七上8When (2)课件

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Unit 8Edison Feb.11,1847Lu Xun Nov.25,1881 Li Siguang Oct.26,1889Newton Dec.25 1642Nie Er Feb.14 1912Curie Dec.7 1867monthdateyear months of the year Listen and repeat1.Spring Festival(春节春节)is in _ or _.2.Tree Planting Day(植树节植树节)is in _.3.Mothers Day is in _.4.National Day(国庆节国庆节)is in _.5.Teachers Day is in _.January FebruaryMarch MayOctober September Christmas Day(圣诞节)(圣诞节)is in _.April Fools Day(愚人节愚人节)is in _.Childrens Day(儿童节儿童节)is in _.Students have summer holiday(暑假暑假)in _ and _.Thanksgiving(感恩节感恩节)is in _.December April June JuneJuly November F,F,February.M,M,March and May.S,S,September.O,O,October.N,N,November.D,D,December.A,A,April and August.J,J,January,June and July.十二个月的名称January(Jan.)February(Feb.)March(Mar.)April(Apr.)May(May.)June(Jun.)July(Jul.)August(Aug.)September(Sept.)October(Oct.)November(Nov.)December(Dec.)How many day s months There are 30 days in a month.There are 31 days in a month.There are 29 days in a month.Learn these numbers and find out the rules:一起找规律一起找规律1st first2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th 6th7th8th eighth9th ninth10th fifthsixthseventhtenth11th eleventh 12th twelfth13th 14th 15th 16th17th18th 19th 20th twentieththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenthseventeentheighteenthnineteenth21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second23rd twenty-third24th 25th 26th27th28th 29th 30th thirtieth31st thirty-firsttwenty-fourthtwenty-fifthtwenty-sixthtwenty-seventhtwenty-eighthtwenty-ninthOrdinal numbers(1st-31st):17th12th14th 1st 2nd 3rd 6th 9th 22nd21st 29th30th 31st 19th 6th Say together一起说一起说月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日January fifteenth (15th)April thirtieth (30th)July eighth (8th)October first (1st)May twenty-ninth (29th)February fourteenth (14th)When is your birthday?My birthday is _ the _.六月一日六月一日When _ your birthday?My birthday is _the _.1月日月日When _ your birthday?It is _ the _.3月月29日日June firstisDecember eighthis May twenty-ninthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDe cemberspringSummerAutumnWinter_ is the 1st month of the year._ is the 2nd month of the year._is the 5th month of the year.August is the _ month of the year.October is the_ month of the year.January FebruaryMay eighth tenthRead the dates:Writing(写法)写法)Reading(读法)(读法)January 1stMarch 8thAugust 2ndSeptember 10thJuly 3rdFebruary 12thOctober 20thDecember 25thJanuary the firstMarch the eighthAugust the secondSeptember the tenthJuly the thirdFebruary the twelfthOctober the twentiethDecember the twenty-fifthWhen is New Years Day(元旦元旦)?Its January 1st.When is Womens Day(妇女节妇女节)?It is March 8th.When is April Fools Day(愚人节愚人节)?Its April 1st.When is Working Peoples Day(劳动节劳动节)?Its May 1st.When is National Day(国庆节国庆节)?Its October 1st.When is Christmas Day(圣诞节圣诞节)?Its December 25th.A:When is your birthday?B:My birthday is April 15th.A:When is your birthday?A:When is your birthday?B:My birthday is January 1st.B:My birthday is January 1st.C:My birthday is December 31C:My birthday is December 31stst.FebruaryA:B:When is your birthday?My birthday is February 29th.C:My birthday is February 30th.A:When is your birthday?B:My birthday is March 8th.A:How old are you?B:Im years old.Name:SallyAge:7Date Of Birth:March 21stA:When is Sallys birthday?B:Her birthday is March 21st.A:How old is she?.Name:TinaAge:13Date of Birth:January 5thName:JohnAge:11Date Of Birth:November 12thA:When is Johns birthday?B:His birthday is November 12th.A:How old is he?.Name:MikeAge:21Date Of Birth:June 3rdCan you read these numbers?2nd11th5th30th21st44th12th63rd9th18th72nd13th19th56th87th15th31st10th93rd1、把下列基数词变为序数词。、把下列基数词变为序数词。two_ three_ nine_ twelve_ twenty_ eight_five_ thirty-one_secondthirdninthtwelfthtwentietheighth2、按要求变换句子。、按要求变换句子。1、My birthday is August fourth(提问)提问)is birthday?2、Nick is thirteen(提问)提问)_ _ is Nick?3、My fathers birthday is January 10th.(一般疑问句并做否定回答)一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ _ fathers birthday January 10th?No,_ _WhenyourHow oldIs yourfifththirty-firstit isnt能力训练能力训练a speech contesta school tripA:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.an art festivala basketball game2004.5.9A:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.an Art Festival一次艺术节一次艺术节 a Music Festival一次音乐盛典一次音乐盛典basketball game篮球比赛篮球比赛volleyball game排球比赛排球比赛When is your birthday,Vera?My birthday is October tenth.When is your birthday,Mary?My birthday is January fifteenth.When is your birthday,Jeff?My birthday is June fourth.