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译林版五年级英语译林版五年级英语上册全册课件上册全册课件点击标题自由选课点击标题自由选课译林版五年级英语点击标题自由选课1Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bearsUnit 2 A new studentUnit 3 Our animal friendsUnit 4 HobbiesUnit 5 What do they doUnit 6 My e-friendUnit 7 At weekendsUnit 8 At ChristmasUnit 1 Goldilocks and the thre2Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 1Unit 1 13Do you know them?The Little MermaidThe Emperors New ClothesThe Little Girl Who Is Selling MatchesGoldilocksDo you know them?The Little Me4Goldilocks and three bearsGoldilocks and three bears5choose T or F1.The story is The Three Bears.()2.Goldilocks lived in the forest.()3.The story begins:Once upon a time ()4.She decided to go for a ride in the forest.()FFTFchoose T or FFFTF6forestforest7househouse8souphotcoldjust rightsouphotcoldjust right9bedhardsoftbedhardsoft10Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1 Who was Goldilocks?2 Where is she?Goldilocks was a little girl with golden hair.She is in the forest.Look at the pictures and answe11l方位介词介词beside表示“旁边”:beside用于描述2个人或物体非常靠近彼此,他们之间什么都没有。介词between表示“在之间”:介词between表示某个物体、某人位于两者之间,通常表示一个人、物处于另外两个人、物之间。介词infrontof表示“在前面”:in front of用于表达某人或某物靠近其它人或物的前方。方位介词介词beside表示“旁边”:介词between表示12in:in:表示在表示在的里面。的里面。in:表示在的里面。13on:on:表示在表示在的的上面上面,通常是与物通常是与物体接触的上面。体接触的上面。on:表示在的上面,通常是与物体接触的上面。14under:under:表示在表示在的下面的下面,通常是在物通常是在物体的正下方。体的正下方。under:表示在的下面,通常是在物体的正下方。15Its _ the box.inWheres the pen?Its _ the box.inWheres 16Its _ the box.betweenIts _ the box.betwee17lIts _ the box.in front ofIts _ the box.in fro18There is a cat on the chair.译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件19There is a bike under the tree.There is a bike under the tree20There are two kites in the sky.There are two kites in the sky21THANK YOUTHANK YOU222Unit 2 A new student223Our school will shine today.Our school will shine.Our school will shine today,all down the line.Our school will shine today.Our school will shine.When the sun goes down,when the moon goes up,Our school will shine.Our school will shine today.24art roomart room25computer roomcomputer room26playgroundplayground27librarylibrary28classroomclassroom29music roommusic room30playgroundlibrarycomputer roomart roommusic roomplaygroundlibrarycomputer room31How many classrooms are there in our school?There are 24 classrooms.How many classrooms are there 32Are there any computer rooms?Yes,there are.There are two computer rooms.Are there any computer rooms?Y33Is there a music room?Yes,there is.Is there a music room?Yes,the34Is there a library?Yes,there is.Is there a library?Yes,there 35Is there an art room?Yes,there is.Is there an art room?Yes,ther36Is there a playground?Yes,there is.Is there a playground?Yes,the37Lets talk Lets talk 38the first floorthe second floorThe third floorthe first floorthe second floo39 the second floorthe first floorWhere is the classroom?Its onThe classroom is on the second floor.the second floorthe first fl40Where is the _?(library/music room/computer room/classroom/.)Its on the _ floor.(first/second/third)Where is the _?Its on41computer roomlibraryart roomclassroomThe is on the puter roomlibraryart roomcl42Homework:1.Read the words and the phrases four times.2.Introduce your school to your parents.Homework:43Thanks for listening44Unit 3 Our animal friendsUnit 3 Our animal friends4545goldfishgoldfish4646parrotsparrots4747dogdog4848rabbitsrabbits4949What animal friends do you have?What animal friends do you hav5050tailwingeareyelegsbodytailwingeareyelegsbody5151 I have one animal friend.It is red.It has big eyes and big bodies.It has no legs or arms but it has bigtail.It can swim.I have one animal friend.I5252 Do you know what it is?It is a goldfish.Do you know what it is?I5353I have one animal friend.It is white.It has four legs and a short tail.It has big ears.It can run and jump.I have one animal friend.It i5454 Do you know what it is?It is a dog.Do you know what it is?I5555 I have one animal friend.It is yellow and green.It has two legs andtwo wings.I has a big mouth and a long tail.It can talk and fly.I have one animal friend.It 5656 Do you know what it is?It is a parrot.Do you know what it is?I5757My animal friend is white.It has red eyesand long ears.It has four legs and a short tail.I can run.My animal friend is white.It 5858My animal friend is white.It has red eyesand long ears.It has four legs and a short tail.I can run.My animal friend is white.It 5959 Do you know what it is?It is a rabbit.Do you know what it is?I6060LetsknowLetsknowmoreanimals!moreanimals!Lets know 6161giraffepenguindolphinmonkeycatgiraffepenguindolphinmonkeycat6262pandabearlionelephantkoalapandabearlionelephantkoala6363Good bye!Good bye!Good bye!64644Unit 4 Hobbies465play basketballplay table tennisplay basketballplay table tenn66drawsingdrawsing67play the guitardanceplay the guitardance68play footballswimplay footballswim69play the pianoplay the piano70read storieswatch filmsread storieswatch films71I