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Unit 9单元总复习课件单元总复习课件Unit 91123词汇训练营句型大闯关语法加油站 123词汇训练营句型大闯关语法加油站 词汇训练营1 词汇训练营1 一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1.学科;科目 n._2.科学 n._3.乐;乐曲 n._4.数学 n._ 5.favorite _ 6.history _ 7.why _8.because _subjectsciencemusic math特别喜爱的(人或事物)历史为什么因为词汇训练营 词汇训练营一、快速说出下列单词或短语。subjectsciencemu9.空闲的 adj._10.妙极的;酷的 adj._11.有用的;有益的 adj._11.完成;做好 v._ 12.lesson _13.Monday _14.from.to _15.for sure _ free cooluseful课;一节课星期一从.到.词汇训练营finish finish doing sth.无疑;肯定9.空闲的 adj._ free1.Green and red are my f_ colors.2.Li Dong has eight _(学科;科目)at school.3._(为什么)do you like school?4.I dont like math b_ its very difficult.5.His Chinese class is on M_.6.If you are _(空闲的),please come to help me.7.That is a _(有用的)knife.I like it very much.8.She likes m_.She wants to be a singer.二、根据提示填空。avoritesubjectsWhy 词汇训练营 词汇训练营 ecauseonday free useful usic1.Green and red are my f_句型大闯关2 句型大闯关2 1.Whats your favorite subject?本句可以变化为:I like science best.我最喜欢科学。【注意】:favorite相当于 like.best。2.Why do you like P.E.?why“为什么”,用于询问原因,答语常用because来引导。句型大闯关 句型大闯关Whats your favorite subject?本3.Because its fun.because“因为”,后常接句子,回答why引导的特殊疑问句。【注意】because和so(所以)不能同时用同一个句子中。4.I am very busy on Friday.具体某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上用介词on;in常用于年、月前;at用于具体的时刻前。句型大闯关 句型大闯关3.Because its fun.because“5.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.from.to.从到6.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.finish“完成,做好”,可作及物动词,后接名词或动名词。for+时间段句型大闯关 句型大闯关5.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:0句型大闯关 句型大闯关一、句型转换。1.His favorite subject is history.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his favorite subject?2.I like playing basketball best.(改为同义句)Basketball is _ _ sport.3.I like science because its interesting.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ science?What is my favoriteWhy do you like句型大闯关 句型大闯关一、句型转换。What is句型大闯关 句型大闯关二、单项选择。1.We have math and Chinese _ Friday morning.A.at B.in C.on D.for2.Nick is ten years old._ favorite food is chicken.A.My B.His C.Our D.Your3.He usually finishes _ TV at 12:00.A.watching B.watches C.watch D.to watch4.Our prices are _ 15 yuan _100 yuan.Afor;to Bto;forCfrom;to Dto;from C B A C句型大闯关 句型大闯关二、单项选择。C B A C语法加油站3 语法加油站3 特殊疑问句语法加油站 语法加油站特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头的问句,其结构是:特殊疑问词一般疑问句?答语不用yes或no回答,而是问什么,答什么。常用的疑问词有:what(什么),who(谁),whose(谁的),which(哪个),when(何时),where(哪里),how(怎样,通过.),why(为何)等。特殊疑问句语法加油站 语法加油站特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头14语法加油站 语法加油站1.什么都要问的what通常用来询问姓名、物品、事件等。what和color,class等名词连用,用来询问某些具体信息。Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is English.What color is her bag?她的包是什么颜色的?语法加油站 语法加油站什么都要问的what15语法加油站 语法加油站2.人见人爱的who用来询问人。Who do you want to see?你想见谁?Who is Jims father?谁是Jim的父亲?3.一探究竟的why用来询问原因。Why do you like this book?4.爱问时间的whenWhen is your mothers birthday?语法加油站 语法加油站2.人见人爱的who16语法加油站 语法加油站5.其他疑问词where用来询问地点Where is your sister?你的妹妹在哪里?how 用来询问状况How is your weekend?你的周末怎么样?语法加油站 语法加油站5.其他疑问词17语法加油站 语法加油站一、用学过的疑问词填空1._ do you like Friday?Because I have art and P.E.2._ is your fathers favorite sport?Running.3._ is your weekend?Its great.4._ is your School Day?Its on October 28th.Why What How When 语法加油站 语法加油站一、用学过的疑问词填空 Why Wha 二、单项选择。1._ is that man over there?He is Dans uncle.A.Where B.What C.Who D.Which2._ do you usually play basketball?On the playground.A.When B.Where C.Who D.What3._ do you speak English so well?Because I practice it with my partner every day.A.Why B.When C.WhoD.Which语法加油站 语法加油站 二、单项选择。语法加油站 语法加油站19


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