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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ba,1,No, I dont.,I,dont,have,one,.,I,have,a,skirt(,裙子,),.,Do you,have,a,skirt,?,No, I dont.I have a skirt(裙子),2,一、学习目标,Period1,1.能够熟读新单词,并掌握新单词的意思:do have tennis ball ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball basketball,2.通过听力理解对学生提取关键信息的能力继续进行训练。,3.掌握助动词do引导的一般疑问句。,一、学习目标 Period1,3,二、学习重难点,重点:,知识点1 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍,ping-pong= ping-pong ball.,打乒乓意为:play ping-pong,注意:ping-pong ball 和ping-pong bat 在变为复数形式时,只需在后边的名词后加-s, ping-pong不需要变化。,知识点2 ball 做可数名词(球;球状体;球形)复数形式为balls.,注意: tennis ball网球 soccer ball 足球,volleyball 排球 basketball 篮球,baseball 棒球 football 足球,难点:1b和1c部分,二、学习重难点,4,do的用法,在本课中为助动词,本身没有词义,主要用于构成谓语动词的否定形式或疑问形式,其第三人称单数形式为dose, 否定形式为dont和 dosent.,eg: Do you have a ruler? 你有尺子吗?,Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,注意:do 还可做实义动词,意为“干,做”。,eg: I do my homework every day.,do的用法,5,have 在一般现在时态中的用法。,用法:have 是实义动词,意为“有”,第三人称单数为has.,eg: They have many books.他们有很多书。,Jim has a green bike.吉姆有一辆绿色自行车。,have 在一般现在时态中的用法。,6,三、导学流程,1.自主预习案 (单词),做,干_ 有_,网球_ 球_,兵乓球_ 球拍_,足球_ 排球_,篮球_,完成25页1a,do have,tennis ball,ping-pong bat,soccer volleyball,basketball,三、导学流程do have,7,2.合作探究案,1)教师可将每个生词的音标在黑板上呈现出来,渗透语音教 学,巩固学生的拼读能力。,2)教师组织全体学生进行听力训练,完成1b。,3)学生在1c基础上,小组讨论并表演1c。,2.合作探究案,8,看图说出下列物品的英语单词。,Exercises,basketball,soccer ball,volleyball,baseball,baseball bat,ping-pong ball,ping-pong bat,tennis,看图说出下列物品的英语单词。Exercisesbasketb,9,1. tennis ball _,2. ping-pong bat,_,3. soccer ball _,4. volleyball _,5. basketball _,6. baseball bat _,a,f,c,e,d,b,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,1. tennis ball _afcedb1aMatch,10,Listening,Listen and circle the words your hear.,1b,ping-pong bat soccer ball,volleyball ping-pong ball,ListeningListen and circle the,11,No, I,dont,.,I,dont have,one.,1c,Lets read,Do,you,have,a,ping-pong bat?,Yes, I,do,.,I have a ping-pong bat.,Do,you,have,a,ping-pong ball?,No, I dont.1cLets readDo you,12,Practice,I have a .,Do,you,have,a ?,Yes, I,do,.,/,No, I,dont,.,I,dont have a,PracticeI have a .Yes, I do./,13,3.课堂练习案,1.Does your brother _an English book?,No , but my sister_one.,A.have; have B.has ; has C.has ; has D.have; has,2. Do you have a baseball?,No, I_,A. isnt B.dosent C.dont D.do,3.You_a new coat but your brother_.,A.have; dont have one B.dont have;dose,C.have; dose D.dont have; dosent,4.I dont have_erasers. I think Ann has_.,A.any; any B.some; any C.some; some D.any; some,四、导学后记,B,c,B,D,3.课堂练习案BcBD,14,have,作动词,意为,“,_”,,,其,第三人称单数形式是,_,。,常用句式为:,某人,+ have/has +,某物,,意为“,_”,。侧重于所属关系。