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Unit Weeping for My Smoking DaughterUnit Weeping for My Smoking 1?Do you smoke?Do you think you are smoke-free?Why do people smoke?Do you smoke?Do you think you2 It is reported that 85%of the top 25 best-selling Hollywood movies have smoking scenes.It is reported that 85%of3新视野第二册unit5分解课件4passive smokersecondhand smokerchain smokerWarminguppassive smokersecondhand smoke5curiositycuriosityfeeling cool otherskilling timereducing pressurecuriosityfeeling cool otherski6WarmingupWomen currently make up about 20%of the worlds tobacco users,which the tobacco companies see as a potential for market growth.“Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women”Warming upWomen currently make7Warmingup World No Tobacco Day*May31st*SponsoredbyWHOWarming up World No Tobacco Da8Unit5Section AWeeping for My Smoking DaughterWeeping for My Smoking DaughterUnit 5 Section AWeeping for M9What can you predict from the title itself?Text Analysis What can you predict from th10By giving a vivid description of how her daughter smokes while doing her homework,the author intends to express how she feels she feels so terrible that she weeps and to imply how bitterly she hates the habit of smoking.To illustrate why she felt so terrible when seeing her daughter smoke,the author follows time sequence and cause-and-effect pattern to tell the reader her painful experience with her fathers death from smoking.Based on what she saw and read,how much she cherished life and how helplessly she watched her father kill himself,the author finally appeals to all people to keep away from tobacco and value their lives.(Para.1)(Para.1)(Paras.2-5)(Paras.2-5)(Paras.6-8)(Paras.6-8)The authors anxiety about her daughters smokingThe authors bitter experience with her fathers smokingThe authors heart-felt appeal to all peopleTextStudyBy giving a vivid description 11To get some ideas about the background information of the text.CamelMarlboroPrince To get som12To get some ideas about the background information of the text.CamelMarlboroPrince To get som13 Camel Camelworld-famousworld-famousnumber one in salesnumber one in salesSloganTo err is human.To forgive,divine.犯错人皆难免,宽恕则是超凡。犯错人皆难免,宽恕则是超凡。犯错人皆难免,宽恕则是超凡。犯错人皆难免,宽恕则是超凡。Slogan:To err is human.To smoke Camel cigarettes,divine.Camelworld-famousSloganTo er14Philips Morris company,USA.top recognized brands “an lways emember ove ecause f omance nly.”MarlboroMarlboroabbreviationMARLBORO Philips Morris company,USA.15Prince AlbertPrince Albert16 1.Listen to a passage about protecting children from smoking and answer the questions on P.1022.Read through the text and answer the questions on P.108.8321012941540学号 Listen to a passage about pro17 1.grateful retfl adj.感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的We all have something to be grateful for but we dont realize it.我们都拥有值得感激的东西,但我们没有认识到这一点。I am so deeply grateful to all of you for the great honor of your support and for all you have done for me.我要对你们所有人表示深切的感谢,你们的支持和你们为我所做的一切,是我的莫大荣耀。Para.1 1.grateful retfl adj.感谢18 2.介词提前的定语从句(介词提前的定语从句(介词介词+关系代词关系代词+)关系代词which,whom在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,从句可有:介词介词+whichwhom 引出。如:1)Great changes are taking place in the city which they live in.Great changes are taking place in the city in which they live.2)The film which Im speaking of is to be shown next week.The film of which Im speaking is to be shown next week.3.This is the teacher whom Ive learnt a lot from.This is the teacher from whom Ive learnt a lot.Para.1 2.