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语法和长难句分析课程 刘晓艳刘晓艳课程设置v一一 简单句简单句v二二 并列句并列句v三三 名词名词v四四 动词动词v五五 形容词和副词形容词和副词v六六 英语的特殊结构英语的特殊结构第一节 简单句v一一 what is what is 简单句?简单句?试译:我的英语说得很好;试译:我的英语说得很好;I speak english well.I speak english well.沙坪坝沙坪坝 到了;到了;we are arriving at spb station.we are arriving at spb station.v二二 简单句的分类:简单句的分类:v1.1.主谓结构;主谓结构;v he died;we laugh(ed);he died;we laugh(ed);v2.2.主谓宾主谓宾v 谓语:实意动词谓语:实意动词v3.3.主谓表主谓表v 谓语:系动词谓语:系动词v系动词:系动词:v1.be1.bev2.2.感官动词:感官动词:look smell taste sound feellook smell taste sound feel;v3.3.变化:变化:become get go turn;become get go turn;v4.4.保持:保持:keep stay remain;keep stay remain;v4 4 主谓双宾主谓双宾v5 5 主谓宾宾补主谓宾宾补vI bought him a dog;I bought him a dog;vIt makes him happy;It makes him happy;vWe elect him our monitor;We elect him our monitor;v三三 句子的成分;句子的成分;v1 1 谓语:谓语:v1 1)谓语的成分;)谓语的成分;v your mother must very beautiful;your mother must very beautiful;v2 2)动词能不能多?)动词能不能多?v beat you is my fault.beat you is my fault.v I enjoy watch tv I enjoy watch tvvMy dream is become a teacher.My dream is become a teacher.v试译:试译:v他笑着说,我爱你;他笑着说,我爱你;vHe smiling said He smiling said“I love youI love you.v爱我就是抱抱我;爱我就是抱抱我;vLoving me is hugging(embracing)me.Loving me is hugging(embracing)me.v3)动词能不能少?v your mother must very beautiful;v I against you.(oppose).vreject inject project subjectvobjectv二二 主语主语v1.1.主语的成分主语的成分vbeing meaningful is living wellbeing meaningful is living wellvliving well is doing meaningful things.living well is doing meaningful things.v2.2.主语能不能少?主语能不能少?vA)it A)it vIt is raining.It is raining.vIt is hot in chongqing.It is hot in chongqing.vB there beB there bev there are numerous students falling in there are numerous students falling in love with me.love with me.v there are countless factors supporting there are countless factors supporting my point.my point.v there are innumerable young men there are innumerable young men failing to get married.failing to get married.vC C 被动被动v english must be pointed out very english must be pointed out very important.important.v the government should be suggested to the government should be suggested to take measures.take measures.vD D 人称代词人称代词v3 3 宾语宾语 v I love youI love youv I love liuxiaoyan I love liuxiaoyanv I love singing songs I love singing songsv I love to sing songs I love to sing songsv4 4 表语表语vI am a teacher;I am a teacher;vI am in chongqing I am in chongqing vI am beautifulI am beautifulvMy dream is to become a poetMy dream is to become a poetvMy dream is becoming a poet.My dream is becoming a poet.v四四 时态时态v一)一般的时态一)一般的时态v二)进行的时态二)进行的时态v三)完成的时态三)完成的时态v一)一般的时态一)一般的时态v1.1.一般现在时:一般现在时:vI enjoy learning englishI enjoy learning englishvThe earth revolves around the sun.The earth revolves around the sun.v2.2.一般过去时一般过去时vI was a student three years ago.I was a student three years ago.v3.3.一般将来时一般将来时v二)进行的时态二)进行的时态vI am having class I am having class vI was having class at 8 yesterday.I was having class at 8 yesterday.vI will be having class at 8 tomorrow.I will be having class at 8 tomorrow.v三)完成的时态三)完成的时态vI have been to europe many timesI have been to europe many timesvI have been a student.I have been a student.vMy mother had slept when I got home.My mother had slept when I got home.vI had learned 5000 words by the end of I had learned 5000 words by the end of last year.last year.