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Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.Section AUnit 10Ive had this bike for11.How long have you had that bike over there?Ive had it for three years.(P73)(1)辨析:辨析:how long;how ofter;how soon;how far how long 常对时间段提问,常用常对时间段提问,常用“for+时间段时间段”或或“since+时时间点间点”,“since+时间段时间段+ago”,“since 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句”回答。回答。how long还可提问物体的长度,意为还可提问物体的长度,意为“多长多长”。1.How long have you had that 2 how often“多久一次多久一次”,对频率提问,答语常用,对频率提问,答语常用“once/twice.+时间段时间段”,always,often等频度副词等频度副词 how soon“多久以后多久以后”,常用于一般将来时态的句子中,答,常用于一般将来时态的句子中,答语常用语常用“in+时间段时间段”。how far“多远多远”,对距离提问,答语是表示距离的内容。,对距离提问,答语是表示距离的内容。how often“多久一次”,对频率提问,3 (2)for与表示一段时间的词语连用,表示与表示一段时间的词语连用,表示“(做某事)多长时(做某事)多长时间了间了”,常用于现在完成时的句子中,表示某个动作或某种情况,常用于现在完成时的句子中,表示某个动作或某种情况到现在为止已持续了多久。到现在为止已持续了多久。for所在句子中的谓语动词是延续性动所在句子中的谓语动词是延续性动词。词。eg:Ive lived in China for two years.Ive learned English for five years.(2)for与表示一段时间的词语连用,表示“(做4【练】【练】_will you stay in England?More than a month.A.When B.How soon C.How longC【练】-_will you s52.Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.(P73)(1)bring back 动副短语,此处意为动副短语,此处意为”使回忆起来;使回想起使回忆起来;使回想起”,其主语通常是事物。,其主语通常是事物。bring back还可意为还可意为“带回带回”。eg:The photos brought back many pleasant memories.Please bring back some books for me.2.Amy wants to keep her old t6 (2)sweet 形容词,形容词,“甜蜜的;甜的;悦耳的;动听的甜蜜的;甜的;悦耳的;动听的”。可数名词,可数名词,“糖果糖果”。(3)memory 此处用作可数名词,意为此处用作可数名词,意为“回忆;记忆回忆;记忆”。memorize 是是memory的动词形式,意为的动词形式,意为“记住;记忆记住;记忆”。(2)sweet 形容词,“甜蜜的;甜的;悦73.Because Ive had it since I was a baby.(P74)since 此处用作连词,意为此处用作连词,意为“自自以来以来”,引导一个时间状语,引导一个时间状语从句,时间状语从句常用一般过去时。从句,时间状语从句常用一般过去时。eg:It has been five years since I came to China.【练】【练】Miss Li has taught us English _we came to this school.A.for B.since C.before D.whenB3.Because Ive had it since I84.And check out these soft toys and board games for younger kids.(P74)(1)check out 动副短语,意为动副短语,意为“察看;观察察看;观察”。check 动词,动词,“检查;审查检查;审查”。名词,名词,“支票;账单支票;账单”。(2)soft形容词,意为形容词,意为“柔软的柔软的”,其副词形式为,其副词形式为softly“柔软地柔软地”,其反义词为,其反义词为hard“硬的硬的”。4.And check out these soft to95.We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.(P75)辨析:辨析:no longer 与与 no more “不再不再”(1)no longer=not.any longer,表示时间上的不再延续,表示时间上的不再延续,常修饰延续性动词。常修饰延续性动词。eg:He no longer works in the factory.(2)no more=not.any more,表示次数上的不再增加,常修,表示次数上的不再增加,常修饰非延续性动词。饰非延续性动词。eg:You can drink no more.5.We have decided to each sel106.For example,he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday.(P75)own 及物动词,意为及物动词,意为“拥有;有拥有;有”。形容词,意为形容词,意为“自己的自己的”。eg:This is his own building.owner 名词,名词,“主人;物主主人;物主”。eg:Im the owner of the car.6.For example,he has owned a117.My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.(P75)(1)part with 意为意为“放弃;交出;卖掉放弃;交出;卖掉(尤指舍不得的东西尤指舍不得的东西)”,其后可接名词或代词作宾语。其后可接名词或代词作宾语。part 此处用作动词,意为此处用作动词,意为“离开;分开离开;分开”。名词,名词,“部分;角色部分;角色”。take part in“参加参加”。play a part in“起作用起作用”。7.My daughter was more unders12 (2)certain 形容词,意为形容词,意为“某些;某个某些;某个”,只用于名词前作定,只用于名词前作定语。语。certain 用作形容词,还可意为用作形容词,还可意为“确定的确定的”,一般不用于名词,一般不用于名词前作定语,常在句中作表语。前作定语,常在句中作表语。eg:He decided to sell his certain books.Im not certain where he lives.(2)certain 形容词,意为“某些;某个”138.As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.(1)as for是介是介词词短短语语,意,意为为“至于,关于至于,关于”,其后跟名,其后跟名词词、代、代词词或或动词动词ing形式,可置于句首或句中。