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Language points in Unit 4总复习之必修总复习之必修2 Unit Four Language points in Unit 41.减少减少_增加增加_2.叮;咬;刺痛叮;咬;刺痛 _3.注意注意,关注关注n._ adj._4.减轻;解除减轻;解除 n._ v._ 宽慰的;不再担忧的宽慰的;不再担忧的adj._5.雇佣雇佣v._ n._ 失业失业n._ 失业者失业者n._decreaseincreasebiteattentionattentivereliefrelieverelievedbite-bit-bittenv&n读音不同音不同Wordsemploymentemployunemploymentthe unemployed 1.减少_增加_decr1.过去常常做去常常做_2.被用来被用来_ 3.习惯/适适应做某事做某事 _ 4.飞走走 _ 5.一定数量的一定数量的_6.残忍地;毫不留情地残忍地;毫不留情地_ 7.对有害有害_8.渴望做某事渴望做某事_9.突然大哭突然大哭_used to dobe used to dobe used to doingfly awaya certain number of without mercydo harm to(be harmful to)long to do sth./long forphrasesburst into tears/burst out crying 1.过去常常做_used to dob Not long ago there was a girl 1_(call)Daisy,who went to see the animals that gave fur to make her sweater 2_ the help of a flying chair.In Tibet,she saw an antelope with a sad face looking at her,3_told her that they were killed for the wool that was taken from under 4_stomachs.Every year over 29,000 of them were killed,with only 72,000 5 _(leave).In Zimbabwe,the elephant Daisy saw said they were endangered there.Farmers used to hunt them 6 _ they were considered to have destroyed the farms.Later,the government tried to help the farmer 7 _ asking the tour companies to bring more tourists to the area and setting the number of animals to be hunted,8_ made the farmers a lot of incomes.As a result,farmers started to protect 9 _.In the thick rain forest,Daisy saw a monkey rubbing 10_ insect over his body to protect against mosquitoes.With all her experience,Daisy had learned how to work with WWF to protect wildlife.calledwithwhotheirleftbecausebywhichtheman课文重温课文重温calledwithwhotheirleftbecauseb(1)The image quality was so poor that we couldnt fully _(欣欣赏那部那部电影影).appreciate the movie(2)I would really appreciate _if you could respond to me timely.it appreciate your help1.appreciate vt.欣欣赏;感激;意;感激;意识到到appreciationhearing(3)I really _(感感谢你的帮助你的帮助).(4)为感谢你的厚意,我想邀请你就餐。为感谢你的厚意,我想邀请你就餐。In _(appreciate)of your kindness,I would like to invite you to a dinner.(5)We shall appreciate _(hear)from you.作为对作为对的感谢的感谢注意:注意:appreciate sth.&thank sb.appreciate the movie(2)I woul(1)In a way,zoos in many cities succeeded _ avoiding rare animals dying out.(2)They were _(succeed)in finding some dinosaur eggs in an ice cave.(3)He had to succeed_the business when his father passed away.(4)在王思聪接替他父亲成为公司总裁之后,在王思聪接替他父亲成为公司总裁之后,他成功地使他成功地使公司在本公司在本领域更加成功。反域更加成功。反过来,来,这也成就了他成功也成就了他成功人士的地位。人士的地位。insuccessful2.succeed vi.成功成功 vt.接替;接替;继任任toAfter Wang Sicong succeeded his father as the president of the company,he succeeded in making the company more successful in its field,which helped to make him a success in turn.(1)In a way,zoos in many citlong to do/long for+n.渴望做渴望做/渴望得到渴望得到3.long说明说明 long adj.远的远的;长久的长久的;vi.渴望渴望 联想联想用动词:用动词:用形容词用形容词:long/desire/starve to do sth.;long/desire/starve for sth.be dying/thirsty/hungry/eager/anxious to do sth.众多农村年轻人渴望城市生活。众多农村年轻人渴望城市生活。A great number of young people in the country long for city life.long to do/long for+n.渴望(1)Over 1000 people _(employ)by the company last year.were employedwas employed as(4)He _(忙于忙于)gathering evidence.to watch employed himself in/was employed in4.employ vt.雇用;利用雇用;利用(时间、精力等、精力等)(2)He _(被雇用被雇用为)a department manager.(3)The couple employed her _(watch)over their pets.(1)Over 1000 people _(1)Dont touch the insects,for they may _(伤害你害你).harm youdo harm to/are harmful to teenagers(4)There is no harm _ trying.came to no harm in5.harm n.&vt.损害;危害害;危害(2)According to Mr.Li,bloody or violent movies _ 对青少年有害青少年有害.(3)The little girl fell off her bike but _(没摔着没摔着).harm sb.伤害某人害某人 do harm to sb.=be harmful to 对某人有害某人有害处come to no harm 没受没受损害害There is no harm in doing 不妨做不妨做harm youdo harm to/are harmful(1)People are becoming aware of the necessity to _ (保保护野生野生动植物免受人植物免受人类的的伤害害).protect the wildlife from the harm of human beings(2)I tried to _ _(阻止我爸爸吸烟阻止我爸爸吸烟),but it was in vain in the end.prevent/keep/stop myfather from smoking6.protect.from/against.