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课名:识别非谓语课名:识别非谓语学科:英语学科:英语年级:高三年级:高三教材版本:外研社教材版本:外研社执教教师:黄焱执教教师:黄焱工作单位:深圳市坪山高级中学工作单位:深圳市坪山高级中学课名:识别非谓语深圳第三届微课大赛参赛作品高考语法专题复习之识别非谓语深圳第三届微课大赛参赛作品高考语法专题复习之识别非谓语1.I got up early to catch the bus.2.I encourage my students to learn English well.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to catch to learn谓语动词谓语动词:got up encourage1.I got up early to catch the 动词 时态 语态谓语动词(充当谓语)一般现在时do/doesis/am/are done一般过去时 did was/were done现在进行时 is/am/are doingis/am/are being done过去进行时 was/were doing was/were being done现在完成时 have/has donehave/has been done过去完成时 had done had been done一般将来时 will do will be done过去将来时 would do would be done动词 时态 动词形式形式句法功能句法功能非非谓语动词?【探究探究1】非非谓语动词在句中充当哪些成分?在句中充当哪些成分?【探究探究2】非非谓语动词有哪些不同的形式?有哪些不同的形式?动词形式句法功能【探究1】非谓语动词在句中充当哪些成分?Group 1 1.Travelling in space by ordinary citizens will be common.2.To clean the classroom is my duty today.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:travelling/to clean句法功能:句法功能:充当主语充当主语 Group 2 1.My dream is to enter Peking University.2.My job is teaching you English.3.All of us were so disappointed at his absence.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to enter/teaching/disappointed句法功能:句法功能:充当表语充当表语 高中英语语法非谓语动词优秀公开课ppt课件 Group 3 1.I want to buy a new car.2.I consider going out for a walk.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to buy/going out句法功能:句法功能:充当宾语充当宾语 Group 4 1.I asked him to read aloud.2.I found him lying at the foot of the stairs.3.We can hear English spoken in many countries.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to read/lying/spoken句法功能:句法功能:充当宾补充当宾补高中英语语法非谓语动词优秀公开课ppt课件 Group 5 1.The girl singing on the stage is my younger sister.2.It is a novel written by Mark Twain.3.The first step to take is to tell him the truth.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:singing/written/to take句法功能:句法功能:充当定语充当定语 Group 5 Group 6 1.He had to work overtime to support his big family,2.Hearing the news,The Wangs were very sad.3.Seen from the top,the stadium looks like a bird net.非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to support/hearing/seen句法功能:句法功能:充当状语充当状语高中英语语法非谓语动词优秀公开课ppt课件(1)非谓语动词是一种动词形式非谓语 不定式-ing形式-ed形式(过去分词)形式 to do doingdone(1)非谓语动词是一种动词形式非谓语不定式-ing形式-ed(2)非谓语动词的句法功能 句子结构 句法功能 _(v)+V+O主语 S+be+_(v)表语 S+V+_(v)宾语 S+V+O+_(v)宾补 N+_(v),其中V修饰N定语 完整独立的句子,_(v)或 _(v),完整独立的句子.状语(2)非谓语动词的句法功能 功能功能类别主主语宾语表表语定定语宾补状状语不定式不定式 动词-ing 形式形式 过 去去 分分词 功能主语宾语表语定语宾补状语不定式 【探探究究2】非非谓语动词还有有哪些不同的形式哪些不同的形式吗?【探究2】非谓语动词还有哪些不同的形式吗?Group1(a)To be laughed by others is not a good thing.Group2(a)He was said to have studied abroad for two months.Group 3(a)He claimed to have been treated badly in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.(b)The bird escaped being shot.(c)My sister would like to be taken to the park.(d)He pretended to be reading the book when his mother came in.Group 4(a)The stadium being built over there is to complete next year.(b)The stadium to be built next year can hold 10000people.Group 5(a)Having finished watching TV,Lily went out to have a walk.(b)Having been told many times,he still repeated the same mistake.【自主探究自主探究】Can you identify the non-finite verb and its function?Group1【自主探究】Can you identify tGroup1(a)To be laughed by others is not a good thing.Group2(a)He was said to have studied abroad for two months.Group 3(a)He claimed to have been treated badly in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.(b)The bird escaped being shot.(c)My sister would like to be taken to the park.(d)He pretended to be reading the book when his mother came in.Group 4(a)The stadium being built over there is to complete next year.(b)The stadium to be built next year can hold 10000people.Group 5(a)Having finished watching TV,Lily went out to have a walk.(b)Having been told many times,he still repeated the same mistake.主语主语补语补语宾语宾语定语定语状语状语Group1主语补语宾语定语状语(3)非谓语动词也有时态和语态的不同形式语态时态不定式-ing形式-ed形式(过去分词)主动一般式 to dodoingdone是唯一形式(表示被动、完成,或没有时间性)进行式 to be doing完成式to have donehaving done(只作状语)被动一般式 to be done being done完成式to have been donehaving been done(只作状语)(3)非谓语动词也有时态和语态的不同形式语态时态不定式-inHomework Preview the usages of each non-finite verb on the learning plan and find out their differences.HomeworkThank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!


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