练习句子v 毫无疑问污染很严重;毫无疑问污染很严重;vThere is no doubt that pollution is very There is no doubt that pollution is very serious.serious.v重庆有很多人口重庆有很多人口 vThere are many people in chongqingThere are many people in chongqingv这个问题政府已经重视这个问题政府已经重视 vThe government has focused the problem.The government has focused the problem.v4 4 如果有毅力,就一定会成功如果有毅力,就一定会成功v if there is willpower,success must be if there is willpower,success must be achieved.achieved.v5.5.他站在那儿笑他站在那儿笑vHe is standing there,smiling.He is standing there,smiling.v6 6 抽空得改改你的脾气了抽空得改改你的脾气了vYou spare some time to relieve your You spare some time to relieve your temper.temper.v五五 简单句考点;简单句考点;v1.1.写作写作v2.2.长难句长难句v练习题:练习题:v1)I was playing computer.The roommate 1)I was playing computer.The roommate came in,asking me to have lunch.came in,asking me to have lunch.v2)There is a lot of traffic jam these days.2)There is a lot of traffic jam these days.第二节 并列句v I love you,you love that dog;I love you,you love that dog;v解决方案:解决方案:v1.1.回归简单句;回归简单句;v2.2.加连词;加连词;v3.I love you,who love that dog.3.I love you,who love that dog.v4.4.I loving you,you love that dog.I loving you,you love that dog.v一一 什么是并列句?什么是并列句?v二二 常见的连词常见的连词v1.1.平行:平行:and not only and not only but alsobut alsov2.2.转折:转折:but,yet,while,whereas;but,yet,while,whereas;v3.3.顺承:顺承:thenthen;v4.4.因果:因果:forfor;so/thus thereforeso/thus thereforev5.5.选择:选择:ororv三三 考点:考点:v1.1.写作写作v2.2.完型完型v3.3.分析长难句;分析长难句;vI was beatenI was beaten,and youand you;练习题v1.mary fails to like english but she likes 1.mary fails to like english but she likes music and dancingmusic and dancingv(be fond of;be crazy about;have passion(be fond of;be crazy about;have passion for;be fascinated with;be keen on)for;be fascinated with;be keen on)v2.love has gone,but she still remains 2.love has gone,but she still remains there.there.v3.he not only speaks english well but also 3.he not only speaks english well but also speaks french fluently.speaks french fluently.三 名词v一)名词能做什么成分?一)名词能做什么成分?v1.the movie looks attractive;1.the movie looks attractive;v2.I appreciate his mother.2.I appreciate his mother.v3.gump is a man.3.gump is a man.v4.I enjoy the part,the end.4.I enjoy the part,the end.1.what I sawisattractive;2.Iappreciatewhat she said.3.gumpiswho should learn from.4.Ienjoythepartthat a feather is flying in the sky.v二)什么是名词性从句?二)什么是名词性从句?v1.1.何为从句?何为从句?v2.2.何为名词性从句?何为名词性从句?v三)名词性从句的引导词;三)名词性从句的引导词;v1.I love you is my fault.1.I love you is my fault.v2.Do you love me is obvious.2.Do you love me is obvious.v3.Who do you love is a secret.3.Who do you love is a secret.v试译:试译:v我认为污染很严重我认为污染很严重vI believe that pollution is quite serious.I believe that pollution is quite serious.v我想知道我想知道 人为什么活着?人为什么活着?vI wonder why people live in the world.I wonder why people live in the world.v试译:试译:v很多年轻人都意识到孝敬父母是他们的业务;很多年轻人都意识到孝敬父母是他们的业务;vMany teenagers have realized that Many teenagers have realized that respecting parents is their responsibity.respecting parents is their responsibity.v外星人存在吗真的很重要;外星人存在吗真的很重要;vWhether aliens exist is really vital;Whether aliens exist is really vital;v我的想法是我们去看电影吧。我的想法是我们去看电影吧。vMy idea is that we will go to see a movie.My idea is that we will go to see a movie.v她成功的找到了女朋友使我们很高兴;她成功的找到了女朋友使我们很高兴;vThat she succeeded in finding a friend That she succeeded in finding a friend make me happy.make me happy.v四)考点:四)考点:v1.1.写作:写作:v1 1)主语从句:)主语从句:v女人总是对的是一个常识。女人总是对的是一个常识。