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Lesson1ConsumerSocietyUnit 24 Society To practise using complex sentences in written and spoken English to persuade,using verbs such as should,ought to,insist,demand,suggest.To practise giving advice.ObjectivesPart IWarm-upWhataremostpeopleworkinghardfor?In the consumer society,people are working hard to earn more money.When we earn more,we spend more.Because we spend more,we work even harder.There is a growing tendency for us to be treated as consumers rather than people.We are at the risks of becoming enslaved to the“vicious circle”of consumerism.Doyoulikegoshopping?Doyouoftenshoppingonline?Doyoulikethefamousbrands?Doyouofteneatout?Look at the photos and the title of the article.Which three of the these things do you think will not be mentioned in the article?globe trade,stress and lack of time,crime and violence,a shortened working week,work sharing,advertising,free time,drugsPart IIReading1.Readthearticleandcheckyourguesses.Answers:global trade,crime and violence,drugs2.Decidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T)orfalse(F).1)The more money you earn,the more you can save._2)If we have larger and better houses and cars,we will enjoy more of life._3)Trade unions suggest shortening the working time and increasing employment._4)The author thinks“having”is more important than“doing”._FFTF3.Choosethebestanswers.1)Which of the following is TRUE 2)according to the text?A.The more money we have,the happier we will be.B.We often enjoy being with our friends and families in bigger and better houses.C.We are satisfied with the possessions accumulated by working hard.D.Sometimes we spend more money than we have.2)If people work hard in order to own a bigger house,finally they might have _A.more stress and less free timeB.more money and experienceC.more taxes and changes D.more debts in credit cardsWhichofthewritersviewsdoyouagreeanddisagreewith?Giveyourreasons.Part IIIDiscussionPart IVStructureAnalysis1.Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries currencies in the hope that we can make even more money.译文:译文:有时候,我们试图存储一些钱或者把自己的钱换成不同的外汇以希望能赚取更多的钱。结构分析:结构分析:本句的主语是:we;谓语部分是:try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries currencies。而句中的介词短语 in the hope.则在句中作目的状语。在这个目的状语中,又包含着一个同位语从句that we can make even more money,在句中解释前面的名词hope的内容。2.Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.译文:译文:我们并没有得到更多的快乐,得到的反而是压力,并且更加没有时间享受自己想要的生活,也没有时间享受与家人和朋友在一起的快乐。这是一个省略句。句子的主语和谓语动词省略掉了。其完整的形式应是:We dont get increased happiness,but we get stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.结构分析:结构分析:3.Besides,were all taxpayers so the more we earn the more tax we have to pay to those who govern us.译文:译文:除此之外,我们都是纳税人,因此,我们挣的钱越多,就得向管理我们的政府缴更多的税。结构分析结构分析:这是一个由so 连接的并列句,第二分句中包括一个固定结构the more,the more,who govern us 是定语从句,修饰those。4.As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.译文:译文:作为整个社会来讲,我们早就应该更严肃地考虑这些问题了。结构分析:结构分析:这是一个主从复合句,as a society是介词短语作状语,its high time是主句。take sth.seriously 严肃地考某事。拓展:拓展:Its high time that sb.did sth.是固定句型,表示“到了某人干某事的时候了”,含有责备的感情色彩,从句中用虚拟语气,that引导的从句中谓语用一般过去时。如:It is high time that you went to school.你该上学了。Its high time we were off.我们该走了。Part VLanguageNotes1.Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries currencies.用法点拨用法点拨deposit 意思是“存储;储蓄(=to put money in a bank)”。如:He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month.他每月在银行存一笔钱。I want to deposit these checks into my savings account.我想把这些支票存进我的储蓄账户。拓展拓展deposit 还可作名词,意为“存款;押金”。如:She made two deposits of 500 last month.她上月存了两笔500英镑的款。You must pay a deposit if you want to book the room in advance.你要预订房间,就得先付押金。即时演练即时演练选词填空:It is wise of you to _ 10%of your salary every month for old age.A.deposit B.reduce C.charge D.offer Therentforthishouseis$250.Butyouneedalsopay$50firstasthe_.A.depositB.councilC.desiredD.submitted2.In this spending circle,on the one hand,we accumulate possessions but never feel like we have enough.用法点拨用法点拨accumulate意为“积累;积聚(=to gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of sth)”,如:By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。My savings are accumulating interest.我的储蓄不断生息。1)如果你不定时整理桌上的文件,那2)它们只能堆得越来越多。3)If you dont sort out the papers on your 4)desk on a regular basis,they just keep on 5)accumulating.2)房屋不经常打扫,尘土很快就越积越多。Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.即时演练即时演练3.Instead,they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.