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Unit 17 CelebratingvMake suggestions 建议建议vPresent continuous for future activities 现在进行时表示将来现在进行时表示将来vbe going to for future intentions be going to表示将来的打算表示将来的打算vSimple future for spontaneous decisions 一般将来时表示即时的决定一般将来时表示即时的决定Words and Expressions(p225)hostess女主人女主人married结婚的;已婚的结婚的;已婚的Hes got over his illness quickly.他的病很快就好了。他的病很快就好了。She cant get over the man she was going to marry.她无法淡忘本来要跟她结婚的人。她无法淡忘本来要跟她结婚的人。Mary fell in love with him.Mary爱上了他。爱上了他。n提出建议的句型提出建议的句型(p211)1 What about sth/doing sth?2 How about sth/doing sth?3 Why dont you+do sth?4 Why dont we+do sth?5 Shall we do sth?6 Lets do sth.What about going to an estate agents?去地产经纪行好不好去地产经纪行好不好?Why dont you stay at our house?为何不在我们家住为何不在我们家住?How about taking a taxi?乘坐出租车好吗?乘坐出租车好吗?Shall we have a barbecue?我们搞个聚会我们搞个聚会,好吗好吗?Lets have a housewarming party.我们搞个庆祝迁居的聚会吧我们搞个庆祝迁居的聚会吧.Why dont we have a barbecue?为何我们不搞个烧烤聚会为何我们不搞个烧烤聚会?Activity 1 Extract 1(p210)(1.01)last week 上周上周house warming party庆祝迁居的聚会庆祝迁居的聚会invitation邀请邀请2.a big party3.a party with food 4.a barbecue party 5.an afternoon partyActivity 3(p211)cook厨师厨师live 现场的现场的1 e2 g3 c4 f5 a6 d7 bnPresent Continuous present(p212)现在进行时现在进行时 be(am/are/is)+doing表示已经安排好的活动表示已经安排好的活动.Shes starting work next Monday.她将于下周一开始工作她将于下周一开始工作.Shes going to Paris in Week 3.她将于第三周去巴黎她将于第三周去巴黎.Activity 5(p212)chef 主厨主厨funny有趣的有趣的reservation预订预订2 is doing3 are cooking4 is bringing5 wearing6 are goingActivity 6(p213)Im playing football Are you making lunch?Were having a barbecue.What are we eating?Is Tim cooking?Tim and Franco are cookingWere going to Francos restaurant What time are you eating there?Im meeting my motherActivity 7(p214)1It depends.看情况看情况.3 fix确定确定AWe also have a surgery at the weekend now.我们现在周末也看门诊我们现在周末也看门诊.nReview:Prepositions of time:复习复习 :时间介词时间介词at 在某时刻在某时刻in 在某段时间内在某段时间内on 在某天在某天between and 在在之间之间until 直到直到为止为止from to 从从到到1 on,At,until2 on,in,between,on3 in,on,inA until,at,from,at,onB in,on,at,at,onC until,atn一般将来时表即时做出的决定一般将来时表即时做出的决定(p216)结构:结构:will+v.What about the shopping?Theres a lot.购物怎么办?有好多东西。购物怎么办?有好多东西。I ll borrow my parents car.Its bigger.我去借父母的车。那辆车大些。我去借父母的车。那辆车大些。Theres too much for the fridge.太多了太多了,冰箱里放不下冰箱里放不下.I ll put it in the garage.Its cold there.我会放在车库我会放在车库,那儿冷那儿冷.I think I ll do the salads beforethe supermarket as well,thenMary can clean the kitchen.我想我也得在去超市前准备好沙我想我也得在去超市前准备好沙拉拉,然后玛丽就可以清洁厨房了然后玛丽就可以清洁厨房了.Activity 9 Extract 3(p215)(3.01-4.24)lmake a list 列清单列清单lWhat about the shopping?-Theres a lot.购物怎么办?购物怎么办?-有好多东西。有好多东西。lI ll borrow my parents car on Friday to go to the supermarket.Its bigger.我星期五借父母的车去超市。我星期五借父母的车去超市。那辆车大些。那辆车大些。lTheres too much for the fridge.太多了太多了,冰箱里放不下冰箱里放不下.lI ll put it in the garage.-Its cold there.我会放在车库我会放在车库,那儿冷那儿冷.ldo the drinks 配饮料配饮料lset up the barbecue 支好烤架支好烤架 lI think I ll prepare the salads before the supermarket as well,then Mary can clean the kitchen.我想我也得在去超市前准备好沙我想我也得在去超市前准备好沙 拉拉,然后玛丽就可以清洁厨房了然后玛丽就可以清洁厨房了.lOk,and Ill help my friends to set up the music.好的好的,我会帮我的朋友们准备好我会帮我的朋友们准备好 音乐音乐.lmake cakes做蛋糕做蛋糕la good Chinese recipe 一份中国的好配方一份中国的好配方uGo to the supermarketuBorrow car uClean the house uGet the wine on Friday night uPut the wine in the garageuPrepare the saladsuSet up the barbecueuStart the barbecueuHelp the musicians uMake a cake uE-mail Xiaoyans motheruX,TuTuMuTuTuXuTuTuMuXuXn表达已经决定要做的事情,以及表达已经决定要做的事情,以及描述将来的意图描述将来的意图(p216)结构:结构:be(am/are/is)going to+v.I am going to+v.You/We/They are going to+v.He/She/It is going to+v.Tim is going to borrow his parents car.提姆打算借用父母的车。提姆打算借用父母的车。Tim and Xiaoyan are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning.提姆和晓燕打算周六上午去购物。提姆和晓燕打算周六上午去购物。Im going to clean the house.我准备打扫房子。我准备打扫房子。Is Xiaoyan going to borrow a car?No,she isnt.晓燕打算借车吗晓燕打算借车吗?不。不。Who is going to borrow a car?