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语语法法*一般现在时1语法*一般现在时1英语句子必须要有动词,没主系表和主谓宾2有动词不叫句子。英语句式有两种:英语句子必须要有动词,没主系表和主谓宾2有动词不叫句子。英语主谓宾1.I walk to school.2.She goesto the park every weekend.3.They playfootball on the weekend.主系表4.They arefrom China.5.Jim is under the tree.6.My English teacher is kind,but sometimes he is strict.3主谓宾1.I walkto school.2.She g单句改错?(A去掉are 或come)1.They are come from Canada.A B C2.Jim islikesdoingkung fu and dancing.(A去掉is)A B C3.Arethey play footballevery day?(A改为Do)A B C4.Ishe read stories every morning?(A改为Does)A B C5.We likewatch TVin the evening.(B改为watching TV)A B C4单句改错?(A去掉are或come)1.一般现在时一般现在时:表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、表示主语表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、表示主语具备的性格和能力等。具备的性格和能力等。时间时间 状语状语有:有:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every day,on Mondays/Sundays 等。等。一般现在时的构成:一般现在时的构成:肯定句:肯定句:1.主系表结构:主语主系表结构:主语 is/am/are其它成分其它成分.2.主谓宾结构:主谓宾结构:1)主语)主语(除第三人称单数除第三人称单数)动词原形其它成分动词原形其它成分.He isan office worker.I get upat six every day.2)主语)主语(第三人称单数第三人称单数)动词动词s/es 其它成分其它成分.5My father usually goes to work by bus.一般现在时:表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、表示主语具用用am,is,are 选择填空选择填空1.My sister with Mike _ going to the isUSA.2.My parents _ from the UK.are3.There _ some water in the lake.is4.There _ some apples in the box.are5.There _ some milk and eggs on the istable.6.I _ going to see a film tomorrow.am7.My friend,James _ going to the park isthis weekend.8._ you a Chinese or Englishman?Are6用am,is,are选择填空1.My sister wbe动词用法?be动词有am,is和are?一单am,三单is,其余are?一单:I?三单:he,she,it 和单个人名?其余:we,you,they?如:I ama boy.?He istall and thin.?We arefrom the USA.7be动词用法?be动词有am,is和are?一单am,三单用am,is,are 选择填空?am1.I _ a teacher.?2.Mary _ my friend.?3.We _ under the tree.?4.They _ swimming in the river.?5._ he your cousin?6.Jim and I _ from the UK.?7._ you Jims parents?8.My mother _ beautiful.isareareIsareAreis8用am,is,are选择填空?am1.I _ a动原变三单变化四规则1.直接+s。read-reads,play-plays,write-writes,clean-cleans2.以s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾+es。brush-brushes,go-goes,do-does,watch-watches3.以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es。study-studies,cry-cries,4.特殊变化:have 的三单是has。9动原变三单变化四规则1.直接+s。read-reads,?写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式worksreads?1.work_ read_ clean_ write_cleanswrites?2.teach_ wash_ teacheswashesguess_ watch_guesseswatches?3.go_ do_ goesdoes?4.study_ fly_ studiesfliescry_ play_criesplays?5.have_has10?写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式worksreads?1.当主语不是第三人称单数时当主语不是第三人称单数时:I get up at 6:35 in the morning.否定句否定句:I do not(dont)get up at 一般疑问句一般疑问句:肯定回答肯定回答:否定回答否定回答:6:35 in the morning.Do you get up at 6:35 in the morning?Yes,I do.No,I dont.11当主语不是第三人称单数时:I get up at 6:35 当主语是非三单时肯定句动词用原形动词前加dont否定句一般疑问句 句首加do肯定回答Yes,人称代词+do.否定回答No,人称代词+dont.特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?12当主语是非三单时肯定句动词用原形动词前加dont否定句一般They play football in the playground.否定句否定句:一般疑问句一般疑问句:肯定回答肯定回答:否定回答否定回答:They do not(dont)play football in the playground.Do they play football in the playground?Yes,they do.No,they dont.13They play football in the play当主语是第三人称单数时:当主语是第三人称单数时:She waters the flowers.否定句否定句:一般疑问句一般疑问句:肯定回答肯定回答:否定回答否定回答:She does not(doesnt)water the flowers.Does she water the flowers?Yes,she does.No,she does not(doesnt).14当主语是第三人称单数时:She waters the flo当主语是三单时当主语是三单时肯定句肯定句动词用三单形式动词用三单形式否定句否定句动词前加动词前加doesndoesnt t,动词变,动词变回原形回原形一般疑问句句首加一般疑问句句首加does,does,动词变回原动词变回原形形肯定回答肯定回答Yes,Yes,人称代词人称代词+does.+does.否定回答否定回答No,No,人称代词人称代词+doesn+doesnt.t.