介词提前的定语从句(介词+关系代词+)Para19 4).The man whom we sent the present to is a doctor of laws.The man whom to whom we sent the present is a doctor of laws.5).The situation which we had got into was very dangerous.The situation into which we had got was very dangerous.6).The policeman whom Mr Henry is talking with is a friend of mine.The police man with whom Mr Henry is talking is a friend of mine.Para.1 4).The man whom we sent the 20 3.后缀后缀-en的构词功能的构词功能 接在某些形容词后面构成动词,有“做,使,成为,使变成”等含义。例如:shorten使缩短,darken使黑,变黑,deepen加深,broaden加宽,sharpen削尖,sweeten使变甜,richen使富有,thicken使变厚,quicken加快,soften使软化,blacken使变黑,harden变硬,硬化,weaken变软,变弱,fasten使固定,widen变宽,等等。(也有从形容词比较形式加-en构成动词的,例如:lessen减少,worsen恶化,变得更坏,等等。)Para.1 3.后缀-en的构词功能 接在某些形容词后21 1.“骆驼”香烟驰名于世,不仅因其上佳的品质,还在于“骆驼”烟标的独特设计。它的底色为黄色,就如浩瀚无边的沙漠,再加上背景图案中的金字塔和棕榈树,使“骆驼”香烟的外观设计充满神秘的东方情调。而烟标中最引人注目的则是那驻足沙海、昂首天外、傲视世俗的骆驼。正是这“沙漠之舟”才成为“骆驼”香烟的标志,使得“骆驼”香烟闻名于世。Para.1 1.“骆驼”香烟驰名于世,不仅因其上佳的品22 2.起初的Marlboro试图取悦女性烟民,那时的美国女青年奉行及时行乐主义,很多人沉迷于香槟酒和爵士乐,一天到晚过着醉生梦死的生活。香烟的味道让人忘记了第一次世界大战带来的心理创伤,沉浸在乐而忘忧的氛围中。“像五月的天气一样温和”是这个时期万宝路引以为荣的广告词。Para.1 2.起初的Marlboro试图取悦女性烟民,那时的美国女23 然而,万宝路作为一个历史悠久,品质上乘的烟草品牌,并未如它期望的那样在广大烟民中产生强大的号召力。原来,“温和”的品牌形象是不足以打动人心的,要让万宝路成为烟民心中的最爱,一个粗犷豪放、野性不羁的强有力形象是不可或缺的。生活在钢筋水泥中的现代人,向往的是宽阔无垠的蓝天,一望无际的草原,和那奔驰的骏马,矫健的骑马者那么就让万宝路也插上翅膀,自由地奔跑起来吧,越过群山,翻过峻岭,跑遍世界的每个角落,跑进每一个向往自由奔放的人的心里。从那以后,一个温文尔雅的万宝路不见了,一个粗犷豪放的万宝路出现了。在美国财富杂志(Fortune)全球500家大企业中排第45位。Para.1 然而,万宝路作为一个历史悠久,品质上乘的烟草品牌,并未如它24 4.“It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+其他其他”这一结构是最典型的强调结构,它的特点是去掉it was.that这一框架后所剩部分仍为一个完整的句子。如:It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages that attracted the audiences interest.吸引听众兴趣的是那个年轻人如何学会了五种语言。Para.2 4.“It is/was+被强调部分+that/w25 主谓一致 that who后面的谓语要与主句一致。It is Lucy who(that)often helps me with my English.是Lucy经常帮助我学习英语。主语是Lucy It is Lucy and Lily that(who)often help me with my English.是Lucy和Lily经常帮助我学习英语。Para.2 主谓一致 Para.226 It is neither you nor he that is willing to the Great Wall.既不是你也不是他愿意去长城。如 It is he as well as his classmates that has ever been to Suzhou.是他还有他的同学曾经去过苏州。It is Mr.Green,together with his wife and children is in China now.是格林先生和他的妻儿已来到了中国。behavebePara.2 It is neither you nor he that27 that或who之前的谓语动词即使被强调部分是复数含义,但仍用单数形式。It was three books that they bought the day before yesterday.他们前天买的是三本书。It was four friends that I met in the street yesterday.昨天在大街上我遇到的是4个朋友。Para.2 that或who之前的谓语动词即使被强调部分是复数含义28 5.coupled with 加上,外加加上,外加The key was her painstaking practice coupled with some skills.关键是她的刻苦训练再加上一些技巧。Drought coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail.干旱外加高温使农作物歉收了。The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very difficult.光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。Para.3 5.coupled with 加上,外加Para.329 6.hooked hkt adj.钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的When I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade,I was hooked.我上七年级时第一次坐在计算机前是何等着迷addicted dktd adj.沉溺于某种(尤其是不沉溺于某种(尤其是不良的)嗜好的;入了迷的,上了瘾的良的)嗜好的;入了迷的,上了瘾的He addicted himself to drinking.他喝酒成瘾。Jack became addicted to drugs at quite an early age.杰克很小年纪时就吸毒成瘾了。Para.3 6.hooked hkt adj.钩状的;吸毒30 7.largely l:dli adv.大部分地,主要地;大规模地;丰富地The farming area is centered largely in the south.农业区大部分集中在南方。Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it.你是否成功将主要取决于你做什么和怎样做。Para.5 7.largely l:dli adv.大部分地31 8.starve st:v v.使挨饿;饿死 You starve yourself before you go to buffet.吃自助餐之前先先把自己饿个半死。We all starve for news.我们都渴望得到消息。People there refused to pay taxes in order to starve the government of funds.那里的人们拒绝纳税以使政府资金匮乏。Para.6 8.starve st:v v.使挨饿;饿死Par32 9.shelter elt v.掩蔽;庇护;保护n.居所;避难所;(无家可归者或受虐待者的)收容所;遮蔽The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent.寻求避难的家庭户增加了 17。