,在,一般现在时态,中,当主语为,_,单数,形式时,用,has,的形式。如:,_,have,a good friend.,我,/,我们,/,你,/,你们,/,他们有一个好朋友。,_,has,a new pen.,她,/,他,/,汤姆有一支新钢笔。,总结,有,某人有某物,has,第三人称,I/We/You/They,She/He/Tom,have作动词,意为“_”,其第三人称单数形式是_,15,【,探究总结,】,助动词,do,用法三步走,(1),句法作用:,助动词,do,,本身没有词义,,它的作用是在一般现在时中,协助实义动词构成否定形式或疑问形式,,后接动词原形。,(2),单数形式:,当主语是第三人称单数时助动词,do,要变成,does,/dz/,。,(3),问答一致:,对于由助动词协助构成的一般疑问句的应答,,答语中的助动词应与问句中的助动词保持一致。, _ Tom _ a computer?, Yes, he _.,A. Do; have; does B. Do; has; do,C. Does; have; does D. Does; has; do,【探究总结】 助动词do用法三步走 _ T,16,你会变这些句式吗?,I have,a soccer ball,.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,肯定回答:,否定回答:,划线提问:,Do you have,a,soccer ball,?,I dont have a,soccer ball.,Yes, I do .,No, I dont .,What,do you have?,(特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句),你会变这些句式吗?I have a soccer ball.,17,现在看你的了!,2. They,watch TV,every day.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,肯定回答:,否定回答:,划线提问:,Do they watch TV every day?,They dont watch TV every day.,Yes, they do .,No, they dont .,What,do they do every day?,(特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句),现在看你的了!2. They watch TV every,18,A: Do you have,a/an,?,B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,I dont have a/an,guessing,(,你问我猜,),A: Do you have a/an?B: Yes, I,19,句型展示,1. ,你有乒乓球吗?, _ _ _ a ping-pong ball?,是的,我有。,/,不,我没有。,_, _ _. / _, _ _.,2. ,她有足球吗?, _ _ _ a soccer ball?,是的,她有。,/,不,她没有。,_, _ _ . /_, _ _.,Do you have,Yes, I do,No, I dont,Does she have,Yes, she does,No, she doesnt,句型展示Do you haveYes,20,Period2,一、学习目标,1.能够熟读新单词,并掌握新单词的意思: hey let us lets go we late has get,2.通过听力理解对学生提取关键信息的能力继续进行训练。,3.掌握助动词let引导的祈使句。,Period2一、学习目标,21,二、学习重难点,重点:,知识点1.,us是we的宾格形式,意为:“我们”,位于动词 或介词之后做宾语。,eg:Many people help us, so we should help others.,很多人帮助我们,所以我们应该帮助他人。,Our parents do a lot for us.父母为我们做了很多。,二、学习重难点,22,知识点2.,go 做动词,意为“去,走”反义词是come。第三人称单数为gose。go 后接地点名词表示“去某地”时。需先加to再加地点名词。其后若接表示地点的副词,则不加to。,eg:We go to school at seven.我们7点去上学。,My father gose to Beijing by plane.我爸爸坐飞机去北京。,Please go there on time.请按时去那儿。,知识点2.,23,知识点3.,late “迟到” ,短语 be late for, 意为:迟到,做.,迟到,后常接class, school, meeting, bus,等名词。,eg:Dont be late for meeting.不要开会迟到。,Are you always late for school? 你常常上课迟到吗?,难点:2d部分,知识点3.,24,Let引导的祈使句,lets是 let us的缩写。构成let sb to do sth. 让某人做某事,用来表示请求、建议等。这里的sb是带刺时,用的事其宾格形式。,eg: Let Jim do it.让吉姆做这件事吧。,Let me help you.让我来帮助吧。,Let引导的祈使句,lets是 let us的缩写。构成l,25,get “去取或带来;得到”做及物动词,后接名词或者代词做宾语。,eg: I get a red hat.我得到一顶红色的帽子。,Your ball is in the room. Go and get it.你的球在房间。去取一下。,Get的其他用法:还可以意为“到达”,为不及物动词,后可接副词here,there,room等。如果接地点名词,需用“get to+地点”。,eg: My brother gets home before seven.我的哥哥七点前到家了。,Get to school as early as you can.