vThat women are always right is common That women are always right is common sense.sense.vIt is common sense that womenIt is common sense that womenv主语从句的满分表达:主语从句的满分表达:vItIt that thatv2.2.宾语从句宾语从句v3.3.表语从句表语从句v4.4.同位语从句同位语从句v她是一个诗人这个事实是真的;她是一个诗人这个事实是真的;vShe is a poet the truth is real.She is a poet the truth is real.vThe truth that she is a poet is real.The truth that she is a poet is real.v试译:试译:v没有什么能够掩盖她正在变老这个事实;没有什么能够掩盖她正在变老这个事实;vNothing can hide the fact the she is Nothing can hide the fact the she is becoming old.becoming old.v他的丈夫去世了这个消息传遍了整个村庄。他的丈夫去世了这个消息传遍了整个村庄。vThe news that his husband died was The news that his husband died was spread the whole villege.spread the whole villege.v我坚信梦想和坚持会使我们成功这个说法;我坚信梦想和坚持会使我们成功这个说法;vI believe the idea that dreams and I believe the idea that dreams and persistance can make us succeed.persistance can make us succeed.v2.2.长难句分析:会识别各个从句。长难句分析:会识别各个从句。v1)1)如何识别主语从句如何识别主语从句v2 2)如何识别宾语从句)如何识别宾语从句v3 3)如何识别表语从句)如何识别表语从句v4 4)如何识别同位语从句)如何识别同位语从句第四节课:定语v一一 什么是定语?什么是定语?v二二 定语的成分定语的成分v1.1.形容词形容词 an innocent nightingalean innocent nightingalev a nightingale brave and innocent.a nightingale brave and innocent.v2.2.名词名词 the singing of the nightingalethe singing of the nightingalev3.3.介词短语介词短语 the n out of the windowthe n out of the windowv4.4.分词分词 the singing nthe singing nv the n singing to the rosethe n singing to the rosev5.5.不定式不定式 the man to the partythe man to the partyv6.6.从句从句v三三 定语的位置定语的位置v练习:那个懂爱的年轻人被拒绝了;练习:那个懂爱的年轻人被拒绝了;v the man knowing love was rejected.the man knowing love was rejected.v 我有一朵和白云一样白的玫瑰花我有一朵和白云一样白的玫瑰花vI have a rose as white as cloudsI have a rose as white as cloudsv 夜莺听到了年轻人的感叹。夜莺听到了年轻人的感叹。vThe n heard the words of the young man.The n heard the words of the young man.v 被扔掉的玫瑰花是红色的。被扔掉的玫瑰花是红色的。vThe thrown rose is red.The thrown rose is red.v四四 定语从句定语从句v1.1.构成构成 n+n+引导词引导词 +句子句子v2.2.引导词引导词 定语从句的引导词分类标准定语从句的引导词分类标准vN N 人人 who whom whosewho whom whosev 物物 that which whosethat which whosev 时间时间 that which whenthat which whenv 地点地点 that which wherethat which wherev 原因原因 that which whythat which why谁决定引导词的用法v举例:举例:v he is the man _ loves me.he is the man _ loves me.v he is the man_ I love.he is the man_ I love.v he is the man_ father excels in making he is the man_ father excels in making popcorn.popcorn.vI will never forget the day_ I met you.I will never forget the day_ I met you.vI will never forget the day _ we spent.I will never forget the day _ we spent.vYou had better have no reason_ you are You had better have no reason_ you are late.late.vYou had better have no reason_You had better have no reason_v sounds perfect.sounds perfect.定语从句引导词的分类新标准v按照按照 引导词的词性(引导词在从句中所作的成引导词的词性(引导词在从句中所作的成分来分来)分来分来)1.Who whom that whichWho whom that which2.Where when why Where when why 3.whosewhosev五五 定语从句和同位语从句的区别定语从句和同位语从句的区别vI cannot believe the fact that is shocking.I cannot believe the fact that is shocking.vI cannot believe the fact that he is a poet.I cannot believe the fact that he is a poet.v六六 定语从句的特殊用法定语从句的特殊用法v1.1.先行词和引导词之间有介词先行词和引导词之间有介词 which whomwhich whom;v2.that 2.that 做宾语,可省;做宾语,可省;v3.3.区别区别the samethe sameas;the sameas;the samethatthatvHe is the same man as I love;He is the same man as I love;vHe is the same man that I love.He is the same man that I love.v4.4.