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Unit Eight Crisis Management What is crisis management?What are the keys to effective quality crisismanagement?Case study:TylenolUnit eight Para.Main TopicsPara.1-7the mismanagement of Toyotas quality crisis shaped by Japanese corporate culturePara.8-12the social,economic and political status of Japan related to Toyotas quality crisisPara.13-19 suggestions about how Toyota should cope with quality crisis Unit eight 1.In Japan,there is a proverb,“If it stinks,put a lid on it.”(Line 1,Para.1)If a situation or a problem arises,seek to cover up or fudge the facts.Unit eight Crisis management does not get any more woeful than this and the cost of this bungling so far is only a down payment on the final tally.(Line 2,Para.2)isonlyaninitialportionofthetotalamountintheend.Unit eight loom(Para.2)v.hang over,as of something threatening,dark,or menacing synonyms:emerge,appearexample:National self-confidence has been flagging under the threat of looming recession.Unit eight companies have shortchanged their customers by shirking responsibility until the accumulated evidence forces belated disclosure and recognition of culpability.Paraphrase companieshavetreatedtheircustomersunfairlybyavoidingresponsibilityuntilanincreasingamountofevidenceobligesthemtomakeadelayedmoveofrevealingthetruthandconfessingtheirfault.Unit eight the costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.Translation 在日本,产品责任的赔偿数额低的可怜或根本没有赔偿,因此,为这种疏忽付出的代价是很低的。Unit eight Why is the case of blood contamination of pharmaceutical companies said to be“one glowing exception to this parsimonious record”?In most cases of quality crises,Japanese companies habitually think lightly of their customers by shirking their responsibilities and the costs of such belittlement and negligence are low.But drug company executives paid dearly for selling tainted blood:a rather generous settlement of compensation and an abject apology.Unit eight What cultural inclinations can Japans negligence of crisis management be ascribed to?(para.6-7)First,owninguptoproductdefectsposesthreatstocorporateface,especiallyforsuchahigh-statuscompanyasToyotainanationobsessedwithcraftsmanshipandquality.Secondly,duetoacorporateculturethatvaluesteam-work,employeesloyaltyforfirmsandconcernforcorporateimageoverridetheircompassionforconsumerinterest.Thirdly,thehierarchicalcorporatestructureandacorporatecultureofdeferencepreventthetwo-waycommunicationbetweensuperiorsandsubordinates.Unit eight penchant(Para.6)n.a strong liking(强烈的)倾向,爱好synonym:aptitude example:It is noticed that Chinese customers have a penchant for products projecting national pride in traditional Chinese culture.Unit eight raise the bar on disclosure and assuming responsibility.(Para.6)Paraphrase raisespeoplesstandardsforunderwhatcircumstancesthetruthmustberevealedandresponsibilitymustbeclaimed.Unit eight And a high-status company like Toyota has much to lose since its corporate face is at stake.(Line 4,Para.6)Its corporate prestige is at risk for Toyota enjoying a good market standing.Unit eight deference (Para.7)Heisdeferentialtohissuperiors.他对他的长官、上司毕恭毕敬Unit eight the focus on consensus and group is an asset in building teamwork,but also can make it hard to challenge what has been decided or designed.(Para.7)Translation 对一致意见和团队的重视是团队合作的优势,但这也会使公司难以质疑和挑战已经做出的决定和设计。Unit eight Q1.Whats the main idea of Part II(Para.8-12)?The social,economic and political status of Japan,closely related to Toyota,are impacting Toyotas reform on quality crisis management.Unit eight Outsidedirector/non-executivedirector/insidedirector Anymemberofacompanysboardofdirectorswhoisnotanemployeeorstakeholderinthecompany.Outsidedirectorsarepaidanannualretainerfeeintheformofcash,benefitsand/orstockoptions.Corporategovernancestandardsrequirepubliccompaniestohaveacertainnumberorpercentageofoutsidedirectorsontheirboardsastheyaremorelikelytoprovideunbiasedopinions.Unit eight Outsidedirector/non-executivedirector/insidedirectorOutsidedirectorsareadvantageoustothecompanybecausetheyhaveverylittleconflictofinterestandmayseethebigpicturedifferentlythaninsiders.Thedownsideisthatsincetheyarelessinvolvedwiththecompaniestheyrepresent,theymayhavelessinformationuponwhichtobasetheirdecisionsandreducedincentivestoperform.Unit eight above-and-beyond(Para.8)adj.exceeding what is required or expectedexample:The soldiers demonstrate above-and-beyond courage in defense of their countrymen.Unit eight shedding the constraints of a fusty corporate culture and wowing customers with a recall and above and beyond after sales service and care(Para.8)Paraphraseremovingtherestrictionsofoutdatedcorporatecultureandpleasingcustomerswitharecallandsuperbafter-salesserviceandcare.Unit eight Yet early signs are that Toyota is no longer the nimble company that took the world by storm.(Line 9,Para.8)Toyota is no longer a dynamic company which can sweep the world.Unit eight What are the troubles Toyota faced with,internally(para.9)and externally?Internally,Toyota cannot either resolve the problem of overcapacity or shake off its overreliance on American market.Unit eight What are the troubles Toyota faced with,internally(para.9)and externally(para.11,12)?Externally,Liberal Democratic Party has gone out of power and the public is appealing to more transparency and accountability of government as well as corporations.Japan Airlines on the verge of bankrupcy and a soaring debt-to-GDP ratio threaten to undermine national confidence.collusive(Para.10)adj.involving secret or illegal cooperation,especially between countries or organizations共共谋谋的;勾结的;串通的的;勾结的;串通的synonym:conniving example:A country should have laws penalizing collusive behavior in bidding or other forms of business practice,along with a commitment and capacity to enforce such laws.Unit eight The Japan inc.model but has run out of steam.(Para.10)Translation日本公司的业务模式体现在企业和政府之间相互合作、共同谋划的关系,这种关系曾经创造过日本的经济奇迹,但如今却是大势已去。Unit eight The powers that be“The powers that be”is a phrase used to refer to those individuals or groups who collectively hold authority over a particular domain.Unit eight Unit eight National confidence has been flagging for some time,but amidst the prolonged malaise,people could still bask in the success of national champions such as Toyota.(Line 7,Para.12)Paraphrase National confidence has been declining for some time,but amidst an enduring sense of unease,people are still deriving contentment from the success of national champion such as Toyota.Unit eight National confidence has been flagging for some time,but amidst the prolonged malaise,people could still bask in the success of national champions such as Toyota.(Line 7,Para.12)民族自信心低落已经有一段时间了,但是即使在长期萎靡不振的状态下,人们依然能够沉浸在像丰田公司这样的王牌企业获得成功的喜悦中。Unit eight Whats the main idea of Part III(Para.13-19)?With mutual interests of Toyota,reputation of made-in-Japan products and American economy,Toyota is suggested of giving up its minimalistic approach of crisis management and handling the issues more actively.Unit eight conflate(Para.13)v.bring together synonyms:fuse,mixexample:The TV drama conflates fictional characters and real historic events seamlessly and ingeniously.Unit eight What approach did the media in Japan take to the quality crisis of Toyota?In Japan,the media has taken a somewhat minimalist approach,that is,making the minimum response.Unit eight circumspect(para.14)adj.heedful of potential consequences synonyms:cautious,prudent,scrupulous example:Qualified negotiators are circumspect in every move they are to take.Part III Words and ExpressionsHave their backs covered(para.17)Cover ones backs means to protect one from being criticized.


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