(3)The white blood cells protect the body _ disease germs.A.from attacking B.from being attacked C.from being attacked by D.attacked byC(1)People are becoming aware(1)Until now scientists havent found out how the universe _(形成形成).(2)The ban will _(开始开始实施施)next week.came into being come into effect(3)The newly-built bridge will _(投入投入使用使用)in the following month.(4)Obama _(上台上台执政政)in the year of 2010.came into powercome into e into(1)Until now scientists haven1.It contains a powerful drug which _ mosquitoes.8.affect v.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 2._ with high fever,he continued with his work.3.他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。She_the news of his death.4.We want to know whether the drug has an _on peoples health.affectseffectwas deeply affected byAffected1.It contains a powerful drug1.Many old customs are _.2.On the Eve of the Spring Festival,we Chinese people like to play with fireworks,and the noise doesnt _until after midnight.3.As she got older,her relatives all_.4.Unless you spend enough time together,talking on the phone,and writing letters,friends will _.5.Many people _hunger before liberation 6.The old man _a traffic accidentdying outdie downdied offdie awaydied ofdied from9.die动词短语动词短语1.Many old customs are _in relief 如释重负如释重负;松了口气松了口气 1.Hearing that he has passed the exam,_ he went to play basketball.2._to find the children safe.发现孩子们安发现孩子们安全我感到安慰。全我感到安慰。3._ our relief,they all got home safely.4.I smiled_relief after I heard I had passed the examination.5.She sighed _ relief.6.She felt _ when she heard the news.to ones relief 使某人使某人(很很)宽慰宽慰/放心的是放心的是10.reliefin relief it is/was a relief to do sth.做做是一种宽慰是一种宽慰It was a reliefinTo withrelievedsigh with relief 松了一口气松了一口气smile/breath in relief 轻松地轻松地in relief 如释重负;松了口气 1.Heari11.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.阅读下列句子,指出阅读下列句子,指出contain的含义。的含义。1)This book contains many new ideas.2)The hall can contain 500 people.3)At the sight of this cruelty,they could hardly contain their anger.包含包含容纳容纳容忍容忍Try not to eat food which_a lot of fat.There are 60 students in our class,_20 girl students.containsincludingadmit/hold/seat 11.It contains a powerful drug12.some.others.一些一些另一些另一些(1)有的人有的人认为网上网上购物方便,另一些人物方便,另一些人认为网网上上购物不安全。物不安全。_.Others believe that it is unsafe.Some think that it is very convenient toshop online As far as I know,some students dont havebreakfast while others do have breakfast(2)据我所知,有些学生不吃早餐据我所知,有些学生不吃早餐,而另一些的确而另一些的确吃了早餐但吃了早餐但营养不均衡。养不均衡。_ but not a well-balanced one.12.some.others.一些另一些(1)12.with 复合结构复合结构表伴随、原因、方式、时间等表伴随、原因、方式、时间等I like to sleep with the windows open.The boy stood there with his head down.He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand.With the crowds of fans cheering,the film star got into his car.在人群的欢呼声中在人群的欢呼声中.The thief was taken to the police station with his hands tied to his back.With no one to talk to,John felt miserable.由于由于没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。没人可以说话的人,约翰感到很悲哀。With a lot of work to do,he wasnt allowed to go out.表原因表原因表原因表原因表方式表方式表伴随表伴随12.with 复合结构表伴随、原因、方式、时间等表原因表原1.She had to walk home with her bike _(steal).2.With spring _(come)on,trees turn green.3.With all the work _(do),he felt relaxed.4.With a lot of work _(do),he had no time to attend his classmates wedding.5.We found the house easily with the little boy _(lead)the way.leadingto do donecomingstolen1.She had to walk home with he把下列句子中的划线部分改写成把下列句子中的划线部分改写成with复合结构。复合结构。1)Becauseourlessonswereover,wewenttoplayfootball._.2)Thechildrencamerunningtowardsusandheldsomeflowersintheirhands._.3)Mymotherisill,soIwontbeabletogoonholiday._.4)Anexamwillbeheldtomorrow,soIcouldntgotothecinematonight._.Withourlessonsover,withtheflowersintheirhands.Withmymotherbeingill,Withanexamtobeheldtomorrow,把下列句子中的划线部分改写成with复合结构。1)BecaExercises Exercises I.