尽早到校。,get “去取或带来;得到”做及物动词,后接名词或者代词做,26,三、导学流程,1.自主预习案(单词),让_ we的宾语_ 让我们_ 迟到_,have的第三人称_,得到_,2.合作探究案,1) 教师组织全体学生进行听力训练,完成2a,2b。,2) 各组讨论2c,展示自己的成果。,3) 学生自主讨论,完成2d中的翻译,各组代表展示2d对话。,let us,let us late,has,get,三、导学流程let,27,一般疑问句公式:,Do/Does+主语+ have +其他。,其回答方式,肯定回答:,Yes, 主语+do/ does,否定回答:,No, 主语+dont/doesnt,一般疑问句公式:,28,1 I have a ping-pong bat.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,肯定回答:,否定回答:,2 Helen has a tennis ball.,否定句:,一般疑问句:,肯定回答:,否定回答:,1 I have a ping-pong bat.,29,Presentation,Do you have a sister?,Yes, I do.,Do you have a cat?,Yes, I do.,Do you have a baseball?,No, I dont.,PresentationDo you have a sis,30,Does Linda have a schoolbag?,Yes, she does.,Does Anna have a schoolbag?,No, she doesnt.,Linda,Anna,Does Linda have a schoolbag?Ye,31,Listen and number the things 1-4.,1,Listening,2a,3,2,4,Listen and number the things ,32,Listen again. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls.,Listening,2b,1,2,3,4,Listen again. Match the pictur,33,2c,Pairwork,Ask and answer about the people in 2a.,Does Jane have a tennis ball?,No, she doesnt.,2cPairworkAsk and answer about,34,Practice,Does have a,_?,Yes, ,No, ,Dale,Paul,Mike,PracticeDoes have aYes, Da,35,Reading,Read the dialogue in 2d. Then,match the things with the right places.,Helens,baseball bat,baseball,jacket,hat,We dont know,.,ReadingRead the dialogue in 2d,36,Cindy: Hey, Helen, lets go! Were late.,Helen: OK.,Cindy: Do you have the baseball?,Helen: Yes, I do. Its in my bag.,Cindy: And wheres our baseball bat?,Helen: Bill has it.,Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket?,Helen: Oh, no, I dont. Its on the chair. Let me get it.,Cindy: And your hat, too!,Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Lets go.,Pairwork,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Cindy: Hey, Helen, lets go! W,37,2,. we,是人称代词主格,意为,“我们”,,在句子中作主语。如:,We,are good friends. 我们是好朋友。,We,have a new soccer ball.,我们有一只新足球。,1,.,late “,迟到,” 是个形容词,常用,be late,的结,构。,Xiao Ming,is,always,late,.,小明总是迟到。,2. we是人称代词主格,意为“我们”,在句子中作主语。如:,38,3,.,us “我们”。,是we的,宾格,形式,在句子中放在,介词或动词后作宾语。,【辨析】we / us / our,we “我们”,是人称代词主格形式,作句子的主语。,us “我们”,是人称代词宾格形式,作句子的宾语。,our “我们的”,是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前。,We,are in Mikes room. 我们在迈克的房间里。,Call,us,at 457-3287. 给我们打电话457-3287.,Our,teacher is in the classroom.,我们的老师在教室里。,3. us “我们”。 是we的宾格形式,在句子中放在,39,4,. 以动词,let开头的祈使句,,表示向别人提,建议,意思是“,让做吧,”。,基本结构为:,let sb. do sth.,,表示 “,让某,人做某事,”,表示说话人的建议。其中sb.,可由,名词或代词宾格,来充当,其后的动,词一定要用动词原形。,Let,me,do it. 让我来做吧。,Let,him,guess. 让他猜一猜。,4. 以动词let开头的祈使句,表示向别人提,40,5,. lets,是,let us,的缩写形式,意思为“咱们一起做某事吧”,通常表示建议、请求或命令。