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the Attributive Clause1A定语从句1AAnalysis of teaching material1Analysis of students learning2target3Analysis of teaching,learning methods4The teaching process5Blackboard writing design62 2A AAnalysis of teaching material.Analysis of teaching material:teaching materials background,status and role The attributive clause is a very important English grammar point,one of the college entrance exam contents,and also a difficulty.It accounts for a large proportion in the college entrance examination,involving wide and difficult to distinguish.Regardless of in cloze or in reading comprehension,it is ubiquitous.Even in students compositions,easily writing several attributive clauses can add lights to your composition.Therefore,we need to make a special topic review on it,induction,interpretation,analysis.3 3A A.Analysis of teaching materia.Analysis of students learning In the course of senior 1 and 2,we have had to learn the attributive clause,so the students have a certain knowledge of it.But the level of the students in our school is generally low,the ability to understand and apply knowledge is even lower,so in the first round of review,it is necessary to learn it from the foundation and guide students to do some mechanical imitation of the problem solving methods and steps.on this basis,try to enhance the level of understanding and strive to make as many students as possible achieve the mastery of knowledge.4 4A A.Analysis of students learn.Target localization According to the characteristics of this class teaching content and curriculum teaching requirements,considering students existing cognitive structure and psychological characteristics,I make the following teaching aims:()Knowledge and skills 1.Review and master the attributive clause guided the relative pronouns,adverbs,preposition+relative pronoun.2.Induction and master syntactic phenomenon.similar to the attributive clause.3.To improve students grammar analysis and comprehensive skills.()Process and the method Exercise guidance,independent induction,approximate contrast,expand and evolution ()Emotional attitude Way is always more than difficulty,that is to say,actively find a way when we meet a difficult,complex situation.5 5A A.Target localization .Target localization 1.The key points and difficulties of language knowledge (1)distinguish the usage of“that”and“which”(2)examination“of the way”(3)the attributive clause guided the relative adverbs and the preposition+relative pronoun 2.key points and difficulties of comprehensive knowledge (1)the use of the“as”(2)examination of the“where-clause”(3)comprehensive examination()Teaching key points and difficulties6 6A A.Target localization .Analysis of teaching,learning methods The outstanding feature of the new curriculum idea and core task is to fundamentally change the teaching methods and learning styles.So let students become carriers of knowledge discovery and application in the process of training-discussion-induction-improvement-application.According to the characteristics of the lesson,in order to improve the teaching efficiency,let the students gain intuitive feeling in a relaxed environment,make the English class full of fun with the aid of multimedia by adopting the combination of guidance discovery and discussion-inductive teaching method,and through specific problems put forward and solved,stimulate students interest in learning and the initiative of students themselves make each student fully involved in the learning activities.Analysis of teaching methods7 7A A.Analysis of teaching,learn.Analysis of teaching,learning methods 1.Adopting the way to experiencing learning and exploring problems,by students experiencing all kinds of problem situation prepared by teachers,guide the students to carry out the creative learning activities,not only make the students master the knowledge actively,summarize the structure of the attributive clause,and even use it,develop the independent ability and attitude.2.Initially set up grammar application consciousness,through teachers creating problem situation,again through example confirmation and experience.By combining observation,discovery,discussion,exploration induction with trying to do,obtain knowledge,let the students become the master of learning.Using the form of competition,encourage students to think positively,take the initiative to express their views bravely.Analysis of learning methods8 8A A.Analysis of teaching,learn.Analysis of teaching processTeaching flowchart is as follows Discussion and exploration,reveal the method Reflection and summary,improve abilities Training in comparison and strengthen The induction of key points and difficultiesDesign assignment,Echo goals Review the basic knowledge9 9A A.Analysis of teaching proces By reviewing the knowledge causing the students cognitive conflict,make the student review knowledge and build a knowledge network,cause students curiosity and thirst for knowledge,and promote further exploration.Put forward straight the main content of this lesson and point out the topic of this lesson.The teaching processDesign intention()Review the basic knowledge归纳总结归纳总结关系关系词词及其意及其意义义指代人指代人 who,whom,that,as 关系代关系代词词指代事物指代事物 which,that,as (在从句中在从句中)作主干成分作主干成分所属关系所属关系 whose指地点指地点 where 关系副关系副词词指指时间时间 when (在从句中在从句中)作状作状语语指原因指原因 why 做做题题技巧技巧?