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Learning about language大家好1Learning about language大家好1interview(n./v.)采访,会见,面试interviewer(采访者)interviewee(被采访者)Tomorrow Ill have an interviewfor a new job.I interviewed 20 people for the job.a job/telephone/TV interview大家好2interview(n./v.)采访,会见,面试inPausanias,who was a Greek writer 2,000 years ago,has come on a magical journey to find outaboutthe present-day Olympic Games.(P9)Pausanias 是2000 前的一位希腊作家,他做了一次魔幻的旅行,来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。go/start/come/be on a journey进行旅行My father is away on a journey.find out about 弄清有关的情况The police are trying hard to find out about the accident.大家好3Pausanias,who was a Greek wriI lived in what you call“Ancient Greece”and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.点拨 what you call“Ancient Greece”是介词in的宾语。介词的宾语为一个句子时,其引导词根据这个句子的意思决定。如:大家好4I lived in what you call“AnciI used to write aboutthe Olympic Games a long time ago.(L6)翻译词组:翻译词组:?used to do?be/get/become used to sth/doing be used to do过去常常做(现在不了)习惯于做被用来做(被动)大家好5I used to write aboutthe Olymp练习:1)Im still not used to_(get)up early.2)We used to_(work)more than ten hours a day.3)Wood can be used to _(make)paper.gettingworkmake大家好6练习:1)Imstill not used to_11.everyfour years:每四年或每隔三年every 与数词连用表示“每,每隔”every基数词+复数名词序数词+单数名词e.g.每五年:每隔三米:每两年,或每隔一年every five years,every fifth yearevery four meters,every fourth meterevery two years:every second yearevery other yearevery few years每隔几年大家好711.everyfour years:每四年或每隔三年evUsually,medicine shouldbetaken_(每四小时).Someof yougobackhome_(每隔一个星期).He likesreadingvery much,sohegoesto thebookshop_(每隔几天).everyfourhours/every fourth hour/every second weekevery two weeks/every other weekeveryfewdays大家好8Usually,medicineshouldbetaken_12.The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Games.冬奥two years before.意为“”。一段时间+before表示“之前多少时间”。before后可跟名词也可跟从句。之前两年大家好912.The Winter Olympics are usu?Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event_ _ as competitors in the 2012 Olympics.?A.will admit?B.will be admitted?C.will be admitting?D.admitted大家好10?Only athletes who have reache14.Our Greek cities used to compete againsteach other just_winning.for the honor offor the honor ofin the honor ofIt is an honor(for sb.)to do sth.为庆祝/为纪念为了的荣誉某人做某事感到很荣幸大家好1114.Our Greek cities used to c15.No other country could join in,norcould slaves or women.其他国家都不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不行。1)nor 用作连词,引起倒装句,意为“也不”。He never went again,nordid he write to apologize.I dont know,nordo I care.大家好1215.No other country could joiNo other country could join in,nor could slaves or women .(L27)句型:Nor/Neither/So+_+主语练习:I didnt go there._ _she.我不去那里,她也不去。I like dancing,_ _ my roommates.我喜欢跳舞,我的宿友也喜欢。助动词(do/does/did)情态动词be 动词Nor/Neither didcould join in这是个部分倒装句,也叫半倒装句,so do大家好13No other country could join in2)neither/nor+倒装结构(be/情态动词/助动词+主语),表示前面提到的否定情况也适用于另一个人或事物“也不”?He cant do it.I cant do it,either.=He cant do it,nor can I.?I will not go there,_(他也不会去)。?You never heard from him,_ _(我也没有收到他的来信).neither/nor/nor did Iwill he.neither大家好142)neither/nor+倒装结构(be/情态动词/助动词Nor/Neither+助动词+主语 也一样(否定句)So+助动词+主语 也一样(肯定句)so+主语+助动词 确实这样.I didnt go there._ she.(她也是。)(2).She was a teacher._ I.(我也是这样。)(3).I got up early this morning._.(我确实起得早)Nor/neither didSo wasso I did 大家好15Nor/Neither+助动词+主语也一样(否定16.Women are not only allowed,but(also)play a very important role in?1)allow sb sth 允许某人某事?2)allow sb in(out)允许某人进入(出去)?3)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)?4)allow doing sth 允许做某事?5)be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事.大家好1616.Women are not onlyallowed,汉译英汉译英:?在候车室乘客不允许吸烟在候车室乘客不允许吸烟?Passengers()in the waiting room.?我们不许在这里吸烟。我们不许在这里吸烟。We dont()are not allowed to smokeallow smoking here大家好17汉译英:?在候车室乘客不允许吸烟?Passengers(19.Theres just as mucha competition among countries to host the Olympics asto win an Olympic medal.as much +名+as+名(与同样地)Its as much your responsibility as mine.这件事你和我一样都有责任。国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运会金牌一样激烈。她和你一样都是聪明的学生。She is as clever a student asyou(are).