,肯定回答:,一般用“OK”,“All right”,“Yes, lets ”,;,否定回答:,一般用“Sorry, I ”,。,如:, Lets go! 让我们走吧!, OK. 好吧。,Lets look at the blackboard.,让我们看黑板吧。,5. lets是let us 的缩写形式,意思为“咱们一起,41,3.课堂练习案,1.Kate and I are going to the concert this weekend. Dad will take _ there?,A.it B.you C.us D.them,2. I _a new pencil box.,A. get B.go C.come D.has,3.Healthy food and exercise help_to study better.,A.us B.we C.our D.ours,4.Linda is _for class. Her teacher is angry .,A.late B.later C. are late D.late for,四、导学后记,C,A,A,A,3.课堂练习案CAAA,42,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.,2 Finish the exercise book.,3Preview P27,Homework1Review what we have l,43,Period3,一、学习目标,1.能够熟读新单词,并掌握新单词的意思:great play sound,2.要求学生把人称代词归类,分别与助动词do,does搭配。,二、学习重难点,重点: 知识点1.,great在本课时中用来表达赞扬或者同意某人的建议,意为“太好了,好极了”,eg:What about playing tennis?打网球怎么样?,Great!太好了!,How is it going,Bill?比尔,一切顺利吗?,Great!好极了!,Period3一、学习目标,44,注意:great还可意为“美妙的;伟大的”在句中可做表语和定语。,eg:Our country is great!我们的祖国很伟大。,知识点2.,play做及物动词,意为“打,踢球”。其后接表示球类的名词时,play与球类名词之间不用冠词。,eg:Lets play volleyball.让我们打排球吧。,注意:play 后接“乐器(外国)”名词时,意为“弹、拉、演奏”名词前必须要加冠词the。中国乐器前不加the。,eg:Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?,I can play ErHu.,注意:great还可意为“美妙的;伟大的”在句中可做表语和,45,知识点3.,sound为感官动词,意为 “听起来”,可用做系动词,,后接形容词做表语。,eg:His idea sounds great.他的主意听起来很棒!,That sounds good!那听起来很好!,常见的感官动词 feel 摸起来,感觉起来 taste 尝起来,smell 闻起来 look看起来,难点:3b部分,知识点3.,46,动词have的一般现在时用法,1.本单元学习了动词have的一般现在时的用法,其基本含义“有”,在一般现在时中有人称和数的变化。have放在第一人称(I,we),第二人称(you),第三人称复数(they)及其他复数名词之后;has 放在第三人称单数(he,she, it)和单数名词之后。,eg:I have a pear. 我有一个梨。,Tom has a Chinese frienf.汤姆有一个中国朋友。,2.have/has的否定句:一般是由助动词do或does加not构成,即dont have 或doesnt have。,eg:My brother doesnt have a baskekball.我的弟弟没有篮球。,动词have的一般现在时用法,47,三、导学流程,1.自主预习案,伟大的,美妙的_,打篮球_ 听起来_,2.合作探究案,(1)请同学们读语法句型, 小组合作总结本单元语法知识。,(2)自主完成3a。,(3)3b。组内竞赛,两人一组对话问答。,(4)3c。小组合作,利用目标语编写对话。,great,play basketball sound,三、导学流程 great,48,Grammar Focus:,I have a TV .,I,dont,have a TV.,Do,you have a TV?,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Grammar Focus:I have a TV .,49,Grammar Focus:,They have a computer.,They,dont,have a computer.,Do,they have a computer ?,Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,Grammar Focus:They have a comp,50,Grammar Focus:,He a ping-pong ball.,He have a ping-pong ball.,he have a ping-pong ball ?,Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.,doesnt,has,Does,Grammar Focus:He a pi,51,Grammar Focus:,I have a TV .,I,dont,have a TV.,Do,you have a TV?,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,They have a computer.,They,dont,have a computer.,Do,they have a computer ?,Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,He