and Speaking02 Viewing and SpeakingViewing and Speaking03CONTENTS ProjectProject041Warm-upWarm-upWork in pairs on the following activities.Work in pairs on the following activities.Read the food terms and the descriptions carefully.Then match the descriptions with the terms.Step 1Warm-upprocessed foodWarm-up1 It is food that is grown or produced without synthetic(人造的)pesticides or chemical fertilizers.2 It is food that is specially treated to change color and keep fresh,etc.3 It is food that is grown within a reasonable distance from where it is eaten.It does not spend days or weeks to be transported and is therefore generally fresher.4 It is food that is produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.5 It is food that is not processed or refined,or that is processed and refined as little as possible,before being consumed.It is food in its natural state.organic foodlocal foodGM foodwhole foodWork in pairs on the following activities.Work in pairs on the following activities.List the foods that you ate for breakfast,lunch andsupper yesterday.For each of them,decide whetherit is genetically modified,local,whole,processed,or organic.Step 2Warm-upReference answersReference answersWarm-upBreakfastMuffinProcessed foodBananaWhole foodMilkLocal foodLunchRiceOrganic foodScrambled eggs with tomatoesLocal foodSweet and sour porkLocal foodSupperDumplingsLocal foodAdditional ActivityAdditional ActivityRead the following quotes about healthy eating.Try to explain the quotes with examples or your personal experiences.1 Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.Edward Stanley2 The only way to keep your health is to eat what you dont want,drink what you dont like,and do what youd rather not.Mark TwainWarm-upReference answersReference answers1 Main points:Healthy eating is not just about keeping a healthy weight it affects ones total state of well-being.Poor eatinghabits are linked to a large number of diseases such as heart disease,stroke and diabetes.My father,for example,always buys organic food even if it is more expensive.He tries to ensure a healthy and balanced diet for the family.2 Main points:To stay healthy,you will have to eat those vegetables and fruits which you might not like as much as junk food.You will have to get up early in the morning,exercise regularly,or take the stairs instead of the elevator.In other words,it takes some effort to be healthy.Warm-up2 Listening and Listening and SpeakingSpeakingTopic OneTopic OneGenetically modified foodGenetically modified food1 Listen to a conversation on GM food and decide whether Listen to a conversation on GM food and decide whether the statements are true or false.Write the statements are true or false.Write“T T”for for“truetrue”and and“F F”for for“falsefalse”.Listening and SpeakingGenetically modified foodGenetically modified foodListening and understanding1 The man is in favor of GM food but the woman is against it.2 The woman thinks that she needs to do more reading on GM food.3 The man thinks that controls on GM food in most countries are loose.4 The man thinks that the woman is cautious about GM food.5 The woman does not like the fact that some food companies are using her for their experiments on GM food.6 The woman finally agrees with the man.TFFFTF2 Listen to the conversation again and complete the Listen to the conversation again and complete the table with what you hear.table with what you hear.Listening and SpeakingGenetically modified foodGenetically modified foodListening and understandingArguments for GM foodArguments against GM food GM food is probably 1)_than non-GM food because there are 2)_ for GM food.Genetic modification could be used to make 3)_ enriched with vitamins or bananas with vaccines.GM food can be used to change the habitats of species and prevent them from becoming 4)_.GM food is unnatural and therefore potentially risky.We havent done enough research and GM food is responsible for the destruction of wildlife,for example,larks are rapidly 5)_.Some food companies will dominate the 6)_ even more than they do today if we start to rely on GM food.GM food causes no end of damage to some plants and animals.When a species dies out or mutates,it has a knock-on effect on the 7)_.Genetically modified foodGenetically modified foodListening and understandingsafertighter controlsvegetablesextinctdecreasing in numberspoor countrieswhole ecosystemListening and Speaking3 Although GM food has been on supermarket shelves Although GM food has been on supermarket shelves for over a decade,there is still extensive for over a decade,there is still extensive controversy about it.Work in two groups and hold controversy about it.Work in two groups and hold an informal debate on the topic“Is GM food an informal debate on the topic“Is GM food beneficial?”.You can base your argument on what beneficial?”.You can base your argument on what youve heard from the conversation,your own youve heard from the conversation,your own experience and reasoning,and what youve experience and reasoning,and what youve learned from books,newspapers,or the Internet.learned from books,newspapers,or the Internet.Listening and SpeakingGenetically modified foodGenetically modified foodThinking and speakingListening and SpeakingGenetically modified foodGenetically modified foodThinking and speakingArguments for GM foodArguments against GM food There have been a great number of studies tracking the effects of GM food on animals.These studies indicate that GM food is safe to consume.Farmers who grow GM crops use fewer environmentally damaging pesticides.GM crops can have larger yields.The increased yields of GM crops are essential to feeding the worlds growing population.GM food can withstand colder weather,droughts,and floods.GM crops have led to an increase in herbicide-and pesticide-resistant weeds and insects.There is no scientific consensus on the long-term safety of GM food.Introducing a gene into a plant may cause unexpected allergic reactions to people.Some GM foods have antibiotic features built into them.People who consume these foods may become resistant to antibiotic drugs.Topic TwoTopic TwoTruth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labels1 Understanding food labels can help you make healthy Understanding food labels can help you make healthy decisions when you shop for food.Now listen to a decisions when you shop for