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第一讲系动词与助动词1.系动词的分类及句法功能第一讲系动词与助动词【注意】系动词不能单独作谓语,其后需跟形容词、名词或介词短语作表语。表示感官的系动词一般不用于进行时(feel除外);表示状态变化的系动词表示“渐渐”,可用于进行时。如:Its getting hotter and hotter.天气变得越来越热了。含系动词(be除外)的句子变疑问句时需要借助助动词do,does,did等。【注意】2.助动词的分类及句法功能2.助动词的分类及句法功能中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词【即时自测】1)Though the bed is expensive,it _ soft and comfortable.A.tastes B.feels C.smells D.sounds2)You _ upset today.Whats wrong,Daisy?I lost the key to my bike in the morning.A.become B.turn C.get D.lookBD【即时自测】BD第二讲实义动词1.动词第三人称单数的变化规则第二讲实义动词3)What do you think of this pizza?I think it _ lovely and _ very nice.A.sounds;sees B.hears;turnsC.looks;smells D.sounds;watches4)Dont you see the sign“No smoking!”on the wall.Sorry,I _.But now I know smoking here is wrong.A.dont B.didntC.hadnt D.doesntCB3)What do you think of this p中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词 能接由for引导的间接宾语的常见动词有:make,buy,play,take,win,bring,get,keep,find,sing,write,build,order,save,cook等。如:My brother bought a basketball for me last week.上周,我哥哥给我买了一个篮球。能接由to引导的间接宾语的常见动词有:play,send,take,offer,leave,give,show,read,pass,lend,tell等。如:Could you pass some salt to me?你能给我递些盐吗?能接由for引导的间接宾语的常见动词有:make,bu【拓展提示】不及物动词后接宾语时,要在不及物动词后加上适当的介词。如:Please listen to me carefully in the class.上课时,请认真听我讲。Im waiting for a bus to the museum.我正在等一趟去博物馆的公交车。跟双宾语的动词后面有两个宾语,直接宾语指动词直接涉及的事物,间接宾语常指涉及的人。间接宾语有时可放到后面,由介词to或for引导,变成介词短语。【拓展提示】中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词3.动词短语3.动词短语中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词7)Lets go to the library for searching information about this experiment.Sorry,I have _ Frank to work on the history report with him.A.advised B.expected C.agreed D.promised8)The price of house is growing quickly this year,and many young people cant _ to buy one in big cities.A.hope B.dream C.afford D.expectDC7)Lets go to the library for【即时自测】5)Learning from Lei Feng Day is only two weeks from now.We need to _ a plan about it in order that we can learn more from it.A.come up with B.put upC.call up D.set up6)Do you remember our English teacher in middle school?Yes,of course.She has studied in America for two years.But she _ last month.A.came into B.came onC.came back D.came overAC【即时自测】AC第三讲情态动词1.情态动词的基本用法第三讲情态动词9)Every evening,my mother _ magazines while my father watches sports matches.A.looks after B.looks throughC.looks out D.looks over10)Its quite difficult to get a taxi during the rush hour now.Why dont you try dididache(滴滴打车)?It _ well.A.uses B.makes C.works D.takesBC9)Every evening,my mother _中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词【注意】由must引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must/have to;否定回答用neednt/dont have to,不能用mustnt(意为“严禁;禁止”)回答。如:Must I finish the English paper,today?今天我必须完成英语论文吗?Yes,you must/have to.是的,你必须。No,you neednt/dont have to.不,你不必。【注意】中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词2.情态动词表推测的用法2.情态动词表推测的用法 由may引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用may;否定回答用cant/mustnt。如:May I smoke here?我可以在这吸烟吗?Yes,you may./Yes,please.是的,你可以。No,you cant/mustnt.不,你不能。could,should,would,might 等过去式有时不表示过去,而是表示更委婉的语气。如:Would you tell me how to work out this maths problem?你能告诉我怎样算出这道数学题吗?由may引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用may;否定回答【拓展提示】辨析can/could与be able to辨析用法例句can/couldcan用于一般现在时;could用于一般过去时Jim couldnt speak Chinese last year,but now he can.be able to可用于多种时态They will be able to finish this project next week.【拓展提示】辨析用法例句can/couldcan用于一般现中考英语总复习ppt课件:动词【即时自测】11)Lily,I hear you are planning to hold a birthday party this Sunday.Yes,Mum.If you are busy with work,you _ come.A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt D.shouldnt12)There are only two days to a new term.You _ finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.A.must B.may C.can D.shallBA【即时自测】BA 辨析cant与mustnt辨析用法例句cant意为“不可能”,表示否定推测This red bag cant be Cindys,for hers is blue.mustnt意为“禁止,不允许”,不用来表推测You mustnt watch TV during the meals.辨析cant与mustnt辨析用法例句cant意为15)Look at the“No smoking”sign.You _ smoke here.Sorry,I wont.A.need B.neednt C.must D.mustnt16)Mom,_ I go shopping with my friend Wang Mei now?OK.But you _ finish your homework first.A.can;cant B.may;mustC.must;need D.need;have toDB15)Look at the“No smoking”13)Chinese people have a great dream called Chinese Dream.And we teenagers _ also have our dreams to create a better future.A.may B.shall C.should D.would14)You mustnt go off on your own,because you _ get lost in the mountains.A.should B.must C.need D.mightCD13)Chinese people have a great方向一动词词义及动词短语含义辨析动词词义及动词短语含义辨析在辽宁中考中的考查占据动词考查的半壁江山,其重要性可见一斑。解题过程中一方面要加强对语境的理解,另一方面注重词汇和短语的积累;还可以借助语法知识来判定,如及物动词和不及物动词的区分、动词短语的使用规则(名词作宾语,位于动副词组之后或中间;代词作宾语,位于动副词组中间)。【例1】(2017,安徽)It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development.A.cut B.hide C.refuse D.satisfy方向一动词词义及动词短语含义辨析命题方向命题方向【例2】(2017,东营)In Switzerland,keeping only one goldfish isnt _,because the government believes it is very bad to make such social animals live alone.A.stopped B.doubted C.refused D.allowed 解析:句意“在瑞士,只养一条金鱼是不_的,因为政府认为让如此一个群居动物独自生活非常糟糕。”根据后半句的原因可知应是不被允许。故选D。【例2】(2017,东营)解析:句意“对学校而言_所有学生发展需要是必要的。”根据常识可知满足发展需要。故选D。解析:句意“对学校而言_所有学生发展需要是必要解析:句意“迈克明天也要来时装秀吗?”“我不确定。他_不会来。”根据前半句可知是不确定的语气,因此要用may表示“也许”。表示最弱的语气。故选C。解析:句意“迈克明天也要来时装秀吗?”“我不确定。他_方向二情态动词的用法有别于行为动词,情态动词只表达一种想法(能,也许),主要表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气。考查情态动词的基本用法和表推测的用法时,可根据语境及说话人的语气使用恰当的情态动词。【例3】(2017,宿迁)Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow?Im not sure.He _ not come.A.must B.can C.may D.should方向二情态动词的用法


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