a ping-pong ball.,He have a ping-pong ball.,he have a ping-pong ball ?,Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.,doesnt,has,Does,Grammar Focus:I have a TV .The,52,Does,he have a basketball?,Yes, he,does,.,He has a basketball.,Does,he have a soccer ball?,No, he,doesnt.,He doesnt have a soccer ball.,Does he have a basketball?Does,53,Do they have a soccer ball?,Yes,Yes, they do.,They have a soccer ball.,No,No, they dont.,Theydont have a soccer ball.,Do they have a soccer ball?Yes,54,1.Do you have ?,是,_,(一般疑问句,/,特殊疑问句)用来询问,_,。是对第,_,人称的提问,肯定回答,_,否定回答,_,Summary:,2. Do they have?,用来询问,_,。,是对第三人称的,_(,单数,/,复数)的提问。,肯定回答,_,否定回答,_,一般疑问句,你有某物吗?,Yes,I do,.,二,No,,,I dont,.,他们有某物吗?,复数,Yes, they do.,No, they dont.,1.Do you have ? 是_,55,3.,对某人是否拥有某物的提问的句型:,Do,_,_,_,_,+ _ +,宾语?,4. I/They have .,是,_,(疑问句,/,陈述句,).,用来表达,_,句型是:,_,_,_,_,+ _ +,宾语。,you,I,they,we,have,陈述句,我,/,他们有某物,I,we,You,They,have,3.对某人是否拥有某物的提问的句型:Do_+ _,56,5. I / They,dont have,.,是,_,(肯定句,/,否定句),.,是第,_,人称和第,_,复数用来表达,_,6.,基本句型:,I,You,We,They,+_ _ +,宾语,。,否定句,一,某人没有某物,dont,have,三,5. I / They dont have .是_,57,Does he have a backpack?,Yes,No,Yes, he,does,.,He,has,a backpack.,No, he,doesnt,.,He,doesnt have,a backpack.,第三人称单数提问用,does,陈述句是,has.,Does he have a backpack?YesNoY,58,Summary:,1.Does he/she/,have,?,是,_,(一般疑问句,/,特殊疑问句)用来询问,_,是对第,_,人称的提问,.,肯定回答,_,否定回答,_,2.,基本句型:,_,she,he,+ _ +,宾语?,一般疑问句,某人有某物吗?,三,Yes, he/she does,No, he/she doesnt,Does,have,Summary:2.基本句型:_she+ _,59,3. He /She,has,.,是,_(,疑问句,/,陈述句,).,是第,_,人称,_(,单数,/,复数)形式。用来表达,_.,4.,陈述句的基本句型:,He,She,+ _,+,宾语。,陈述句,三,单数,他,/,她拥有某物,has,3. He /She has.是_(疑,60,5. She / He,doesnt have,是,_,(肯定句,/,否定句),.,是第,_,人称用来表达,_,6.,基本句型,:,She,He,+ _ _ +,宾语。,否定句,三,他,/,她没有某物,doesnt,have,5. She / He doesnt have 是,61,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,复数,单数,单数,复数,I,we,you,you,they,She/he/it/,this/that/Eric ,动词原形,单三式,+do/have,+does/has,第一人称单数复数单数IweyouyoutheyShe/he/,62,3a,3a,63,3b Fill in the blanks with do or does. Then,practice the conversations with your partner.,A:,you have a baseball?,B:,Yes, I .,A:,Great! I have a bat. Lets play!,Conversation 1,Do,do,3b Fill in the blanks with do,64,A:,Jonh have a soccer ball?,B:,No, he .,A:,he have a ping-pong bat?,B:,Yes, he . I think he has a ping-pong ball, too.,A:,Hmmlets ask.,Conversation 2,Does,doesnt,Does,does,A: Jonh have,65,A:,your friends have a basketball?,B:,Yes, they . They have two basketballs.,A:,Well, lets play basketball.,B:,That sounds good.,Conversation 3,Do,do,A: your frie,66,3c Remember the things in Bobs room. Then,close your books and ask and answer,questions with a partner.,A:,Does he have a soccer ball?,B:,Yes, he does.,A:,Does he have a ping-pong bat?,B:,No, he doesnt.,3c Remember the things in Bob,67,3.