区别限制和非限制性定语从句;区别限制和非限制性定语从句;vI love liu,who is gorgerous.I love liu,who is gorgerous.vI love liu who is gorgerous.I love liu who is gorgerous.vI love watermelons,which are round.I love watermelons,which are round.vI love watermelons which are round.I love watermelons which are round.v七七 定语从句的考点及难点;定语从句的考点及难点;v引导词?引导词?-寻找先行词寻找先行词v定语从句的先行词定语从句的先行词v1.1.最近的那个名词最近的那个名词v2.2.最近的短语或多个名词最近的短语或多个名词v3.3.一个从句一个从句v4.4.整个完整的句子整个完整的句子第五节课 动词v一一 动词的成分动词的成分v二二 动词的分类动词的分类v1.1.系动词系动词v2.2.助动词助动词v3.3.情态动词情态动词v4.4.实意动词实意动词v1.1.系动词系动词v2.2.助动词助动词vI am a teacher.I am a teacher.vI have taught english for years.I have taught english for years.vI am going to be a lawyer.I am going to be a lawyer.vI donot do much sports recently.I donot do much sports recently.v3.3.情态动词情态动词v 表示推测表示推测v举例:老俞一定很有钱举例:老俞一定很有钱vOld fish must be wealthy;Old fish must be wealthy;vOld fish cannot be wealthy.Old fish cannot be wealthy.vOld fish must have been self abased in his Old fish must have been self abased in his universityuniversityvYou neednot have shown your love in this You neednot have shown your love in this way.way.vI could have become a good poet.I could have become a good poet.vThey should have got married if they had They should have got married if they had a chance.a chance.v4.4.实意动词实意动词vWatch tv;I am watching;Watch tv;I am watching;vLook at me;I am looking;Look at me;I am looking;v三三 虚拟语气虚拟语气v一)一般用法:一)一般用法:if if引导的条件句引导的条件句vIf you are a tear in my eyes,I will never If you are a tear in my eyes,I will never shed it.shed it.v vIf I was a dog,I could sleep with you.If I was a dog,I could sleep with you.v二)特殊用法二)特殊用法v1.should+v1.should+vv 以防以防 in case that;for fear that;lestin case that;for fear that;lestv 命命 order;direct commandorder;direct commandv 贱贱 suggest advice proposesuggest advice proposev 要求要求 ask request require demandask request require demandv 用虚拟用虚拟v是必要的是必要的 it is necessary(important)thatit is necessary(important)thatv2.2.以下情况,从句用过去时表示虚拟以下情况,从句用过去时表示虚拟v would rather;it is high time that;would rather;it is high time that;v我宁愿你比我幸福我宁愿你比我幸福vI would rather you were happier than I.I would rather you were happier than I.v是我们关注这个问题的时候了是我们关注这个问题的时候了vItItthat we should poured attention into that we should poured attention into the issue.the issue.v3.3.以下情况要区别对待以下情况要区别对待vWish;if only;but for;or/otherwise;as if/Wish;if only;but for;or/otherwise;as if/as though;as though;v四)非谓语动词四)非谓语动词v1.1.主语主语vBeating you is my fault.Beating you is my fault.vTo beat you is my fault.To beat you is my fault.v=it is my fault to beat you.=it is my fault to beat you.v2.2.宾语宾语v3 3 表语表语v4.4.定语定语v他是一个被上帝抛弃的男人;他是一个被上帝抛弃的男人;vHe is a man abandoned by god.He is a man abandoned by god.成功属于全力以赴的人。成功属于全力以赴的人。success belongs to those sparing no success belongs to those sparing no efforts.efforts.v5.5.状语状语vWhen love comes,I will hold your hands.When love comes,I will hold your hands.vWhen I was a girl,I enjoyed his music.When I was a girl,I enjoyed his music.vLove coming,I will hold her hands.Love coming,I will hold her hands.vBeing a girl,I enjoyed his music.Being a girl,I enjoyed his music.v练习:练习:v如果春天来了,冬天就不远了。如果春天来了,冬天就不远了。vSpring coming,winter will arrive.Spring coming,winter will arrive.v因为我爱你,我要嫁给你。因为我爱你,我要嫁给你。vLoving you,I will marry you.Loving you,I will marry you.v是不是必须有状语从句才能出现分词做状语呢?是不是必须有状语从句才能出现分词做状语呢?v我爱你,你爱我。我爱你,你爱我。vI loving you,you love me.I loving you,you love me.