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Unit2 English Around the WorldWords&Expressions Unit2 Engli1.official adj.官方的,正式的官方的,正式的 official language official news n.政府官员政府官员An important official will visit our school.officer n.军官军官He is an officer in the army.1.official adj.官方的,正式的官方的,正式的voyage:去国外或较远地方的去国外或较远地方的海上海上旅行旅行journey:指指较远较远的从一地到另一地旅行的从一地到另一地旅行travel:一系列的旅程,尤指一系列的旅程,尤指旅行旅行的概念的概念trip:(短途短途)旅行旅行tour:为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行胜的旅行 2.voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour voyage:去国外或较远地方的海上旅行去国外或较远地方的海上旅行2.voyage【练习练习】1).It is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Moscow.2).The _ from England to Australia used to take several months.3).Well have time for a _ to France next weekend.4).We went on a guided _ round the castle.journeyvoyagetriptour【练习】【练习】journeyvoyagetriptour3.nearly 和和 almost 几乎几乎nearly:强调时间、空间、数量上接近强调时间、空间、数量上接近1)常用在not,very,pretty之后 Thats not nearly so serious as you think.2)用在具体数字之前 The husand is nearly twice as old as his wife.almost:1)常用在any,any的合成词(anything,anyone)及 not,no,no的合成词(nothing,nobody)never,none 等否定词前.Almost any man can do it.3.nearly 和和 almost 几乎几乎There is almost none left.2)用于too,more than 前Thats almost too much.这简直太过分了.3)修饰表示感觉或心理的动词、形容词I almost think that you are right.我不完全相信你是对的。almost nearly 可互换场合1)在肯定句中He is nearly(almost)80 years old2)修饰all,every,always 时Nearly(almost)all of them lived in England 3)在行为动词的否定式前He almost(nearly)didnt hear what I said.There is almost none left.4.native adj.本土的本土的,本国的本国的,土生的土生的(+to)The giant panda is native to China.The giant panda is a native of China.大熊猫是中国特有的动物。大熊猫是中国特有的动物。n.本地人本地人,本国人本国人Are you a native here,or just a visitor?你是本地人,你是本地人,或者只是游客或者只是游客?4.native adj.本土的本土的,本国的本国的,e up 上来上来,走近走近;被提出被提出;(植物)发芽(植物)发芽;(太阳)升起(太阳)升起come up to+地点地点 上某地来上某地来come up with 提出提出 想出想出 He came up with a good idea in the meeting.他在会议中提出了一项好建议。他在会议中提出了一项好建议。The problem came up in the meeting.问题在会议中被提出来了。问题在会议中被提出来了。e up The sun came up.太阳太阳升起来升起来了。了。The question never came up.不曾不曾出现出现过这个问题。过这个问题。He came up and said hello to us.他他靠近靠近并和我们打招呼。并和我们打招呼。The grass will come up again in spring.春天草会再度春天草会再度发芽发芽。The sun came e across 偶然遇到偶然遇到,发现发现,被理解被理解come about 发生发生come true 实现实现come back 回来回来,恢复记忆恢复记忆come on 催促催促,快速运动快速运动;得了吧得了吧come out 出现出现,出版出版,开花开花come in 进来进来come over 从一地到另一地从一地到另一地come across 偶然遇到偶然遇到,发现发现,被理解被理解6.base (1)n._eg:Our companys base is in Beijing.(2)vt._ 用法:base A on B A以B为基础 A be based on B A建于B基础之上eg:(1)One should always base his opinion on facts.Ones opinion should always be based on facts.(2)-What are you mailing,Linda?-A textbook_a new method of teaching physics.I want my friend to take a look at it.A.is based on B.based on C.basing on D.which based upon被动被动基础;基地;根基基础;基地;根基建于建于之上;以之上;以为基础为基础6.base 被动被动基础;基地;根基建于被动被动基础;基地;根基建于之之7.end at the end of.在.的末尾(常用于表示时间)by the end of.