分析关系分析关系词词在定在定语语从句中的成分从句中的成分1010A A By reviewing the knowledge The students training,error correction,and sum up the the way as antecedent problem solving skills,then by applying the training,further master this kind of problem solving skills.The teaching processDesign intention考点2:the way用做先行词 填上合适的关系词并分析原因:1.The way _that/in which/不填_ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.缺状语 2.The way _that/which/不填_he explained to us was quite simple.缺宾语【做题技巧】the way 做先行词时,先看后面定语从句中是否缺少主语或宾语:缺少主语或宾语:引导词用 that/which (作宾语时可以省略)主语宾语都不缺:(作方式状语):引导词用 that/in which/不填高考题链接 3.What surprised me was not what he said but _A_ he said it.A.the way B.in the way that C.in the way D.the way which()Induction of key points and difficulties-discussion and exploration,reveal the method1111A A The students training,error By students training,error correction,and discussion,sum up preposition+word problem solving skills,then by applying the training,further master this kind of problem solving skills.The teaching processDesign intention考点考点3:介:介词+关系关系词 1.Do you know the boy _ your mother is talking?【to whom 】2.I still remember the day _ I first got to Paris.【on which】3.He gave me some novels _ I am not very familiar.【with which】4.He gave me some novels _ I am not very familiar with.【which/that/不填】高考高考题链接接5.I recognized the boss in whose company my sister was working.6.I was given three books on cooking,the first _I really enjoyed.【答案B】A.of that B.of which C.that D.which()Induction of key points and difficulties-discussion and exploration,reveal the method1212A A By students training,erro By students training,error correction,discussion,sum up the usage of where after some special words.By applying the training,further grasp the problem-solving strategies.The teaching processDesign intention难点二:一些特殊点二:一些特殊词之后的之后的where where引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。1.Ive come to the point where I cant stand him.我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。2.The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。【解析】如果定语从句先行词为point,situation,part,stage,activity,condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,常用where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中”。高考题链接 1.We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.A.which B.that C.where D.when 【答案C】2.-Do you have anything to say for yourself?-Yes,theres one point _ we must insist on.【答案D】A.why B.where C.how D./()Induction of key points and difficulties-discussion and exploration,reveal the method1313A A By students training,erro By students training,error correction,discussion,contrast,distinguish attributive clause and the stressed clause,appositive clause,predicative clause,further understand the problem-solving methods of the attributive clause.The teaching processDesign intention难点三点三.综合考合考查综合考合考查一:定一:定语从句与从句与强调句句 wherethatwherethat1 1.It is the library_I borrowed the book.定定语从句从句 【where】2.It is from the library_I borrowed the book.强调句型句型 【that】3.-Where did you last see Mr.Smith?-It was in the hotel_ I lived.【答案【答案C】A.that B.Which C.where D.when综合考合考查二:定二:定语从句与同位从句与同位语从句从句 that/which1.We all have heard the news_ our team won.【that】2.We dont believe in the news _he told us yesterday.【that/which】综合考合考查三:定三:定语从句与表从句与表语从句从句 The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be_ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.A.which;where B.at which;which C.at which;where D.which;in which 【答案【答案C】()Induction of key points and difficulties-discussion and exploration,reveal the method1414A A By students training,er Through training students to do similar exercises,further make students distinguish easily mixed,fault points,reach the purpose of class testing and test study effect.The teaching processDesign intention()Training in and strengthen 1.We should go to the place_ we are most needed.【B】2.We should go to the place_needs us most.【C】A.it B.where C.that D.what 1.He left in October_we met in Beijing for the first time.【C】2.It was in October_we met in Beijing for the first time.【A】A.that B.which C.when D.while 1.He is such a good teacher_we all like him.【B】2.He is such a good teacher_ we all like.【C】A.whom B.that C.as D.which Word came _ the British Queens mother celebrated her 101th birthday in good health,_ isnt surprising,because she lives an easy life and gets the best medical care.【A】A.that;which B.which;which C.that;that D.when;as 1515A A Through training students Through reflection of both teachers,and students to optimize the students cognitive structure change,the knowledge gained in class faster into the students learning quality.The teaching processDesign intention()Reflection and summary,improve abilities 1.that与which 2.对the way的考查 3.介词+关系词 4.as的使用 5.对where的考查 6.综合考查做题要灵活:要分析句子成分,选择恰当的关系词1616A A Through reflection of both


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