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Volcanic eruptionVolcanic eruption1Mount Vesuvius PompeiiTo 8Mount Vesuvius PompeiiTo 82北师大版模块6-Unit16-Lesson1课件3Pompeii:The city that became a time capsule1.Stories from historyPompeii:The city that became 4Prediction volcanic eruption ,a buried city,disappear disaster,preserve,destroy ,discover ,scientistPrediction volcanic eruption 5Task 1.What is the article about?First reading:skimmingTask 2.Work out the main idea of each paragraph,then fill in the blanks.Task 1.What is the article ab6What is the article about?It is about a city named Pompeii,which was destroyed and covered by a volcanic eruption and discovered again by some scientists 1,600 years later.First reading:skimmingWhat is the article about?It 7Para.Main ideaDetailsPara.1 A cloud came down the mountain,1.the sun and burying everything along the way,the whole villages and towns 2.Para.23.of the disasterThe people,towns and villages were entirely 4.by the world.Para.3The process of 5 the ancient city Scientists found the lost towns over 6.years later.Para.4&5The forms of the people caught in the disaster made the city a7.to historyPara.6The city today Many e to Pompeii to learn more about the ancient world.blocking outincludedforgottendigging out1,600Pompeii is like a time capsule preserving a frozen moment in historytourists and scientistsA volcanic eruption occurredmonumentConsequencesConsequencesPara.Main ideaDetailsA cloud c8Read the article and answer the questions.Second reading:scanningRead the article and answer th91.When does the story of Pompeii begin?2.Why does the article describe Pompeii as a“time capsule”?3.Who left a record of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?4.What had Pompeii been like before the eruption?5.How did the impressions of human bodies appear?1.When does the story of Pomp101.When did the story of Pompeii begin?The story of Pompeii began on August 24th,79 AD when a volcanic eruption occurred.1.When did the story of Pompe112.Why does the article describe Pompeii as a“time capsule”?Because it preserved a frozen moment in history.It preserved buildings,objects and even impressions of people.2.Why does the article descri123.Who left a record of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?A Roman writer called Pliny,who wrote about a volcanic eruption that he had witnessed.see something by see something by oneself (v.)oneself (v.)3.Who left a record of the er13Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sunhide the sun from being seenPliny described a cloud coming144.What had Pompeii been like before the eruption?Pompeii had been a booming Roman city with temples,markets,restaurants and theatres.4.What had Pompeii been like 155.How did the impressions of human bodies appear?They gathered together for protection.One person,sitting alone,looks like he is praying.Another man,lying on his side looks as if he is trying to get up.5.How did the impressions of16北师大版模块6-Unit16-Lesson1课件17 sleepingsleeping sleeping18escapingescapingescaping19Third reading 1.Read after the tape,try to guess the meaning of the key words or phrases from the context.2.Further understanding of the text.Third reading 20Task1.Check your understanding of the vocabulary Task1.Check your understanding of the vocabulary Pliny was a Roman writer who had _ and wrote about a _ eruption which _ on August 24th,79AD.The disaster had left a deep _ on Pliny whose uncle died in the event.The whole towns and villages were _ by the ashes of Mt Vesuvius.By 1748,scientists started to _the ancient city Pompeii.It is like a“time capsule”_ a frozen moment in history.preserve,dig out,volcanic,monument,occur,impression,shape,live on,loss,witness,bury,protectionwitnessedvolcanicoccurredimpressionburieddig outpreservingTask1.Check your understandin21n nNot only the buildings and objects of Pompeii attract the people,but also the forms of the people made the city a _ to human history.The bodies of people died in Pompeii showed their exact _of getting together for_.Today,lots of people and scientists visit Pompeii every year to learn more about the.In this way,the city _ nearly 2,000 years after its _.monument shapesprotectionlives onlosspreserve,dig out,volcanic,monument,occur,impression,shape,live on,loss,witness,bury,protectionNot only the buildings and obj22Discussion:1.1.WhatWhat natural disasters occurred natural disasters occurred in China last year?in China last year?2.2.WhenWhen and and wherewhere did it happen?did it happen?HowHow did it happen?did it