Twelve Chinese left the embassyembsi after sheltering there for several days.12 名中国人在大使馆藏身了几天后离开了。shelter fromWe took shelter from the rain under a tree.我们在树下避雨。The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。Para.8 9.shelter elt v.掩蔽;庇护;保护33 10.literally litrli adv.逐字地;照字面地;确实地,真正地;口语差不多,简直(用于加强语意)The views are literally breath-taking.景色美得简直让人窒息。If America still used exchange rate to criticize other nations,it is literally ridiculous!如果再用汇率来指责别国,那简直就是在开国际玩笑。Para.8 10.literally litrli Par34 1.哭泣,啜泣2.过滤3.品牌,商标4.吸引,迷住5.团聚6.苗条的;渺茫的7.缺乏;饿8.吞咽9.昆虫10.有毒的1.weep2.filter3.brand4.hooked5.reunion6.slim7.starve8.swallow9.insect10.poison Review 哭泣,啜泣weepReview35 11.使(变弱)12.感激13.加上14.不引人注目的15.确实的,真正的16.引语17.避难所,收容所18.广告11.weaken12.be grateful for13.coupled with14.unnoticeable15.literally16.quotation17.shelter18.advertisement Review 11.使(变弱)11.weakenReview36 1.The tobacco industry,coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys,completely won over people like my father,who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes.Review 1.The tobacco industry,coup37 2.He never looked as fashionable as Prince Albert,though;he continued to look like a poor,overweight,hard-working colored man with too large a family,black,with a very white cigarette stuck in his mouth.Review 2.He never looked as fashion38 3.I remembered once,at a family reunion,when my daughter was two,that my father picked her up for a minutelong enough for me to photograph thembut the effort was obvious.Review 3.I remembered once,at a fa39 4.In these poor countries,as in American inner cities and on reservations,money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies;over time,people starve themselves of both food and air,effectively weakening and hooking their children,eventually killing themselves.Review 4.In these poor countries,a40 5.I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant,how patiently I taught my daughter how to cross a street safely.For what,I sometimes wonder;so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength,and then die of self-poisoning,as her grandfather did?Review 5.I remember how carefully I41 Vocabulary-III.1.hardened2.shelter3.slim 4.weaken5.literally6.noticeable7.bunch8.drag9.grateful10.hooked keys to exercises Vocabulary-III.keys to exerc42 IV.1.leaned on2.closeathand3.die of4.are starved of5.coupledwith6.is directed.at7.are.dressed in8.grateful to9.struggling to10.a bunch of keys to exercises IV.keys to exercises43 1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 5.E 6.0 7.D 8.H 9.A 10.C Word Building VI.1.Under the pleasant situation the property prices are just beginning to harden again.2.In the past few years,these inside conflicts have weakened the governments position.3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries,museums,exhibitions or natural parks,as he believes that this helps to broaden the childs mind.keys to exercises 1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 5.E 6.0 7.D 844 4.The days are lengthening as summer approaches.5.As she was waiting for the result to come out,her excitement heightened.6.The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably.7.As he listened to his assistant reporting on the progress of the project,the managers face darkened with anger.8.Before night fell,the setting sun reddened the cloudskeys to exercises 4.The days are lengthening as45 VII.1.arrival 2.expectations 3.understandable 4.Visitors 5.freedom 6.profitable 7.lucky 8.gatheringkeys to exercises VII.keys to exercises46 Sentence structure VIII.1.John went to the cinema with his brother,which surprised me.2.The boy broke the