父母曾经养育过我们,我们就应该孝敬他们父母曾经养育过我们,我们就应该孝敬他们Parents raising us,we should respect them.Parents raising us,we should respect them.六 形容词 副词v一)成分一)成分v1.1.形容词:形容词:v 表语表语 定语定语 -修饰名词修饰名词v2.2.副词副词v he is very fasthe is very fastv he runs fast.he runs fast.v he runs rather fast.he runs rather fast.v二)状语二)状语v1.1.定义定义v2.2.成分成分v1 1)副词)副词 she smiles sweetly.she smiles sweetly.v2 2)介词短语)介词短语 he runs like a crazy dog.he runs like a crazy dog.v3)3)分词,不定式分词,不定式v她哭着离开了她哭着离开了vHe leaves crying.He leaves crying.v4)4)从句从句v3.3.状语的位置状语的位置v四四 状语从句状语从句v1.1.引导词的分类标准引导词的分类标准v2.2.状语从句状语从句v1 1)时间状语从句:)时间状语从句:vWhen=while=as before after since the When=while=as before after since the moment;by the time;until,not.Until.moment;by the time;until,not.Until.v1.1.状语从句时态的问题:状语从句时态的问题:vwhen love comes,I will hold her hands.when love comes,I will hold her hands.v when love came,I failed to hold her when love came,I failed to hold her hands.hands.v2.2.区别区别 until until 和和notnotuntiluntilv I will wait here until you come.I will wait here until you come.v I will not leave until you come.I will not leave until you come.v2)2)地点状语从句:地点状语从句:vWhereWherevThis kind of trees grows well where it is This kind of trees grows well where it is wet.wet.v=in wet places(=in wet places(介词短语)介词短语)v3 3)原因状语从句:)原因状语从句:vA because;as;since;in that;seeing that;A because;as;since;in that;seeing that;considering that;now that;given that;considering that;now that;given that;vB forB forvC because of;due to;owing to;thanks C because of;due to;owing to;thanks to;for the sake of;as a result of;to;for the sake of;as a result of;v举例:举例:vHe had a car accident because he was He had a car accident because he was careless.careless.vHe had a car accident for he was careless.He had a car accident for he was careless.vHe had a car accident because of his He had a car accident because of his carelessness.carelessness.v4)4)目的状语从句目的状语从句vA to;in order to;so as to;A to;in order to;so as to;vB so that;in order that;B so that;in order that;v举例:举例:vWe climb higher in order that we can We climb higher in order that we can see farther.(further)see farther.(further)vWe climb higher in order to see We climb higher in order to see farther.farther.v5)5)结果状语从句结果状语从句vSoSothat;suchthat;suchthat;that;vHe is such a man that we fail to love him.He is such a man that we fail to love him.vI am so elegant that many boys love me.I am so elegant that many boys love me.v练习:生命很短暂。练习:生命很短暂。vLife is so short that it is a waste how we Life is so short that it is a waste how we spend it.spend it.v6)6)让步状语从句让步状语从句vAlthoughAlthough;though;even though;even if;though;even though;even if;as;while;as;while;v As As 部分倒装部分倒装vYoung as he is,he is knowledgeable.Young as he is,he is knowledgeable.vUgly as I am,I am tender.Ugly as I am,I am tender.v7)7)方式状语从句方式状语从句vAs,the way,as if/As,the way,as if/thoughthoughv她看起来似乎是冰做的她看起来似乎是冰做的vShe looked as if she were made of ice.She looked as if she were made of ice.v她和我说话的神情好像她早就认识我似的她和我说话的神情好像她早就认识我似的vShe spoke to me as if she knew me.She spoke to me as if she knew me.v8 8)条件状语从句)条件状语从句vSuppose that;supposing that;If,unlessSuppose that;supposing that;If,unless;Provided that Provided that;As long as;so long asAs long as;so long asv试译:只要有一丝希望,我也不会放弃试译:只要有一丝希望,我也不会放弃vI will never give up so long as there is a I will never give up so long as there is a ghost of hope.ghost of hope.v9 9)比较状语从句)比较状语从句vA ASA ASASASvYou are as beautiful as me.You