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北师大北师大高一高一 必修必修4Unit 12北师大1Unit12CultureShock2 the north-west of Europethenorth-westofEurope3ScotlandEnglandWalesNorthern IrelandMap of BritainScotlandEnglandWalesNorthernI4What do you know about Britain and the British people?Talk about the following things.1.weather,2.food,3.tipping,4.money,5.accommodation,6.humour,7.privacy,8.ruleWhatdoyouknowaboutBritain5A man walks into a doctors office.He has a cucumber up his nose,a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear.“Whats the matter with me?”he asks the doctor.The doctor answers,“Youre not eating properly.”The British are very proud of their sense of humour but many non-British people find it hard to understand.Amanwalksintoadoctorsof6Turn to Page 91 and get familiar with the layout of an informal letter.Pre-readingTurntoPage91and7Turn to Page 36.While-readingTurntoPage36.8Task 1:What is the writers intention for the letter?Fast-readingShe wants to tell a bit about London to Aunt Mei.Task1:Fast-readingShewants9Dear Aunt Mei,Paragraph 1.Paragraph 2.Paragraph 3.Paragraph 4.Paragraph 5.Paragraph 6.Paragraph 7.Love XiaojinDear Aunt Mei,A.AccommodationA.AccommodationB.Tipping system and moneyB.Tipping system and moneyC.IntroductionC.IntroductionD.British humourD.British humourE.Reason for writingE.Reason for writingF.An excuse to stop writingF.An excuse to stop writingG.FoodG.FoodLove XiaojinC.E.G.B.A.D.F.Task 2:Match the paragraphs with the main ideasDearAuntMei,DearAuntMei,101.You can only eat English food in London.2.Aunt Mei is visiting for one week.3.You dont always need to leave a tip after a meal in a restaurant.4.Some British mushrooms arent safe to eat.FTTT1.YoucanonlyeatEnglishfo115.British people never laugh.6.There are many Chinese restaurants in Britain.7.Most British people are friendly.8.It is always foggy in London.FTTFoften5.Britishpeopleneverlaugh.12Supposing that Xiaojin is busy preparing for her exams,she decides to call his Aunt Mei to tell her something about London.Please make a phone call dialogue with your partner.Post-readingSupposingthatXia13Key words for help1.owe.an apology for.,a bit about London,2.food,an international city,many international restaurants,get used to bacon,eggs,toast3.tipping system,not included,leave 10%of the bill for.,4.money,easy,to exchange,travellers cheques,5.accomadation,stay in the countryside,hiking,mushrooms,cold,foggy,a warm coat,6.British humour,hard to understand 7.British people,strange,majority,friendly,get along,Keywordsforhelp1.owe.a14HomeworkIf your English friend is coming to visit you in your city,what will you advise him or her to do or not to do?You can discuss on the weather,customs,accommodation,money,eating out,travel,differencesHomeworkIfyourEnglishfriend15北师大英语必修4unit-12Lesson-1-优秀课件161.美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化是美育的底色和灵魂,不能忽视文化精神的培养。2.欣赏中国绘画,应该了解其中计白当黑、浓淡生趣、意境天成等艺术手法和精神追求。3.美育在中国近代历史上是一个很重要的概念,一直承载了爱国救亡、除弊振新的重任。4.当下美育应重传统轻西方,融汇西方与民族、古典与现代的文化,形成好的审美教育体系。5.要推动人工智能规模化应用,就必须推动人工智能与各行业融合创新,在制造、农业、物流、金融等重点行业和领域开展人工智能应用。6.美国各执行机构每年与白宫主管预算科技政策办公室沟通,说明优先推动人工智能发展情况,按时列明计划,可期获得该项目预算优先权。7用金银珠玉来装点堂皇的宫殿庙宇,这种行为使得大量珍贵的人力物力降低为符号的陪衬,只能揭示意义的贫瘠和精神的无力。8让日常的景色转换成大师的杰作,使普通的词语凝结成千古不朽的诗句,这些审美和艺术创造,体现着人的精神世界的富足。9“富”的美应该是一种由内而外的富贵气,它是一种自然流露的美,它得自个人长期的、自觉的涵养,也得自社会的普遍氛围,与金钱没有必然关系。1.美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化是美育的底色和灵魂,不能17


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