food.Now listen to a program twice and complete the table with what you program twice and complete the table with what you hear.hear.Listening and SpeakingTruth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsListening and understandingListening and SpeakingTruth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsFood labelsMeaningsNaturalThe real ingredients could be anything but 1)_.Contains organic ingredientsFoods have 2)_ 70%organic ingredients.Made with organic ingredientsFoods contain 3)_ 70%organic ingredients.OrganicAt least 4)_ of the ingredients are organic.100%OrganicThe food is 5)_ organic.Grass fedThe animals had access to 6)_ and were fed a 7)_ of grass and hay.Free rangeThe animals had access to the outdoors,instead of 8)_ their entire lives.No hormones addedNo growth hormones were given to the animals when they were 9)_.organicless thanat least95%100%the outdoorsnatural dietbeing kept in small cagesbeing raised2 The program you have listened to is about food The program you have listened to is about food labels.The chart below shows what consumers look labels.The chart below shows what consumers look for on food labels in America.Work in groups to for on food labels in America.Work in groups to describe the chart briefly and give comments on describe the chart briefly and give comments on their claims.their claims.Listening and SpeakingThinking and speakingTruth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingTruth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingHere are some useful expressions for describing the data:Of all the people who were questioned/interviewed,.Opinions are divided about.Approximately half those respondents say that.The majority of people think that.Nearly two out of three people report that.Truth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsListening and SpeakingReference answers The chart shows what consumers look for when it comes to food labeling.When shopping for food,of all the people who were interviewed,about two out of three report that they look for the words“Locally grown”on labels,while 59%check to see if the products they are buying are natural.Half of the people say that they would look for information about artificial growth hormones on food labels.Other keywords that consumers look for on food labels include“Pesticide-free”(49%),“Organic”(49%),“No artificial ingredients”(48%),and so on.According to the chart,consumers care a lot about how their food is produced.They are looking for food that is produced locally and in an environmentally-friendly way.Truth about organic food labelsTruth about organic food labelsTopic ThreeTopic ThreeMeat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetarians1 Depending on what they eat,vegetarians can be Depending on what they eat,vegetarians can be divided into different types.Now listen to a talk divided into different types.Now listen to a talk about the four types of vegetarians and tick the food about the four types of vegetarians and tick the food they eat.they eat.Listening and SpeakingMeat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and understandingplantfoodsmeatdairyproductsseafoodeggspoultrylacto-ovovegetarianlactovegetarianovovegetarianvegan2 Listen to the talk again and complete the answers to Listen to the talk again and complete the answers to the questions with what you hear.the questions with what you hear.Listening and SpeakingMeat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and understanding1 What are dairy products?They refer to things like _.2 What will vegans use as a source of omega-3?They will use a _ or flaxseed instead of _.3 Why are semi-vegetarians not truly vegetarians?Because they still _ occasionally or some type of animal product.milk,cheese,yoghurtmarine source like marine algaefish oil supplementseat meat3 The talk you have listened to tells about The talk you have listened to tells about vegetarians and their diet.Now work in pairs on vegetarians and their diet.Now work in pairs on the following activities.the following activities.Listening and SpeakingThinking and speakingDiscuss the questions.1 Why do some people choose to become vegetarians?2 What are the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?3 What are the health risks in becoming a vegetarian?Step 1Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speaking1 Why do some people choose to become vegetarians?Most of the reasons fall into one of the following categories.Health concerns:Vegetarians believe that a healthy vegetarian diet can significantly decrease the risk of many chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.Religious restrictions:Some believers of some religions such as Buddhism may refuse to eat meat.Environmental concerns:They assert that the large-scale meat and poultry production is environmentally unsustainable.Animal rights issues:Ethical vegetarians are concerned about animal cruelty.They say that animals are treated horribly prior to and during slaughter.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speaking2 What are the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?Some people believe that vegetarians are at a lower risk for developing heart disease,obesity,diabetes,hypertension and certain cancers.This is because a healthy vegetarian diet is typically low in fat and high in fiber.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetarians3 What are the health risks in becoming a vegetarian?There can be risks linked to vegetarian diets associated with a lack of nutrients.If vegetarians are not careful to get all the necessary nutrients,they could experience a lack of protein,iron,zinc,calcium,vitamin B12,vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.Listening and SpeakingThinking and speakingRead the situation.Then role-play a conversation about vegetarianism based on your answers in Step 1.Student A You are a vegetarian and you never eat meat.You think it is barbaric(野蛮的)to eat meat and you are convinced it is much healthier not to eat any meat products.Student B You love eating meat and cant imagine a meal without any meat in it.You think that people need to eat meat to get enough proteins and keep healthy.Step 2Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingReference answersB:There are a lot of differences in what weve got for lunch today.Ive got some pork and you have a vegetarian salad with nuts.So why do you become a vegetarian?A:I dont eat meat because I think it is wrong to kill animals for their meat.Do you know that 55 billion animals are killed every year for meat production?B:Yes,but these animals are bred for food.I think meat production is similar to producing any other food product.We humans shouldnt get too sentimental about the animals.Besides,we need to eat meat in order to stay healthy.