到.为止(常用于完成时态)at an end 结束;到头in the end 最后;终于(后不接of)at a loose end 无事可做;闲着end to end 首尾相连no end of 大量的;无数的end up doing sth 以.而结束;结束做某事7.end8.at present=at the moment present(adj.)present(n.)礼物礼物=gift 现在的,目前的,可作前置定语 出席的,在场的,可作后置定语the present situation/the people presentbe present at the meetingpresence n在场,出席在场,出席 I was surprised by the presence of so manypeople at the meeting.这么多人出席会议使我感到吃惊。这么多人出席会议使我感到吃惊。8.at present=at the moment9.make use of 利用利用,使用使用 同义短语:take advantage ofmake good use of 好好利用make full use 充分利用被动:be made use ofeg:You must make good use of any chance to practice English.Any chance must be made good use of to practice English.9.make use of 利用利用,使用使用 【联想联想】与与make有关的短语有关的短语 make friends with 和和交朋友交朋友 make fun of 取笑取笑 make a decision 作出决定作出决定 make a face/faces 扮鬼脸扮鬼脸 make progress in 在在取得取得进步进步 make a choice 做选择做选择 【联想】与【联想】与make有关的短语有关的短语 9.latter adj.较后的较后的,后面的后面的,(两者中两者中)后者的后者的 I find it hard to understand the latter part of his lecture我发现他的讲座后面部分很难理解。我发现他的讲座后面部分很难理解。Did he walk or swim across the river?The latter seems unlikely他是趟过河,还是游过河他是趟过河,还是游过河?后者似乎不可能。后者似乎不可能。9.latter adj.较后的较后的,后面的后面的,(【辨析辨析】late,later,latter,lately1)late是形容词是形容词,表示表示“迟到的迟到的,晚的晚的”.如:如:例例:You are late again!你又迟到了。你又迟到了。2)later可作形容词可作形容词,是是late的比较级的比较级,意为意为“更更迟的迟的,更后的更后的”;也可作副词也可作副词,意为意为“稍后稍后,随后随后”,常与常与on连用。连用。例例:Ill tell you later.我以后再告诉你。我以后再告诉你。【辨析】【辨析】late,later,latter,l 3)latter最常用的含义是最常用的含义是“(两者中的两者中的)后者后者”,常与常与the连用连用,固定搭配固定搭配“the former,the latter”。例例:Here are Tom and David;the latter is my brother.这是汤姆和戴维这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。后者是我的兄弟。4)lately是副词是副词,意为意为“近来,最近近来,最近recently”。例例:Have you been to Beijing lately?你最近去过北京吗你最近去过北京吗?3)latter最常用的含义是最常用的含义是“(两者中的两者中的)后者后者”【经典例题经典例题】(1)Did he go there by bike or on foot?The _ seems unlikely.A.latter B.late C.later D.lately(2)Every minute must be made full use of _ spoken English.A.to practise B.practicing C.practice D.practised 【经典例题】【经典例题】10.such as 例如,诸如此类,像例如,诸如此类,像这样的这样的 Ball games such as basketball and football are very exciting球类运动,如篮球和足球,都很激动人心。球类运动,如篮球和足球,都很激动人心。【辨析辨析】such as,for example1)such as 用于列举同类人或事物中的用于列举同类人或事物中的若干若干例子,但不例子,但不能全部列出。如:能全部列出。如:Mr Wang is good at several foreign languages,such as English and French2)for example 一般只列举几类人或事物中的一般只列举几类人或事物中的“一个一个”,其位置可在句首、句中或句末,经常用,其位置可在句首、句中或句末,经常用逗号逗号分开。分开。如:如:Mr Wang is good at several foreign languages,for example,English 10.such as 例如,诸如此类,像例如,诸如此类,像这样这样mand n.&v.命令;指令;掌握命令;指令;掌握 command sb.to do sth 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事 be under ones command 在某人的指挥之下在某人的指挥之下 have a good command of 精通精通eg:The officer commanded his soldiers to fire.那名军官命令士兵们开火。注意:command后接that从句时要用虚拟语气 eg:The teacher commanded that he(should)go outof the classroom.老师命令他离开教室。mand n.&v.命令;指令;掌握命令;指令;掌握11.request n.&v.