用法点拨用法点拨burden 在句中用作名词,意思是“负担;重担(=sth difficult or worrying that you are responsible for)”,如:Women there carry the main burden of shopping,homemaking and child caring.His parents are jobless and he has to shoulder the burden of supporting a large family.burden也常用作动词,表示“加重压;承担重担”,搭配有:burden sb with.“使某人负担起”。如:I dont want to burden you with my problems,you know.你知道,我可不想让我的问题给你增加负担。Poor fellow,he was only twenty-two and to be burdened with a family!可怜的人哪,他还只有二十二岁,竟要担负起养家的重担!拓展拓展即时演练即时演练 选词填空:1)Measures have to be taken to lighten high school students heavy _ caused by the pressure of entering a good college or university.A.luggageB.attack C.expressionD.burden2)My father,_ with a large family,was unable to support the expense of my brothers college education.A.burdening B.burdened C.being burdened D.having burdened 4.Surely were still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings,.用法点拨用法点拨vacant adj.“未住人的;空置的(=not filled)”,如:Sit here;this seat is vacant.坐这儿吧,这个座位空着呢。Are there any rooms vacant in this hotel?这家旅馆有空房吗?拓展拓展Vacant 还可指空缺着的职务或工作,如:She decided to apply for a vacant position in an office.她决定申请一个空缺的办公室职务。即时演练即时演练选词填空:Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university,there are very few _ apartments in the area.A.vacant B.free C.empty D.reservedempty,vacant,hollow这一组词都表示“空的”,但涵义有所不同。empty:意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义。We found the room empty.At midnight even the busiest street is empty.vacant:意思是“闲着的”、“无人占据的”着重指临时性的情况,如:vacant seatvacant apartment、vacant position等。We have no vacant position here.A vacant seat was found in this compartment.hollow:意思是“空心的”、“中空的”、“空洞的”、“下陷的”,它常与tree,ball,cheeks,voice,sound,words,promise等词连用,由此可见,它既可用以指实物的“中空”,亦可指 words、promise compliments 的“虚假”,用于后者场合是比喻意义。This is a hollow tree.I dont like to hear his hollow words.The tears rolled down her hollow cheeks.His argument sounds hollow.There are two _ rooms in this house,which are meant for rent.A)empty B)vacant C)blank D)unoccupied B5.If I were you,I would cover my bare arms.The sun is strong.用法点拨用法点拨bare adj.意为“赤裸的;缺少遮盖的;没有保护的(=without clothing;without the usual covering or protection)”,一般形容没有遮蔽或装饰的物体,也可指局部的裸露。如:Dont lie in the sun with your head bare.The soil was washed away by the flood,exposing the bare rock.barely adv.几乎没有;仅仅;勉强地;刚刚,如:I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志。We had barely finished the work when we were told to return.我们刚做完这件工作就把我们叫回去了。拓展拓展即时演练即时演练选词填空:Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still _.A.blank B.vacant C.hollow D.bare6.The boss insists that he work longer hours so he resigned.用法点拨用法点拨resign在句中用作不及物动词,意思是“辞职(=to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization)”,如:He said he would rather resign than compromise his principles.He made it clear that he was not resigning from his present position.拓展拓展resign作“辞职”解也可用作及物动词,如:She resigned her directorship and left the company.她放弃了董事职务,离开了公司。Thats the very reason that Tom resigned his membership of the golf club.正是因为这个原因,汤姆辞去高尔夫俱乐部会员席位。即时演练即时演练选词填空:1)Ive made a decision to _,for nothing I did seemed to satisfy the boss.A.adjustB.resign C.abandonD.require 2)Mr Reed has just _ as sales manager of the company.Who do you think will take over the position?A.servedB.elected C.resigned D.promoted 7.If laws such as these came into being,a huge adjustment would be required and.用法点拨用法点拨come into being“形成;存在(=to begin to exist)”,如:The European Common Market came into being in 1958.欧洲共同体成立于1958年。Before railways came into being,the carriage was a popular means of transportation.拓展拓展come into后接名词构成短语,表示一个渐进的过程,常译成“开始”。常见的这类短语还有:come into use 开始使用;获得应用come into power 开始执政;当权;当选come into effect/force开始生效;开始实行come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在come into fashion 开始流行;成为时尚come into operation 开始运转;实施;生效come into action 开始行动come into sight 进入视野即时演练即时演练选词填空:1)There are some differences between American English and British English,but do you know how the differences _?A.came into being B.came into sight C.came into power D.came into action 2)The new law _ immediately it was passed and it has worked well so far.A.came into fashion B.came into being C.came into effect D.came into powerPart VIGrammarPersuasion1 Written EnglishEx.4.Inthetextunderlineallsentenceswiththefollowingverbsandexpressions.should,ought to,insist,demand,suggest,its high timeProtest groups are insisting that some of our money be given to the third world.Trade Unions demand that the government