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5G的详细介绍及前景展望英文版课件1目录1423The development of mobile communication technology What is 5G?Why do we need 5G?Research status and challenges of 5G.5FiGWi目录1423The development of mobil21The development of mobile communication technology 1The development of mobile 3Simulation of mobile communication systemDigital mobile communication systemmultimedia mobile communications systemBroadband access and distribution network system19801G2G3G4G199020062011The development of mobile communication technology Simulation of mobile communica45G的详细介绍及前景展望英文版课件52What is 5G?2What is 5G?6AnEnglishabbrevi-ation01AnEnglishabbreviationconvergednetwork02UNEAgreenenergynetwork03Agreenenergynetwork5G is the English abbreviation of“The fifth generation mobile communication technology”Compared with 2G,3G and 4G,5G is not independent and brand-new.It is a combination and further development of present mobile communication technology.Besides the speed upgrade,5G will also meet the requirements of large bandwidth,super high capacity,super dense site,super high reliability and whenever and wherever possible access.An English abbrevi-ation 01 An7Some details about 5GSome details about 5G83Why do we need 5G?3Why do we need 5G?9The necessity of 5G Why does the vision of 5G emerge?Mobile communication has profoundly changed peoples life,but peoples pursuit for higher performance of mobile communication has never stopped.In order to cope with the future of mobile data traffic explosive growth,the connection of massive device,the continuous emergence of various new services and applications scene,the fifth generation mobile communication(5G)system will emerge as times require.The necessity of 5G Why does t105Gwillpenetrateintoallareasofthesocietyinthefuture,constructsanall-wavecustomer-focusinformationecologysystem.5G will make information breakthrough the limitation of timeand space,providing excellentinteractiveexperienceandimme-rsive information feast for theuser.Throughtheseamlessfusionway,5Gwillclosethedistanceofallthings,realizetheintelligentinterconnectionbetweenmanandallthingsonearth.5G will penetrate into all are115G will provide the access rate of fiber like,theusingexperienceof“zerodelay”,theabilitytoconnectbillionsofdevices,superhighfluxdensity,super high connection number density,superhigh mobility and other multi scene favorableservice and intelligent optimization of businessanduserperception.Atthesametime,5Gwillbringthenetworkoverahundredtimestheenergyefficiencyandultrahundredtimesthebitcostreduction.Finally5Gwillrealizethegeneralhopeof“Gettheinformationwheneveryouwantandallthingsonearthareatyourfingertips”.5G will provide the access rat124Research status and challenges of 5G.4Research status and challenge13To meet the demand of 5G,breakthrough in air interface technology is necessary.But innovation in network architecture is also significant and necessary so as to realize the vision of 5G.To meet the demand of 5G,brea14Centralized or distributed network architectureThe dividing line of access network and the core networkTo realize network construction or function configurationThe influence of NFV and SDNIMT-2020(5G)architecture is evolution or revolutionPart1 Five opening problem on designing 5G network architecture01Centralized or distributed n15Part 02 Integration of 5G and Wi-FiAn general introduction An general introduction of of Integration of 5G and Integration of 5G and Wi-Fi Wi-Fi The integration network of 5G and Wi-Fi can well solve the problem of rapid growing wireless traffic and user experience pursuit in 5G.Integration of multi-radio access technology,multiple needs and multiple internet were studied to become the inevitable trend for IMT 2020(5G).In the networking of 5G and Wi-Fi,integration of network application scene and fusion networking technology were introduced to be the inevitable demand,no-sense authentication,network security,green communication were proposed to become the key technical indications.Part 02 Integration of 5G and 16Integration of networking technology routeIntegrate Integrate Wi-Fi Wi-Fi into into mobile mobile communication communication network network as as a a wireless wireless technology technology under under the the circumstance circumstance of of integration integration of of a a variety variety of of cellular cellular work.To To realize realize the the multiple multiple access access mode mode of of core core network network with with other other cellular technologycellular technologykey technical indicationsno-sense no-sense authentication,authentication,network network security,security,green green communication communication were were proposed proposed to to become become the the key key technical technical indications.indications.Integration of networking tech17Some challengesTo work well in a multi service environment with seamless handover technologyInterference suppression technologyAutomatic adaptation technologySecurity problems.Seamless docking of secure protocol when integrating 5G and Wi-Fi.Some challengesTo work well in18Part03Securityvisionof5GT h e s e c u r i t y ke y t e c h n o l o g i e s Part 03 Security vision of 5GT19Large data security in 5G1Security problems brought by cloudization,virtualization and Software Defined Network,SDN 2The security of mobile intelligent terminal3Large data security in 5G1Secu20ResearchersResearchers21THANK YOU VERY MUCHTHANK YOU VERY MUCH22


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