window,for which he was criticized by the teacher.3.He tore up my photo,by which I was angered very much.4.It was raining hard,for which the team stayed indoors.5.Connie changed her mind for the second time,which came as no surprise to us.keys to exercises Sentence structure keys to ex47 IX.1.The teacher spoke so quietly that the students could hardly hear her.2.The lecture was so boring that many listeners fell asleep.3.The student has so many books that he does not know what to do with them.4.The old man was so ill that his neighbors had to send for a doctor.5.Her remarks are so funny that everyone laughs to tears.keys to exercises IX.keys to exercises48 Translation X.1.He spoke confidently,which impressed me most.2.My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3.Im very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4.The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very difficult.5.Being starved of funds,they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6.They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.keys to exercises Translation keys to exercises49 XI.1.飞机可能会晚点几个小时,要是那样,我们等着就没有什么意义了.2.乔治常常说谎,因此当他说他考试得了高分时没人相信他.3.初了附近位于十字路口的那家小工厂,一切都静悄悄的.4.缺少睡眠的人会感到很难集中心思干活.5.我安排人去机场接克拉克先生,然后带他去宾馆.6.一到达山顶,游客们都高兴地大叫起来.keys to exercises XI.keys to exercises50 Cloze XII.1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.Ckeys to exercises Cloze XII.keys to exercises51写作模式写作模式WritingWriting写作实践写作实践Paragraph WritingParagraph Writing预习预习课文课文导入导入小结小结 写作模式Writing 写作实践Paragrap52EffectEffectCauseCauseGeneralStatementGeneralStatementEffectCause General Statement53General Statement:The paragraph begins with a general statement about what is to be covered.Effect:The last part is about the effect thus caused.Cause:What follows is the specific statements of the possible causes.General Statement:The paragra54Example:When I travel to Third World countries I see many people like my father and daughter.(General Statement)There are large advertisement signs directed at them both:the tough,confident or fashionable older man,the beautiful,“worldly”young woman,both dragging away.(Cause)Example:When I travel to 55In these poor countries,as in American inner cities and on reservations,money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies;over time,people starve themselves of both food and air,effectively weakening and hooking their children,eventually killing themselves.(Effect)In these poor countries,as in56写作实践写作实践Directions:Have a look at the sample cause-and-effect paragraph based on the outline below.写作实践57Topic:Studying abroad is expensive.Cause:large expense such as tuition fee,room,board other expenses like entertainment,telephone bills,clothingEffect:parents working hard to save money parents borrowing money Topic:Studying abroad is expe58Sample Composition It is very expensive for the Chinese students to continue their study abroad.(General statement)Most of them have to pay the large expenses,such as tuition fee,room and board,which would on average come up to about$20,000 for a year.Sample Composition 59Besides,they have to cover other expenses like entertainment,long-distance telephone calls,and clothing.(Cause)As a result,it is not unusual for their parents to spend years saving that amount and some of them have to borrow money from their relatives.(Effect)Besides,they have to cover ot60Writing AssignmentDirections:Write a paragraph showing a cause-and-effect relation on one of the following topics.One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow.Writing Assignment61


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