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校园活动中考话题作文校园活动中考话题作文1A学习B运动C课后活动D比赛E校园安全F毕业A学习B运动C课后活动D比赛E校园安全F毕业2Part 1学习Part 1学习32018西城一模 假如你是李华,你被邀请在学校组织的“中英学生学习交流会”上发言。请你结合经历的“五选三”的选考过程,写一份英文讲稿,分享学习体会。内容包括你选考的科目是什么?为什么选择这些科目?你认为如何能学好它们?提示词语:physics,biology and chemistry,politics,geography,improve,interest,active提示冋题:1.What subjects did you choose?2.Why did you choose them?3.What is the best way to prepare for them?2018西城一模4Teachers and fellow students,Im greatly honored to give a speech here.I have chosen geography,history and physics as my target subjects.They are chosen because I love them more than other subjects.When I was a kid,my father told me many stories from Chinese history,which interested me so much.Physics experiments are also attractive to me,so I want to expand my interest in this subject.In my opinion,the best way to prepare for the subjects is to be active in class by listening carefully and taking notes.Most importantly,thinking independently and asking questions are also good ways to learn from our teachers.I am sure that you all have your own experiences,and I hope you can also share them with us.I believe all of us will make great progress.Thank you.Li Hua参考答案Teachers and fellow students,参52018丰台一模 假如你是李华,你们班将于本周五下午3:00举行英语读书会活动。请用英语写一封电子邮件,邀请你们班的外教Mr.Black参加。告诉他活动的时间和地点,活动内容,以及请他参加的原因。提示词语:library,this Friday,English stories,share,advice提示问题:When and where are you going to hold the reading circle?What are you going to do?Why do you invite Mr.Black?2018丰台一模6Dear Mr.Black,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to our reading circle.We are going to hold this activity at three oclock this Friday afternoon in the school library which is on the third floor.We are going to tell our favorite English stories and share our own opinions.After that,we are going to have an English play.We strongly hope you will come and join us.You can also give us some precious advice on this activity,so that we will do better next time.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear Mr.Black,参考答案72016西城二模 假如你是光明中学初三(1)班的班长李华。美国学生David下周要来你们班学习汉语。请你给他写一封邮件,对他的到来表示欢迎,同时简单介绍你们语文课的情况(周课时、语文学习内容),并建议他如何尽快适应中国的生活。提示词语:read,discuss,do some writing,learn,tradition,sports 提示问题:How many Chinese classes do you have every week?What do you usually do in your Chinese class?What do you advise him to do to get used to life in China?2016西城二模8Dear David,Im so glad that you will come to our school to study for a few days with us.Welcome to our school!Its really a pleasure for me to tell you something about our Chinese classes.We have 6 Chinese classes every week and at least one class every day.Usually we read a lot of things in class:novels,story books,poems and sometimes the works by great writers.We often have discussions and share our ideas.Huts very interesting and creative.Every week we do some writing.To get used to life in China as quickly as possible,youd better learn something about Chinese culture and traditions.It will be of great help if you learn how to use chopsticks.Do you play sports?It will be a good way to get along with Chinese kids if you play worts together with them.Anyway,Chinese people are very friendly and Fm sure you will enjoy your stay here.Looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear David,参考答案92017海淀一模 假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办读书分享活动(Reading Salon)。你们班 交换生 Peter 一直想参加此活动。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他活动的时 间和地点,他可以在活动中做什么,以及参加活动的注意事项。提示词语:activity,share,speak slowly,wear a smile提示问题:When and where is the Reading Salon?What can Peter do at the Reading Salon?What advice would you like to give Peter?2017海淀一模10Dear Peter,How is it going?I am writing to invite you to take part in the Reading Salon.The Reading Salon will take place at 10:30 next Monday in our classroom.It will be a fun activity where you will hear peopletalking about the latest books.Besides,you can share your favorite book with the class.I believe it will be fun!Please make sure to arrive on time and bring your favorite book with you.When you introduce your book,speak slowly and wear a smile.I will bring a camera and take pictures for you.Let me know if you will come.