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教材:人教版PEP六年级上册课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Lets talk 让”must”和”dont”为交通安全护航制作单位:济南市长清区实验小学制作人:王芯芯英语六上微课ppt课件精编版让”must”和”dont”为交通安全护航人教版英语六年级上册Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Lets talk济南市长清区实验小学 王芯芯英语六上微课ppt课件精编版学 习 目 标 1学习、掌握和运用”must”和”Dont”句型。2了解中西方交通安全知识,做到遵守交规,文明出行。学 习 目 标 1 2Traffic rulesmustDontTraffic rulesmustDont 1.如何用must表示必须做某事 课文应用:句型结构:重点解析:In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美国,骑自行车的人必须必须戴一个(头盔)。某人某人+must+动词原形(动词原形(+其他)其他)。must是情态动词情态动词,意为“必须必须”,语气很强烈,没有没有人称和数的变化人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形动词原形。1.如何用must表示必Zhang Peng和Sarah在等信号灯。:Look!Its yellow now.lets go!看,黄灯亮了,走吧!:No!不!我们必须必须在黄灯的时候等待。We must wait at a yellow light.生活实例Zhang Peng和Sarah在等信号灯。We must 4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须注意交通信号灯。1.We must wait at a yellow light.我们必须在黄灯的时候等待。某人+must+动词原形(+其他)。2.We must stop at a red light.我们必须在红灯的时候停下来。3.We must go at a green light.我们必须在绿灯的时候前行。More examples 4.I must pay attentio 2.如何告诫别人不要做某事:Dont课文应用:句型结构:重点解析:Hey,dont go at the red light!嘿,不要闯红灯!Dont+动词原形(+其他)。此种结构在英语中被称为否定祈使句,用来提醒和警告别人不要做某事。Hey,dont go at the 生活实例:Dont turn left.禁止左转。Dont turn right.禁止右转。Dont park.禁止停车。(Keep right)(Keep left)(No parking)Dont climb the fence.禁止翻越护栏。生活实例:Dont turn left.禁止左转。Do Chant:Must,must,we must stop at a red light.Dont,dont,dont go at a red light.Must,must,we must go at a green light.Dont,dont,dont stop at a green light.Must,must,we must wait at a yellow light.Dont,dont,dont go at a yellow light!英语六上微课ppt课件精编版Exercise 1:Choose the answer (选择)1.We must ()the zebra crossing.(走斑马线)A.takes B.take C.taking 2.()turn right!A.Not B.must C.Dont3.Dont ()at a red light!A.go B.Go C.goesBCAExercise 1:Choose the answer Exercise 2:Make sentences.(连词成句)1.must,at,red,you,a,stop,light.You must stop at a red light.2.attention,pay,you,to,the,must,lights,traffic.You must pay attention to the traffic lights.3.go,at,dont,light,yellow,a.Dont go at a yellow light.Exercise 2:Make sentences.(Traffic rulesmustDontYou must pay attention to the traffic lights.You must wear a helmet when riding a bike.Dont jaywalk.(禁止乱穿公路)Dont climb the fence.Traffic rulesmustDontYou m OBEY THE TRAFFIC RULES,TO BE A CIVILIZED STUDENT!遵守交规,文明出行!OBEY THE TRAFFIC RULES,英语六上微课ppt课件精编版


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