形式,可置于句首或句中。eg:He likes playing soccer.As for(playing)basketball,he doesnt like it at all.8.As for me,I did not want t14 (2)to be honest 意为意为“说实在的;说实话说实在的;说实话”,经常单独使用,作,经常单独使用,作插入语,用逗号与其他成分隔开。类似的表达还有,插入语,用逗号与其他成分隔开。类似的表达还有,to tell the truth“老实说;说实话老实说;说实话”。(3)honest形容形容词词,意,意为为“诚实诚实的,正直的的,正直的”。反义词为反义词为 dishonest“不诚实的不诚实的”。名词形式为。名词形式为 honesty“诚实诚实”。(2)to be honest 意为“说实在的;说实话15 (4)while 此处用作名词,意为此处用作名词,意为“一段时间;一会儿一段时间;一会儿”。一般只用。一般只用单数形式,前面通常加不定冠词单数形式,前面通常加不定冠词 a。while 的常见搭配有:的常见搭配有:after a while 过了一会儿过了一会儿 once in a while 有时;偶尔有时;偶尔 for a while 暂时暂时 in a while 不久;马上不久;马上 while 用作连词,意为用作连词,意为“当当的时候;与的时候;与同时;然而同时;然而”。(4)while 此处用作名词,意为“一段时间;一会儿16一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1The children are playing in the_(院子院子)2My father bought my sister a toy_(熊熊)last week.3How much is the pencil?Fifty _(分分)yardbearcents一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。yardbearcents174They stayed on the top of the mountain for a _ and then went down.5After six years in primary school,Ill enter_ high school this year.whilejunior4They stayed on the top of th18二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。6Mary bought two_(scarf)One was for her mom,and the other was for her grandma.7I _(have)the cellphone for six years.scarfs/scarveshave had二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。scarfs/scarves198Dont throw the old things away,theyre still_(use)9Why do they decide_(have)a yard sale?10The wood is_(soft)than the stone.usefulto havesofter8Dont throw the old things a20三、单项选择。三、单项选择。()11.I can hardly believe my eyes.Is that you,Joy?(2016,荆州,荆州)Yes.It has been ten years _ we were together.AsinceBbeforeCuntilDafterA三、单项选择。A21()12.You say you are short of money.Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?Oh,I cant.Because it was a gift from my wife.I promised her I would never _ it.(2015,湖北襄阳),湖北襄阳)Acare about Blook afterCstick to Dpart withD()12.You say you are 22()13.Everyone wants to win.But _ me,the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.Aas for Bthanks to Cinstead of Dsuch asA()13.Everyone wants to win.23()14.I will meet Jane at the station,please _ out when she will arrive.Acount Bchoose Ccheck DcatchC()14.I will meet Jane at24()15._ have you been here,Jack?Since this morning.AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow muchA()15._ have you 25现在完成时(三)现在完成时(三)语法聚焦语法聚焦语法聚焦语法聚焦现在完成时(三)语法聚焦26 现现在完成在完成时时表示从表示从过过去某一去某一时时刻延刻延续续到到现现在的在的动动作或状作或状态态,常与常与for,since引引导导的的时间时间状状语连语连用。用。for一段一段时间时间,since过过去去时间时间点或从句点或从句(从句的从句的谓语动词谓语动词用用过过去式去式)。eg:I have lived here for twenty years.We have built many factories since 1985.He has always helped me with my English since he came here.现在完成时表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的动作或27 有的有的动词动词所表示的所表示的动动作不是瞬作不是瞬间间就可以完成的,要持就可以完成的,要持续续一段一段时间时间,这样这样的的动词动词叫叫延延续续性性动词动词。如如 live,learn等。等。不能延不能延续续下下去的去的动词动词,叫,叫非延非延续续性性动词动词或瞬或瞬间动词间动词。如:。如:buy,borrow等,等,这这些些动词动词在完成在完成时时中可改中可改为为相相应应的表示延的表示延续续性的性的词词或短或短语语来与表来与表示一段示一段时间时间的状的状语连语连用。用。