单词拼写单词拼写1.Id _ (感激感激)it if you let me get on with my job.2.Much to everyones _(宽慰宽慰),the airplane took off without any problems.3.The factory cannot afford to _(雇佣雇佣)any more workers,so it will have to cut down on production.4.The rise in the price of bread will _(影响影响)all the people in that small town.5.Its hard work but if you hang on youll _(成功成功)in the end.employreliefappreciateaffectsucceedI.单词拼写employreliefappreciateaf1.I have taken this medicine for three days,but it doesnt seem _(影响影响)me.2.The students in class are often asked to _(注意注意)what the teachers said.3.Because of human activities,many animals are _(灭绝灭绝).4.China is getting along with many countries _(和睦地(和睦地),which helps China play an important role in the world.5.Mother always _(保护保护)her children _being hurt at any cost,but some are exceptions.6.People held different views,_(结(结果果),the discussion came to nothing.to have an effect onpay attention todying outin peace protects fromas a result1.I have taken this medicine f7.Ill do it _(根据根据)your instructions.8.Tom,its time for school.Get up and _(穿衣服穿衣服)quickly.9.Humans _(形成(形成)long after the dinosaurs had died out.10._(如释重负如释重负),the monitor told us all the problems had been solved.according toget dressedcame into beingIn relief7.Ill do it _(根据).完成句子完成句子1.(结果结果)these endangered animals may even die out.2.Why are they (面临受面临受 罚的危险罚的危险)?3.Daisy (一直都渴望帮助一直都渴望帮助)endangered species of wildlife.4.The flying carpet travelled (如如 此之快,以致于一转眼此之快,以致于一转眼)they were in Zimbabwe.5.(这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性),but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.6.Please listen to a story of the dodo and (看看它是如何从地球上消失的看看它是如何从地球上消失的).As a resultin danger of being punishedhad always longed to helpso fast that next minuteIt shows the importance of wildlife protectionhow it disappearedfrom the earth.完成句子1.(结果)these II.翻译翻译:1.人们已对保护濒危野生动物投入了很多注意力人们已对保护濒危野生动物投入了很多注意力2.必须采取有效措施,使我们的环境免受进一步的污染必须采取有效措施,使我们的环境免受进一步的污染3.看太多电视不但会对你的视力有害,而且会对你的学看太多电视不但会对你的视力有害,而且会对你的学习产生不良影响。习产生不良影响。4.我们该采取什么措施来处理这个问题呢?我们该采取什么措施来处理这个问题呢?5.保护濒危动物免受杀害是每个人应尽的义务。保护濒危动物免受杀害是每个人应尽的义务。6.根据政府发布的最新报告,这次灾难的直接损失已经根据政府发布的最新报告,这次灾难的直接损失已经达到达到5百万美金。百万美金。7.大家对这部电视剧的意外的结局有不同的回应。大家对这部电视剧的意外的结局有不同的回应。8.我我永远也不会同情因为懒惰而饿死的人。永远也不会同情因为懒惰而饿死的人。9.我们应该更加注意提高人们保护自然的意识。我们应该更加注意提高人们保护自然的意识。(用被动用被动句句)10.小汤姆一见到这只凶猛的狮子就哭了起来。小汤姆一见到这只凶猛的狮子就哭了起来。II.翻译:II.翻译翻译:1.人们已对保护濒危野生动物投入了很多注意力。人们已对保护濒危野生动物投入了很多注意力。(pay attention to)People have paid much attention to endangered animals protection.A great deal of attention has been paid to protecting endangered animals.2.必须采取有效措施,使我们的环境免受进一步的必须采取有效措施,使我们的环境免受进一步的污染。(污染。(protectfrom)We should take some effective measures to protect our environment from further pollution.Some effective measures should be taken to protectII.翻译:3.看太多电视不但会对你的视力有害,而且看太多电视不但会对你的视力有害,而且会对你的学习产生不良影响。(会对你的学习产生不良影响。(do harm to,have a/aneffect on)Watching too much TV not only does great harm to your eyesight but also has a bad effect on your study.4.我们该采取什么措施来处理这个问题呢?我们该采取什么措施来处理这个问题呢?(deal with)What measures should we take to deal with this problem?=What measures should be taken to deal with this problem?3.看太多电视不但会对你的视力有害,而且会对你的学习产生不5.保护濒危动物免受杀害是每个人应尽的义务。保护濒危动物免受杀害是每个人应尽的义务。It is everyones duty to protect the endangered animals from being killed/hunted.6.根据政府发布的最新报告,这次灾难的直接损根据政府发布的最新报告,这次灾难的直接损失已经达到失已经达到5百万美金。百万美金。According to the latest report(released)by the government,the direct loss of the disaster has reached 5 million dollars.5.保护濒危动物免受杀害是每个人应尽的义务。7.大家对这部电视剧的意外的结局有不同的回大家对这部电视剧的意外的结局有不同的回应。应。(response,TV series)There are different responses to the unexpected ending of the TV series.8.我永远也不会同情因为懒惰而饿死的人。我永远也不会同情因为懒惰而饿死的人。I will never show mercy to those who die of hunger because of their laziness.7.大家对这部电视剧的意外的结局有不同的回应。(respon9.我们应该更加注意提高人们保护自然的意识。我们应该更加注意提高人们保护自然的意识。(用被动句用被动句)Much attention should be paid to increasing/raising peoples awareness of protecting the nature.10.小汤姆一见到这只凶猛的狮子就哭了起来。小汤姆一见到这只凶猛的狮子就哭了起来。Little Tom burst into tears the moment he saw the fierce lion.9.我们应该更加注意提高人们保护自然的意识。(用被动句)


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