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Where did you go on vacation?Where did you go on vacation?Writing Writing Where did you go on vacation?1An old driver will take you to fly!and TEACH you to fly!An old driver will take you an2Learning aims:Master the writing skills.Use these skills to write a composition.Learning aims:3basic structure(基本结构的安排基本结构的安排)basic structure4 Dear Mr.Know,I m pleased to write to ask for some help.I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study.First,some of us arent interested in English.We thinkstudying English is such a boring thing.And then its sodifficult for us to remember all the words in the texts.So lots of us dont have enough confidence to keep up English study.And we are always afraid to join the group discussion.Whats more,there are so many new words we havent meet before in the passage.I dont know what to do.Sometimes we cant understand the main idea,let alone(更不更不用说用说)answer the questions about them.But the most difficult thing is to write.We often use wrong words and sentences.Can you help us?How can we improve our English?Pleasegive us some useful advice.Thank you very much.Write to me soon.Lets go for it!Mary(the beginning)(the ending)the body(正(正文)文)总总分分总总 Dear Mr.Know,Lets go 5 (写作考试规则写作考试规则)search(审)list(列)add(加:开头和结尾)connect(连)beautiful(美:谚语/例子)(写作考试规则)search(审)6书面表达书面表达解题步骤:解题步骤:1.Read2.Think3.Write4.Check书面表达解题步骤:Read71、Read2、Think 3、Write 4、Check文体文体要点要点词汇词汇时态时态人称人称句型句型过渡过渡语语格式格式词数词数拼写拼写1、Read2、Think 3、Write 4、Ch8箴言一:箴言一:最重要的话先说最重要的话先说我爸爸每天晚饭后去散步。我爸爸每天晚饭后去散步。My father takes a walk after supper every day.箴言一:9三个句子,三面旗帜三个句子,三面旗帜Be句型句型Do句型句型There be句型句型She is a student.She is pretty.She is in the room.n.be n.n.be adj.n.be prep.He runs.They are singing a song.He gave me a book.The teacher made Tom monitor.n.v.n.v.n.n.v.n.n.n.v.n.补补.There be n.补补静态静态动态动态物与物之间物与物之间 的存在关系的存在关系简简 单单句句三个句子,三面旗帜Be句型Do句型There be句型She10健康很重要。在学习和健康很重要。在学习和工作的压力日趋增大的工作的压力日趋增大的今天,会休息的人才会今天,会休息的人才会有健康的身体。人们是有健康的身体。人们是如何度过假期的呢?国如何度过假期的呢?国际健康组织对此作了一际健康组织对此作了一次调查,右图是他们此次调查,右图是他们此次的调查结果。根据你次的调查结果。根据你所得的信息,请为国际所得的信息,请为国际健康组织写一篇完整的健康组织写一篇完整的调查报告调查报告,并提倡大家并提倡大家进行假日休闲。进行假日休闲。读读(Read)travelstay at homevisit friends or parentswork1、文体、文体2、要点、要点健康很重要。在学习和工作的压力日趋增大的今天,会休息的人才会11 如何度假如何度假调查报告调查报告倡议假日休闲倡议假日休闲stay at homeworkvisit friends or parentstravel读读(Read)根据以下关键词及图表用根据以下关键词及图表用简单的句子列出文章的要点。简单的句子列出文章的要点。如何度假stay at homeworkvisit fri12 A lot of people travel.Some people stay at home.Some other people visit friends or parents.A few people work.Enjoy your vacation.想想/列列(Think/list)词汇词汇时态时态人称人称travelvisit friends or parentsstay at homework A lot of people travel.想/列(13How do people spend their vacation?We made a survey and here is our report.(the beginning)A lot of people travel.Some people stay at home.They watch TV or surf the internet.Some other people visit friends or parents.A few people work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.(the ending)加加(add)加首尾加首尾,使结构完整。可以采取总分总总分总结构,开头或结尾的句子应注意简洁、漂亮。How do people spend their vaca14How do people spend their vacation?We made a survey and here is our report.According to it,a lot of people travel.And some people stay at home.They watch TV or surf the Internet.Also some other people visit friends or parents.However,a few people work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.连连(connect)How do people spend their vaca15Writing skills(“写写”的技巧)的技巧)方法一方法一:善用词汇善用词汇 甚至善用甚至善用高级词汇高级词汇Writing skills(“写”的技巧)方法一:善用词汇16Which is better?