shorten the working time week.They are also suggesting that people should share work and thus reduce unemployment.As a society,itshightime that we took these issues more seriously.We shouldalso make sure that there are better ways for young people to use their free time apart from spending money.On a personal level,we oughtto visit the shops less and worry less about image.Above all,we should remember that “being”are much more important than“giving”.Ex.5.Lookatthesentenceyouunderlinedinthetext.Nowformtherulesbymatching1-4witha-e.After:1)should2)ought to3)insistdemandsuggest 4)its high timewe use:a)(that)+S+should do sthb)(that)+S+subjunctivec)(that)+S+present tensed)(that)+S+past tensee)infinitive without“to”2 Spoken EnglishEx.6.ListentothedialoguebetweenGrantandLucy.Answerthesequestions.1)Which of them buys second-hand clothes?2)Which of them spends a lot of money on clothes?Lucy.Grant.3)Which of them has an evening job?4)Which of them doesnt eat meat?5)Which of them suggests going to a film?Grant.Grant.Grant.Ex.7.Listentothedialogueagainandcompletethesentences.Whataretheverbformsusedaftertheexpressionsinbold?Itsabouttimeyou_ going there.IfIwereyou,I_ buying all those expensive clothes.Iwouldratheryou_ that.Ithinkyououghtto_ that job.Ithinkyoushould_ meat yourself.Youd(=Youhad)better_going.startedd(would)stopdidnt mentiongive upgive upget*情态动词和虚拟语气的情态动词和虚拟语气的“说服说服”作用作用一、在英语书面语中,要强化一、在英语书面语中,要强化“建议建议”,可以用下列表达方式:可以用下列表达方式:1)情态动词should(ought to)+do sth表示“应该做某事”。如:We should always remember the brave PLA soldiers who helped to rescue people in Wenchuan.The government ought to pay more attention to the lives of the poor,especially when the terrible financial crisis is around us.2)表示“要求、建议”等的动词后面的宾语从句中用虚拟语气,用“should+动词原形”表示,其中should可以省略。如:demand、suggest、insist等。如:The angry mother demanded(that)her neighbor(should)not make so much noise late at night.I insist that you(should)go back to the classroom at once.The teacher suggested that we(should)clean the blackboard after class.二、在英语口语或非正式用语中,常二、在英语口语或非正式用语中,常用以下的表达方式使用以下的表达方式使“建议建议”听上去听上去不那么强硬而且具有试探性:不那么强硬而且具有试探性:1)I think you should.(“建议”略强)I think you should drink a cup of warm water every morning before breakfast.I think you should take up some evening classes.2)I think you ought to.(“建议”略强)I think you ought to go to see the doctor and have your throat checked.3)If I were you,I would.(“建议”不很 强硬)If I were you,I would not waste so much time playing basketball.Instead,I would spend more time on my study.三、在某些场合,如果讲话的人具有权三、在某些场合,如果讲话的人具有权威性,往往使用以下的表达方式,可以威性,往往使用以下的表达方式,可以强硬地对某人批评、责怪或提出建议。强硬地对某人批评、责怪或提出建议。1)Its about/high time you did sth.表示“是你做某事的时候了”。如:Its high time you went to school now.注意:此方式一般用于密友或家人谈话,否则显得生硬和粗鲁。2)I would rather you didnt do sth.表示“我宁愿你没有做某事”。如:I would rather you didnt sing the song here.Id rather you didnt make any comment on the issue for the time being.Wouldnt you rather your child went to bed early?3)Youd better do sth.表示“你最好做某事”。也可以用于和朋友交谈时表示“鼓励”或“说服”。如:You had better start going over your lessons for the coming exam.You had better walk faster or you will miss the train.Ex.8.Completethesentenceswiththewordsinthelist.Youdonotneedallofthem.should,ought,suggest,rather,would,insist,better,time,had1)If I were you,I _ cover my bare arms.The sun is strong.2)Youd _ start saving for your pension.wouldbetter3)His boss _ that he work longer hours so he resigned.4)I think you _ to tell your husband youre pregnant.5)You _ better avoid carrying heavy weights.6)Its _ you started thinking abut your future.insistsoughthadtime7)Id _ you didnt bite your fingernails in front of me.8)I _ that they use hydrogen to power the rocket.9)I think we _ change the format of the book a little.rathersuggestshouldEx.9.Use the words in brackets to paraphrase the sentences.1)He _ his career plans.(better)2)Id _ music late at night.(rather)3)We _ the money more carefully.(insist)had better changerather you didnt playinsist that the committee manages4)If _ finance.(were)5)Its about _ for a job.(time)6)Her teachers _ longer skirts.(demand)7)I _ more smartly for work.(rather)8)Jim _ a doctor before it gets any worse.(had)I were you,Id studytime he started looking demanded that she weard rather you dressedhad better seeHomework1.Finish exercise 10 on page 35.2.Finish off Language Power exercises 1-6 on pages 80-81.3.Practise giving advice,using the weaker expressions(one or two stars)from Exercise 7.


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