写出每组对话的问题:1.Q:_A:My birthday is April 22nd.2.Q:_A:Im sixteen.3.Q:_A:My brothers birthday is May 16th.4.Q:_A:The party(音乐会)is May 21st.5.Q:_ A:My mother is forty-eight.When is your birthday?When is your birthday?How old are you?How old are you?When is your brotherWhen is your brothers s birthday?birthday?When is the party?When is the party?How old is your mother?How old is your mother?When is your birthday?My birthday is When is your mothers birthday?Her birthday is When is your friends birthday?Her/His birthday isPAIRWORK:Free talk 自由谈论自由谈论Nicks sweater his sweaterNickDads tie his tie Dad Mr Yus jacket his jacketMr YuRoberts shorts his shortsRobertJanes dressher dress JaneIts a _ room.teachersThey are _ coats.womenswoman womenJimTomAnnaAnna is _ mother.Jim and TomsNick and RobertsdeskNicks and Roberts desksNick Robert1.Tinas birthday party2.Jeffs volleyball3.Williams and Veras watches4.mens jackets5.Lucy and Lilys room6.Chens and Lis grandfathers7.a teacher of my fathers8.todays newspaperMy friends birthday My friends birthday is May 15th.He likes playing basketball,baseball and tennis.He doesnt like volleyball.He has a baseball and a basketball but he doesnthave a tennis.I will buy it for him.My friends birthday My friends birthday is _.She/He likes _ _ and _.She/He doesnt like _.She/He has _ and _ but she/he doesnt have_.I will buy it for her/him.Write five things about yourselfe.g.My name is Sally.Im fifteen years old.My birthday is January 1st.I like baseball and volleyball.I like apples very much.YesNoDateChinese Festival10.3Art FestivalEnglish PartyMusic Festival8.22School Dayschool trip3.15basketball game7.31English speech contest4.30birthday partyA:Do you haveat your school?B:Yes,we do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have.at your school?B:No,we dont.基数词 序数词 one first two second three third four fourth five fifth six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tenth基数词 序数词eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth 基数词 序数词 twenty-one twenty-first twenty-two twenty-second twenty-three twenty-third twenty-four twenty-fourth thirty thirtieth thirty-one thirty-first February 14th March 8th April 21st January 29th August 12th September 10thOctober 1stDecember 25th1.1.2 2月月月月4 4日日日日2.2.3 3月月月月8 8日日日日3.3.4 4月月月月2 2日日日日4.4.1 1月日月日月日月日5.5.8 8月日月日月日月日6.6.9 9月月月月0 0日日日日7.7.月月月月1 1日日日日8.8.1212月月月月5 5日日日日9.9.6 6月月月月1515日日日日 June 15th say the dates(说说日期):Sunday 星期天星期天Monday 星期一星期一Tuesday 星期二星期二Wednesday 星期三星期三Thursday星期四星期四Friday 星期五星期五Saturday 星期六星期六What day is today?Its-What day is it today?-Its Thursday.-What date is it today?-Its November 20th.-What time is it now?-Its 9 oclock.Pair work1212月月24日2 2月月29日1 1月月14日7 7月月23日-Whats the date today?-Its December 1st.(read:December First.-Whats the date?-Its 8 月 6 月 9月 4 月 10月 1月 2 12 20 9 19 31Teacher:Now,Lets fill in the class birthday _.Leila,Whens your birthday?Leila:Its _ _,Mr.Fisher.Teacher:Oh,ok.And how about you Nick?Nick:_ _.Teacher:And Robert?Robert:My birthday is _ _.Teacher:January 17th.Ok.And Jane,_your birthday?Jane:_ _.calendarSeptember 5thJuly 4thJanuary 17thWhensAugust 22ndSunday 星期天星期天Monday 星期一星期一Tuesday 星期二星期二Wednesday 星期三星期三Thursday星期四星期四Friday 星期五星期五Saturday 星期六星期六What day is today?ItsNumbers 基数词基数词OneTwo ThreeFourFive SixSevenEightNineTen ElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenSeventeenEighteenNineteen Twenty Twenty-oneTwenty-twoThirtyFortyFiftySixtySeventyEightyNinety A hundred Can you read these numbers?2nd11th5th30th21st44th12th63rd9th18th72nd13th19th56th87th15th31st10th93rdLilys birthday is July 20th.Her birthday is July the 20th.LilyWhen is Lilys birthday?party晚会,聚会晚会,聚会Birthday party 生日晚会生日晚会Christmas party 圣诞晚会圣诞晚会Marysspeech contest演讲比赛演讲比赛English contest Chinese contestMath contesta school trip学校组织的观光、郊游学校组织的观光、郊游an Art Festival一次艺术节一次艺术节 a Music Festival一次音乐盛典一次音乐盛典basketball game篮球比赛篮球比赛volleyball game排球比赛排球比赛Joe:Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?Sally:Sure,Joe.Joe:When is your birthday party?Sally:My birthday party is October 5th.Joe:OK,and when is the basketball game?Sally:The basketball game?Oh,its October 2nd.Joe:Good.And,um,how about the school trip?Sally:The school trip is September26th and 27th.Joe:And when is the speech contest?Sally:Oh thats Friday,September 29 th.Joe:Great.a speech contesta school tripA:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.an art festivala basketball game2004.5.9A:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.an English partyan English Christmas partya music festival2005.12.25A:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.YesNoMonthDaySchool dayArt FestivalChinese ContestMusic FestivalEnglish PartyComplete the chart below.Ask questions about your parteners School.A:Do you have a/an?B:Yes,We do.A:When is it?B:ItsA:Do you have a/an?B:No,we dont.My friends birthday My friends birthday is May 15th.He likes playing basketball,baseball and tennis.He doesnt like volleyball.He has a baseball and a basketball but he doesnthave a tennis.I will buy it for him.My friends birthday My friends birthday is _.She/He likes _ _ and _.She/He doesnt like _.She/He has _ and _ but she/he doesnt have_.I will buy it for her/him.Homework:Make a survey of your familys birthday.fathermother sisterbrother


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