大家好1819.Theres just as mucha compe如:如:This competition is asinteresting asthat one.He speaks English well indeed,but of course not as/sofluently as a native speaker.Teaching is asmuch an artasit is a science.Mr.Smith got twice asmany medals in 2006 as the year before.大家好19如:This competition is asintere20.The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing,China.考点 will be held 为一般将来时的被动语态。其一般结构为:shall/will+be+过去分词。shall 用于第一人称,will 用于各人称。大家好2020.The 2008 Olympics will be Its still all about being able to run faster,jump higher and throw further.farther 距离或时间上更远的,是指具体的further 更远的(=farther);程度上进一步的,是指抽象的e.g.We cant go any fartherwithout a rest.e.g.We must get furtherinformation.e.g.We need take furtherstep to deal with the matter.大家好21Its still all about being ablII.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.I am very interested in _(Greece)and Roman stories.2.As the people of the great nation,we shall take our _(responsible)to make it stronger.3.There are many _(similar)between the two brothers.Greekresponsibilitiessimilarities大家好22II.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.I am ver4.In the morning,we went on a _(magic)journey into a world of dreams at Disneyland.5.Groups of young boys and girls are having their physical training in the _(gymnast).gymnasiummagic(al)大家好234.In the morning,we went on III.用适当的介词填空。1.The volunteers are _ their journey to study abroad,preparing for the coming games.2.He was admitted _ a member of the baseball team.3.They competed _ each other for the chance to going to Beijing.4.The motto _ the Olympics is well known to lots of Chinese.onaswith/againstof大家好24III.用适当的介词填空。1.The volunteer5.The women play an important role _ making our county more and more beautiful.6.When I heard _ the rules,I felt hopeless and was afraid I would fail again.7.Mr.Wang stopped to pick _ the bottles which were thrown by the students.8.She will be married _ a man who has much money.inofupto大家好255.The women play an important11.玛丽还有汤姆和麦克已经决定参加这次冒险活动。(as well as)12.我们最近没收到他们的信,我们也不知道他们的新地址。(nor)Mary as well as Tom and Mike has decided to join in the adventure.We havent heard from them recently,nor do we know their new address.大家好2611.玛丽还有汤姆和麦克已经决定参加这次冒险活动。(as V.每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1.We study not only Chinese but also English.We study Chinese _ _ _ English.2.Will you admit that you have broken the window?Will you admit _ _ the window?as well ashaving broken大家好27V.每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1.We s3.He promised that he would come back before dark.He promised _ _ _ before dark.4.She has taken the place of her as our English teacher.She has _ her as our English teacher.to come backreplaced大家好283.He promised that he would c5.The World Cup is held every four years.The World Cup is held _ _ _.6.Ten foreign teams take part in Indonesias kite festival.Ten foreign teams _ _ Indonesias kite festival.7.I would get up very early when I was young.I _ _ get up very early when I was young.every fourth yearjoin inused to大家好295.The World Cup is held every8.The email plays an important part in our communication.The email _ _ _ _ in our communication.9.The computer is widely used in every school at present._ the computer is widely used in every school.plays an important roleNowadays/Now大家好308.The email plays an importan10.She thought I was talking about her daughter.In fact,I was talking about mine.She thought I was talking about her daughter._ _ _ _ _,I was talking about mine.As a matter of fact大家好3110.She thought I was talking 2.Fill in the suitable prepositions.?Some of the athletes have competed _ two Olympic Games.(2)He will compete _ seven other athletes from foreign countries.inwith/against大家好322.Fill in the suitable prepos(3)All the players compete _honors as well as medals.(4)He was admitted _the skating club in 2003.forinto大家好33(3)All the players compete _(5)Athletes from all over the world are admitted _ competitors.(6)These words are related _ each other in meaning.(7)What she has said does not relate_ the facts.astoto/with大家好34(5)Athletes from all over theHomeworkGo over the useful words and expressions.大家好35HomeworkGo over the useful wor结束大家好大家好36结束大家好36


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