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Unit 31The Great WallA:Where have you visited?B:Iv visitedThe Great WallA:Where have yo2鲁教版八年级英语下册Unit3ppt课件3济南济南 趵突泉趵突泉 Baotu Spring济南 趵突泉 Baotu Spring4青岛青岛青岛5上海上海上海6Foreign country:新加坡新加坡SingaporeForeign country:新加坡Singapore7悉尼悉尼Sydney悉尼Sydney8EnglandEngland9New YorkNew York10Brazil巴西巴西Brazil11Hongkong 香港香港Hongkong12Mexico墨西哥墨西哥Mexico13Hawaii夏威夷夏威夷Hawaii14ParisParis15FranceParis巴黎巴黎FranceParis16Paristhe capital ofFrance(法国的首都)(法国的首都)one of the liveliest cities in Europe(欧洲欧洲最有活力的城市之一最有活力的城市之一)Parisone of the liveliest citi17Notre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院巴黎圣母院)one of the most famous churches in the world (世界上最著名的教堂之一)(世界上最著名的教堂之一)Notre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院18巴巴 黎黎 圣圣 母母 院院 正正 门门Notre Dame Cathedral巴黎圣母院正门Notre Dame Cathedral19巴巴 黎黎 圣圣 母母 院院 正正 门门 近近 景景巴黎圣母院正门近景20巴黎圣母院侧面巴黎圣母院侧面 巴黎圣母院侧面 21Eiffel Tower艾菲尔铁塔艾菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower艾菲尔铁塔22凯旋门凯旋门 the Arch of Triumph 凯旋门 the Arch of Triumph 23巴黎夜景巴黎夜景巴黎夜景24鲁教版八年级英语下册Unit3ppt课件25夜幕下的巴黎圣母院全景夜幕下的巴黎圣母院全景 夜幕下的巴黎圣母院全景 26Eiffel Tower27香榭丽舍大街香榭丽舍大街Champs Elysee鲁教版八年级英语下册Unit3ppt课件28塞纳河塞纳河 Seine塞纳河 Seine29The city of art The city of art The city of art 30The city of fashionThe city of fashion31The city of perfumeThe city of perfume32The city of romanceThe city of romance33WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:spotlightspotlight n.n.公众注意中心公众注意中心公众注意中心公众注意中心consider consider v.v.考虑;思考;认为考虑;思考;认为考虑;思考;认为考虑;思考;认为 lively lively adj.adj.活泼的;活跃的活泼的;活跃的活泼的;活跃的活泼的;活跃的Eiffel TowerEiffel Tower (法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔Notre Dame CathedralNotre Dame Cathedral (法国)巴黎圣母院(法国)巴黎圣母院(法国)巴黎圣母院(法国)巴黎圣母院church church n.n.教堂教堂教堂教堂convenientconvenient adj.adj.便利的便利的便利的便利的;方便的方便的方便的方便的underground underground adj.adj.地下的地下的地下的地下的generalgeneral adj.adj.一般的一般的一般的一般的;概括的概括的概括的概括的;全面的全面的全面的全面的in generalin general 通常通常通常通常;大体上大体上大体上大体上;一般而言一般而言一般而言一般而言winewine n.n.葡萄酒葡萄酒葡萄酒葡萄酒;酒酒酒酒translatetranslate v.v.翻译翻译翻译翻译;解释解释解释解释WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:34 Answer these questions after you read Answer these questions after you read the article about Paris.the article about Paris.1.Where is Paris?1.Where is Paris?2.Are there any beaches?2.Are there any beaches?3.What is the most famous sight in Paris?3.What is the most famous sight in Paris?4.Do Frenchmen like to speak English?4.Do Frenchmen like to speak English?5.If you go to Paris,how will you visit the city?5.If you go to Paris,how will you visit the city?6.What do you think of Paris?6.What do you think of Paris?Paris is the capital of France No,there are not Notre Dame cathedral No,they dont Taking the underground train is convenient to most places.wonderful、fascinating、famous、modern Answer these questions a35Parisspecialty(特点)Paris is the_ of FranceIts one of the _ cities in Europe.sightsIt has some _ sights.transpor-tation(交通)Travelling by_ cost _ _ _ money.Its best to take the _ train.price(价格)languageFrance is quite an _ place.Many people dont like to _ _.So its best to travel with someone who can _ _ for you.capitalliveliestfantastictaxi a lot ofundergroundexpensivespeak English translate thingsRead carefully,fill in blanks(仔细默读,填空仔细默读,填空)ParisspecialtyParis is the_36TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT:PARISTRAVEL SPOTLIGHT:PARIS 引人瞩目的旅游地引人瞩目的旅游地For your next vacation,why not consider visiting Paris?Paris is the capital of France,and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.It doesnt have any beaches or mountains,but there are still many things(to do)there.For example,it has some fantastic sights,including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral,one of the most famous churches in the world.TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT:PARISFor your37 Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money,but its usually convenient to take the underground train to most places.In general,though,France is quite an expensive place.One thing that is not expensive in France,however,is the wine!Most people in France have learned English.But many people dont like to speak English,especially in Paris.So unless you speak French yourself,its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.Traveling around Paris 38why not +动原动原=why dont you+动原动原 consider+doingthe capital of one of the liveliest citiesfantastic sightsbe convenient to doin generalquite an expensive placeits best to do为什么不为什么不考虑做考虑做的首都的首都/省会省会 最有活力的城市之一最有活力的城市之一奇异的景观奇异的景观做做很方便很方便通常,大体上通常,大体上相当昂贵的地方相当昂贵的地方最好做最好做why not +动原=why dont you+动原39Useful words and phrases:1.lively 的最高级形式的最高级形式 liveiest2.quite a+单数名词单数名词=a very+单数名词单数名词3.translate into 把把 翻译成翻译成 4.unless=if not 除非除非5.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money,but its usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places.Useful words and phrases:40Complete the following sentences(完成句子)1.为什麽不考虑参观巴黎呢?为什麽不考虑参观巴黎呢?Why not _ _ Paris?2.除非你自己会说法语,最好和能给你作翻译的除非你自己会说法语,最好和能给你作翻译的 人一起旅行。人一起旅行。_ you speak French yourself,its _ _ _ with someone who can translate things for you.3.乘地铁去巴黎的大多数地方是方便的乘地铁去巴黎的大多数地方是方便的。Its usually _ _ _the underground train to most places.4.巴黎是欧洲最具活力的城市之一巴黎是欧洲最具活力的城市之一 Paris is _ _ the _ cities in Europe.consider visitingUnless best to travelconvenient to takeone of liveliestComplete the following sente41F Fill in the blanksill in the blanks For your next vacation,why not consider _ Paris?Paris is the _of France,and is one of the liveliest _in Europe.It doesnt have any beaches or mountains,but there are _many things to do there.For example,it has some fantastic sights,_ the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral,one of the most _churches in the world.Traveling around Paris by taxi can_ a lot of money,but its usually quite convenient to _ the underground train to most places.In general,though,France is _an expensive place.One thing that is not expensive in France,however,is the _.Most people in France have learned _.But many people dont like to speak English,_ in Paris.So unless you speak French yourself,its _to travel with someone who can translate things for you.capitalcitiesstillfamousvisitingincludingcostEnglishespeciallybestquitetakewineFill in the blanks For your 42


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