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Unit 5Using LanguageUnit 51Wordssignal discountsensitive declineinitialfault n.信号信号vt.不信任不信任;减少减少n.打折打折adj.敏感的敏感的vt.&vi.拒绝拒绝;衰退衰退adj.最初的最初的;原始的原始的n.过错过错;缺点缺点Wordssignaln.信号2Expressions in vain at length against ones will think ill ofdo everything in my power to 徒然徒然;徒劳徒劳最后最后;详细地详细地违心地违心地对对评价不高评价不高竭尽全力做某事竭尽全力做某事Expressions in vain徒然;徒劳3Listening4Before you listen to the tape,discuss these questions.1.Do you judge people by their 2.appearance?2.Have you ever made a mistake in judging people?What made you change your mind later?Before you listen to the tape,52.Listen to the tape and join the two parts to form correct sentences.In the book DarcyIn the book ElizabethElizabeth begins to dislike DarcyDarcy is rude to Elizabethwhen he says she is not pretty enough to dance with.represents pride.when he refuses to dance with her.shows prejudice.2.Listen to the tape and join6Elizabeth dislikes Darcy even moreDarcy looks down upon Elizabeth and her sistersDarcy is sorry for what he saysand shows Elizabeth he is a man she could love.as she thinks that Mr Wickham has been badly treated.because he thinks that they are people of lower social rank.Elizabeth dislikes Darcy even 7Read these questions and listening to the tape for a second time.The answer these questions.1.Did Darcy really dislike Elizabeth?Darcy did not really dislike Elizabeth.In refusing to dance with her,he was showing his pride in his own position and fortune.Read these questions and liste82.Why did Elizabeth dislike Darcy?3.Who realized his/her mistake first?Elizabeth disliked Darcy because she thought he was too proud and he treated people less rich than himself with(like Mr Wickham)contempt.Darcy realized his mistake first as he got to know Elizabeth better.2.Why did Elizabeth dislike D94.What made Elizabeth change her mind?Elizabeth change her mind when hebegan to treat her more kindly and helped one of her sisters.4.What made Elizabeth change 10I sympathize with Elizabeth as it was very difficult for women at that time.(At that time,a womans only career was marriage as all men were considered as future husbands according to their wealth.But Elizabeth is different from other women because she is determined to marry only for love.5.Who do you sympathize with more:Darcy or Elizabeth?Give your reasons.I sympathize with Elizabeth as11This is the reason she amazes Darcy when she refuses him when he proposes to her the first time.He certainly feels that he will be accepted because he is rich.In following this course of action Elizabeth is risking a poor life in the future but she is prepared for that and sticks to her principles.)This is the reason she amazes 12I learn that womens beauty is not the only thing that attracts men to a future marriage partner.Having integrity and good principles can be as attractive as a beautiful face and figure.6.What can you learn from this romance?I learn that womens beauty is13Listening textThe story of Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austin.It is a tale of mistaken first impressions.Mr Darcy first meets the heroine,Elizabeth,at a small country dance.THE STORY OF PRIDE AND PREJUDICEListening textThe story of Pri14He is a very rich and important person so that at first everybody is very excited to meet him.But as they discover he really does not want to join in an entertainment that is for people of lower social rank,they soon lose interest.In particular he refuses toHe is a very rich and importan15dance with Elizabeth whom he thinks is not important enough or pretty enough for him.In doing this he shows his pride.Elizabeth,for her part,dislikes Mr Darcy immediately when she hears why he doesnt want to dance with her.This dislike increases when she gets to know Mr Wickham who seems to have beendance with Elizabeth whom he t16badly treated by Darcy.Finally it becomes prejudice when she discovers that Darcy has tried to stop his friend from marrying Elizabeths sister,Jane.As a result Elizabeth shows her prejudice against Mr Darcy.badly treated by Darcy.Finall17 The story follows Elizabeth and Darcys romance and that of two of her sisters.Darcy quickly recovers from his pride and discovers Elizabeths character and beauty.He proposes to her but Elizabeth refuses him.He realizes she is not a woman who is impressed by wealth or status.The story follows Elizab18Gradually his kindness to one of her sisters convinces Elizabeth that he is a man whom she could love.At the end of the novel both admit that their initial impressions were wrong as pride and prejudice finally turn into love and trust.Gradually his kindness to one 19 “THE PROPOSAL”FROM PRIDE AND PREJUDICESkim the text quickly and answer these questions below.“THE PROPOSAL”FROM Reading201 Why did Elizabeth refuse Mr Darcy?Elizabeth refuse Mr Darcy because she did not like or love Darcy.2Why was Mr Darcy sure that she would accept him?Mr Darcy was sure she would accept himBecause he was so rich.1 Why did Elizabeth refuse Mr 21Read the text carefully.Now imagine you are Elizabeths father and wish her happiness.You understand that there may be personal reasons for her to refuseMr Darcys proposal.However,you also recognize that there are many reasons for Elizabeth to accept him.Fill in the chart below that Mr Bennet can judge if Elizabeth has made the correct decision.Read the text carefully.Now i22Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyReasons against marring Mr Darcy1 Elizabeth isnt in love with him.1 He loves her.2 She knows he has prevented her sisiter marring a man she is in love with.2 He is rich and her family is poor.Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyR23Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyReasons against marring Mr Darcy3 He is important so her sisters will have the chance of meeting other rich men to marry3 She thinks he has behaved badly to a friend of hers.Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyR24Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyReasons against marring Mr Darcy4 Marriage is the only way girls could improve their social position and get more monry.4 He is very pound and rude to everyone he meets who isnt as rich or important as he is.He may be unkind to Elizabeth if they got married.Reasons for to marry Mr DarcyR25Now make a dialogue between Elizabeth and her father.They have to consider why Elizabeth cannot marry Darcy and what her mother will say.You should include both of these ideas in your dialogue.The following expressions may be useful.Now make a dialogue between El26I understand how you feel,butWhy do you think like that?Perhaps you could considerIs it possible for you to?How can I explain to your mother?Perhaps your mother would understand better if Mr BennetI understand how you feel,but27Im afraid its impossible for me toIf I dont love him,how can I marry him?Im sorry,but its impossible for me toI wish it were possible butMaybe its better if she doesnt find out!ElizabethIm afraid its impossible for28


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