课堂练习案,1.The young man plays _ violin very well, but he plays _basketball badld.,A.the; the B.a; a C.a; the D.the; 不填,2. Jims idea sounds _. I like it.,A. well B.good C.bad D.badly,3.How is it going?,_.,A.No, I dont think so B.Yes, Id love to C. Its great D.Its a pleasure,4.They _a newbike.,A.has B.dont have C. dont has D.doesnt have,四、导学后记,D,B,B,C,3.课堂练习案DBBC,68,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.,2 Finish the exercise book.,3Preview P28,Homework1Review what we have l,69,Period 4,一、学习目标,1. 能读写P28 新单词:interesting boring fun difficult relaxing,watch TV watch TV,2.会运用good, interesting, relaxing, boringt等形容词谈论自己喜,欢哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因。,3. 能从听力中捕捉关键词。,Period 4一、学习目标,70,二、学习重难点,学习重点:,1. 学会P28页的8个新单词及其用法。,2.目标句型:,eg:Lets play computer games. 让我们玩电脑游戏吧。,That sounds interesting.(那)听起来很有趣。,学习难点:,会运用目标句型编对话谈论自己的喜好。,二、学习重难点,71,三导学流程,1.自主预习案,(,1)-ing形式的形容词,Interesting有趣的;boring无聊的;relaxing放松的,这些-ing形式的形容词一般修饰或描述事物,既可以用于名词前做定语,也可以用于be动词之后做表语。,eg: This is an interesting book. 这是一本有趣的书。,I think its relaxing.我认为它令人放松。,三导学流程,72,(2)watch的用法,watch 做动词,意为“注视;观看”。其第三人称单数形式为watches,主要;用于看电视、戏剧、比赛、表演等娱乐性活动。,eg:watch TV 看电视 watch football game观看足球比赛。,(2)watch的用法,73,Does,he,have a ?,Yes,he,does.,No,he,doesnt .,Does he have a ?Yes, he does,74,(3)翻译下列形容词和短语。,1.困难的_2.有趣的_,3.无聊的_4.轻松的_,5.美妙的;大的_,6.听起来有趣_,2. 合作探究案,(1)小组合作完成1a。,(2)请同学们听录音完成1b,1c。,(3)组内根据1c编对话,分角色表演对话1d以及组内编的对话。,difficult fun,boring relaxing,great,sound interesting,(3)翻译下列形容词和短语。difficult,75,Haha,its fun.,.,New Words,fun,有趣的,令人愉快的,Haha, New Wordsfun 有趣的, 令人愉快的,76,Woo, its,interesting.,interesting,有趣的,令人感兴趣的,Woo, its interesting 有趣的,令人感,77,Ah, its,relaxing.,relaxing,轻松的,Ah, its relaxing 轻松的,78,Haha! Its,difficult.,968746232978+7823576877869856343 = ?,difficult,困难的,Haha! Its 968746232978+78235,79,Hmm. Its,boring.,boring,无聊的,令人生厌的,Hmm. Its boring 无聊的,令人生厌的,80,1a,Match the words with the pictures.,interesting _ 3. fun _ 5. relaxing _,2. boring _ 4. difficult _,c,b,a,d,e,1aMatch the words with the pic,81,1bListen and check(,) the description,words you hear in 1a,.,interesting _ 3. fun _ 5. relaxing _,2. boring _ 4. difficult _,1bListen and check() the desc,82,1c,What does Tony say about these activities?,play computer game interesting,play volleyball,watch TV,play basketball,difficult,boring,fun,1cWhat does Tony say about the,83,1d You are Paul. Your partner is Pauls friend Jenny. Talk about the activities in 1c.,Lets play computer games.,That sounds interesting,.,1d You are Paul. Your partner,84,play tennis,play soccer ball,play volleyball,play basketball,play tennisplay soccer ballpla,85,play computer games.,play volleyball.,watch TV.,play basketball.,sing,.,A: Lets,B: That sounds,interesting.,difficult.,boring.,fun.,relaxing.,.,play computer games. A: LetsB,86,3.