他们在海滩上听音乐。他们在海滩上听音乐。A They listened to the music on the beach.B They enjoyed the music on the beach.Which is better?他们在海滩上听音乐。A17Which is better?我希望你能帮助我。我希望你能帮助我。A I wish you can help me.B Im looking forward to your help.Which is better?我希望你能帮助我。A18Which is better?他们很早就到了。他们很早就到了。A They arrived early.B They arrived as early as they could.Which is better?他们很早就到了。A 19Which is better?最后,他的狗得救了,他感到很惊讶。最后,他的狗得救了,他感到很惊讶。A His dog was saved at last.He was very surprised.B To his surprise,his dog was saved at last.Which is better?最后,他的狗得救了,他感到20A I think learning English is interesting.B I find it really fun to learn English.我认为学英语很有趣。我认为学英语很有趣。我们应该保护环境。我们应该保护环境。A We should protect the environment.B Its our duty to protect the environment.A I think learning English 21方法二方法二:活用多种句型活用多种句型Writing skills(“写写”的技巧)的技巧)方法二:活用多种句型Writing skills(“写”的技22 她还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。她还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。A She is very young.She cant carry the heavy box.B She is too young to carry the heavy box.C She is so young that she cant carry the D She is not old enough to carry the 她还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。A She is v23方法三方法三:妙用关联词妙用关联词方法三:妙用关联词241.表示并列或递进表示并列或递进:and,as well as,bothand,whats more not onlybut also,neithernor2.表示选择表示选择:or,eitheror3.表示转折表示转折:but,however,althoughthough,after all,anyway4.表示因果表示因果:because,so,therefore,since,for,as a result5.表示条件表示条件:if,unless6.表示对比表示对比:instead,notbut,while,in the same way,on the one handon the other hand7.表示解释表示解释:for example,for instance,such as,that is to say,in other words,to tell the truth8.表示顺序表示顺序:to begin with,firstly,first(of all),second(ly),next,later,since then,from then on,finally,in the end9.表示强调表示强调:also,besides,especially,actually,in fact10.表示结论表示结论:all in all,altogether,in a word,generally speaking,in short关联词关联词(connection words)1.表示并列或递进:and,as well as,bo25Lets try_ I am tired,I keep on working till midnight.He didnt go to movies,he went to the concert _.We like doing kinds of sports _ swimming,running and hiking._,he stood up.Then he got out._,he went back._,he smiled.ThoughAlthoughinsteadlikeFirstNextFinallyAt lastLets try_ I am ti26How do people spend their vacation?We made a survey and here is our report.According to it,a lot of people travel.And some people stay at home.They watch TV or surf the Internet.Also some other people visit friends or parents.However,a few people work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.连连(connect)美美(beautify)How do people spend their vaca27 We interviewed people about the ways to spend the vacation and here is our report.According to it,most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays.Then some people like to stay at home,watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest.And to visit friends or parents also makes them relaxed.However,a few people have to work.Come and enjoy your vacation.People who relax well work well.美美(beautify)We interviewed people abo28Were like birds.Were like birds.If you want to fly higher,If you want to fly higher,you should have stronger you should have stronger wings wings and more feather.and more feather.The efforts you have and the The efforts you have and the knowlege you learn todayknowlege you learn todaywill become your wings and will become your wings and feather.feather.May you fly higher!May you fly higher!Were like birds.29


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