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Lesson 2 Name Stories Lesson 2 11.What sort of names do you think is popular in China in 1960s,in 1970s,in 1980s?2.Among some of the Chinese celebrities,whose names do you like?Why?Brainstorm1.What sort of names do you t23.Are you satisfied with your name?4.If you had a choice to make a name for your children,what name would you like to make?Why?3.Are you satisfied with your3specificsignificanceabnormalvividhardshipviolinistnameaftercome acrossadj.adj.详细的,特定的详细的,特定的n.n.重要性,意义重要性,意义adj.adj.反常的,不正常的反常的,不正常的adj.adj.生动的,逼真的生动的,逼真的n.n.艰苦,困苦艰苦,困苦n.n.小提琴家小提琴家以以命名命名偶然遇见偶然遇见specificadj.详细的,特定的n.重要性,意义adj4hold upcount onoriginfigure outdiscourageend upput up withsuffering支撑起支撑起依靠依靠n.n.起源,开端,出身起源,开端,出身理解理解vt.vt.使泄气,使灰心使泄气,使灰心以以结束,以结束,以告终告终容忍,忍受容忍,忍受n.n.痛苦,困难痛苦,困难hold up支撑起依靠n.起源,开端,出身理解vt.使泄气5musicalmusical instrumentadmirableteasesuspension bridgevideophonein particularadj.adj.音乐的音乐的乐器乐器adj.adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的令人钦佩的,极佳的vt.vt.嘲笑,取笑嘲笑,取笑吊桥吊桥n.n.可视电话可视电话特别,尤其特别,尤其musicaladj.音乐的乐器adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的v61.My parents want me to grow up to be a _ someone who helps to build a better future for society.Guess the meanings of the under lined words or phrases:“pillar of society”1.My parents want me to grow 72.He is a very _ man,who can deal with all kinds of difficult situations.capable 3.A blacksmith is somebody who makes things from _,but not wood or rubber.metal2.He is a very _ man,c84.Do you think that monkeys are the _ of man?5.When it turns cold,the birds will_ to the South.6.what is your _ goal in English learning?ancestorsmigratespecific4.Do you think that monkeys a97.Doing some voluntary work for the community is of great _ to ones growth.8.a physically _ child 9.The students who have gone to America during summer significanceabnormal7.Doing some voluntary work f10holiday give us a _ description of the skyscrapers in New York.vividholiday give us a _ vivi11Some birds _ for winter or food with the change of seasons.migrateSome birds _ for winter 12北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories13-Do you know anything about the job of _?-Yes,they make things from metal entirely by hand.blacksmiths-Do you know anything about14北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories15The cute monkey is believed to be human _.In other words,humans developed from monkeys.ancestorThe cute monkey is believed to16北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories17_ play an important part in womens make-up.Almost every woman wants to _ some.Jewelspossess_ play an important part18北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories19-Its natural to _ new words in reading.How do you deal with this situation?-Try to guess the meaning from the e across-Its natural to _20北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories21Pandas are rare animals living in the world.Their survival _our help and protection.However,children should learn to live independentlyfrom a young age.counts onPandas are rare animals living22Can you play any of these musical _?instrumentsCan you play any of these musi23北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories24-Look!These people are awarded prizes.They must have done well in their working fields.-Right.They are _ of our country and society.So are university students.pillars-Look!These people are awa25北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories26The SARS vaccine(疫苗疫苗)was _ on 18 monkeys,which died in the experiment _ tried outeventuallyThe SARS vaccine(疫苗)was _27北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories28Life of these _ women is not always full of smiles.They have to pay more than men to achieve success.capableLife of these _ women is29北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories30Nowadays,love on line is popular.I cant _why so many people are interested in virtual reality.figure outNowadays,love on line is pop31Children in poor mountain areas suffered great _ in learning.hardshipChildren in poor mountain area32北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit16-Lesson-2-Name-Stories33-You can _ anybody on April fools day.-But some tricks are hard to _ sometimes.teaseput up with-You can _ anybody on t34Listen to the three students talking about their names.Do the matching in Exercise 3.1.Wang Jiannan 2.John Evans 3.Heather Smith 4.John Evans 5.Heather Smith 6.Wang JiannanListen to the three students t35My name is Wang Jiannan and like many Chinese names,Jiannan means several things at once.When my parents were _ a name for me,they _ the character“Nan”.“N”is a type of wood that is used tolooking forcame acrossMy name is Wang Jiannan and li36_the roof in the construction of traditional Chinese houses.Therefore my parents chose this character for me because they wanted me to _to be _ someone who helps to build a betterhold upgrow upa pillar of society_the roof in the constr37future for society.But,as well as having meaning from the characters that are used for writing,Chinese names can also have _ according to their _._,significancesounds In my casefuture for society.But,as we38Jiannan sounds like _,but I dontgood and capable boyJiannan sounds like _39My name is Heather Smith.“Smith”is one of the most _ names in Britain.The _ of“Smith”is“black smith”.A blacksmith is somebody who makes things from _.I guess there were many of them incommonoriginmetalMy name is Heather Smith.“Smi40Europe in the days when _ were the fastest form of land _and riders _ the service of blacksmiths for metal horse shoes.Well there are very few blacksmiths these days and no one in my family canhorsescounted on transportEurope in the days when _41_ which _ was a blacksmith but I suppose we must have had one sometime in the past.My first name is easier to explain.“Heather”is a _flower that grows a lot in certain parts of the country.Myancestorfigure outpurple_ which _ was a b42mother comes from a place in northern England where heather turns whole hillsides purple every _.But when she had me,she was living in London Julymother comes from a place in n43My name is John Evans.It is a very common name that doesnt _anywhere and you wouldnt think it had a story to it,but I believe that when you _ deep enough every name has a story to it.“Evans”is a verystand outdigMy name is John Evans.It is a44common _name and I am not sure exactly what it means,only that there are many“Evans”in Wales and all around Britain.My grandfather _from a farm in Northern Wales to look for work.Welshmigratedcommon _name and I am not 45He was seventeen and he _ in the industrial city of Manchester.He _ a lot of hardship all his life to provide a good future for his _and I am _ for that.“John”is just about the most common boys name in England.You might think ended upput up withdescendentsgratefulHe was seventeen and he _46 come acrosshold up grow upstand for count onfigure out look likeend up put up with Can you guess their meanings now?come acrosshold up Can y47Read the passage in Exercise 5 and fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs.Read through the Function File and predict what the missing words are.Listen to the Function File and fill in the blanks.Read the passage in Exercise 548I believe to express ones beliefsI suppose to express ones assumptionI guess to express ones guesses I believe to express ones bel49Exercise 1 on page 54Exercise 2 on page 54 Exercise 1 on page 5450Think about stories attached to your parents names.Use the question cues to write notes.What characters are used to write their names?What do these characters mean?Were they named after anybody in particular?Think about stories attached t51If so,who and why?What do their names mean to you?If they could choose other names,what do you think they would be?Why would they choose them?If so,who and why?52


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