新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 7 现在进行时及询问天气的句型

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新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 7 现在进行时及询问天气的句型_第1页
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新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 7 现在进行时及询问天气的句型_第2页
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一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. - Hows the weather there? - Its (rain).2. The is shining. Its (sun)3. There are a lot of in the sky. Its.(cloud)4. It often ( rain) in summer in the south of China.5. The weather is (wind) and cold in winter in the north of China.6.It is (snow) in Harbin in winter.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。write sing rain have sit1. My classmates and I a good time at the park now.2. Look! Some people on the beach.3. Listen! Tina in the classroom?4. Emily is to her parents in the US. She misses them a lot.5. Dont go out! It outside now.三、单项选择。1.(邵阳中考)-Wheres Anna, dear?- She an online class in her room.A. is taking B. takes C. will take 2. Tom a new bike. Look! He lunch.A. has; has B. have; is having C. has; is havingD. is having; has3. It often here in summer. Look! Its again.A. rain; raining B. rain; rainy C. rains; raining D. rains; rainy4.(镇江中考)What a day! Luckily, I bring an umbrella to protect myself from the sunlight and heat.A. windy B. snowy C. sunny D. rainy5. I like weather because I like to play in the .A. snow; snowB. snowy; snowy C. snow; snowy D. snowy; snow6.- Excuse me, what is Nick doing? - Look! He flowers outside.A. waters B. watered C.is watering D. has watered 四、句型转换。1. How is the weather?(改为同义句)- ?2. Do they practice singing in the afternoon?(用now改写句子)- they now?3. He usually sees a movie with his friend.(用now改写句子)He a movie with his friend now.4. It isnt snowing in Guangxi now.(用often改写句子)It often in Guangxi.5. Its windy today.(对画线部分提问)- the today?重难点1“Hows it going?”的用法1.- Hows it going?- Im the last in the English test.A. Great. B. Very good. C. Terrible. D. Not bad. 2. -Not bad. Were having a great time.A. What are you doing?B. Hows the weather in Beijing?C. How do you get to school? D. Hows it going?3.“艾丽斯,最近怎么样?”“还不错。”- it going, Alice?- .重难点2have a good/great time的用法1. I am having a great time with some American friends.A. to sing B. singing C. sing D.sang 2. The teenagers had good time in the summer camp last year.A. a B. an C.the D./ 3. 我希望你能玩得开心。I hope you can .4. 他们在水里正玩得很开心。They are having a good time .重难点3 take a message 的用法 1. Ken is not here. Can I take a (信息)for him?2.-Can I take a for John? Yes. Please tell him to take his football to school tomorrow.A. walk B. photo C.message D. shower 3.你能给我捎个口信吗?Can you for me?重难点4 tell sb. to do sth.的用法1. My mother always tells me (do) my homework first after school.2.(十堰中考)The teacher told us too much noise because the other students were having an exam.A. to not make B. not to make C.not make D. not making 3.告诉他上课不要迟到。Tell him class. 重难点5 反意疑问句的用法1. Jack is really tall, ?A. does he B. doesnt he C. is he D. isnt he 2.(龙东地区中考)-Mum, lets order some food online for dinner, ?-Good idea. Id like some beef dumplings.A. will you B. wont you C. shall we3.今天天气很热,不是吗? Its very hot today, ? 重难点6 vacation 的用法1. He always doesnt know where to on a vacation.A. go B. lead C.make D.invite 2.莉萨今年想去海南度假。Lisa wants to go to Hainan this year.3.米勒先生正在泰国度假。Mr. Miller is in Thailand.答案:一、1. rainy 2. sun; sunny 3. clouds; cloudy4. rains5. windy 6. snowy二、1. are having 2. are sitting 3. Is; singing 4. writing 5. is raining三、1.A 句意:“亲爱的,Anna在哪儿呢?”“她正在房间里上网课。”用现在进行时表示“正在做某事”。2.C句意:Tom有一辆新自行车。看!他正在吃午饭。根据句意可知,第一空应使用一般现在时;又根据“Look!”可知,第二空应使用现在进行时。3.C句意:这儿夏天经常下雨。瞧!又在下雨了。根据 often 可知,第一空应使用一般现在时;又根据“Look!”可知,第二空应使用现在进行时。4.C 句意:多么晴朗的一天啊!幸运的是,我带了一把伞来保护自己免受阳光和高温的伤害。句中的the sunlightand heat 说明天气很好。5.D 句意:我喜欢多雪的天气,因为我喜欢在雪中玩。第一个空格后有weather一词,空格处应用形容词修饰weather;第二个空格前有the,空格处应用名词。6.C 问句为现在进行时,答句也应保持时态的一致。四、1.Whats the weather like2.Are; practicing singing3. is seeing 4. doesnt; snow5. Whats; weather like重难点11.C 句意:“最近怎么样?”“很糟糕。我在英语考试中是最后一名。”根据句意可知,“我”觉得很糟糕。2.D 句意:“最近怎么样?”“么样?还不错。我们正玩得很高兴。”根据答句可知,问句应为“最近怎么样?”。3.Hows; Not bad重难点21.B 句意:我和一些美国朋友一起唱歌,正玩得很开心。have a great time doing sth.意为“做某事很高兴”,此处应用动词-ing形式。2.A 句意:这些青少年在去年的夏令营中玩得很愉快。have a good time是固定搭配,意为“玩得开心,过得愉快”。3. have a good/great time4. playing in the water重难点31. message2.C 句意:“要我给 John捎个口信儿吗?”“要的。请告诉他明天把足球带到学校来。”take a message意为“捎个口信”。3. take a message重难点 41. to do2.B 句意:老师告诉我们不要制造太多噪音,因为其他学生正在考试。tell sb. not to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语,否定形式在 to 前加 not。3. not to be late for重难点51.D 句意:Jack 真的很高,不是吗?反意疑问句的结构为:前肯后否或前否后肯。此处前面表示肯定,系动词是is,后面要用 is的否定形式。2.C 句意:“妈妈,我们在网上订晚餐吧,好吗?”“好主意。我想要一些牛肉饺子。”反意疑问句由“陈述句十疑问尾句”两部分组成,以lets开头的祈使句后面的附加问句要用shall we.3. isnt it重难点61.A 句意:他总是不知道去哪里度假。go on a vacation是固定搭配,意为“去度假”。2. for vacation3. on a vacation


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