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English Writing IIEnglish Writing IIEnglish Writing IIWarm-up ActivitiesWarm-up ActivitiesIntroduce your Introduce your university/dormitory/classroom.university/dormitory/classroom.Whats your overall impression of the university?Which building or location catches your attention first?Which place do you want to describe next?And then?What do you want to describe last?What order does your description follow?Why do you choose this order?Warm-up ActivitiesIntroduce yoReference Reference:In a paragraph describing your university,you might develop the paragraph by space in several different ways:1)You might use some important important landmarklandmark,for example,the library,and describe other locations in relation to relation to it.it.The order in which you discuss each location is not as important as their relationships with the landmark.Reference:2)You might use an importantimportant landmark as the starting point and move from it to the next location,on to another,and so on,perhaps ending back back at the original landmarkat the original landmark.3)Another type of development by space might stress the boundaries the boundaries of an area.The order in which these are listed is not necessarily important so long as there is a logical progression logical progression from location to location.4)Still another spatial development might stress the inter-relationshipsinter-relationships between locations.2)You might use an imporUnit 3 PlacesUnit 3 Places In this unit emphasis will be laid on the organizational features of description by spacespace or spatialspatial order.Unit 3 Places In this uniPart II Development by SpacePart II Development by Space Development by space order:left to right,right to left,near to far,far to near,low to high,high to low,etc.Part II Development by Space Pages 26-27Read sample 2 and sample 3and finish the following tasks.1.Analyze their paragraph structuresparagraph structures.2.Underline the transitional signalstransitional signals.3.Summarize the orderorder of the details in each sample.4.What are different writing techniques/features in supporting descriptive writing?And their different effectseffects?Pages 26-27Sample 2Questions:1.Which is the topic sentence?The first sentence is the topic sentence.2.Whats the method used to develop the paragraph?The paragraph is developed in space order.Sample 23.Please finish the following partial outline according to how the details are arranged.The central focus is a deplorable barn.The general arrangement of details is from the outside of the barn to the inside.There are two other patterns:details concerning the outside are arranged from top to bottom;those concerning the inside are arranged from left to right,to the rear,and finally to the overhead 3.Please finish the followingSummarize the pattern of the paragraph:Summarize the pattern of the paragraph:This paragraph is a description of“my grandfathers barn.”In order to create a“deplorable”impression“deplorable”impression,the writer selects very specific words and arranges these descriptive details in a natural order of their physical layoutphysical layout:from the exterior to the interior from the exterior to the interior of the barn.The details concerning the outside of the barn are arranged from the top of the barn to the bottom;those about the inside are arranged from left to right,to the rear,and finally to the overhead.Through this orderly sequence,the reader can visualize the scene very vividly and grasp the relationships of the objects.Summarize the pattern of the pSample 3Questions:1.What is described in the paragraph?An athletes room is described in the paragraph.Sample 33.First match the objects described with the corresponding phrases of location.Then put them in the right order according to the sequence in which they appear in the description.1)closet to my right2)cap on the shelf3)bed the far wall4)lamp on the top of the nightstand to the left of the bed3.First match the objects des5)schedule on the wall above the nightstand6)desk the left wall7)medals on the shelves8)window next to the desk9)dresser between the window and the left corner5)schedule on the wall abov2.What does the writer describe first?And last?What order does he/she follow?What do you think he/she has followed that particular order?The first thing the writer describes is the closet,and the last is a dresser.The description is organized according to the spatial order.The writer presents an orderly description just as his eyes might move from right to left around the room.from right to left around the room.2.What does the writer descriSummarize the pattern of the sample Summarize the pattern of the sample paragraphparagraph This sample paragraph displays an artistic grouping of details in space.Things are related to each other by the by the order in which they are placed in order in which they are placed in spacespace.With the use of specific space specific space signals,signals,we are led by the writer to experience the room vividly from right from right to left,from larger items to smaller to left,from larger items to smaller ones as if we were actually“seeing”ones as if we were actually“seeing”it.it.Summarize the pattern of the sOrganizational StructureOrganizational StructureSample 1(Page 25)Sample 1(Page 25)Read these two paragraphs,identify the different writing techniques,and summarize the different effect of them.Organizational StructureSample17可编辑17可编辑Paragraph AParagraph A is developed according to time sequence,which shows the chronological order through the use of such time signals as 30,000,000 years ago,2400 BC,600 BC,AD 200,AD 100.Paragraph BParagraph B is arranged according to space,which describes the cultivation of the grape from its original place.Paragraph A is developed accorHere are the places mentioned in Paragraph B.Grape CultivationStarting from the Caspian Sea To Asia Minor Greece Sicily France Germany England India AmericaHere are the places mentioned Can you identify the order in which the places are introduced?(para.B)The places are introduced in an order of“west to east,near to far”Can you identify the order in The different effect of these two paragraphs:A:the history of the grapeB:the grape cultivation in different areasThe different effect of these Linking DevicesLinking DevicesPage 28,sampleThis is a rather complex paragraph of description introducing a place.What features and techniques could you summarize and learn from it?Linking DevicesPage 28,sampleLinking DevicesLinking DevicesQuestions1.This sample paragraph is developed according to spatial order.Can you identify those words or phrases that show spatial order?What is their effect?Words and phrases that indicate location:inside,in the right-hand side,in the opposite end,down the center,at the end of,the left-hand.Linking DevicesQuestions These spatial connectors suggest that the writer organizes the paragraph in a particular order,i.e.from one side from one side of the pet shop to the to the centercenter,and then to the other sideto the other side,thus making the description clear and orderly.As a result,readers will not get lost while the description proceeds.These spatial connectors 2.What is the general impression created in the paragraph?Make a list of all the details you can find that support the general impression.The general impression of the place described is“depressingdepressing.”The specific details:puppies behind glass;unpleasant smell;chained birds;rows of cages;dirty tub of turtles;stuffy atmosphere;kittens in the window;sounds of caged animals;dropping and urine on newspapers.2.What is the general impress4.Has the writer focused on one or more of the senses of sight,sound,taste,smell,etc.?Is it effective?In addition to sight,the writer has also appealed to the other senses such as touch,hearing,and smell.Through the rich perceptions the reader will gain a fuller and more vivid picture of the scene.4.Has the writer focused on o5.Complete the following blanks:Examples of description concerning sightsight:black-and-white kittens piled together;a line of large wooden perches;parrots flutter their clipped wings;stagnant-looking water;motionless turtles;Examples of description concerning soundsound:clawing,shuffling sound;5.Complete the following blanExamples of description concerning smellsmell:unpleasant mixture of strong chemical deodorizers;urine-soaked newspapers;musty sawdust;Examples of description concerning taste or touch:taste or touch:lick the human hands.Examples of description concerUnit summaryUnit summary In this unit we have discussed how paragraphs can be constructed by spatial order.In spatial order,there are a number of possible ways of arranging your material.Among them the most frequently used are:Unit summary In this unit vertical order vertical order(bottom to top,top to bottom;head to toe,toe to head)horizontal order horizontal order(left to right,right to left)depth order depth order(inside to outside,outside to inside)circular order circular order(clockwise,counterclockwise;east to west,west to east)center-to-circumference order center-to-circumference order(near to far)vertical order(bottom to top,Think about:Space order could be used in what types of writing?Introducing a placeAnalyzing a problem(the development of)Describing a personNarrating a storyThink about:32可编辑32可编辑


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