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear Peter,参考答案11Part 2运动Part 2运动122016北京中考 假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办长跑接力赛,你打算邀请你们班交接生Peter参加。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他比赛的时间和地点,报名方式,以及需要做什么准备提示词语:sign up(报名),on the school website,sports shoes提示问题:When and where will you have the race?How can Peter sign up for the race?What do you advise Peter to prepare for the race?2016北京中考13北京中考英语作文之学校活动课件14Part 3课后活动Part 3课后活动152019海淀二模 假如你是李华,加拿大某校学生代表团将要来你校参观:学生会安排你负责介绍学 校的课外活动,请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈谈你们学校经常举办哪些活动,你认为哪 一项活动最具特色以及你的理由提示词语:introduce,competition,festival,learn,culture提示问题:1.What activities do you have in your school?2.Which activity do you think is the most special?And why?2019海淀二模16Dear friends,Its my great honor to introduce the activities in our school.We have different kinds of activities,such assports day,singing competitions,art festivals and so on.All of them are very interesting and meaningful.Among them,the Chinese art festival is the most special one.It is held in May every year.During the festival,we make kites,perform Peking Opera and do Chinese paintings.The art festival gives us a chance to experience more outside the classroom.It not only enriches our knowledge but also helps us have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture.Thank you.参考答案Dear friends,参考答案172017东城二模 假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办一次义卖活动,你打算邀请你们班交换生Peter参加。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他义卖的时间和地点,向他介绍举行义卖的目的,以及他可以在义卖中做什么。提示词语:bazaar(义卖),raise money,sell,buy提示问题:When and where will the bazaar be held?Why will the bazaar be held?What can Peter do at the bazaar?2017东城二模18Dear Peter,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to take part in a bazaar.The bazaar will be held on the school playground from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on Friday afternoon after school.We have many Chinese books in the school library,but not many English books.The bazaar will be held to raise money to buy some English books and magazines for students.You can bring some old books,school things or anything useful or interesting to sell.For example,Im going to sell a model car I made by myself.At the same time,youre welcome to buy anything you like.Im looking forword to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear Peter,参考答案192017西城二模 假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办跳骚市场(flea market)。你打算邀请交换生 Peter参加。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他活动的时间和地点,报名方式,以及需要作什么准备。提示词语:sign up(报名),website,exchange,umbrella提示问题:When and where will the flea market be held?How can Peter sign up for it?What do you advise Peter to prepare for it?2017西城二模20Dear Peter,How is it going?I am writing to invite you to take part in the flea market.It will be held on the playground at our school next Sunday.If you are interested,you can sign up on our school website or through th Wechat Subscription named Flea Market.Please finish this process before next Wednesday for the sake of preparation.In addition to what you are going yo exchange or sell,you had better take an umbrella to protect yourself from the sun.You are warmly welcomed to our flea market.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear Peter,参考答案212019东城二模 假如你是李华,你们学校下周一将为来自英国的交换生举办一个欢迎会(welcome party)请你代表学校给负责交换生的老师Mr.Smith写一封邮件,告诉他欢迎会的时间和地点,以及活动安排。提示词语:hall,telL sing,play games talk提示问题:When and where will you hold the party?What activities do you plan for the party?2019东城二模22北京中考英语作文之学校活动课件23Part 4比赛Part 4比赛242019石景山一模 假如你是李华,今天下午你应邀参加演讲比赛,因此无法参加外教的口语课。