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Unit 4 Module 2 The natural world Oxford English Period 1 Seasons Unit 4 Module 2 The natura1Lets review:Say out the words&phrases according to the pictures Lets review:S2Australia Australia 3footprint footprint 4puddle puddle 5kick kick 6 town home town town home town 7blow wet blow wet 8 take a trip take a trip 9shine brightly shine brightly 10 picnic have a picnic go on a picnic picnic 11Learn the rest new words of Unit 4 on P114 Learn the rest new words of Un12Guess the words according to the pictures.You can say in Chinese if necessary.Guess the words according to t13dra dry dra dry 14sn snow snowy make snowmen sn snow snowy make snow15 take a trip take a trip 16 have a picnic go on a picnic have a picni17pkt packet pkt packet 18spend spend spend money spend time spend spend spend money spe19grndpernts relative 亲亲戚戚 grandparents reltv grndpernts relative 亲戚 20During the Spring Festival,we often spend time with our relatives.during djr During the Spring Festival,w21fly a kite fly kites fly a kite fly kites 22go swimming go swimming 23dry adj.干燥的 snowy adj.下雪多的 spend v.花时间 relative n.亲戚 during prep.在期间 grandparent n.祖父母 packet n.小包装纸 take a trip 去旅行 Read,listen and then say out.go on a picnic 去野餐 make snowmen 堆雪人 fly kites 放风筝 go swimming 去游泳 have a picnic 野餐 dry adj.干燥的 snowy 24Try to remember If you are in Team1,2:you must say both English and Chinese,2points for each word.Team3,4:2points for both English and Chinese,1point for English only.Team5,6:2points for English only,3for both Chinese and English.Others listen carefully and mark on your exercise sheet according to the instruction.Try to remember If yo25Try to use:talk about the pictures Try to use:talk about the p26Whats the weather like in Spring?What do people like to do?It is warm in Spring.Many people like to take a trip and fly kites.Whats the weather like in Spr27Whats the weather like in Summer?What do people like to do?It is hot in Summer.Many people like to go swimming.Whats the weather like in Sum28Whats the weather like in Autumn?What do you like to do in Autumn?It is cool and dry in Autumn.Its nice to have a picnic in Autumn.Whats the weather like in Aut29Whats the weather like in Winter?What do people like to do in Winter?It is cold and snowy.Its exciting to make snowmen.Whats the weather like in Win30Try to use Fill in the blanks with those newly learned words and phrases in your exercise.You are supposed to finish it on your own.But if you have any difficulty,you can discuss with your group members.For each sentence,you must figure out:What(does it mean?)&Why(do you choose that answer?)Try to use Fill in the bl31 Spring is warm.Many people like to _ _.And Its exciting to _ _ _ by plane.Summer is hot.People like to _ _ in the sea.Its nice to eat ice-cream in the hot weather.Autumn is cool and_.Its nice to_ _ _ in the park.Winter is cold and_.Its interesting to_ _.People usually_ time with their relative_ the Spring Festival.kites fly take a trip go swimming dry have a snowy makes snowman spend during picnic Spring is warm.Many peop32Conclusion Read the words,phrases and passage together.Conclusion Read the words,phr33Homework 1.跟跟录录音音读课读课文文P45第第1,2段,并完成段,并完成练习练习P44,45C1。2 Team14的同学背的同学背诵诵本本节节所学所学单词单词短短语语及有关短及有关短文,文,Team5,6的同学背的同学背诵诵本本节节所学所学单词单词短短语语,明天默写。明天默写。提醒:低分的两提醒:低分的两组组抄写本抄写本节单词节单词4+1。Homework 1.跟录音读课文P45第1,2段,并完成练34


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