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingA:Do you really believe that eating meat would help you stay healthy?Research shows that vegetarians are at a lower risk for developing many diseases including some of the most common cancers,heart disease,stroke,obesity and diabetes.In fact,this is another reason why I choose to become a vegetarian.B:But humans are omnivores.We function best when we eat both animals and plants.There are some nutrients that can only be gotten from animals.Take vitamin B12 for example.It is an important vitamin for many basic bodily functions such as blood cell production and proper nerve functioning,but it is not found in most of the plants.In fact,B12 deficiency is very common in vegans.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingA:Yes,vegetarians especially vegans can be exposed to some health risks because of our meatless diet.So we can take some foods or supplements to compensate for the missing nutrients in our diet.B:Are there other reasons why people become vegetarians?A:Yes,of course.Some people do not eat meat for religious or ethical reasons.For example,many Buddhists follow a vegetarian diet.Some people are allergic to protein from meat so they cant eat meat.And some vegetarians refuse to eat meat for environmental concerns.You know many forests are cut down to raise animals for meat.This really has to stop.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetariansListening and SpeakingThinking and speakingB:To be honest,I really dont see why eating meat is a big deal.I think the choice to eat meat or not is very personal.So lets finish whats on our own plate.Meat or not Meat or not Four types of vegetarians Four types of vegetarians35可编辑3Viewing and Viewing and SpeakingSpeakingTopic OneTopic OneHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietViewing and understanding1 If you are trying to eat healthily,perhaps you If you are trying to eat healthily,perhaps you have been told to stay away from processed foods.have been told to stay away from processed foods.While thats great advice,it seems many people While thats great advice,it seems many people are confused about what processed foods are and are confused about what processed foods are and what makes them so dangerous to ones health.Now what makes them so dangerous to ones health.Now watch a video clip and complete the answers to the watch a video clip and complete the answers to the questions with what you hear.questions with what you hear.Viewing and Speaking1 What are processed foods?They are foods that have been altered from _.2 Why can processed foods stay fresh for months?Its because food manufacturers use _ to prolong a products _.3 What are trans fats?They are oils infused with _.4 What is true about food labeled“trans fat free”?It may contain _ of trans fat per serving.5 What do manufacturers say about high fructose corn syrup compared with sugar?It is nutritionally _ sugar.6 What are the negative effects of processed foods?They not only create health risks,but also make you _,according to Dr.Doris Day.Viewing and Speakingtheir natural stateman-made ingredientsshelf lifehydrogenup to a half gramthe same aslook oldHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietViewing and understanding2 2 Watch the video clip again and complete the table Watch the video clip again and complete the table with what you hear.with what you hear.Viewing and SpeakingViewing and SpeakingTrans fatHigh fructose corn syrupHow itcauses healthproblems It raises 1)_ cholesterol and lowers 2)_ cholesterol.Its really like 3)_ and when we eat it,it will be incorporated in our 4)_ and therefore they cannot 5)_ to one another.It turns into 9)_ rather than energy and may cause“fattyliver”.It does not trigger the bodys satisfaction gauge and makes you always 10)_.Health risks Disturbed hormones and weightgain.A higher rate for heart disease,6)_,stroke and infertility.Obesity,diabetes,11)_,and heart disease.Presencein foodFried food and 7)_,especially 8)_ goods.Soft drinks,bread,and pasta sauce.badgoodplasticcellscommunicate or talkcancerpackaged foodsbakedfatdesire morehigh blood pressureHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietThinking and speaking3 3 Weve learned from the video clip about the health Weve learned from the video clip about the health risks of trans fats.What can be done to reduce the risks of trans fats.What can be done to reduce the consumption of trans fats?Discuss in groups and try consumption of trans fats?Discuss in groups and try to look at the question from different perspectives,to look at the question from different perspectives,e.g.the government,food producers,doctors,e.g.the government,food producers,doctors,restaurants,and consumers.restaurants,and consumers.Viewing and SpeakingHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietHow to avoid processed foods in a healthy dietReference answers The government should increase public awareness of the health risks of consuming trans fats and adopt guidelines regarding the sale and use of foods containing trans fats.Food producers need to find innovative ways to avoid using trans fats in foods and make sure that food labels provide clear and accurate information that helps consumers make food choices.Instead of simply prescribing drugs,doctors should tell their patients to reduce or cut trans fats out of their diet.Restaurants should change their cooking oils to ones that do not contain trans fats.The consumers should read the nutrition facts label and ingredient list carefully.They should check the ingredient list to avoid all trans fats.Consumers should also choose restaurants that do not use trans fats.Viewing and SpeakingTopic TwoTopic TwoWhatWhats wrong with our food s wrong with our food“systemsystem”?WhatWhats wrong with our food s wrong with our food“systemsystem”?Viewing and understanding1 You are goin


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