are as beautiful as me.vB B 比较结构比较结构补充比较级专题v1.as 1.as 意思总结意思总结v1 1)v+v+as+asv2)as+n2)as+nv3)as+3)as+句子句子v2.than2.than专题专题v1 1)not so much as=not even not so much as=not even v 甚至不甚至不/没有没有v He cannot so much as spell a word.He cannot so much as spell a word.v He did not so much as ask me to sit He did not so much as ask me to sit downdownv2 2)举例:)举例:he is not so much a teacher as a he is not so much a teacher as a poetpoetv not so much A as B not so much A as B v 与其说与其说A A倒不如说倒不如说B B v.v3)he is more a poet than a teacher.3)he is more a poet than a teacher.vmore A than B more A than B 与其说与其说BB不如说不如说AAv4 4)more thanmore thanvA A 后加后加n nvB B 后加形容词后加形容词vC C 后加数词后加数词七 英语的特殊结构v1.1.强调句型强调句型 it is it is that that 我昨天在街上遇到了我的旧情人;我昨天在街上遇到了我的旧情人;I met my old flame in the street yesterday.I met my old flame in the street yesterday.练习:我最爱的人就是我妈妈练习:我最爱的人就是我妈妈就是因为你,我没有通过这次考试。就是因为你,我没有通过这次考试。It is because of you that I failed to pass the It is because of you that I failed to pass the examination.examination.v2.2.倒装倒装v你爱我吗?你爱我吗?v你爸爸是个贼吗?你爸爸是个贼吗?vIs your father a thiefIs your father a thief?v你去过河南吗?你去过河南吗?vHave you been to henan?Have you been to henan?v1 1 否定词的倒装否定词的倒装v2 so nor 2 so nor 的倒装的倒装v3.so3.sothatthat的倒装的倒装v4.only 4.only 后跟状语倒装后跟状语倒装v5.5.虚拟语气的倒装虚拟语气的倒装v6.as 6.as 的倒装的倒装改错练习 一v When it comes to reading,everybody When it comes to reading,everybody have inadividuls opinions.some people have inadividuls opinions.some people think that we should read book setectively.think that we should read book setectively.There are some reason for read book There are some reason for read book setectively.First,more and more books setectively.First,more and more books are published.it is impossible for us to are published.it is impossible for us to read all the books.for reason that our read all the books.for reason that our time and vigorous is limited.time and vigorous is limited.vWhats more many book can poisonous to Whats more many book can poisonous to our mind,owning to the content of those our mind,owning to the content of those books include crime,violent,unheathly books include crime,violent,unheathly and so on.and so on.v The other people,who hold that reading The other people,who hold that reading widely is better,There are some reason for widely is better,There are some reason for read book widely,First and foremost,read read book widely,First and foremost,read book widely can extent our knowledge in book widely can extent our knowledge in all aspect.all aspect.vThey believe thatto know more,to read They believe thatto know more,to read more.Besides,if one man have many more.Besides,if one man have many kinds of knowledge.He will have more kinds of knowledge.He will have more chance to success.chance to success.v v In my opinion,despite all the In my opinion,despite all the disadvantage reason of read books disadvantage reason of read books seletively mention above.I still think read seletively mention above.I still think read book seletively is better.As for this book seletively is better.As for this promble,I think that we wouldd better promble,I think that we wouldd better make full use of books.make full use of books.改错练习二 vNowadays,many people often hesitate to Nowadays,many people often hesitate to say No when other people request any say No when


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