请用英语向外教Mr.Green写一张请假条,说明你缺课的原因,以及你将如何补上这节课。提示词语:speech competition,borrow,notebook,homework提示问题:Why will you miss the class?What will you do to make up for it?2019石景山一模25Dear Mr.Green,Im writing to you to ask for a leave this afternoon.Im invited to take part in a speech competition.So I am very sorry that I will have to miss your English speaking class.Ill be sure to make up for it when I am back.Ill borrow the notebooks from my classmates to learn by myself.I promise that I will hand in my homework on time.Thankyou for your understanding.Yours,Li Hua参考答案canDear Mr.Green,参考答案can262018海淀一模 假如你是李华,在你的帮助下,交换生Tom在中文演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。请你给他写一封祝贺信,表达你的真诚祝贺,回忆他比赛时的表现,以及你从他身上学到了什么。提示词语:win,prize,speech competition,pronounce,practice提示问题:Why do you congratulate Tom?What made him successful in the competition?What can you learn from him?2018海淀一模27Dear Tom,I am very happy to know that you won the first prize in the Chinese speech competition,so Im writing to congratulate you on your wonderful performance.You did a good job in the Chinese speech competition.You pronounced really well during your speech and your voice was beautiful.You spoke so fluently that we all felt proud of you.Whats more,we were surprised at your rich and meaningful contents.As your best friend,I know you tried your best for the competition.You kept practicing your speech every day in order to make it better.I know it is important to keep on trying and never to give up.I hope I can be successful like you one day in the future.Yours,Li Hua参考答案Dear Tom,参考答案28Part 5校园安全Part 5校园安全292019北京中考 假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展“安全月”宣传活动,倡议大家制作关于安全教育的主题海报,你们班交换生Peer给你发邮件询问相关事情请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他海报上交的时间,并分享你设计海报的一些想法。提示词语:design,safety rule,careful,protect,picture提示问题:When should you hand in the poster?What would you like to share with Peter about designing the poster?2019北京中考30北京中考英语作文之学校活动课件312015朝阳二模 假如你叫李华,最近和英国朋友Jim通过邮件谈论校园安全,他想了解你的看法。请根据他的问题回复邮件。提示词语:study,help,sports,make sure提示问题:Is it important to keep safe at school?Why do you think so?What should we do to keep safe?2015朝阳二模32 In my opinion,its important for us to keep safe at school.There are two main reasons for it.School safety helps us not only study well but also live happily.In order to keep safe at school,we should do like these.First,be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs.Second,make sure to be safe when we are doing sports.Try not to get hurt.Third,learn about some knowledge of safety.Its helpful to us.In short,as teenagers,we should always keep safety in mind and try our best to be safe.参考答案 In my opinion,its imp33Part 6毕业Part 6毕业342019西城二模 假如你是李华,你们学校将要举办毕业典礼,你打算邀请外教Tim参加。请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他典礼的时间和地点,组织哪些活动,以及需要做什么准备。提示词语:video,speech,dress formally提示问题:When and where will you hold the ceremony?What will you do at the ceremgy?What do you advise Tim to prepare for it?2019西城二模35北京中考英语作文之学校活动课件362018东城一模 假如你是李华,你校初三年级将在6月份举行毕业典礼(graduationceremony),学校每个社团都受邀在毕业典礼上展示自己的凤采。现在你所在的英语社团向各位成员征集节目建议,要求内容积极向上、体现社团特色风貌。请你给社团负责人Tbny写一封邮件,简单介绍你建议展示的节目形式(朗诵英文诗/演唱英文歌曲/表演英语短剧),节目内容,谁来演出,以及你建议这个节目的原因。提示词语:performance(节 目),poem,friendship,sweet memories,best wishes提示问题:What performance do you suggest?What is the performance about?Who can give the performance?Why do you suggest this performance?2018东城一模37Dear Tony,I suggest we should read an English poem.We can write a poem about our friendship.All the members should take part in this performance because itll be the last time for us to do something together at school.The poem will bring back our sweet memories in English Club in the past three years.And itll be a good chance to send our best wishes to each other.Im sure it will be a very moving performance at the graduation ceremony.Li Hua参考答案Dear Tony,参考答案38


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