请求;要求请求;要求request sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事要求某人做某事request that sb(should)do 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事 eg:I requested him to help.我请求他帮忙。He requested me _(write)a letter of recommendation.He requested that I _(write)a letter of recommendation.The passengers _(request)to show their passports.to write(should)writeare requested11.request n.&v.请求;要求请求;要求to wr像像command一样,其后的名词性一样,其后的名词性从句从句的谓语的谓语用用“(should)+动词原形动词原形”的常用词有:的常用词有:一个一个“坚持坚持(insist)”;两个两个“命令命令(order,command)”;三个三个“建议建议(suggest,advise,propose)”;四个四个“要求要求(demand,ask,require,request)”;像像command一样,其后的名词性从句的谓语一样,其后的名词性从句的谓语 11.play a part in 在在中起作用中起作用,在在中扮演角色中扮演角色 同义短语:同义短语:play a role in The computer is playing a more and more important part in our daily life电脑在我们的日常生活中正起着越来越重要的作用。电脑在我们的日常生活中正起着越来越重要的作用。She was unhappy because she played a small part in the play The new economic development zone will _ in the development of the area.A.play a leading part B.take part C.play leading part D.take a partA 11.play a part in 在在中起作用中起作用,Key Sentences1.Later in the next century,people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,English began to be spoken in many other countries后来,在下个世纪,英国人开后来,在下个世纪,英国人开始航海征服世界其他地区。许多别的国家始航海征服世界其他地区。许多别的国家因此而开始说英语。因此而开始说英语。Key Sentences (1)注意注意voyage是可数名词,常和是可数名词,常和make搭配构搭配构成成make a voyage to或或make voyages to,表,表 示示“航行到航行到”。单数表示一次航行。单数表示一次航行。(2)初中学过初中学过because表示表示“因为因为”,与,与because of的区别是:的区别是:because是连词,后面要是连词,后面要跟句子,多作原因状语从句;跟句子,多作原因状语从句;because of中中of是是介词,后面只能跟名词或代词或介词,后面只能跟名词或代词或ving作宾语。作宾语。试比较:试比较:(1)注意注意voyage是可数名词,常和是可数名词,常和make搭配搭配 Because it was raining outside,we stayed at home=Because of the rain outside,we stayed at home因为外面下着雨,所以我们就呆在家里。因为外面下着雨,所以我们就呆在家里。【经典例题经典例题】We must not lose heart only _ the difficulty we are faced with.A because B because of C since D as【答案答案】B Because it was raining out 2.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。尽相同,也可以相互理解。句中句中“even if they dont speak the same kind of English”是让步状语从句。如:是让步状语从句。如:They will stand by you even ifthough you dont succeed即使你不成功,他们也将支持你。即使你不成功,他们也将支持你。2.Native English speakers even if是一个连词短语,引导让步状语是一个连词短语,引导让步状语从句,含义是从句,含义是“即使;尽管即使;尽管”。当让步。当让步状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来的假设或一般的行为习惯时,通常用的假设或一般的行为习惯时,通常用even if或或even though。两者意思一样,。两者意思一样,用法也一样。用法也一样。【经典例题经典例题】_ I fail this time,I would try again.A If only B Even if C whether D As if【答案答案】B even if是一个连词短语,引导让步状语从句,含义是一个连词短语,引导让步状语从句,含义 3.Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English信不信由你,没有标准信不信由你,没有标准英语这样的东西。英语这样的东西。1)believe it or not意为意为“信不信由你信不信由你”,常,常在句中作插入语。如:在句中作插入语。如:Believe it or not,John will go abroad for further study next month信不信由你,约翰下个月就要出国深造了。信不信由你,约翰下个月就要出国深造了。【联想学习联想学习】常见的插入语有:常见的插入语有:1)to tell you the truth实话告诉你实话告诉你 3.Believe it or not,ther To tell you the truth,Ill spend my summer vacation in Yunnan实话告诉你吧,我将在云南度过暑假。实话告诉你吧,我将在云南度过暑假。