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?一般疑问句?15当主语是三单时肯定句动词用三单形式否定句动词前加doesn?Jack _does(do)his homework every evening.Jack doesnt do his homework every evening.否定句:DoesJack dohis homework every evening?一般疑问句:肯定回答:Yes,he does.否定回答:No,he doesnt.16?Jack _does(do)his home练习:play1.We usually _(play)soccer in the afternoon.?否定句:We dontusually play soccer in the afternoon.?一般疑问句:Do you usually play soccer in the afternoon?肯定回答:Yes,we do.?否定回答:No,we dont.17练习:play1.We usually _(reads?2.My father _(read)newspapers every morning.?否定句:Jack doesnt dohis homework every evening.?一般疑问句:Does Jack dohis homework every evening?肯定回答:Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.?否定回答:18reads?2.My father _(read)对划线部分提问:?1.They go to the zoo by bike on Sunday morning.?一般疑问句:Do they go to the zoo by bike on Sunday morning?_?They go to the zoo by bike on Sunday morning.When do they go to the zoo by bike?_?They go to the zoo by bike on Sunday morning.How do they go to the zoo on Sunday morning?_?They go to the zoo by bike on Sunday morning.Where do they go by bike on Sunday morning?_19对划线部分提问:?1.They go to the zoo?2.Jim visits his uncle with his parents on weekends.Does Jim visithis uncle with his parents on weekends?一般疑问句:?Jim visits his uncle with his parents on weekends.When does Jim visit his uncle with his parents?_?Jim visits his uncle with his parentson weekends.Who does Jim visit his uncle with on weekends?_?Jim visits his uncle with his parents on weekends.What does Jim do with his parents on weekends?_20?2.Jim visits his uncle with 一、一、Choose the right answers.D()1.“Is she Mary?”“_,she _.”()2.“Are _ in Class Three?”“Yes,I am.”D()3.On Sunday,she _ computer games at home.B()4.Class _.Lets have a break.AA.Yes,isnt B.No,am not C.Yes,am D.No,isnt A.I B.he C.She D.youA.play B.plays C.playes D.PlayingA.finishes B.starts C.finishs D.finish 21一、Choose the right answers()5.The pair of shoes _ Toms.BA.are B.is C.be D.am()6.The teacher with his students often _ theA()7.“Does the snake eat meat?”“Yes,It _.”B()8.We _ go to school at weekend .Dold man.A.visits B.visit C.doesnt visit D.is visiting A.do B.does C.dont D.doesntA.arent B.havent C.isnt D.dont22()5.The pair of s用所给动词一般现在时态填空用所给动词一般现在时态填空:has1.Jim usually _(have)lunch at home.is2.Li Guanhua _(be)twenty years old.are3.How many students _(be)there in your class?Doesstudy4.-_ she _(study)hard?does-Yes,she _.dont speak5.Lucy and lily _(not speak)Chinese.doesnt do6.My father _(not do)morning exercises every day.washes7.She always _(wash)her clothes on Sundays.Doeslike8._ your brother _(like)23doesntplaying football?No,he _.用所给动词一般现在时态填空:has1.Jim usuall用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空:am_(be)a student.My sister_1)I_is_(be)a student,too.is_(be)a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.2)There_is singing3)Listen!She _(sing)a song.clean4)We always _(clean)our classroom after school.are5)There _ many clouds in the sky.enjoyplay6)Sometimes we_(play)football after school.We really_(enjoy)ourselves go7)They _(go)to Guangzhou every week.are8)Weknowthere_(be)24hoursinaday.24用所给动词的适当形式填空:am_(be)a stude9)All thestudents_are_having(have)computer lessons now?Doyou_go10)_(go)toschool bybuseveryFriday?doesyour mother_do11)What _(do)?watch(watch)TV onSaturdayevening.12)My parentsusually_13)Heoften_listens(listen)totheradioathome.dont_(nothave14)We_have)muchworktodotoday.15)When_doesyourmusiclesson_begin(begin)?16)Why_dontyou_go(notgo)bybus?haveDo(be)yousometimes _17)_(have)a musicclasstomorrow?259)Allthestudents_are_


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