有的动词所表示的动作不是瞬间就可以完成的,要持续一28常常见见的瞬的瞬间动词间动词和和对应对应的延的延续续性性动词动词或表示状或表示状态态的的词词:borrow/lendkeep;buyhave;finish/endbe over;begin/startbe on;openbe open;arrive/come/go/move/reach/get tobe in/be at/be here/be there;closebe closed;diebe dead;leavebe away(from);go to schoolbe in school/be a student;常见的瞬间动词和对应的延续性动词或表示状态的词:29get upbe up;fall asleepbe asleep;fall illbe ill;losebe lost;becomebe;joinbe in/be a member of.;return/come back/get backbe back;join the armybe in the army/be a soldier;get to knowknow;receive/get a letterhave a letter;catch/get a coldhave a cold get upbe up;fall asleepbe as30eg:He joined the army two years ago.他两年前就参他两年前就参军军了。了。He has been in the army for two years.他在部他在部队队已已经经两两年了。年了。He has been a soldier for two years.他成他成为为一名一名战战士已士已经经两年了。两年了。eg:He joined the army two year31一、根据句意一、根据句意选选用用for或或since填空。填空。1Ive known him _ four years.2Weve lived here _ I was a child.forsince一、根据句意选用for或since填空。forsince323.Shes waited for him _ twentyfive minutes.4Theyve been married _1988.5Its been three years _ I left my hometown.forsincesince3.Shes waited for him _33二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6_ have you been in the sports club?Since the first month I came to the school.AHow oldBHow long CHow much DHow soonB二、单项选择。B347My parents _ our home for a few hours.Ahad been away from Bhad leftChave been away from Dhave leftC7My parents _ our home for358I visited him three days _But he has gone to Shanghai a week _.Aago;ago Bbefore;beforeCbefore;ago Dago;beforeD8I visited him three days _369Im looking after Tom today.Hes been in my house _ 8:00 this morning.AatBforCsinceDtillC9Im looking after Tom today.3710Look at these stamps.I _ them for 5 years.Wow,they are wonderful.Akept Bhave kept Chave bought DboughtB10Look at these stamps.I _38二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。11I (be)at work since eight oclock,but Im leaving soon.12We (not meet)each other for five years.Both of us (leave)the factory five years ago.have beenhavent metleft二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。have beenhaven3913I (wait)at the restaurant for an hour.14We must get a new car.We (have)this one for ten years.15Children (never visit)the Great Wall before.Their parents (take)them there next month.have waitedhave hadhave never visitedwill take13I (40Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.Section BUnit 10Ive had this bike for411.Nowadays,millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.(P78)nowadays 用作副词,意为用作副词,意为“现今;现在;目前现今;现在;目前”,通常用于一,通常用于一般现在时态的句子中,且多用于句首或句末作状语。般现在时态的句子中,且多用于句首或句末作状语。eg:Its very difficult for many people to buy a house nowadays.现今对许多人来说买房子很难。现今对许多人来说买房子很难。1.Nowadays,millions of Chine42 search 此处用作不及物动词,意为此处用作不及物动词,意为“搜查;搜索搜查;搜索”。search for 意为意为“搜寻;寻找搜寻;寻找”,相当于,相当于look for,后面宾语是寻找的目标。,后面宾语是寻找的目标。search还可用作及物动词,意为还可用作及物动词,意为“搜查;搜身搜查;搜身”。search sb.意为意为“搜身搜身”;search sp.“对某地进行搜查;对某地进行搜查;search.for.“搜查搜查找找”。search还可用作名词,意为还可用作名词,意为“寻找;搜查;搜寻寻找;搜查;搜寻”。search 此处用作不及物动词,意为“搜查;搜索43【辨析】【辨析】search,search.for.search 及物及物动词动词,“搜搜查查;搜身;搜身”,后面直接跟,后面直接跟“被搜的被搜的对对象象”。eg:Mr.Smith searched every room in the house.如果表示搜如果表示搜查查某一某一对对象的目的是要找什么象的目的是要找什么时时,要用,要用search.for.,强强调调有有具体的目具体的目标标。eg:She searched many shops for Jims present.【辨析】search,search.for.442.Among these is Zhong Wei,a 46yearold busband and father.(P78)【辨析】【辨析】among与与betweenamong可用来表示一个比可用来表示一个比较较的范的范围围(one of),常与,常与最高最高级级连连用。用。eg:Tom is among(one of)the tallest boys in our class.2.Among these is Zhong Wei,a45between一般指一般指“两者之两者之间间”;而;而among用于用于三个或三个以上三个或三个以上的的人或物之中,或人或物之中,或笼统笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在在中中间间”。