happen?3.Whats the consequence of the 3.Whats the consequence of the disaster?disaster?4.Whats your feeling?4.Whats your feeling?Discussion:Post reading1.What23 Terracotta Warriorsand Horses Terracotta Warriors24 Fill in the blanks according to the story.Pompeii be a booming city near a volcano named Vesuvius.However,the volcano s on August 24th of 79 AD,nearly destroyed the whole city.And then Pompeii was buried under the ashes and (disappear).Finally was forgotten by the world.scientists didnt start to dig out the city s1748.it is the forms of the people it is the forms of the people attract the people attract the people (catch)in the disaster.Without Plinys (catch)in the disaster.Without Plinys description of the eruption,wedescription of the eruption,we (not know)the (not know)the existence of Pompeii city.Pompeii is like a time capsule existence of Pompeii city.Pompeii is like a time capsule preserved a lot.preserved a lot.every year every year more about the more about the ancient world.In this way,the city lives on nearly 2,000 ancient world.In this way,the city lives on nearly 2,000 years after its years after its (lose)(lose)used tolocated/standing geruptedwhichi it tuntilthatthatcaughtloss Fill in the blanks according251.年轻人2.所经之地3.侧卧4.阻挡5.留下了深刻的印象6.数百年间7.历史遗址8.挖掘9.时光倒流10.被困11.的纪念碑年轻人261.I swear that I will smoking.2.She herself to a life of pleasure.3.Kate was not going to because of having got a pay rise.4.He often had to spend the night in temples.5.a house came into view and looked .Abandon,quit,desert 1.The wedding will in the Church.2.He was able to flee Europe before the war .3.It to me that I hadnt seen Peter all day.4.Lets consider what kind of difficulties might .Take place,occur,happen,arise,break out I swear that I will 27abandon:vt.放弃放弃;停止做(某事)停止做(某事);遗弃遗弃;放任放任;n.放放纵纵1.他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.abandon oneself to sth:沉溺于沉溺于.2.他自暴自弃。他自暴自弃。He abandoned himself to despair.区别区别:abandon,desert,give up and quitabandon 强调强调“完全、永远地遗弃完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物,如如:desert 强调强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”,如如:The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.那个士兵叛国助敌。那个士兵叛国助敌。give up:为常用语为常用语,常用于口语中常用于口语中,与与abandon同义同义.quit:强调强调“突然或不意地弃去突然或不意地弃去”,常指常指“停止停止”,如如:She quitted her job.她放弃了自己的工作。她放弃了自己的工作。abandon:vt.放弃;停止做(某事);遗弃;28Fill in with proper forms.1.Scientists (find)the lost towns that (bury)under the ashes.2.The writer (write)about an extremely terrible volcanic eruption that he (witness)as a young man.3.Before the eruption (occur),it (be)a booming Roman city.4.The bodies of people who (die)in Pompeii (leave)impressions in the ash.Fill in with proper forms.29occur:vi.(occurred,occurred)发生,出现.An idea occurred to me.我想到一个主意。sth.occurs to sb.某事被某人想起It occurs to sb.that某人想起It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想起做某事区别:happen:vi.发生,指偶然发生的事,强调突然性.occur:vi.意义比较模糊,既有“突然性”又有“计划性”,比happen正式.take place:vi.发生,指按计划和安排所要发生的事情.witness:vt.目击,为.作证,证明,表明 (Para.1,Line3)她亲眼看见该事故。She witnessed the accident.n.目击者(与of连用)a witness of the accident.证人,证据,证词,见证(常与to 连用).call sb.to witness 叫某人作证give witness in a law court在法庭上作证occur:vi.(occurred,occurred30authentic:adj.-that you know is true or genuine真正的;原作的 (Para.4,line 29)那幅油画是毕加索的真迹还是现代仿制品?Is that an authentic painting from Picasso,or a modern copy?be/get caught in:处于困境;被卡住 be stuck in处于困境中,他不知道做什么好.Caught in a difficult situation,he didnt know what to do.victim:n.受害人,牺牲者,牺牲品她是一场交通事故的受害者。She was the victim of a road e into view:出现在眼前当大海映入眼帘时,汤放慢了速度.Tom slowed down as the ocean came into view.authentic:adj.-that you k311.大雪阻塞了道路.The snowfall blocked out the roads.2.是在老师的帮助下他成功地做完成了这次实验.It is with the help of the teacher that he carried out the experiment successful.1.大雪阻塞了道路.32过去完成时的其它用法.1.Hardly had sb done when;no sooner had sb.done.than;it was the first/second/that sb had done sthEg.他刚坐下,一位来访者进来了.No sooner had he sat down than a visitor came in.Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.=Scarcely had the thief seen the policeman before he ran away.=No sooner had the thief seen the policeman than he ran away.=As soon as the thief saw the policeman,he ran away.=Upon seeing the policeman,the thief ran away.过去完成时的其它用法.332.Think,want,hope,plan,intend,mean,suppose 等词的过去完成时表示他们本打算帮你,但没有足够的时间.They had meant to help you,but they had no enough time.3.used in the subjective mood.我宁愿你在10天前就把这个消息告诉了他.Id rather you had told him the news ten days earlier.2.Think,want,hope,plan,i34


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