2)generally speaking一般说来一般说来Generally speaking,language learning needs a lot of practice一般说来,语言的学习需要大量的实践。一般说来,语言的学习需要大量的实践。3)you knowyou see你知道你知道You see,my car broke down on the way你知道,我的车在途中坏了。你知道,我的车在途中坏了。To tell you the truth,Il 4)I think我认为我认为His coat,I think,is really strange 他的外套,我认为,实在古怪。他的外套,我认为,实在古怪。【经典例题经典例题】It is so nice to hear from her._,we last met more than 30 years ago.A Whats more B Thats to say C In other words D Believe it or not【答案答案】D 4)I think我认为【答案】我认为【答案】D (2)no such thing意为意为“没有这样的事情没有这样的事情”。such与与no,any,all,some,another,one,many,a few,a little等词连用时,常置等词连用时,常置于这些词之后。如:于这些词之后。如:There is no such person in our school我们学校没有这样的人。我们学校没有这样的人。I have met many such people我遇见过许多这样的人。我遇见过许多这样的人。(2)no such thing意为意为“没有这样的事没有这样的事 【经典例题经典例题】We have _ book you are looking for.A such no B no such C not such D no such a【答案答案】B 【经典例题】【答案】【经典例题】【答案】B 4.The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken美国是一个使用多种方言的大国。美国是一个使用多种方言的大国。in which引导定语从句修饰先行词引导定语从句修饰先行词country,关系代词,关系代词which作介词作介词in的宾的宾语,语,in which在定语从句中作地点状语,在定语从句中作地点状语,可用可用where代替。如:代替。如:The factory in which he once worked has been dosed down他曾经工作过的工厂已被关闭。他曾经工作过的工厂已被关闭。4.The USA is a large coun 在在“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句中,引导的定语从句中,应根据句意与搭配的需要选择正确的介应根据句意与搭配的需要选择正确的介词或短语介词。如:词或短语介词。如:He studies in the school at the back of which there is a river.他在背后有条河流的那所学校学习。他在背后有条河流的那所学校学习。Can you see the new building on the top of which flies a red flag?你能看见到那座楼顶飘着一面红旗的新你能看见到那座楼顶飘着一面红旗的新大楼吗大楼吗?在在“介词介词+关系代词关系代词”引导的定语从句中,应根据句意与搭引导的定语从句中,应根据句意与搭 【经典例题经典例题】The pen _he is writing is mine.A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by which This is the reason _he didnt come to the meeting.A.in which B.with which C.that D.for which【答案答案】A【答案答案】D 【经典例题】【答案】【经典例题】【答案】A【答案】【答案】D 5.Well,go round the corner on your left-hand side-straight on and cross two streets哦,在拐角处向左拐,照直向前走。穿过哦,在拐角处向左拐,照直向前走。穿过两条街道。两条街道。straight adv直接;挺直直接;挺直 adj直的;笔直的;正直的直的;笔直的;正直的Go straight down the road and then turn left沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。5.Well,go round the corn He went to bed straight after supper他晚饭后直接去睡了。他晚饭后直接去睡了。His friend is a tall,slim girl with a straight nose他的朋友是位鼻子挺直、身材高而苗条的他的朋友是位鼻子挺直、身材高而苗条的姑娘。姑娘。As you know,his uncle is a straight man如你所知,他的叔叔是一个正直的人。如你所知,他的叔叔是一个正直的人。He went to bed straight 【经典例题经典例题】-Lucy doesnt have curly hair.-Yes,we can say she has _ hair.A nice B blonde C short D straight【答案答案】D 【经典例题】【答案】【经典例题】【答案】D.翻译下列必背短语 1.在在中担任角色中担任角色,在在中起作用中起作用 _2.充分利用充分利用 _3.因为,由于因为,由于 _4.信不信由你信不信由你 _5.走近,上来走近,上来 _6.例如,像这种的例如,像这种的 _7.以以为基础为基础 _8.与与不同不同 _9.即使;尽管即使;尽管 _10.大量的,许多大量的,许多 _play a role/part in such as be based on be different from even if/even though because of believe it or not come up make good/full use of a(large)number of.翻译下列必背短语翻译下列必背短语 1.在在中担任角色中担任角色,在在中起作用中起作用 _


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