eg:Between the door and the window there is a map.He built a house among the trees.原创新目标英语八年级下册pptUnit10单元知识点复习课件463.Its a shame,but I just dont have the time.(P78)shame 用作名词,意为用作名词,意为“羞耻;羞愧;惭愧羞耻;羞愧;惭愧”,可与不定冠词,可与不定冠词a连用,表示连用,表示“可耻的人或事;遗憾的事可耻的人或事;遗憾的事”。Its a shame.可译成可译成“多可惜啊;真遗憾多可惜啊;真遗憾”,Its a shame.后还可接不定式或由后还可接不定式或由that引引导的从句。导的从句。eg:Its a shame to treat you like that.Its a shame that you cant stay for dinner.3.Its a shame,but I just do474.Many people like Zhang Wei regard with great interest how their hometown have changed.(P78)regard 及物动词,意为及物动词,意为“关注;注视;留意关注;注视;留意”。regard作为及物动词,还可意为作为及物动词,还可意为“认为;看作认为;看作”。常用短语。常用短语regard.as.,意为,意为“将将认为;把认为;把看作看作”,as为介词,其为介词,其后接名词或代词。后接名词或代词。eg:I regard her as my good friend.4.Many people like Zhang Wei 485.According to Zhong Wei,however,some things will never change.(P78)according to 意为意为“依据;按照依据;按照”,其中,其中to是介词,后接名词、是介词,后接名词、代词或从句。代词或从句。according to sb.意为意为“在某人看来;依某人之见在某人看来;依某人之见”,相当于,相当于in ones opinion.eg:He devided them into three groups according to age.5.According to Zhong Wei,how496.and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood memories.(P79)hold(held,held)动词,意为动词,意为“拥有拥有”,相当于,相当于have 或或own。hold用作动词,还意为用作动词,还意为“举着;拿着;抓住举着;拿着;抓住”、“容纳容纳”。eg:He stood in the rain,holding an umbrella.The big hall can hold over 300 people.6.and his hometown is sti50一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1It used to be a_(love)city without so much noise around.2At the age of fifteen he had to leave school_(make)money for his family.3.Its not easy_(hold)a party by yourself.lovelyto maketo hold一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。lovelyto maketo514My hometown has changed a lot and many tourists are amazed at its _(develop)5They consider _(join)the school football team.developmentjoining4My hometown has changed a lo52二、单项选择。二、单项选择。()6.Miss Green isnt in the office.She _ to the library.Ahas gone BwentCwill go Dhas beenA二、单项选择。A53()7.How long have you _ here?About two months.Abeen Bgone Ccome DarrivedA()7.How long have you _54()8.Hurry up!The play _ for ten minutes.Ahas begun Bhad begun Chas been on DbeganC()8.Hurry up!The play _55()9.Do you know him well?Sure.we _ friends since ten years ago.Awere Bhave been Chave become Dhave madeB()9.Do you know him well?56()10._ you _ your homework yet?Yes.I _ it a moment ago.ADid;do;finished BHave;done;finished CHave;done;have finished DWill;do;finishB()10._ you _57()11.Can you help me _ those exercise books?I got a different number each time.(2016,南京,南京)AcarryBmoveCwriteDcountD()11.Can you help me _58()12.Why do you want to be a teacher,David?Because I like children and I can feel happy _ them.Ain Bbetween Camong DoppositeC()12.Why do you want to b59()13.There are _ trees in the mountains.Atwo millions Btwo million ofCmillion of Dmillions ofD()13.There are _ tr60()14.I think winter is a beautiful season,_ when it snows.Me,too.Aespecially Bspecially Cprobably DproperlyA()14.I think winter is a b61()15.I havent been back to my hometown for years._!Your parents must miss you very much.(2016,郴州,郴州)AOf course BNo problem CWhat a shameC()15.I havent been back t62END


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