课堂练习案,(1)按照要求完成句子。,1.安娜并非每天都看电视。,Anna _ _ TV every day.,2. difficult_ (反义词),boring _ (反义词),3. play, ping-pong, lets (连词成句),4. you, a, soccer, have, ball, do (连词成句),_,doesnt watch,easy,interesting,Lets play ping-pong,Do you have a soccer ball?,3.课堂练习案 doesnt watch,87,(2)翻译句子:,1)你有一块手表吗?_?,2)咱们打排球吧。_.,3) 你有一颗足球吗?,不,我没有。,_.,四、导学后记,Do you have a watch?,Lets play volleyball.,Do you have a soccer ball?,No, I dont.,(2)翻译句子:Do you have a watch?,88,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.,2 Finish the exercise book.,3Preview P29,Homework1Review what we have l,89,Period 5,一、学习目标,1. 能读写P29 新单词:same love with sport them only like easy after class classmate,2. 能学会句型: He/ She has a soccer ball. He/She doesnt have a soccer ball. 并运用。,3. 能读懂短文大意。,4. 能够学会一些名词复数的用法与数字的表达。,Period 5一、学习目标,90,二、学习重难点,学习重点:1. 学会P29页的11个新单词及其用法。,2.目标句型:He/ She has a soccer ball. He/She doesnt have a soccer ball.,学习难点: 学会短文中知识点的用法。,二、学习重难点,91,三导学流程,1.自主预习案,(1)1.but 的用法:but意为“但是”,它是一个表示转折意义的连词,通常连接两个意思相反的词、短语或句子。,eg:I like apples, but she doesnt. 我喜欢苹果,但是她不喜欢。,(2)does的用法:does在句中指代前句中的have“拥有”。在句子表达中,当后面的动作和前面的一致时,为了避免重复,通常用动词do或其变形来代替。,eg:He knows that girl and I do / she does, too. (do/does代替know),他知道那个女孩,我/她也知道。,三导学流程,92,(3)with:介词,1)“和.在一起”;2)“带有;使用”,eg 1:Can you go with us? 你能和我们一起去吗?,eg2:He is a boy with big eyes.他是一个有着大眼睛的男孩。,I write with a pen.我用笔写信。,(4)like的用法:like做动词,意为“爱;喜爱;喜欢”后面跟名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词做宾语。,eg:I like my family.我爱我的家庭。I like them very much.我非常爱他们。 I like to play ping-pong.我喜欢打乒乓。I like reading. 我喜欢读书。,(3)with:介词,1)“和.在一起”;2)“带,93,(5)句型“Its +形容词+for sb. (to do sth.)”意为“对于某人来说(做某事)是.的”其中It 为形式主语,后面的不定式短语为真正的主语。eg:It is difficult for me to do homework.对我来说做作业是困难的。,(6)人称代词的顺序:在英语表达中,当第一人称和第二人称、第三人称同时出现在句首做并列主语时,顺序为“二三一”,也就是先说第二人称,再说第三人称,最后说第一人称。,eg:You, she and I are good friends.你、我、他是好朋友。,(5)句型“Its +形容词+for sb. (to do,94,(7)翻译短语。,在同一所学校_,通过电视观看_,下课后_,和朋友一起玩_,上学_,2. 合作探究案,(1)小组合作完成2a。,(2)请同学们自己阅读并完成2b, 组内合作、组与组竞争,完成2c。,at the same school,watch them on TV,after class,play with friends,go to school,(7)翻译短语。at the same school,95,2a Find the sports words in the unit.,Write them in the correct column.,Things I have,Things I dont have,basketball soccer ball,volleyball,tennis ball baseball,ping-pong bat,baseball bat,tennis


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