谁打算借车?谁打算借车?Mary isnt going to do the shopping.玛丽不打算去购物。玛丽不打算去购物。Activity 12(p217)1.Tim is going to get the wine on Friday night.2.Tim is going to put the wine in the garage.3.Xiaoyan is going to prepare the salads.4.Tim is going to set up the barbecue.5 Tim is going to start the barbecue.6 Mary is going to help the musicians.7 Xiaoyan is going to make a cake.8 Xiaoyan is going to e-mail her mother.n will+v.和和 be(am/are/is)going to+v.的区别的区别1)be(am/are/is)going to+v.表示表示主观方面主观方面“打算、准备打算、准备”,而,而 will+v.多用来表示纯属客观的将来。多用来表示纯属客观的将来。What are you going to do this afternoon?你打算下午做什么?你打算下午做什么?Im going to play football.我打算踢足球。我打算踢足球。You will be forty years old next year.明年,你明年,你40岁了。岁了。Tomorrow will be Sunday again.明天又是星期天。明天又是星期天。2)be(am/are/is)going to+v.表表示示事事先先计计划划的的意意图图,will+v.表表示示说说话人当时决定的意图话人当时决定的意图.We are going to drive you home after the meeting.我们打算会后送你回家。我们打算会后送你回家。Dont call a taxi,well drive you home.不不要要叫叫出出租租车车了了,我我们们开开车车送送你你回家。回家。Im going to see the doctor this afternoon.我准备今天下午去看医生。我准备今天下午去看医生。I feel ill now,and Ill go to see the doctor.我我现现在在感感到到不不舒舒服服,我我要要去去看看医医生。生。Activity 13 Extract 4(p217)(4.24-6.28)2 Im going to give John a hat.OK.Ill give him chocolates.3 Im going to have dinner at Blue Caf.OK.Ill have dinner at Caff Roma.4 Were going to go on holiday to London.OK.Well go on holiday to Paris.ndo词组和词组和make词组词组(p218)make a list 列清单列清单make a phone call 打电话打电话make a cake 做蛋糕做蛋糕make an appointment 预约预约make a plan 做计划做计划make a noise 发出噪音发出噪音make a decision 做决定做决定do the barbecue 准备烧烤准备烧烤do the shopping 去购物去购物do the cooking 做饭做饭do the washing-up 洗碗碟洗碗碟do the drinks 配饮料配饮料Activity 14(p218)1 make2 doing3 do4 make5 make6 doing7 making8 doesActivity 15(p218)party-giver 派对举办者派对举办者a 2b 1c 3d 4e 6f 52.A You re late3.C What should I bring?4.D What do I do when I arrive?5.F At the party 6.E What do I do when I leave?n(p222)nsomebody/someone else 别人别人neach other 互相互相n反身代词反身代词 表示动作作用到自己的身上表示动作作用到自己的身上.myself/yourself/himself/herself/itself ourselves/yourselves/themselvesThey are talking to each other.他们互相交谈。他们互相交谈。They like each other.他们互相爱慕对方。他们互相爱慕对方。They give each other presents.他们互赠礼物。他们互赠礼物。They meet each other after work.他们下班后会面。他们下班后会面。She is giving the book to someone else.她将那本书送给别人。她将那本书送给别人。Im writing a note to myself aboutthe meeting.我在做会议记录。我在做会议记录。They are washing themselves in the river.他们在河里洗澡。他们在河里洗澡。He talks to himself all the time.他总是自言自语。他总是自言自语。Activity 18(p222)1 each other2 himself3 someone else/somebody else4 myself5 themselves6 each other7 someone else/somebody else8 each otherActivity 17(p220)be engaged 订婚(强调状态)订婚(强调状态)get engaged 订婚(强调动作)订婚(强调动作)be married 结婚(强调状态)结婚(强调状态)get married 结婚(强调动作)结婚(强调动作)be divorced 离婚(强调状态)离婚(强调状态)get divorced 离婚(强调动作)离婚(强调动作)Part Aboyfriend engaged single married divorced partnergirlfriendPart B1.Kevin is looking at himself.2.She fell in love with someone else.3.Hes talking to his partner.4.No,he is by himself.n比较的表达比较的表达(p223)1)用形容词比较级用形容词比较级Rose was faster than him.罗斯比他快。罗斯比他快。She was more relaxed than Frank.她比她比Frank更轻松自在。更轻松自在。She is less experienced in computers than Frank.在计算机方面她比在计算机方面她比Frank经验少。经验少。2)be+as+形容词形容词+as 和和一样一样 be+not+as(so)+形容词形容词+as 和和不一样不一样Shanghai is as modern as London.上海与伦敦一样现代化。上海与伦敦一样现代化。London is just as busy as Shanghai.伦敦和上海一样繁忙伦敦和上海一样繁忙.Shanghai isnt as exciting as London.上海不如伦敦令人兴奋上海不如伦敦令人兴奋.3)be the same as相同相同 be different from不同不同 Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London.上海的商务生活跟伦敦相同上海的商务生活跟伦敦相同.My housewarming party is different from Marys.我那个庆祝迁居聚会与玛丽那个我那个庆祝迁居聚会与玛丽那个不同不同.Activity 19 Extract 5(p223)(6.28-7.15)1.as as 2.lessthan3.asas 4.the same as 5.livelier 6.different from Activity 20(p223)1.isnt asas 2.is asas 3.is different from 4.isnt asas 5.is the same as 6.is different from


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