like?She/He likes?I like?She/He likes?Le72I like playing basketball and football.I like playing basketball and 73I like drawing.I like drawing.74I like playing football.I like playing football.75He likes playing the piano.He likes playing the piano.76She likes dancing.She likes dancing.77They like playing table tennis.They like playing table tennis78They like watching films.They like watching films.79LetLets ask and answer.s ask and answer.Nameswimskiplay footballplay the pianoLets ask and answer.Nameswim80HomeworkHomework Ask your parents and your best friends“Whats your hobbies?”Homework 81Thank you!82Unit 5 What do they do?5Unit 5 What do they do?583cookcook84doctordoctor85driverdriver86policemanpoliceman87nursenurse88farmerfarmer89workerworker90teacherteacher91What does your father do?He is a teacher.What does your father do?He is92What does your father do?He is a farmer.What does your father do?He is93What does Li Mings father do?He is a policeman.What does Li Mings father do?94What does your mother do?She is a nurse.What does your mother do?She i95What does your mother do?She is a doctor.What does your mother do?She i96What does your mother do?She is a driver.What does your mother do?She i97What do they do?do they do?What do they do?98singerslawyerhostastronautsingerslawyerhostastronaut99Please ask your friends:“What does your father/mother do?”HomeworkPlease ask your friend1006Unit6 My e-friend6101译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件102countriescountries103Canada104Britain105译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件106译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件107Who is your e-friend?谁是你的网友?谁是你的网友?How old is he/she?他他/她多少岁了?她多少岁了?Can he/she speak Chinese?他他/她会讲中文吗?她会讲中文吗?What subjects does he/she like?他他/她喜欢什么学科?她喜欢什么学科?Who is your e-friend?How old i108Where does he/she live?他他/她住在哪里?她住在哪里?Does he/she like playing football?他他/她喜欢踢足球吗?她喜欢踢足球吗?Where does he/she live?Does he109lets practice!110Who is your e-friend?He is Peter.Who is your e-friend?He is Pet111Where does he live?He lives in the UK.Where does he live?He lives in112How old is he?He is 11 years old.How old is he?He is 11 years o113Can he speak Chinese?Yes,he can.Can he speak Chinese?Yes,he c114What subjects does he like?He likes Math and PE.What subjects does he like?He 115Does he like playing football?Yes,he does.Does he like playing football?116Does he like dancing?No,he doesnt.Does he like dancing?No,he do117Homework(家庭作业家庭作业)1、抄、背、听今天所学的五个国家单词。2、和同桌练习对话。Homework(家庭作业)118译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件119Unit 77Unit 77120fly a kitefly a kite121have a picnichave a picnic122chat on the Internetchat on the Internet123go to cinemago to cinema124always “总是”100%usually “通常”80%often “经常”60%sometimes“有时”40%always usually often sometimesalways “总是”100%always 125 一 二 三 四 五 六 日oftenSometimesSometimes经常经常经常经常有时有时有时有时 一 二 三 126What do you do at weekends?I often chat on the Internet.What do you do at weekends?I o127What do you do at weekends?I usually fly a kite.What do you do at weekends?I u128What do you do at weekends?I sometimes go to cinema.What do you do at weekends?I s129What do you do at weekends?I often have a picnic with my family.What do you do at weekends?I o130What do you do at weekends?I always play basketball.What do you do at weekends?I a131What does he do at weekends?He always plays football.What does he do at weekends?He132What does he do at weekends?He always watches TV.What does he do at weekends?He133What do you do at weekends?你是怎样度周末的?I often Sometimes I I often Sometimes I What do you do at weekends?I o134 完成填空完成填空 At the weekends,Wang Bing often chats on the Internet.Sometimes he()swimming or ()basketball,he likes(),Helen likes()TV,she and Yang Ling often()housework at home.The twins(双胞胎双胞胎)often()cartoons.goesplayswatchingdowatchsport 完成填空goesplayswatchin135Try to write down your weekends.HomeworkTry to write down your1368Unit 8 At Christmas8137presentspresents138christmas treechristmas tree139stockings stockings 140Father ChirstmasFather Chirstmas141turkeyturkey142cardcard143jingle belljingle bell144Father Christmas(圣诞老人)圣诞老人)stocking (圣诞长袜)圣诞长袜)Christmas tree(圣诞树)圣诞树)Father Christmas(圣诞老人)stockin145 First,we buy presents for our family and friends.First,we buy presents for 146 Next,we put some pretty things on the Chirstmas tree.Next,we put some pretty 147Then,Chirtmas Eve comes.Then,Chirtmas Eve comes.148 We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.We put a stocking on our 149译林版五年级英语上册全册ppt课件150Finally,it is Christmas Day!Finally,it is Christmas Day!151We have a big lunch.We have a big lunch.152We all have a good time!We all have a good time!153firstthennextfinallyLets Lets learnlearnfirstthennextfinallyLets lea154Please write a short passage use with first,then,next and finally.Homework Please write a short 155Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!156


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